Ofsted Guidance
- Pupils' interest in exploring, improving understanding of and showing respect for different faiths and cultural diversity and the extent to which they understand, accept and respect diversity. This is shown by their respect and attitudes towards different religious, ethnic and socio-economic groups in the local, national and global communities
- Pupils' understanding and appreciation of the wide range of cultural influences that have shaped their own heritage and that of others
- Pupils' ability to recognise, and value, the things we share in common across cultural, religious, ethnic and socio-economic communities
Ofsted 2004
- Pupils develop an understanding of the dynamic, evolutionary nature of cultures
- Pupils develop an ability to appreciate cultural diversity and accord dignity and respect to other people’s values and beliefs, thereby challenging racism and valuing race equality
- Pupils develop an openness to new ideas and a willingness to modify cultural values in the light of experience
- Pupils develop a regard for the heights of human achievement in all cultures and societies
- Pupils develop an appreciation of the diversity and interdependence of cultures
- Schools present authentic accounts of the attitudes, values and traditions of diverse cultures
- Schools address discrimination on the grounds of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age and other criteria and promoting racial and other forms of equality
CULTURAL:Exploring, understanding and respecting diversity
children have an opportunity to use a range of resources and learn how to be creative
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Learning about another countries language and culture through practical lessons
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Children learn about healthy eating, try new food, learn to cook and prepare food that they then eat
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Children are provided with an opportunity to attend a club that provides guidance in trying new foods and learning to cook. Children get a chance to eat the food and so the social element of enjoying and sharing food is also important.
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Every month a new value is introduced and the children explore this value in their day-to-day living. The explore this value in the Bible and in other faiths. At the end of the month children are identified who have demonstrated this value and they are awarded a value leaf which is placed on our values tree. Values lead the way for promoting positive behaviour and discussing choices children have made.
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Led by Rev Roden who explained to the children how important it is to pray.
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Children learn about this festival
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Children learnt about the story of Noah and how God made a promise. They discussed forgiveness and being a good citizen
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Children learn about the importance of Black History and find out about influential people. KS2 learn about the slave trade and the history of America and South Africa
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Ex-pupil came and led an assembly with a follow-up workshop about Peace. This work was a result of a visit to Hawaii by girls from Hitchin Girls School who represented the UK to work with children from all over the world as ambassadors of Peace
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Affinity Water led an assembly to inform children about the importance of saving water and how it is such a special commodity - they gave ideas on how to save water in the home and how much is wasted.
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Children had an assembly about Yom Kippur
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Every month a new value is introduced and the children explore this value in their day-to-day living. The explore this value in the Bible and in other faiths. At the end of the month children are identified who have demonstrated this value and they are awarded a value leaf which is placed on our values tree. Values lead the way for promoting positive behaviour and discussing choices children have made.
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Children learn about the festival of Sukkot
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Children considered how to work as a group to sing and perform their part of the song.
01 |
Today we considered the global ramifications of the Christian celebration of Easter by exploring the symbol of the cross. We learnt about crosses from all over the world including Bangladesh and Ecuador.
01 |
We discussed what makes a super learner during group work and composed SC. This was then applied in a group work task and reinforced during the following maths lesson.
01 |
As part of Key Stage 1 worship this week, we discussed valuing different people's opinions and that people see things from different points of view. We discussed the importance of listening and empathising rather than judging. We have continued to talk about this within the classroom.
02 |
Looking at the practice of respect - in action. How can we make our actions speak louder than words?
KS1 |
Exploring the compassion of Jesus on the cross and the different symbolic representations of the cross in global Christianity.
KS1 |
Children used the 'Roots and Fruits' text to understand the differences between themselves and others and that it is ok to be different. They found other pupils in the class that had things about them that were the same and different.
KS1 |
Children learned about and discussed the arguments put forward for the abolition of slavery and voted on the most important argument focusing on the moral issues and British and Christian values
KS2 |
Through a Circus-themed class assembly, Reception recalled key learning opportunities and experiences throughout the year. This included how to stay safe, skills learned in PE and Forest School, key maths knowledge and how we reflect the school values within our daily lives.
Children collectively plan worship for the whole term taking into account the Christian calendar and other faiths. The children investigate different ways to present to the school and involve personal faith stories and morality
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Worship Rangers planned and organised Christian Aid week - Everyone Deserves a Safe Place
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The parents were invited to partake in a bring and buy cake sale. All proceeds to benefit the Nursery.
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Children researched Incarnation and Annunciation and created angels for the Christmas Tree. Some classes looked at ways to use a range of recyclable material. Choir sang at the event
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Year 5 were invited to a play explaining the partition of Pakistan and the impact on families - it explored the emotions and cultural and religious differences. Children then discussed this in class and created a poem to explore the feelings
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Children were invited to enter a Walsworth Road Baptist Church Art Competition to express the concept of Flourish. Classes explored Aristotle's philosophy and Maslow's hierarchy of need before creating their own art work. They were able to use any resources and any method and then had to evaluate each other's - focusing on respect and constructive comments
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We used our Good Listener skills to share our stories about our artefacts, ask our professor questions and curate each others' curios using our Historian Talk! We explored what make our artefacts valuable and the power of the personal connection, ownership and differing aspects of significance and non-significance.
01 |
Parents were invited in to share a range of activities with children related to water and floating and sinking.
Earlybird and Stay and Play sessions for families with EAL/BME/SEN to support them in helping their children with home learning. Opportunity for parents to ask questions. Parents learned simple ways to support their children with phonics, reading and maths at home using everyday items.
Earlybird and Stay and Play sessions for families with EAL/BME/SEN to support them in helping their children with home learning. Opportunity for parents to ask questions. Parents learned simple ways to support their children with phonics, reading and maths at home using everyday items.
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Children researched how Britain has been shaped by people of the past. They looked at similarities between modern Britain and Britain during the Roman invasion.
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During R.E. we studied the Sikh faith and focused in on the question - How does the Sikh faith show the importance of equality.
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In PSHE, year 2 have been discussing their personal influences and the people/siutations who helped them become who they are. We also discussed the fact that this will be different for everyone.
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Children learn about the Eatwell plate and participate in cooking and preparing a range of food, they learn to take turns washing up and about Fairtrade and Food miles and sustainable eating
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Children watched 2 Sesame street films one about diversity and skin colour and one about respect and what it means.
We discussed differences in the way we look and if it mattered and what respect was. The children took turns sharing their ideas and could only speak when they were holding the 'special jewel'.
01 |
The children are looking at how to keep clean and stay safe and how this links to respect for their natural environment and for each other in their community.
01 |
Through godly play, narrative, extended writing and conscience alley, the children explored the story of Easter and the concept of salvation.
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Visit to see how the design of a church reflects some of the elements of the Good News.
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As part of the class' SUM work we played a variety of games on the above topic such as follow-the-leader, Snappy and Squeak and the human chain. How did the other person's actions affect you? What was the best response to that behvaiour?
01 |
Year 1 revised our talk partners best practice and introduced the concept of reflecting on how good a talk partner we are. How can we be better?
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Exploring the SUMO concept of victim t shirts, the children investigated what it was that 'makes them tick' by thinking about what their 'one voice' might be, or what they believed about themselves. This was contrasted with actions linked to that belief.
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In talk partners the children described the problem with plastic and decided on what practical action - thinking of John - they could do to help look after the world. They produced posters designed to persuade someone else to make a pledge to recycle plastic.
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Discussions on how to reduce waste and save the planet, impact of our actions on the natural world of God's creation, creation of poster encouraging others to ACT to save the environment following SC.
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Inbedding our school vision by discussing effective listening and speaking techniques. Talk partnert, effective shared discussion and comment thumbs. Taking account of others' ideas and different opinions. Opinions as a result of what we like and dislike,, know and don't yet know.
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Rabbi Celia came to the class to share pur learning about the shema, Jewish prayers and rituals and customs. The children explored some real tallit shawls and tefiilin and listened to some hebrew blessings.
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Today Year One explored how to show our Christian Values through action in the local commmunity. Connor from North Herts Sanctuary popped in to explain to the children about his work with the homeless of Hitchin. The children learned what they could do to help those in need including refugees.
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In the context of RE work on Matthew the tax collector, the children were encouraged to consider what was surprising about the kinds of people Jesus came to save, and how this could be linked to our school values.
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The children explored the qualities a super learner might possess and designed their own superheroes with names reflecting their behavioural characteristics. These were then incorporated into a PSHE lesson on school values.
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Today the children played some language games based around the concept of 'groupthink'. Is working as a team synonymous with all having the same idea? What impact would that have on our learning? Are there times when having different ideas create a richer learning experiences for us? These and other questions were explored in our table groups.
01 |
Year One looked at extending our value of Respect towards the environment and how our actions have an impact for good or otherwise. Stewardship was discussed and children designed and created a poster persuading others to show respect for the environment.
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In the context of their own families. children were invited to consider some important characteristics of family belonging, the roles they play in these communities and the responsibilities associated with them. Discussions incorporated our School family and children were invited to symbolise the school value they felt was the most important in a piece of symbolic drawing.
01 |
We discussed the different strengths of children in the class, and looked at how people are all good at different things. We also discussed how best to support our fellow pupil in her standing frame.
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We read the story ISH about a boy who tries hard in his drawing but who experiences a sense of failure. We discussed the meaning of success and failure and explored the concept of thinking reflexively about our learning - can you write me an ISH sentence? What makes it wonderful?
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In Literacy, we have been reading the book Halibut Jackson. He is a very shy character who likes to blend in and we debated whether he should go the Queen's party or not. We had to listen to other people's point of view and structure our debate.
02 |
As part of our Literacy learning about the Halibut Jackson book, we completed a role on the wall activity. During this we discussed how Halibut feels on the inside versus how people perceive him on the outside. We discussed that often people do not realise how sad someone else may be feeling.
02 |
As this month is Black History Month, we have been carrying on the discussions from whole school worship within class. We have been linking this to our value of respect and the importance of treating everyone equally.
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In year 2, we thought about all of the big questions that we have about the world. We discussed that even adults find these sort of questions tricky to answer and that people have lots of different opinions. We have displayed some of these questions within the class so that we can continue to think about these.
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In year 2, before writing Harvest Prayers we learnt about Fairtrade and the work they do. We looked at the example of banana farmers and focused on thanking the global effort that helps to ensure we have our food.
We then made sure we showed gratitude to all the people involved in this food process in our prayers.
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Looked at and discussed a photo of a woman which had been edited in photoshop to show ideas of female beauty in 20 countries around the world.
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The importance of making mistakes
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Exploring how to be a gppd friend
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Exploring what causes flooding, the impact this has on our poorest communities and the changes we can make to mitigate this.
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Friendship champions - how to advise and model good friendship behaviours without being bossy or judgemental.
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Today we looked at how some charities like Christian Aid apply in practice the message of the Good Samaritan about how to show love and forgiveness to unlikely people.
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In the spiritual area outside as part of CAW. Exploring climate justiice and the relationship of humans wiht our planet.
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How our bodies change as we get older
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Alcohol and its effect on our bodies
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Discussing issues if duty, sacrifce, personal belief and culture.
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Exploring how to share information safely online.avatars
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How to act and think like a good citizen,
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Y4 have sopent some time revisiting our British Values and respect for each other in loght of the many new rules and routines we have in place to keep us safe.
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STEM PSHE lesson on Water aid - writing letters to ecouurage others to donate to create rope pumps
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Lesson on Toussaint Louverture
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Parents came in to talk and be interviewed about their culture. We wrote descriptions of our own culture. We used poetry, stories and art to find out about life in Jamaica. We learnt about Jamaican dancing and produced a Jamaican table cloth with our ideas
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Looked at a photo of one woman which was changed using photoshop, to reflect ideas of female beauty around the world.
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We learnt about how different groups might be discriminated against and what we could do. We learnt about how the consequences of our actions and behaviours.
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Hitchin Girls' School to deliver lessons in Spanish and french. They provide all the material and are good role models to our children
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Visited Y5 to talk about migration and equality and issues surrounding having to leave your home
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Year 5 explored how Chinese people celebrate Chinese New Year.
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Children explored the impact of Jewish laws on how Jewish people live their lives. They linked this to PSHCE and examined how they could help others.
06 |
Year 6 explored what the term diverse means and how we can respect other cultures within our community. We decided that:
You should not judge someone based on their background
Everyone should be treated equally
We should stand up to those who are not treating everyone equally
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year 6 were visited by PHASE, a Christian education group, who delivered a workshop on the true meaning of Christmas.
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Children in Nursery have opportunity to engage in weekly Forest School Sessions. During Forest School, children learn about the world around them, participate in collaborative games and challenges and develop respect for the natural environment.
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Through the bible story Jesus and Zacchaeus we considered our school value of Compassion. Using godly play, we explored the story and talked about what compassion means to us, who displayed compassion in the story and how this affected the characters. We asked how and when can we show Compassion towards one another? Children suggested "by being kind".
We explored the bible story The Good Samaritan and considered the question - Who is my neighbour? We talked about how and why we should help others when they need it. Children suggested making friendship bracelets for each other in the class and, on exchanging the bracelets, named some positive traits of that person.
SASA provide a welcome BBQ to greet our new parents and for all the school community to come together at the start of the year. It ensures that everyone has a chance to meet and forge new friendships and everyone is welcomed
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Today we honed our performance skills ever further by exploring projecting our voices, responding to cues and listening to multi-part instructions and action sequences.
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Y3 children explored through drama how a young boy from a South American tribe might feel when Victorian people in formal dress arrived to visit him.
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Ks1 and R sang, danced and retold their way throught the nativity story. A wonderful performance and application of all the speaking and listening, musical and performing skills they have learnt so far! Well done KS1 and Reception!
KS1 |
Children in KS1 and Reception performed a wonderful Nativity play entitled A Star is Born.
KS1 |
Children performed a Christmas play. They learnt Russian dances and a range of songs.
KS1 |
All children who play a musical instrument have a chance to perform at the Spring Concert. Paents are invited, the emphasis is on children learning how to conduct themselves in front of a mature audience. The Music Cup is presented to a child who has demonstrated commitment and passion
KS2 |
Children participated in a Christmas Production to recall and re-enact the Nativity. Children demonstrated self-confidence and enjoyment to sing and dance on stage with Reception class. Parents were invited to attend.
Nur |
Both Nursery classess put on an amazing production of the Nativity story. They thought about the journey Mary and Joseph made to Bethlehem, the birth of Jesus, and the significance and impact of his birth on the rest of the world.
Nur |
Ks1 and R sang, danced and retold their way throught the nativity story. A wonderful performance and application of all the speaking and listening, musical and performing skills they have learnt so far! Well done KS1 and Reception!
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Each year group developed their literacy learning through art focusing on the journey of characters as they face change or change themselves. Children planned and shaped their ideas creatively and developed their own learning using a planning grid to shape and adapt their learning. Children worked collaboratively to develop their ideas. Pupils then evaluated their learning.
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Each week children have the opportunity to share some news, interesting artefacts and/or talk about issues that are important to them in a small group with an adult.
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Remembering learning about the birth of Jesus at Christmas, Sienna makes up her own song about him. Her friends are role-playing with a baby when Sienna sings him a song to get him to sleep. "Baby Jesus and Mary, Baby Jesus and Mary, going down the hill, going down the hill, to Bethlehem..."
We discuss Jesus's life and how he grows from baby to man. "Is that when he helped people?" - We talk about how Jesus helped people and how we learnt from him. Who can we be kind to today?
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We have a weekly keyworker session where children have the opportunity to share some news, interesting artefacts and/or talk about issues that are important to them.
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The whole school attended a welcome service at Holy Saviour church to welcome new pupils and staff.
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Children learn about different aspects of Holy Week and participate in Easter celebrations e.g Easter Egg Hunt, Easter lunch, making Easter cards, reenacting aspects of Holy Week, reading parts in the bible, making palm leaves etc
Y3 and Y4 will also be leading the Easter Service
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All children participated in a service for Epiphany at Holy Saviour Church
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YR, Y1 and Y6 presented a Mother's Day Service. All school attended and parents were invited. Children presented mothers with a daffodil at the end.
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All children discussed in assembly and class what is meant by a lenten promise. Talked about choosing a promise they felt they could keep and that it would make a difference to others as well as themselves. Talked about having responsibility
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The children acted out the story of the Buddha, made mandala out of transient art and explored some of the symbolism of the faith.
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We raised our own questions from our work on the resurrection and then chose a question to discuss: 'If Judah hadn't betrayed Jesus would the resurrection still have happened?' There was a good level of discussion around this in the classroom
06 |
Nursery and Reception celebrated the Nativity together through their performance of 'The Sleepy Shepherd' to friends and family. Children performed with confidence and enthusiasm helping to build self-esteem and collaborative teamwork.
Nur |
This week, the Nursery class have been finding out about, preparing for and celebrating Chinese New Year. We discovered the original story of the 12 animals and how it was decided that each year would be named after a different animal; we learned how families prepare their homes for the festival (and enjoyed a bit of spring cleaning with marigolds and dusters ourselves!), we practised dragon dancing, gymnastics, writing good luck messages in Mandarin, saying 'Kung Hey Fat Choi' meaning 'Happy New Year' in Cantonese and so much more! We particularly enjoyed finding out which 'year of the...' we were born in - the nursery pupils were born in the year of the goat and the year of the monkey.
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The children explored the values and meaning of Chinese New Year through provocations involving Chinese traditional food, art and creativity and language. A number of the class are Chinese are were invited to talk to the rest of the class about their family traditions, which they did. Some children introduced us to the concept of the dancing dragon - the rest of the class enjoyed learning about the importance of the colours and replicated this experience through role playing their own dragon dances and creating a dragon to suspend from the classroom ceiling. Another child showed their special Chinese New Year clothing.
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Parents were invited to meet the children and talk to them about their traditions and culture surrounding this celebration.
Nur |
Children sang, danced and acted out the story of the Nativity
Nur |
We celebrated Divali by aking clay lamps and creating Rangoli patterns
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Worship Acolytes and Leader were invited to participate in a Taize Worship Event at St John's Church, Chells to learn about Taize and how this approach could enrich our Collective Worship within school.
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Year 6 participated in a sports Olympic legacy inter-school competition which included experiencing Paralympic sports such as wheelchair basketball and sitting volleyball
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Children meet with other schools and participate in a mini-olympics with sports that include Paralympicactivities
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Children participate in regular athletic events with Sports Organiser and Coach. This includes lunch time running club around local area. Children participate in a variety of athletic events with other local schools.
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Staff planning to understand the use of Understanding Christianity syllabus
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All staff have half termly discussions with our local vicar to deepen knowledge of Christianity. Father Ian enables staff to question and plan their teaching for children. Children's response has been positive and significantly raised the profile of engagement within RE. Children are improving their literacy through enquiry about the subject and showing curiousity
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teachers explored the understanding and purpose of the bible with Father Ian leading this as part of ongoing CPD with staff to understand Christianity.
Father Ian delivered CPD on Lent with all teaching staff
All teaching staff and support staff have regular training on child protection and other safeguarding elements. This is reviewed regularly in staff meetings to ensure that procedures and processes are followed. Parent volunteers also attend this annually. If there are any concerns regarding safeguarding procedures these are communicated to parents in a newsletter if they affect the whole school community. Updates on Esafety are also sent out to parents
All staff explored the need for awareness of radicalisation and extremism. So that staff are able to identify children who may be vulnerable to radicalisation, and know what to do when they are identified.also build pupils’ resilience to radicalisation by promoting fundamental British values and enabling them to challenge extremist views. It is important to emphasise that the Prevent duty is not intended to stop pupils debating controversial issues. On the contrary, schools should provide a safe space in which children, young people and staff can understand the risks associated with terrorism and develop the knowledge and skills to be able to challenge extremist arguments
Led by Father Ian - all teaching staff explored the concept of salvation through bible study
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Children and staff work with artist to consider interpreting key concepts from their class book into a piece of art. They will learn new skills and either work collectively or individually. The project is shaped by the discussion between the children, teacher and artist and is aimed at developing inference through higher order questioning. Drama, Writing, Poetry, Dance and Music will also be explored as the week develops. Every story involves a journey and links to real life issues and people experiencing a change. Some classes will be inviting parents who have moved here from other countries. Some classes will be working with animals. All classes will deal with dilemmas in life e.g making the right choice, separation, making new friends etc.
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Children selected an author and then came dressed as a character from that range of books. Y6 chose Shakespeare and then learnt some lines from part of the play. These were performed to one another
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Children are able to wear Rainbows Beaver, Brownie, Cub, Scout uniform on these days. Children learn about the Saints in assembly
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Year 3 created Rangoli patterns as their study of sikhism and understood how Sikhs and Hindus use the patterns to welcome and offer good luck.
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Year 3 spent their cake sale money on a book making workshop which allowed them to learn the traditional skills for making sewn books.
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Y4 children participated in Christian Aid week themed day. Children were asked to reflect on how to support people who need help and particularly women around the world.
04 |
Children learned about the festival of Diwali through active engagement and participation in creative activities. We explored the story of Rama and Sita to understand why Diwali is celebrated and how long it lasts. We made diva lamps, Diwali cards for our families, rangoli patterns and enjoyed dancing to traditional music.
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Children spent this week celebrating diversity within Nursery and learning about different cultures and traditions from around the world. Children were encouraged to bring in some special artefacts to share with peers. Family members were invited to come into class to share their traditions and customs with the children. We celebrated on Friday by wearing traditional clothes to school.
Nur |
During Culture Week, we celebrated the diversity within Nursery. We had fun learning about different traditions within our families and from around the world. Children made paperchains and flags to decorate the classroom. We also made diva lamps using clay, Rangoli patterns using chalk, paint and crayon, explored spices in playdough, made Chinese lanterns and enjoyed listening and dancing to music from all around the world. A big thank you too, to all volunteers that came into school to share your family traditions and customs with us. To conclude our week, children were invited to wear some traditional clothes to school for our Carnival day!
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In our final week this half-term, we have been celebrating the diversity within Nursery. We had so much fun learning about different traditions within our families and from around the world. We made paperchains and flags to decorate our classroom. We also made traditional Swedish Christmas decorations, Rangoli patterns using chalk, paint and crayon, explored spices in playdough, made Chinese lanterns and wallets and enjoyed listening and dancing to music from all around the world. Thank you so much for the artefacts the children have brought in – we enjoyed sharing them and promise to return them after half-term. To conclude our week, children were invited to wear some traditional clothes to school for our Carnival day!
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After learning about the story of Rama and Sita yesterday, discovering why the festival of Diwali is celebrated and what the word 'Diwali' means - festival of light - today we have been decorating our outside learning area with Rangoli patterns to bring us good luck! Some of the children decided to re-enact the story alongside their peers, recalling the key characteristics of each character such as Rawana "has 10 heads. He's the 'baddie'." "Hanuman is the monkey king. I didn't know there was a monkey king before!" "Rama and Sita had to follow the diva lamps to find their way back home."
Nur |
This week, Nursery have been celebrating the different cultures that we have in our classroom - both the children and the teachers. Parents have visited to share information about their heritage and family routines at home - from how to wear a Sari to reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar in Spanish.
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The children extenden their learning based on the book "Oh No George" through a range of media. The children used mud rock to make an enourmous "George." The children mixed colour paints to make paper the same colour in the illustrations and then went on to use this tocollage their 3D Mmodel of George. The children used fabric dye to experiment with tye dye. They discussed green as the colour to highlight good decisions and red to highlight poor choices.
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All children in Reception and Nursery learned more about the diversity in our EYFS and participated in a range of activities to celebrate our diversity. Some parents/grandparents visited too to share artefacts, traditional clothes, language and stories with us. They talked to the children about their culture and home life. At the end of the week, children came to school dressed in traditional clothes and celebrated together with a Carnival.
All children in Reception and Nursery learned more about the diversity in our EYFS and participated in a range of activities to celebrate our diversity. Some parents/grandparents visited too to share artefacts, traditional clothes, language and stories with us. They talked to the children about their culture and home life. At the end of the week, children came to school dressed in traditional clothes and celebrated together with a Carnival.
Children came to school dressed in traditional clothes and talked about their home experiences, traditions and cultures. All children participated in a range of activities to celebrate the diversity within Reception class. Some parents visited too with artefacts and talked to the children about their culture and home life.
Reception celebrated the diverse culture within their class. Children were invited to wear some traditional clothes to school to mark the occasion and share their knowledge and experiences with their peers. During the day, we had lots of fun and opportunity to explore some different traditions from around the world.
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The whole school particiapted in learning and exploration about the Sikh religion during RE week this year. This included trips and assemblies
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This week, we have been learning about Buddhism as part of RE week. We have learnt what it means to be Buddhist today.
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This week, the Nursery class have been finding out about, preparing for and celebrating Chinese New Year. We discovered the original story of the 12 animals and how it was decided that each year would be named after a different animal; we learned how families prepare their homes for the festival (and enjoyed a bit of spring cleaning with marigolds and dusters ourselves!), we practised dragon dancing, gymnastics, writing good luck messages in Mandarin, saying 'Kung Hey Fat Choi' meaning 'Happy New Year' in Cantonese and so much more! We particularly enjoyed finding out which 'year of the...' we were born in - the nursery pupils were born in the year of the goat and the year of the monkey.
Nur |
This week, Nursery have been celebrating the different cultures that we have in our classroom - both the children and the teachers. Parents have visited to share information about their heritage and family routines at home - from how to wear a Sari to reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar in Spanish.
Nur |
We spent the week celebrating the diversity of cultures in EYFS. Parents attended to speak to the children about their cultures, read stories and show traditional clothes. The children asked thoughtful questions and compared their own lives to other people's.
Nur |
Using CLPE book Bedtime for Monsters as inspiration, children made different landscapes from the book, monster hats, monster models and monster fruit. We received a letter from the monster inviting us on a picnic to Silver Birches.
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Year 1 visited the Gurdwara as part of their RE
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Year 3 visited RHS Wisley and learnt how rain forest and desert plants adapt to their environment.
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Year 3 visited Frogmore Paper Mill to discover the history of paper making in this country in contrast to that in other countries .
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Years 2 to 6 visited the local sikh Gurdwara to find out about the sikh community and religious practices.
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Year 6 visited St. Mary's Church in Hitchin and was shown around the Church by Cannon Michael and discussed signs of salvation. They also asked some challenging questions about belief and Christianity.
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Nursery visit the local park, thinking about how to stay safe on the paths and road as well as looking after the environment and sharing community areas. The language, turn taking and socialising in the playground with other members of the public was fantastic!
Nur |
Reception visited St Albans Cathedral to learn about the Christian beliefs of the nativity story.
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Ofsted Guidance
- Pupils' willingness to participate in and respond positively to artistic, musical, sporting and cultural opportunities
Ofsted 2004
- Pupils develop an ability to use language and understand images/icons - for example, in music, art, literature - which have significance and meaning in a culture
- Pupils develop a willingness to participate in, and respond to, artistic and cultural enterprises
- Pupils develop a sense of personal enrichment through encounter with cultural media and traditions from a range of cultures
- Schools recognise and nurturing particular gifts and talents
- Schools provide opportunities for pupils to participate in literature, drama, music, art, crafts and other cultural events and encouraging pupils to reflect on their significance
- Schools develop partnerships with outside agencies and individuals to extend pupils’ cultural awareness, for example, theatre, museum, concert and gallery visits, resident artists, foreign exchanges
CULTURAL:Participating and responding to cultural activities
children have an opportunity to use a range of resources and learn how to be creative
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Learning about another countries language and culture through practical lessons
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Children learn about healthy eating, try new food, learn to cook and prepare food that they then eat
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children have an opportunity to learn french
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Local clergy have worked alongside the school to support the quality of the worship experience for children and staff. They have designed a rota and attend twice weekly
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Children learn about this festival
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Children learn about the importance of Black History and find out about influential people. KS2 learn about the slave trade and the history of America and South Africa
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Ex-pupil came and led an assembly with a follow-up workshop about Peace. This work was a result of a visit to Hawaii by girls from Hitchin Girls School who represented the UK to work with children from all over the world as ambassadors of Peace
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Children had an assembly about Yom Kippur
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Children learn about the festival of Sukkot
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Children considered how to work as a group to sing and perform their part of the song.
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Today we considered the global ramifications of the Christian celebration of Easter by exploring the symbol of the cross. We learnt about crosses from all over the world including Bangladesh and Ecuador.
01 |
Y3 class assembly on the Ancient Egyptians
03 |
Looking at the practice of respect - in action. How can we make our actions speak louder than words?
KS1 |
Exploring the compassion of Jesus on the cross and the different symbolic representations of the cross in global Christianity.
KS1 |
Children collectively plan worship for the whole term taking into account the Christian calendar and other faiths. The children investigate different ways to present to the school and involve personal faith stories and morality
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All children dressed up as heroes from British History and gave a donation in recognition of Children in Need
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Worship Rangers planned and organised Christian Aid week - Everyone Deserves a Safe Place
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All children were involved in a day of learning to sign with a group production at the end of the day raising money for the charity
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Children wore stripes and learnt how to sign to a national song, All donated to the charity. Whole school sang the song as part of the day
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Children researched Incarnation and Annunciation and created angels for the Christmas Tree. Some classes looked at ways to use a range of recyclable material. Choir sang at the event
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Year 5 were invited to a play explaining the partition of Pakistan and the impact on families - it explored the emotions and cultural and religious differences. Children then discussed this in class and created a poem to explore the feelings
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Year 5 wrote stories on a topic of their choice to enter in to the BBC Radio 2 500 word competition.
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Different groups of children created different representations of the character of Ted from our class book The London Eye Mystery. We thought hard about the journey Ted had taken through the book and how the different events affected his personality and this was reflected in our art projects
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Children had to consider a creative way to design a book cover
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Children were invited to enter a Walsworth Road Baptist Church Art Competition to express the concept of Flourish. Classes explored Aristotle's philosophy and Maslow's hierarchy of need before creating their own art work. They were able to use any resources and any method and then had to evaluate each other's - focusing on respect and constructive comments
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A group of children from year 6 entered at science competition at Hitchin Girl's School. They presented their science and engineering project inspired by the World War 2 Enigma machine.
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As part of the National POetry Day, Year 3 children took part in a poem competition 'This is me' writing about feelings and emotions that make them special and unique.
The competition was run by the Young Writers who decided on the winners. All children's work will be published in a book!
03 |
year 6 participated in an Olympic Legacy sports event competing in a different olympic and paralympic sports events against children from other local primary schools.
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We used our Good Listener skills to share our stories about our artefacts, ask our professor questions and curate each others' curios using our Historian Talk! We explored what make our artefacts valuable and the power of the personal connection, ownership and differing aspects of significance and non-significance.
01 |
Each half-term, parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
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Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Nur |
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Nur |
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Nur |
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Nur |
Nursery, Reception and Year One parents/carers were invited to attend an evening that informs them of the 'phonic learning process' from Phase 1 - Early Phase 4. Examples of activities, resources, highly recommended picture books and Early Years staff were on hand to support and answer any questions about Phonics and how it is developed from the time they start Nursery.
Nur |
Parents were invited in to share a range of activities with children related to water and floating and sinking.
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
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Children are to research the poem and illustrate the Jabberwocky
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Children learn about the Eatwell plate and participate in cooking and preparing a range of food, they learn to take turns washing up and about Fairtrade and Food miles and sustainable eating
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The children are looking at how to keep clean and stay safe and how this links to respect for their natural environment and for each other in their community.
01 |
Through godly play, narrative, extended writing and conscience alley, the children explored the story of Easter and the concept of salvation.
01 |
Visit to see how the design of a church reflects some of the elements of the Good News.
01 |
As part of the class' SUM work we played a variety of games on the above topic such as follow-the-leader, Snappy and Squeak and the human chain. How did the other person's actions affect you? What was the best response to that behvaiour?
01 |
Year 1 revised our talk partners best practice and introduced the concept of reflecting on how good a talk partner we are. How can we be better?
01 |
Exploring the SUMO concept of victim t shirts, the children investigated what it was that 'makes them tick' by thinking about what their 'one voice' might be, or what they believed about themselves. This was contrasted with actions linked to that belief.
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In talk partners the children described the problem with plastic and decided on what practical action - thinking of John - they could do to help look after the world. They produced posters designed to persuade someone else to make a pledge to recycle plastic.
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Inbedding our school vision by discussing effective listening and speaking techniques. Talk partnert, effective shared discussion and comment thumbs. Taking account of others' ideas and different opinions. Opinions as a result of what we like and dislike,, know and don't yet know.
01 |
Rabbi Celia came to the class to share pur learning about the shema, Jewish prayers and rituals and customs. The children explored some real tallit shawls and tefiilin and listened to some hebrew blessings.
01 |
Today Year One explored how to show our Christian Values through action in the local commmunity. Connor from North Herts Sanctuary popped in to explain to the children about his work with the homeless of Hitchin. The children learned what they could do to help those in need including refugees.
01 |
In the context of RE work on Matthew the tax collector, the children were encouraged to consider what was surprising about the kinds of people Jesus came to save, and how this could be linked to our school values.
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The children explored the qualities a super learner might possess and designed their own superheroes with names reflecting their behavioural characteristics. These were then incorporated into a PSHE lesson on school values.
01 |
Today the children played some language games based around the concept of 'groupthink'. Is working as a team synonymous with all having the same idea? What impact would that have on our learning? Are there times when having different ideas create a richer learning experiences for us? These and other questions were explored in our table groups.
01 |
Year One looked at extending our value of Respect towards the environment and how our actions have an impact for good or otherwise. Stewardship was discussed and children designed and created a poster persuading others to show respect for the environment.
01 |
In the context of their own families. children were invited to consider some important characteristics of family belonging, the roles they play in these communities and the responsibilities associated with them. Discussions incorporated our School family and children were invited to symbolise the school value they felt was the most important in a piece of symbolic drawing.
01 |
Our class advent this year is from Oxfam and each day we get a finger puppet from around the world which has a fact on the back about how we can help others this Christmas. This has sparked lots of discussion as a class about global Christianity and about the true meaning of Christmas.
02 |
As part of our learning about the Christmas story in RE, we have been using hot seating as a tool to explore how different people may have felt about the news of Jesus. We discussed that the news of Jesus coming meant that lots of people had to trust in God.
02 |
Year 2 wrote prayers for Remembrance Day to thank the soldiers and to ask God for continued peace. We discussed that Remembrance day focuses on all wars and all soldiers. We spoke about how this links to our value of the month- peace.
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Year 2 learnt about the Gunpowder Plot and the tradition of Bonfire Night. We had a debate about right and wrong. Why did Guy Fawkes do what he did? Some of the children had different opinions about burning the Guy on the bonfire and we shared these as a class.
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In literacy, Year 2 were learning about Bonfire night safety. We all wrote a set of rules to keep us safe. We spoke about the importance of listening to grown-ups and being sensible with decisions that will affect our safety.
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As this month is Black History Month, we have been carrying on the discussions from whole school worship within class. We have been linking this to our value of respect and the importance of treating everyone equally.
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The importance of making mistakes
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Exploring how to be a gppd friend
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Exploring what causes flooding, the impact this has on our poorest communities and the changes we can make to mitigate this.
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Friendship champions - how to advise and model good friendship behaviours without being bossy or judgemental.
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Today we looked at how some charities like Christian Aid apply in practice the message of the Good Samaritan about how to show love and forgiveness to unlikely people.
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In the spiritual area outside as part of CAW. Exploring climate justiice and the relationship of humans wiht our planet.
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How our bodies change as we get older
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Alcohol and its effect on our bodies
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Discussing issues if duty, sacrifce, personal belief and culture.
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Exploring how to share information safely online.avatars
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How to act and think like a good citizen,
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Y4 have sopent some time revisiting our British Values and respect for each other in loght of the many new rules and routines we have in place to keep us safe.
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STEM PSHE lesson on Water aid - writing letters to ecouurage others to donate to create rope pumps
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Lesson on Toussaint Louverture
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Parents came in to talk and be interviewed about their culture. We wrote descriptions of our own culture. We used poetry, stories and art to find out about life in Jamaica. We learnt about Jamaican dancing and produced a Jamaican table cloth with our ideas
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We learnt about how different groups might be discriminated against and what we could do. We learnt about how the consequences of our actions and behaviours.
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Hitchin Girls' School to deliver lessons in Spanish and french. They provide all the material and are good role models to our children
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Responding to Faure's Requeim through the medium of Art.
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Phase delivered a workshop looking at the meaning of Christmas for Christians
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Children explored the impact of Jewish laws on how Jewish people live their lives. They linked this to PSHCE and examined how they could help others.
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year 6 were visited by PHASE, a Christian education group, who delivered a workshop on the true meaning of Christmas.
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SASA provide a welcome BBQ to greet our new parents and for all the school community to come together at the start of the year. It ensures that everyone has a chance to meet and forge new friendships and everyone is welcomed
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Children contributed to games and stalls for the Christmas Fair
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All children participated in creating an event to raise money at the Christmas Fair. Children helped set up the event and manned stalled. Children were able to perform at the event as well.
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SASA put on a disco for all the children to raise money for school improvements and resources
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Nursery, Reception and Year One parents/carers were invited to attend an evening that informs them of the 'phonic learning process' from Phase 1 - Early Phase 4. Examples of activities, resources, highly recommended picture books and Early Years staff were on hand to support and answer any questions about Phonics and how it is developed from the time they start Nursery.
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Today we honed our performance skills ever further by exploring projecting our voices, responding to cues and listening to multi-part instructions and action sequences.
01 |
Ks1 and R sang, danced and retold their way throught the nativity story. A wonderful performance and application of all the speaking and listening, musical and performing skills they have learnt so far! Well done KS1 and Reception!
KS1 |
Children in KS1 and Reception performed a wonderful Nativity play entitled A Star is Born.
KS1 |
Children performed a Christmas play. They learnt Russian dances and a range of songs.
KS1 |
All children who play a musical instrument have a chance to perform at the Spring Concert. Paents are invited, the emphasis is on children learning how to conduct themselves in front of a mature audience. The Music Cup is presented to a child who has demonstrated commitment and passion
KS2 |
Children who play a string instrument are invited to participate in a day of learning and performing with other schools
KS2 |
Children learning to play a brass instrument are invited to attend a Brass workshop at a local secondary school
KS2 |
Both Nursery classess put on an amazing production of the Nativity story. They thought about the journey Mary and Joseph made to Bethlehem, the birth of Jesus, and the significance and impact of his birth on the rest of the world.
Nur |
Ks1 and R sang, danced and retold their way throught the nativity story. A wonderful performance and application of all the speaking and listening, musical and performing skills they have learnt so far! Well done KS1 and Reception!
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Each year group developed their literacy learning through art focusing on the journey of characters as they face change or change themselves. Children planned and shaped their ideas creatively and developed their own learning using a planning grid to shape and adapt their learning. Children worked collaboratively to develop their ideas. Pupils then evaluated their learning.
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Eco- warriors meeting to discuss plans for this half-term. We discussed the successful implementation of our pen-recycling and appointed Eco-Warriors to turn off the lights in the classroom to save electricity.
Eco |
Following our storytime where we shared the story Everywhere Bear, a child takes our class teddy bear home for the weekend. Children have an opportunity to share and recall their time with Spencer with the rest of the class by recording in Spencer's diary.
Nur |
Remembering learning about the birth of Jesus at Christmas, Sienna makes up her own song about him. Her friends are role-playing with a baby when Sienna sings him a song to get him to sleep. "Baby Jesus and Mary, Baby Jesus and Mary, going down the hill, going down the hill, to Bethlehem..."
We discuss Jesus's life and how he grows from baby to man. "Is that when he helped people?" - We talk about how Jesus helped people and how we learnt from him. Who can we be kind to today?
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Each week, a child takes our class teddy bear home for the weekend. Children then have an opportunity to share and recall their time with Lucy with the rest of the class by recording in Lucy's diary.
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Children learn about different aspects of Holy Week and participate in Easter celebrations e.g Easter Egg Hunt, Easter lunch, making Easter cards, reenacting aspects of Holy Week, reading parts in the bible, making palm leaves etc
Y3 and Y4 will also be leading the Easter Service
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All children participated in a service for Epiphany at Holy Saviour Church
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Year R, 1 and Y6 presented a service
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YR, Y1 and Y6 presented a Mother's Day Service. All school attended and parents were invited. Children presented mothers with a daffodil at the end.
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All children discussed in assembly and class what is meant by a lenten promise. Talked about choosing a promise they felt they could keep and that it would make a difference to others as well as themselves. Talked about having responsibility
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The children acted out the story of the Buddha, made mandala out of transient art and explored some of the symbolism of the faith.
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We raised our own questions from our work on the resurrection and then chose a question to discuss: 'If Judah hadn't betrayed Jesus would the resurrection still have happened?' There was a good level of discussion around this in the classroom
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All Children in Key stage 2 led and participated in a carol service to celebrate Christmas. This took place at St. Mary's Church.
KS2 |
Children sang and acted out the christmas story
KS2 |
Nursery and Reception celebrated the Nativity together through their performance of 'The Sleepy Shepherd' to friends and family. Children performed with confidence and enthusiasm helping to build self-esteem and collaborative teamwork.
Nur |
This week, the Nursery class have been finding out about, preparing for and celebrating Chinese New Year. We discovered the original story of the 12 animals and how it was decided that each year would be named after a different animal; we learned how families prepare their homes for the festival (and enjoyed a bit of spring cleaning with marigolds and dusters ourselves!), we practised dragon dancing, gymnastics, writing good luck messages in Mandarin, saying 'Kung Hey Fat Choi' meaning 'Happy New Year' in Cantonese and so much more! We particularly enjoyed finding out which 'year of the...' we were born in - the nursery pupils were born in the year of the goat and the year of the monkey.
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The children explored the values and meaning of Chinese New Year through provocations involving Chinese traditional food, art and creativity and language. A number of the class are Chinese are were invited to talk to the rest of the class about their family traditions, which they did. Some children introduced us to the concept of the dancing dragon - the rest of the class enjoyed learning about the importance of the colours and replicated this experience through role playing their own dragon dances and creating a dragon to suspend from the classroom ceiling. Another child showed their special Chinese New Year clothing.
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The children learnt about the tradition of pancake making the day before the start of lent. We had a favourite pancake topping tasting session.
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Parents were invited to meet the children and talk to them about their traditions and culture surrounding this celebration.
Nur |
Children sang, danced and acted out the story of the Nativity
Nur |
We celebrated Divali by aking clay lamps and creating Rangoli patterns
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Year 6 participated in a sports Olympic legacy inter-school competition which included experiencing Paralympic sports such as wheelchair basketball and sitting volleyball
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Children meet with other schools and participate in a mini-olympics with sports that include Paralympicactivities
06 |
Two year 6 sports leaders planned and led a KS2 interhouse cricket competition over two afternoons. All children from years 4 to 6 were able to participate and cheered on their team mates.
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Staff have all worked with a local artist to explore the teaching and utilising of art to develop an enquiry approach to learning. Art has been linked to spiritual, cultural, emotional and social development.
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Father Ian delivered CPD on Lent with all teaching staff
Led by Father Ian - all teaching staff explored the concept of salvation through bible study
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We celebrated the school's 50th year by hosting an outdoor party. Ambassadors conducted school tours to showcase classrooms and our whole school Radcliffe project. Everyone enjoyed music, dancing, food and a variety of stalls and games. We also arranged a whole school aerial photo in the shape of a 50 to mark the occasion. Three cheers for fifty years!
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All classess embrace the benefits of outdoor learning, taking the opportunity to engage in new experiences and broadening learning. Year 1 contextualise their learning about Radcliffes by practising etiquette and manners during cream teas. Year 6 enjoy yoga and mindfulness, considering mental wellbeing.
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Children and staff work with artist to consider interpreting key concepts from their class book into a piece of art. They will learn new skills and either work collectively or individually. The project is shaped by the discussion between the children, teacher and artist and is aimed at developing inference through higher order questioning. Drama, Writing, Poetry, Dance and Music will also be explored as the week develops. Every story involves a journey and links to real life issues and people experiencing a change. Some classes will be inviting parents who have moved here from other countries. Some classes will be working with animals. All classes will deal with dilemmas in life e.g making the right choice, separation, making new friends etc.
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Children selected an author and then came dressed as a character from that range of books. Y6 chose Shakespeare and then learnt some lines from part of the play. These were performed to one another
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Children are able to wear Rainbows Beaver, Brownie, Cub, Scout uniform on these days. Children learn about the Saints in assembly
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Orgainsied a themed lunch for St Andrews Day with children able to wear club uniforms in recognition of the event
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Year 3 created Rangoli patterns as their study of sikhism and understood how Sikhs and Hindus use the patterns to welcome and offer good luck.
03 |
Year 3 spent their cake sale money on a book making workshop which allowed them to learn the traditional skills for making sewn books.
03 |
Y4 children participated in Christian Aid week themed day. Children were asked to reflect on how to support people who need help and particularly women around the world.
04 |
Children learned about the festival of Diwali through active engagement and participation in creative activities. We explored the story of Rama and Sita to understand why Diwali is celebrated and how long it lasts. We made diva lamps, Diwali cards for our families, rangoli patterns and enjoyed dancing to traditional music.
Nur |
Children spent this week celebrating diversity within Nursery and learning about different cultures and traditions from around the world. Children were encouraged to bring in some special artefacts to share with peers. Family members were invited to come into class to share their traditions and customs with the children. We celebrated on Friday by wearing traditional clothes to school.
Nur |
During Culture Week, we celebrated the diversity within Nursery. We had fun learning about different traditions within our families and from around the world. Children made paperchains and flags to decorate the classroom. We also made diva lamps using clay, Rangoli patterns using chalk, paint and crayon, explored spices in playdough, made Chinese lanterns and enjoyed listening and dancing to music from all around the world. A big thank you too, to all volunteers that came into school to share your family traditions and customs with us. To conclude our week, children were invited to wear some traditional clothes to school for our Carnival day!
Nur |
In our final week this half-term, we have been celebrating the diversity within Nursery. We had so much fun learning about different traditions within our families and from around the world. We made paperchains and flags to decorate our classroom. We also made traditional Swedish Christmas decorations, Rangoli patterns using chalk, paint and crayon, explored spices in playdough, made Chinese lanterns and wallets and enjoyed listening and dancing to music from all around the world. Thank you so much for the artefacts the children have brought in – we enjoyed sharing them and promise to return them after half-term. To conclude our week, children were invited to wear some traditional clothes to school for our Carnival day!
Nur |
After learning about the story of Rama and Sita yesterday, discovering why the festival of Diwali is celebrated and what the word 'Diwali' means - festival of light - today we have been decorating our outside learning area with Rangoli patterns to bring us good luck! Some of the children decided to re-enact the story alongside their peers, recalling the key characteristics of each character such as Rawana "has 10 heads. He's the 'baddie'." "Hanuman is the monkey king. I didn't know there was a monkey king before!" "Rama and Sita had to follow the diva lamps to find their way back home."
Nur |
This week, Nursery have been celebrating the different cultures that we have in our classroom - both the children and the teachers. Parents have visited to share information about their heritage and family routines at home - from how to wear a Sari to reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar in Spanish.
Nur |
All children in Reception and Nursery learned more about the diversity in our EYFS and participated in a range of activities to celebrate our diversity. Some parents/grandparents visited too to share artefacts, traditional clothes, language and stories with us. They talked to the children about their culture and home life. At the end of the week, children came to school dressed in traditional clothes and celebrated together with a Carnival.
All children in Reception and Nursery learned more about the diversity in our EYFS and participated in a range of activities to celebrate our diversity. Some parents/grandparents visited too to share artefacts, traditional clothes, language and stories with us. They talked to the children about their culture and home life. At the end of the week, children came to school dressed in traditional clothes and celebrated together with a Carnival.
Children came to school dressed in traditional clothes and talked about their home experiences, traditions and cultures. All children participated in a range of activities to celebrate the diversity within Reception class. Some parents visited too with artefacts and talked to the children about their culture and home life.
Reception celebrated the diverse culture within their class. Children were invited to wear some traditional clothes to school to mark the occasion and share their knowledge and experiences with their peers. During the day, we had lots of fun and opportunity to explore some different traditions from around the world.
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This week, we have been learning about Buddhism as part of RE week. We have learnt what it means to be Buddhist today.
05 |
This week, the Nursery class have been finding out about, preparing for and celebrating Chinese New Year. We discovered the original story of the 12 animals and how it was decided that each year would be named after a different animal; we learned how families prepare their homes for the festival (and enjoyed a bit of spring cleaning with marigolds and dusters ourselves!), we practised dragon dancing, gymnastics, writing good luck messages in Mandarin, saying 'Kung Hey Fat Choi' meaning 'Happy New Year' in Cantonese and so much more! We particularly enjoyed finding out which 'year of the...' we were born in - the nursery pupils were born in the year of the goat and the year of the monkey.
Nur |
This week, Nursery have been celebrating the different cultures that we have in our classroom - both the children and the teachers. Parents have visited to share information about their heritage and family routines at home - from how to wear a Sari to reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar in Spanish.
Nur |
We spent the week celebrating the diversity of cultures in EYFS. Parents attended to speak to the children about their cultures, read stories and show traditional clothes. The children asked thoughtful questions and compared their own lives to other people's.
Nur |
Using CLPE book Bedtime for Monsters as inspiration, children made different landscapes from the book, monster hats, monster models and monster fruit. We received a letter from the monster inviting us on a picnic to Silver Birches.
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Year 1 visited the Gurdwara as part of their RE
01 |
Year 2 had an interactive re-telling of the Christmas story. We had our passports stamped at passport control as we entered Israel and completed crafts at each station. We made crowns to represent the baby King, a miniature Bible with Anna and Simeon, a fluffy sheep with the shepherds and a guiding star with the wise men. We discussed how all of these people knew that Jesus was going to be the Saviour.
02 |
Year 3 visited RHS Wisley and learnt how rain forest and desert plants adapt to their environment.
03 |
Year 3 visited Frogmore Paper Mill to discover the history of paper making in this country in contrast to that in other countries .
03 |
We visited Letchworth Foodbank and learnt how we can see Christianity in action in the local community. We learnt how different people support those who need help.
05 |
Y5 were invited to take part in a music and dancing workshop at the Priory school where they learnt how to sing a song and then developed dance moves to the same music.
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All of Year 6 spent a week in the Isle of Wight participating in a range of trips and visits and cutltural and fun activities and learning how to live together socially
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Year 6 visited St. Mary's Church in Hitchin and was shown around the Church by Cannon Michael and discussed signs of salvation. They also asked some challenging questions about belief and Christianity.
06 |
Nursery visit the local park, thinking about how to stay safe on the paths and road as well as looking after the environment and sharing community areas. The language, turn taking and socialising in the playground with other members of the public was fantastic!
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Ofsted Guidance
- Pupils' knowledge of Britain's democratic parliamentary system and its central role in shaping our history and values, and in continuing to develop Britain
- Pupils' understanding and appreciation of the range of different cultures in the school and further afield as an essential element of their preparation for life in modern Britain
CULTURAL:Preparing for life in modern Britain
Learning about another countries language and culture through practical lessons
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Children learn about healthy eating, try new food, learn to cook and prepare food that they then eat
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Children are provided with an opportunity to attend a club that provides guidance in trying new foods and learning to cook. Children get a chance to eat the food and so the social element of enjoying and sharing food is also important.
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children have an opportunity to learn french
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Provides an opportunity to enable children to develop a range of skills that will promote confidence and raise self-esteem as well as having fun. Children have a chance to put on a performance and also participate in role play situations
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This is for Y5 and Y6 children who need a quiet space as a choice. children do not have to attend the club regularly and they are able to do what they like. A member of staff does not organise the club but provides a chance for children to attend twice a week. this operates in the winter when the Peace Garden is too cold
KS2 |
children are taught how to play chess and how to play games with different age children
KS2 |
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Local clergy have worked alongside the school to support the quality of the worship experience for children and staff. They have designed a rota and attend twice weekly
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Every month a new value is introduced and the children explore this value in their day-to-day living. The explore this value in the Bible and in other faiths. At the end of the month children are identified who have demonstrated this value and they are awarded a value leaf which is placed on our values tree. Values lead the way for promoting positive behaviour and discussing choices children have made.
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Led by Rev Roden who explained to the children how important it is to pray.
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Whole school gathered for remembrance service
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Children learn about this festival
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Children learn about the importance of Black History and find out about influential people. KS2 learn about the slave trade and the history of America and South Africa
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Ex-pupil came and led an assembly with a follow-up workshop about Peace. This work was a result of a visit to Hawaii by girls from Hitchin Girls School who represented the UK to work with children from all over the world as ambassadors of Peace
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Whole school participated and contributed to providing food parcels for homeless of Hitchin
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Children had an assembly about Yom Kippur
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Every month a new value is introduced and the children explore this value in their day-to-day living. The explore this value in the Bible and in other faiths. At the end of the month children are identified who have demonstrated this value and they are awarded a value leaf which is placed on our values tree. Values lead the way for promoting positive behaviour and discussing choices children have made.
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Children learn about the festival of Sukkot
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Children participated in a Remembrance Service
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Children learn about Peace and being a positive friend, dealing with issues and bullying
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Children are selected on a weekly basis to be awarded the HT Award and attend the tea party. Children are identified for hard work, positive learning attitude, positive relationships with others, trying hard etc. A class of the week is also identified and the reasons are shared with all.
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Children considered how to work as a group to sing and perform their part of the song.
01 |
Today we considered the global ramifications of the Christian celebration of Easter by exploring the symbol of the cross. We learnt about crosses from all over the world including Bangladesh and Ecuador.
01 |
We discussed what makes a super learner during group work and composed SC. This was then applied in a group work task and reinforced during the following maths lesson.
01 |
As part of Key Stage 1 worship this week, we discussed valuing different people's opinions and that people see things from different points of view. We discussed the importance of listening and empathising rather than judging. We have continued to talk about this within the classroom.
02 |
During class worship the children learnt about the value of working as a team in the lives of those people who have achieved their goals and great things
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In KS1 worship, we spoke about getting on and falling out. We read the story 'Bubble Trouble' about 2 friends who get so competitive that they argue. We discussed that sometimes, we can get carried away and forget that our friendships are the most important things. We talked about the importance of saying sorry and forgiving people.
KS1 |
Looking at the practice of respect - in action. How can we make our actions speak louder than words?
KS1 |
Children collectively plan worship for the whole term taking into account the Christian calendar and other faiths. The children investigate different ways to present to the school and involve personal faith stories and morality
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All children dressed up as heroes from British History and gave a donation in recognition of Children in Need
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Children wore stripes and learnt how to sign to a national song, All donated to the charity. Whole school sang the song as part of the day
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Each class has an opportunity to participate in an enterprise event. Children sell cakes and then work alongside class teacher to calculate how to spend the money in order to benefit the class
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Children researched Incarnation and Annunciation and created angels for the Christmas Tree. Some classes looked at ways to use a range of recyclable material. Choir sang at the event
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Children learn how to be a leader within the school. They understand the process of writing and presenting a manifesto and how to vote fairly. They participate in being a school council representative and listen to the needs of their peers and present to the council. They learn the importance of making decisions, having responsibility and leading by example
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Children participate in developing a whole school charter that is progressive in expectation from KS1 to KS2. This charter is developed further in each class with children considering how it may look in their day-to-day behaviour. It is referred to when discussing learning behaviours as well as assisting with positive behaviour
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In year 2 we designed a large hand with the British Values on. Children are working towards finding evidence for each value up towards Christmas.
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Year 5 were invited to a play explaining the partition of Pakistan and the impact on families - it explored the emotions and cultural and religious differences. Children then discussed this in class and created a poem to explore the feelings
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Learning about the history of Crime and Punishment and the moral, ethical and cultural issues of different societies in different time periods.
06 |
Editor of the Comet visited Year 6 to talk about his role and to advise and support with the year 6 newspaper project
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We worked together to think about British Values and how we can demonstrate them around Nursery. Children helped take the photos and thought about how to work together.
Nur |
We worked together to create a British Values Display in the classroom. We thought about how to work together, caring for the environment, individuality and considered the difference between right and wrong.
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Year 4 researched local history in world war 2 and created a gallery of information. They entered a competition which they won and attended award ceremonies with world war 2 veterans
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Children researched how Britain has been shaped by people of the past. They looked at similarities between modern Britain and Britain during the Roman invasion.
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Having considered how God would like to make Earth like Heaven, we planned imaginary events that would help Earth become more like Heaven. e.g. money raising events to reduce poverty or for medical research. Talks for people to reduce their levels of anxiety.
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Having considered the benefits of eating seasonally, we developed and adapted our own recipes.
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During R.E. we studied the Sikh faith and focused in on the question - How does the Sikh faith show the importance of equality.
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Children learn about the Eatwell plate and participate in cooking and preparing a range of food, they learn to take turns washing up and about Fairtrade and Food miles and sustainable eating
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Children watched 2 Sesame street films one about diversity and skin colour and one about respect and what it means.
We discussed differences in the way we look and if it mattered and what respect was. The children took turns sharing their ideas and could only speak when they were holding the 'special jewel'.
01 |
The children are looking at how to keep clean and stay safe and how this links to respect for their natural environment and for each other in their community.
01 |
Through godly play, narrative, extended writing and conscience alley, the children explored the story of Easter and the concept of salvation.
01 |
Visit to see how the design of a church reflects some of the elements of the Good News.
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As part of the class' SUM work we played a variety of games on the above topic such as follow-the-leader, Snappy and Squeak and the human chain. How did the other person's actions affect you? What was the best response to that behvaiour?
01 |
Year 1 revised our talk partners best practice and introduced the concept of reflecting on how good a talk partner we are. How can we be better?
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Exploring the SUMO concept of victim t shirts, the children investigated what it was that 'makes them tick' by thinking about what their 'one voice' might be, or what they believed about themselves. This was contrasted with actions linked to that belief.
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In talk partners the children described the problem with plastic and decided on what practical action - thinking of John - they could do to help look after the world. They produced posters designed to persuade someone else to make a pledge to recycle plastic.
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Discussions on how to reduce waste and save the planet, impact of our actions on the natural world of God's creation, creation of poster encouraging others to ACT to save the environment following SC.
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Inbedding our school vision by discussing effective listening and speaking techniques. Talk partnert, effective shared discussion and comment thumbs. Taking account of others' ideas and different opinions. Opinions as a result of what we like and dislike,, know and don't yet know.
01 |
Today Year One explored how to show our Christian Values through action in the local commmunity. Connor from North Herts Sanctuary popped in to explain to the children about his work with the homeless of Hitchin. The children learned what they could do to help those in need including refugees.
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In the context of RE work on Matthew the tax collector, the children were encouraged to consider what was surprising about the kinds of people Jesus came to save, and how this could be linked to our school values.
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Today the children played some language games based around the concept of 'groupthink'. Is working as a team synonymous with all having the same idea? What impact would that have on our learning? Are there times when having different ideas create a richer learning experiences for us? These and other questions were explored in our table groups.
01 |
Year One looked at extending our value of Respect towards the environment and how our actions have an impact for good or otherwise. Stewardship was discussed and children designed and created a poster persuading others to show respect for the environment.
01 |
In the context of their own families. children were invited to consider some important characteristics of family belonging, the roles they play in these communities and the responsibilities associated with them. Discussions incorporated our School family and children were invited to symbolise the school value they felt was the most important in a piece of symbolic drawing.
01 |
Our class advent this year is from Oxfam and each day we get a finger puppet from around the world which has a fact on the back about how we can help others this Christmas. This has sparked lots of discussion as a class about global Christianity and about the true meaning of Christmas.
02 |
In Literacy, we have been reading the book Halibut Jackson. He is a very shy character who likes to blend in and we debated whether he should go the Queen's party or not. We had to listen to other people's point of view and structure our debate.
02 |
In year 2, we have been thinking about our value of peace. We have been thinking about how we can show peacefulness and friendship to everyone we meet. We spoke about friendship tokens and how we need to be giving out friendship tokens to everyone by smiling, listening to others, including people and being kind. This will make our school more peaceful.
02 |
Year 2 wrote prayers for Remembrance Day to thank the soldiers and to ask God for continued peace. We discussed that Remembrance day focuses on all wars and all soldiers. We spoke about how this links to our value of the month- peace.
02 |
Year 2 learnt about the Gunpowder Plot and the tradition of Bonfire Night. We had a debate about right and wrong. Why did Guy Fawkes do what he did? Some of the children had different opinions about burning the Guy on the bonfire and we shared these as a class.
02 |
In literacy, Year 2 were learning about Bonfire night safety. We all wrote a set of rules to keep us safe. We spoke about the importance of listening to grown-ups and being sensible with decisions that will affect our safety.
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We discussed God's creation and how it is human's responsibility to care for this world. The children created a list of rules for caring for God's world. We then used the British value of democracy to vote for our top 3 rules which we can then display in the classroom.
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As this month is Black History Month, we have been carrying on the discussions from whole school worship within class. We have been linking this to our value of respect and the importance of treating everyone equally.
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In art, we have been focusing on sketching and looking at detail. We have been practicing evaluating someone else's work by being positive but also constructive. We are learning to be helpful without being unkind.
02 |
As part of looking at our school vision, we focused on the element of 'One Voice'. We thought about the question- "If St Andrew's had one voice, what would it say?" We all came up with responses which we thought summed up our school ethos as a whole. We thought about how when we are in the community, we are representing our school.
02 |
Children came dressed in that era and learnt about Florence Nightingale through role play
02 |
Children had a visit from the local fire service as part of their project on London's Burning
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To ensure that all children can participate fully in all aspects of PE
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VI specialist to support children in PE
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The importance of making mistakes
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Exploring how to be a gppd friend
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Exploring what causes flooding, the impact this has on our poorest communities and the changes we can make to mitigate this.
04 |
Friendship champions - how to advise and model good friendship behaviours without being bossy or judgemental.
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Today we looked at how some charities like Christian Aid apply in practice the message of the Good Samaritan about how to show love and forgiveness to unlikely people.
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In the spiritual area outside as part of CAW. Exploring climate justiice and the relationship of humans wiht our planet.
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How our bodies change as we get older
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Alcohol and its effect on our bodies
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Discussing issues if duty, sacrifce, personal belief and culture.
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Exploring how to share information safely online.avatars
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How to act and think like a good citizen,
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Y4 have sopent some time revisiting our British Values and respect for each other in loght of the many new rules and routines we have in place to keep us safe.
04 |
STEM PSHE lesson on Water aid - writing letters to ecouurage others to donate to create rope pumps
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We found out which countries have the highest carbon footprint and why.
We found out the countries with the highest carbon footprint are often the richest.
We debated the fairness of this situation.
04 |
Lesson on Toussaint Louverture
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Children debated why people are tempted to do the wrong thing and what stops them from doing the wrong thing
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Parents came in to talk and be interviewed about their culture. We wrote descriptions of our own culture. We used poetry, stories and art to find out about life in Jamaica. We learnt about Jamaican dancing and produced a Jamaican table cloth with our ideas
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We learnt about how different groups might be discriminated against and what we could do. We learnt about how the consequences of our actions and behaviours.
05 |
The children wrote manifestos to present to the class in which they explained what they would do if they were elected to Pupil Parliament. The children then voted for their peers whom they felt would be good Pupil Parliament members. The class discussed democracy and what it means to have a vote.
05 |
Visited Y5 to talk about migration and equality and issues surrounding having to leave your home
05 |
Children explored the impact of Jewish laws on how Jewish people live their lives. They linked this to PSHCE and examined how they could help others.
06 |
Some children from Y6 were selected to engage in some additional challenge with children from other schools. This was to enable them to have opportunity to work with other children on particular areas of interest and expertise
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While reading Ruby's Worry by Tom Percival for our story today, we stopped at various points to discuss our own worries and how we minimise them for ourselves. One child mentioned that "I talk to my Mummy and Daddy and they take the worry away," which led to a talk about who else might be able to alieve our worries. The pupils suggestions included "the teachers", "Granny and Grandad", "my brother", "our friends".
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Recycling old clothes to raise funds for SASA
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All children participated in creating an event to raise money at the Christmas Fair. Children helped set up the event and manned stalled. Children were able to perform at the event as well.
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Today we honed our performance skills ever further by exploring projecting our voices, responding to cues and listening to multi-part instructions and action sequences.
01 |
Ks1 and R sang, danced and retold their way throught the nativity story. A wonderful performance and application of all the speaking and listening, musical and performing skills they have learnt so far! Well done KS1 and Reception!
KS1 |
All children who play a musical instrument have a chance to perform at the Spring Concert. Paents are invited, the emphasis is on children learning how to conduct themselves in front of a mature audience. The Music Cup is presented to a child who has demonstrated commitment and passion
KS2 |
Children learning to play a brass instrument are invited to attend a Brass workshop at a local secondary school
KS2 |
Ks1 and R sang, danced and retold their way throught the nativity story. A wonderful performance and application of all the speaking and listening, musical and performing skills they have learnt so far! Well done KS1 and Reception!
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Today we had pupil parliament elections where each child, who wanted to apply, wrote a speech to present to the class. All of the children then had a secret vote, we discussed that the outcome would be decided in the same way as democracy in society.
02 |
Year 5 worked in groups to develop a class Eco Code, before agreeing on a class slogan: Recycling is a go go! Litter is a no no!
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Children prepare presentations for an interveiw with the previous House Captains. The ex-House Captains prepare the questions and organise the whole procedure. They discuss the candidates with the guidance of the Assistant Head and then announce the results by formal letter, ensuring that all candidates are valued and thanked.
06 |
The Eco-Warriors led the Whole School Worship supporting Deolinda Eltrincham from Our Lady and St Andrew Immaculate Catholic Church in Hitchin. We learnt how Terracycle recycle the pens we have collected and how they are made into new benches which can be used in school grounds.
Eco |
Eco- warriors meeting to discuss plans for this half-term. We discussed the successful implementation of our pen-recycling and appointed Eco-Warriors to turn off the lights in the classroom to save electricity.
Eco |
House Captains plan and manage the process of holding elections to recruit new HC.
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Children learn about different aspects of Holy Week and participate in Easter celebrations e.g Easter Egg Hunt, Easter lunch, making Easter cards, reenacting aspects of Holy Week, reading parts in the bible, making palm leaves etc
Y3 and Y4 will also be leading the Easter Service
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YR, Y1 and Y6 presented a Mother's Day Service. All school attended and parents were invited. Children presented mothers with a daffodil at the end.
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All children discussed in assembly and class what is meant by a lenten promise. Talked about choosing a promise they felt they could keep and that it would make a difference to others as well as themselves. Talked about having responsibility
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Children visit Holy Saviour church for their start of the year service. It is to welcome new staff and new children and new families. We talk about Koinonia and our school values and expectations
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The children acted out the story of the Buddha, made mandala out of transient art and explored some of the symbolism of the faith.
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Children meet with other schools and participate in a mini-olympics with sports that include Paralympicactivities
06 |
Children participate in weekly netball lessons and then attend competitions and matches. There is an A team and a B team and children are selected according to skill
KS2 |
Children participate in rugby training in PE lessons and then attend a competition with other schools. Try to encourage children who have not attended other sporting events
KS2 |
Children participate in regular athletic events with Sports Organiser and Coach. This includes lunch time running club around local area. Children participate in a variety of athletic events with other local schools.
KS2 |
Children participate in a variety of matches with local schools as well as termly tournaments. Children form an A team and B team and are selected on skill.
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Staff planning to understand the use of Understanding Christianity syllabus
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All staff have half termly discussions with our local vicar to deepen knowledge of Christianity. Father Ian enables staff to question and plan their teaching for children. Children's response has been positive and significantly raised the profile of engagement within RE. Children are improving their literacy through enquiry about the subject and showing curiousity
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teachers explored the understanding and purpose of the bible with Father Ian leading this as part of ongoing CPD with staff to understand Christianity.
Staff to attend an introductory training session on Mindfulness to get a better understanding of mental health and pressures and how to support children in different ways.
Father Ian delivered CPD on Lent with all teaching staff
All teaching staff and support staff have regular training on child protection and other safeguarding elements. This is reviewed regularly in staff meetings to ensure that procedures and processes are followed. Parent volunteers also attend this annually. If there are any concerns regarding safeguarding procedures these are communicated to parents in a newsletter if they affect the whole school community. Updates on Esafety are also sent out to parents
All staff explored the need for awareness of radicalisation and extremism. So that staff are able to identify children who may be vulnerable to radicalisation, and know what to do when they are identified.also build pupils’ resilience to radicalisation by promoting fundamental British values and enabling them to challenge extremist views. It is important to emphasise that the Prevent duty is not intended to stop pupils debating controversial issues. On the contrary, schools should provide a safe space in which children, young people and staff can understand the risks associated with terrorism and develop the knowledge and skills to be able to challenge extremist arguments
Led by Father Ian - all teaching staff explored the concept of salvation through bible study
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Children and staff work with artist to consider interpreting key concepts from their class book into a piece of art. They will learn new skills and either work collectively or individually. The project is shaped by the discussion between the children, teacher and artist and is aimed at developing inference through higher order questioning. Drama, Writing, Poetry, Dance and Music will also be explored as the week develops. Every story involves a journey and links to real life issues and people experiencing a change. Some classes will be inviting parents who have moved here from other countries. Some classes will be working with animals. All classes will deal with dilemmas in life e.g making the right choice, separation, making new friends etc.
All |
Children selected an author and then came dressed as a character from that range of books. Y6 chose Shakespeare and then learnt some lines from part of the play. These were performed to one another
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Children are able to wear Rainbows Beaver, Brownie, Cub, Scout uniform on these days. Children learn about the Saints in assembly
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herts Catering work closely with the school to plan menus and adapt in response to parent questionnaire. they work co-operatively alongside school to present range of foods for parents to test at consultation evening and new parent evening. They are also in the process of designing a Healthy Eating Competition whereby children can design and cook a meal and have this on the new menu
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Children learnt about St Andrew in an assembly
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Year 3 spent their cake sale money on a book making workshop which allowed them to learn the traditional skills for making sewn books.
03 |
This week, Nursery have been celebrating the different cultures that we have in our classroom - both the children and the teachers. Parents have visited to share information about their heritage and family routines at home - from how to wear a Sari to reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar in Spanish.
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The whole school particiapted in learning and exploration about the Sikh religion during RE week this year. This included trips and assemblies
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whole school focus throughout the week on keeping safe which included e-safety and stranger danger
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This week, we have been learning about Buddhism as part of RE week. We have learnt what it means to be Buddhist today.
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This week, Nursery have been celebrating the different cultures that we have in our classroom - both the children and the teachers. Parents have visited to share information about their heritage and family routines at home - from how to wear a Sari to reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar in Spanish.
Nur |
We spent the week celebrating the diversity of cultures in EYFS. Parents attended to speak to the children about their cultures, read stories and show traditional clothes. The children asked thoughtful questions and compared their own lives to other people's.
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Year 1 visited the Gurdwara as part of their RE
01 |
Year 3 visited Frogmore Paper Mill to discover the history of paper making in this country in contrast to that in other countries .
03 |
Y4 spent 3 days and 2 nights at Hudnall Park developing their outdoor skills and becoming more independent.
04 |
We visited Letchworth Foodbank and learnt how we can see Christianity in action in the local community. We learnt how different people support those who need help.
05 |
Years 2 to 6 visited the local sikh Gurdwara to find out about the sikh community and religious practices.
06 |
All of year 6 participated in Crucial Crew to learn about how to keep safe in a variety of situations and how to deal with emergencies
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Nursery visit the local park, thinking about how to stay safe on the paths and road as well as looking after the environment and sharing community areas. The language, turn taking and socialising in the playground with other members of the public was fantastic!
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Reception visited Standalone Farm to see the animals and learn about how farms produce food.
Firefighters visited school to show Reception their equipment and explain their role. They also talked about the qualities needed to be a firefighter.
In groups Reception visited the greengrocers in Hitchin. Road safety skills were developed.
Reception children visited Hitchin Library and Market. At the library, children enjoyed books and stories, learned how to borrow items and joined in with a fun library quiz. At the market, children bought a selection of fruit and vegetables for us to enjoy in the afternoon. We talked about being healthy and making healthy eating choices.
Reception children visited the library and all had a new library card. They learnt how to use the library and all took a book home.
Children discovered more about their local environment. We enjoyed a visit to Hitchin rail station to learn more transport and different occupations. We experienced travelling by train to Stevenage and learned more about how a rail station operates.
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Ofsted Guidance
- Pupils' understanding and appreciation of the wide range of cultural influences that have shaped their own heritage and that of others
Ofsted 2004
- Pupils develop an ability to recognise and understand their own cultural assumptions and values
- Pupils develop an understanding of the influences which have shaped their own cultural heritage
- Schools provide opportunities for pupils to explore their own cultural assumptions and values
- Schools reinforce the school’s cultural values through displays, posters, exhibitions, etc
- Schools audit the quality and nature of opportunities for pupils to extend their cultural development across the curriculum
CULTURAL:Understanding and appreciating personal influences
Provides an opportunity to enable children to develop a range of skills that will promote confidence and raise self-esteem as well as having fun. Children have a chance to put on a performance and also participate in role play situations
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Every month a new value is introduced and the children explore this value in their day-to-day living. The explore this value in the Bible and in other faiths. At the end of the month children are identified who have demonstrated this value and they are awarded a value leaf which is placed on our values tree. Values lead the way for promoting positive behaviour and discussing choices children have made.
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Led by Rev Roden who explained to the children how important it is to pray.
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Children learnt about the story of Noah and how God made a promise. They discussed forgiveness and being a good citizen
All |
Children learn about the importance of Black History and find out about influential people. KS2 learn about the slave trade and the history of America and South Africa
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Ex-pupil came and led an assembly with a follow-up workshop about Peace. This work was a result of a visit to Hawaii by girls from Hitchin Girls School who represented the UK to work with children from all over the world as ambassadors of Peace
All |
Whole school participated and contributed to providing food parcels for homeless of Hitchin
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Children had an assembly about Yom Kippur
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Every month a new value is introduced and the children explore this value in their day-to-day living. The explore this value in the Bible and in other faiths. At the end of the month children are identified who have demonstrated this value and they are awarded a value leaf which is placed on our values tree. Values lead the way for promoting positive behaviour and discussing choices children have made.
All |
Children learn about the festival of Sukkot
All |
Children participated in a Remembrance Service
All |
Children learn about Peace and being a positive friend, dealing with issues and bullying
All |
Children are selected on a weekly basis to be awarded the HT Award and attend the tea party. Children are identified for hard work, positive learning attitude, positive relationships with others, trying hard etc. A class of the week is also identified and the reasons are shared with all.
All |
Children considered how to work as a group to sing and perform their part of the song.
01 |
Today we considered the global ramifications of the Christian celebration of Easter by exploring the symbol of the cross. We learnt about crosses from all over the world including Bangladesh and Ecuador.
01 |
We discussed what makes a super learner during group work and composed SC. This was then applied in a group work task and reinforced during the following maths lesson.
01 |
As part of Key Stage 1 worship this week, we discussed valuing different people's opinions and that people see things from different points of view. We discussed the importance of listening and empathising rather than judging. We have continued to talk about this within the classroom.
02 |
During class worship the children learnt about the value of working as a team in the lives of those people who have achieved their goals and great things
04 |
Children appreciated how St George shaped peoples' ideas about making choices which resulted in positive outcomes for lots of people
Enr |
In KS1 worship, we spoke about getting on and falling out. We read the story 'Bubble Trouble' about 2 friends who get so competitive that they argue. We discussed that sometimes, we can get carried away and forget that our friendships are the most important things. We talked about the importance of saying sorry and forgiving people.
KS1 |
Looking at the practice of respect - in action. How can we make our actions speak louder than words?
KS1 |
Exploring the compassion of Jesus on the cross and the different symbolic representations of the cross in global Christianity.
KS1 |
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All children dressed up as heroes from British History and gave a donation in recognition of Children in Need
All |
Children wore stripes and learnt how to sign to a national song, All donated to the charity. Whole school sang the song as part of the day
All |
Each class has an opportunity to participate in an enterprise event. Children sell cakes and then work alongside class teacher to calculate how to spend the money in order to benefit the class
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Children learn how to be a leader within the school. They understand the process of writing and presenting a manifesto and how to vote fairly. They participate in being a school council representative and listen to the needs of their peers and present to the council. They learn the importance of making decisions, having responsibility and leading by example
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Year 2 had to work in groups of 3 to build bridges out of only paper and tape.
We used our value of Koinonia to work as a team, discuss ideas and share resources. Every group was successful in resolving any differences themselves and passing the challenge.
02 |
Year 5 were invited to a play explaining the partition of Pakistan and the impact on families - it explored the emotions and cultural and religious differences. Children then discussed this in class and created a poem to explore the feelings
05 |
Year used explored the school vision cube and considered how the different elements of the vision might be achieved through activities and relationships within the classroom. They then created a class charter based on their ideas for all to sign up to.
06 |
Different groups of children created different representations of the character of Ted from our class book The London Eye Mystery. We thought hard about the journey Ted had taken through the book and how the different events affected his personality and this was reflected in our art projects
06 |
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Children were invited to enter a Walsworth Road Baptist Church Art Competition to express the concept of Flourish. Classes explored Aristotle's philosophy and Maslow's hierarchy of need before creating their own art work. They were able to use any resources and any method and then had to evaluate each other's - focusing on respect and constructive comments
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National poetry day
Children wrote a poem 'This is Me' and shared it with the parents
03 |
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We used our Good Listener skills to share our stories about our artefacts, ask our professor questions and curate each others' curios using our Historian Talk! We explored what make our artefacts valuable and the power of the personal connection, ownership and differing aspects of significance and non-significance.
01 |
Parents invited into class to work alongside their children to play Maths fluency games involving addition(Nrich)
03 |
Nursery, Reception and Year One parents/carers were invited to attend an evening that informs them of the 'phonic learning process' from Phase 1 - Early Phase 4. Examples of activities, resources, highly recommended picture books and Early Years staff were on hand to support and answer any questions about Phonics and how it is developed from the time they start Nursery.
Nur |
Earlybird and Stay and Play sessions for families with EAL/BME/SEN to support them in helping their children with home learning. Opportunity for parents to ask questions. Parents learned simple ways to support their children with phonics, reading and maths at home using everyday items.
Earlybird and Stay and Play sessions for families with EAL/BME/SEN to support them in helping their children with home learning. Opportunity for parents to ask questions. Parents learned simple ways to support their children with phonics, reading and maths at home using everyday items.
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We were thinking about an item that we would save from a fire, linking to our Great Fire of London project. We talked about things being sentimental and reminding you of special people. We discussed that everyone has brought in different things because we are all different.
02 |
Children researched how Britain has been shaped by people of the past. They looked at similarities between modern Britain and Britain during the Roman invasion.
03 |
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Having considered how God would like to make Earth like Heaven, we planned imaginary events that would help Earth become more like Heaven. e.g. money raising events to reduce poverty or for medical research. Talks for people to reduce their levels of anxiety.
All |
Having considered why we chose to eat certain meals and foods, we though about the benefits of eating seasonally We wrote a short persuasive text to encourage people to eat more seasonally.
All |
In PSHE, year 2 have been discussing their personal influences and the people/siutations who helped them become who they are. We also discussed the fact that this will be different for everyone.
All |
Children participate in many additional sporting opportunities that enable them to experience competition and trying out new sports and learning a range of skills. They are encouraged to have a go and try their best but they are also expected to show positive competitiveness and to be an effective and active team member. There is also opportunity to lead their team
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Children explored this in the christian calendar and through bible study.
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The children are looking at how to keep clean and stay safe and how this links to respect for their natural environment and for each other in their community.
01 |
Visit to see how the design of a church reflects some of the elements of the Good News.
01 |
Year 1 revised our talk partners best practice and introduced the concept of reflecting on how good a talk partner we are. How can we be better?
01 |
Exploring the SUMO concept of victim t shirts, the children investigated what it was that 'makes them tick' by thinking about what their 'one voice' might be, or what they believed about themselves. This was contrasted with actions linked to that belief.
01 |
In talk partners the children described the problem with plastic and decided on what practical action - thinking of John - they could do to help look after the world. They produced posters designed to persuade someone else to make a pledge to recycle plastic.
01 |
Discussions on how to reduce waste and save the planet, impact of our actions on the natural world of God's creation, creation of poster encouraging others to ACT to save the environment following SC.
01 |
Inbedding our school vision by discussing effective listening and speaking techniques. Talk partnert, effective shared discussion and comment thumbs. Taking account of others' ideas and different opinions. Opinions as a result of what we like and dislike,, know and don't yet know.
01 |
Today Year One explored how to show our Christian Values through action in the local commmunity. Connor from North Herts Sanctuary popped in to explain to the children about his work with the homeless of Hitchin. The children learned what they could do to help those in need including refugees.
01 |
The children explored the qualities a super learner might possess and designed their own superheroes with names reflecting their behavioural characteristics. These were then incorporated into a PSHE lesson on school values.
01 |
Today the children played some language games based around the concept of 'groupthink'. Is working as a team synonymous with all having the same idea? What impact would that have on our learning? Are there times when having different ideas create a richer learning experiences for us? These and other questions were explored in our table groups.
01 |
Year One looked at extending our value of Respect towards the environment and how our actions have an impact for good or otherwise. Stewardship was discussed and children designed and created a poster persuading others to show respect for the environment.
01 |
In the context of their own families. children were invited to consider some important characteristics of family belonging, the roles they play in these communities and the responsibilities associated with them. Discussions incorporated our School family and children were invited to symbolise the school value they felt was the most important in a piece of symbolic drawing.
01 |
We discussed the different strengths of children in the class, and looked at how people are all good at different things. We also discussed how best to support our fellow pupil in her standing frame.
01 |
We read the story ISH about a boy who tries hard in his drawing but who experiences a sense of failure. We discussed the meaning of success and failure and explored the concept of thinking reflexively about our learning - can you write me an ISH sentence? What makes it wonderful?
01 |
This week, year 2 talked about what makes a good friend. We each created a recipe for friendship which included elements such as kindness, compassion, generosity. We thought about times when people did not show that to us and discuss resolutions.
02 |
When History Off the Page came in, we spoke a lot about empathy and understanding what life would have been like in 166. We spoke about being grateful for education and healthcare we have, which children did not have then,
02 |
The importance of making mistakes
04 |
Exploring how to be a gppd friend
04 |
Exploring what causes flooding, the impact this has on our poorest communities and the changes we can make to mitigate this.
04 |
Friendship champions - how to advise and model good friendship behaviours without being bossy or judgemental.
04 |
Today we looked at how some charities like Christian Aid apply in practice the message of the Good Samaritan about how to show love and forgiveness to unlikely people.
04 |
In the spiritual area outside as part of CAW. Exploring climate justiice and the relationship of humans wiht our planet.
04 |
How our bodies change as we get older
04 |
Alcohol and its effect on our bodies
04 |
Discussing issues if duty, sacrifce, personal belief and culture.
04 |
Exploring how to share information safely online.avatars
04 |
How to act and think like a good citizen,
04 |
Y4 have sopent some time revisiting our British Values and respect for each other in loght of the many new rules and routines we have in place to keep us safe.
04 |
STEM PSHE lesson on Water aid - writing letters to ecouurage others to donate to create rope pumps
04 |
We found out which countries have the highest carbon footprint and why.
We found out the countries with the highest carbon footprint are often the richest.
We debated the fairness of this situation.
04 |
The children learnt about the ways in which green house gases are produced and their effect on the environment.
We investigated the lives of different countries and ordered them according to which ones we thought produced the most green house gases.
04 |
We learnt about how green house gases are produced and their effect on the environment We investigated the way people in different countries live. We then ordered the countries according to how much green house gases we thought they produced.
04 |
Lesson on Toussaint Louverture
04 |
Shared the UNISEF rights that all children should have in school,
We developed a list of responsibilities that al members of the school community have if children are to get their rights,
04 |
Parents came in to talk and be interviewed about their culture. We wrote descriptions of our own culture. We used poetry, stories and art to find out about life in Jamaica. We learnt about Jamaican dancing and produced a Jamaican table cloth with our ideas
04 |
Visited Y5 to talk about migration and equality and issues surrounding having to leave your home
05 |
Children explored the impact of Jewish laws on how Jewish people live their lives. They linked this to PSHCE and examined how they could help others.
06 |
PHASE workshop on managing friendships and change
06 |
Mrs Powell kindly came to nursery to show us how to care for our pets at home. She gave the class some very good advise on how to care for our class rabbit.
Nur |
Nursery, Reception and Year One parents/carers were invited to attend an evening that informs them of the 'phonic learning process' from Phase 1 - Early Phase 4. Examples of activities, resources, highly recommended picture books and Early Years staff were on hand to support and answer any questions about Phonics and how it is developed from the time they start Nursery.
Nur |
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Today we honed our performance skills ever further by exploring projecting our voices, responding to cues and listening to multi-part instructions and action sequences.
01 |
Ks1 and R sang, danced and retold their way throught the nativity story. A wonderful performance and application of all the speaking and listening, musical and performing skills they have learnt so far! Well done KS1 and Reception!
KS1 |
Ks1 and R sang, danced and retold their way throught the nativity story. A wonderful performance and application of all the speaking and listening, musical and performing skills they have learnt so far! Well done KS1 and Reception!
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Children learn about different aspects of Holy Week and participate in Easter celebrations e.g Easter Egg Hunt, Easter lunch, making Easter cards, reenacting aspects of Holy Week, reading parts in the bible, making palm leaves etc
Y3 and Y4 will also be leading the Easter Service
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All children discussed in assembly and class what is meant by a lenten promise. Talked about choosing a promise they felt they could keep and that it would make a difference to others as well as themselves. Talked about having responsibility
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The children acted out the story of the Buddha, made mandala out of transient art and explored some of the symbolism of the faith.
01 |
This week, the Nursery class have been finding out about, preparing for and celebrating Chinese New Year. We discovered the original story of the 12 animals and how it was decided that each year would be named after a different animal; we learned how families prepare their homes for the festival (and enjoyed a bit of spring cleaning with marigolds and dusters ourselves!), we practised dragon dancing, gymnastics, writing good luck messages in Mandarin, saying 'Kung Hey Fat Choi' meaning 'Happy New Year' in Cantonese and so much more! We particularly enjoyed finding out which 'year of the...' we were born in - the nursery pupils were born in the year of the goat and the year of the monkey.
Nur |
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Children participate in regular athletic events with Sports Organiser and Coach. This includes lunch time running club around local area. Children participate in a variety of athletic events with other local schools.
KS2 |
Children participate in a variety of matches with local schools as well as termly tournaments. Children form an A team and B team and are selected on skill.
KS2 |
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All staff have half termly discussions with our local vicar to deepen knowledge of Christianity. Father Ian enables staff to question and plan their teaching for children. Children's response has been positive and significantly raised the profile of engagement within RE. Children are improving their literacy through enquiry about the subject and showing curiousity
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Staff have all worked with a local artist to explore the teaching and utilising of art to develop an enquiry approach to learning. Art has been linked to spiritual, cultural, emotional and social development.
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All teaching staff and support staff have regular training on child protection and other safeguarding elements. This is reviewed regularly in staff meetings to ensure that procedures and processes are followed. Parent volunteers also attend this annually. If there are any concerns regarding safeguarding procedures these are communicated to parents in a newsletter if they affect the whole school community. Updates on Esafety are also sent out to parents
All staff explored the need for awareness of radicalisation and extremism. So that staff are able to identify children who may be vulnerable to radicalisation, and know what to do when they are identified.also build pupils’ resilience to radicalisation by promoting fundamental British values and enabling them to challenge extremist views. It is important to emphasise that the Prevent duty is not intended to stop pupils debating controversial issues. On the contrary, schools should provide a safe space in which children, young people and staff can understand the risks associated with terrorism and develop the knowledge and skills to be able to challenge extremist arguments
Led by Father Ian - all teaching staff explored the concept of salvation through bible study
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All classess embrace the benefits of outdoor learning, taking the opportunity to engage in new experiences and broadening learning. Year 1 contextualise their learning about Radcliffes by practising etiquette and manners during cream teas. Year 6 enjoy yoga and mindfulness, considering mental wellbeing.
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Children and staff work with artist to consider interpreting key concepts from their class book into a piece of art. They will learn new skills and either work collectively or individually. The project is shaped by the discussion between the children, teacher and artist and is aimed at developing inference through higher order questioning. Drama, Writing, Poetry, Dance and Music will also be explored as the week develops. Every story involves a journey and links to real life issues and people experiencing a change. Some classes will be inviting parents who have moved here from other countries. Some classes will be working with animals. All classes will deal with dilemmas in life e.g making the right choice, separation, making new friends etc.
All |
Children selected an author and then came dressed as a character from that range of books. Y6 chose Shakespeare and then learnt some lines from part of the play. These were performed to one another
All |
Children learnt about St Andrew in an assembly
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Pupils identified the influence and impact that Florence Nightingale had on the lives of others and how they can have an influence on the lives of others in different ways to
02 |
Year 3 spent their cake sale money on a book making workshop which allowed them to learn the traditional skills for making sewn books.
03 |
Children spent this week celebrating diversity within Nursery and learning about different cultures and traditions from around the world. Children were encouraged to bring in some special artefacts to share with peers. Family members were invited to come into class to share their traditions and customs with the children. We celebrated on Friday by wearing traditional clothes to school.
Nur |
This week, Nursery have been celebrating the different cultures that we have in our classroom - both the children and the teachers. Parents have visited to share information about their heritage and family routines at home - from how to wear a Sari to reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar in Spanish.
Nur |
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whole school focus throughout the week on keeping safe which included e-safety and stranger danger
All |
This week, the Nursery class have been finding out about, preparing for and celebrating Chinese New Year. We discovered the original story of the 12 animals and how it was decided that each year would be named after a different animal; we learned how families prepare their homes for the festival (and enjoyed a bit of spring cleaning with marigolds and dusters ourselves!), we practised dragon dancing, gymnastics, writing good luck messages in Mandarin, saying 'Kung Hey Fat Choi' meaning 'Happy New Year' in Cantonese and so much more! We particularly enjoyed finding out which 'year of the...' we were born in - the nursery pupils were born in the year of the goat and the year of the monkey.
Nur |
This week, Nursery have been celebrating the different cultures that we have in our classroom - both the children and the teachers. Parents have visited to share information about their heritage and family routines at home - from how to wear a Sari to reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar in Spanish.
Nur |
We spent the week celebrating the diversity of cultures in EYFS. Parents attended to speak to the children about their cultures, read stories and show traditional clothes. The children asked thoughtful questions and compared their own lives to other people's.
Nur |
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Children have explored how history has had an impact on their lives today and how the role of a curator is important in passing knowledge of history to the future including items which represent cultures and beliefs. This was also developed by a trip to Hitchin Priory.
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Year 1 visited the Gurdwara as part of their RE
01 |
Y4 spent 3 days and 2 nights at Hudnall Park developing their outdoor skills and becoming more independent.
04 |
Reception children visited Hitchin Library and Market. At the library, children enjoyed books and stories, learned how to borrow items and joined in with a fun library quiz. At the market, children bought a selection of fruit and vegetables for us to enjoy in the afternoon. We talked about being healthy and making healthy eating choices.
Reception children visited the library and all had a new library card. They learnt how to use the library and all took a book home.
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Ofsted Guidance
- Pupils' interest in investigating and offering reasoned views about moral and ethical issues
Ofsted 2004
- Pupils develop a confidence to act consistently in accordance with their own principles
- Pupils develop a considerate style of life
- Pupils develop a willingness to express their views on ethical issues and personal values
- Pupils develop a commitment to personal values in areas which are considered right by some and wrong by others
- Pupils develop a desire to explore their own and others’ views
- Pupils develop an understanding of the need to review and reassess their values, codes and principles in the light of experience
- Pupils develop an ability to make responsible and reasoned judgements on moral dilemmas
- Schools develop an open and safe learning environment in which pupils can express their views and practise moral decision-making
MORAL:Developing and expressing personal views or values
Provides an opportunity to enable children to develop a range of skills that will promote confidence and raise self-esteem as well as having fun. Children have a chance to put on a performance and also participate in role play situations
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Children given the opportunity to join Art Club each term
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This is for Y5 and Y6 children who need a quiet space as a choice. children do not have to attend the club regularly and they are able to do what they like. A member of staff does not organise the club but provides a chance for children to attend twice a week. this operates in the winter when the Peace Garden is too cold
KS2 |
children are taught how to play chess and how to play games with different age children
KS2 |
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Local clergy have worked alongside the school to support the quality of the worship experience for children and staff. They have designed a rota and attend twice weekly
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Every month a new value is introduced and the children explore this value in their day-to-day living. The explore this value in the Bible and in other faiths. At the end of the month children are identified who have demonstrated this value and they are awarded a value leaf which is placed on our values tree. Values lead the way for promoting positive behaviour and discussing choices children have made.
All |
Whole school gathered for remembrance service
All |
Children learnt about the story of Noah and how God made a promise. They discussed forgiveness and being a good citizen
All |
Ex-pupil came and led an assembly with a follow-up workshop about Peace. This work was a result of a visit to Hawaii by girls from Hitchin Girls School who represented the UK to work with children from all over the world as ambassadors of Peace
All |
Every month a new value is introduced and the children explore this value in their day-to-day living. The explore this value in the Bible and in other faiths. At the end of the month children are identified who have demonstrated this value and they are awarded a value leaf which is placed on our values tree. Values lead the way for promoting positive behaviour and discussing choices children have made.
All |
Children participated in a Remembrance Service
All |
Children learn about Peace and being a positive friend, dealing with issues and bullying
All |
Children are selected on a weekly basis to be awarded the HT Award and attend the tea party. Children are identified for hard work, positive learning attitude, positive relationships with others, trying hard etc. A class of the week is also identified and the reasons are shared with all.
All |
Children considered how to work as a group to sing and perform their part of the song.
01 |
Today we considered the global ramifications of the Christian celebration of Easter by exploring the symbol of the cross. We learnt about crosses from all over the world including Bangladesh and Ecuador.
01 |
We discussed what makes a super learner during group work and composed SC. This was then applied in a group work task and reinforced during the following maths lesson.
01 |
As part of Key Stage 1 worship this week, we discussed valuing different people's opinions and that people see things from different points of view. We discussed the importance of listening and empathising rather than judging. We have continued to talk about this within the classroom.
02 |
In KS1 worship, we spoke about getting on and falling out. We read the story 'Bubble Trouble' about 2 friends who get so competitive that they argue. We discussed that sometimes, we can get carried away and forget that our friendships are the most important things. We talked about the importance of saying sorry and forgiving people.
KS1 |
Looking at the practice of respect - in action. How can we make our actions speak louder than words?
KS1 |
Exploring the compassion of Jesus on the cross and the different symbolic representations of the cross in global Christianity.
KS1 |
Children in KS1 had to debate whether they felt that Jesus was right or wrong for tipping over the tables in the temple when he was angry.
KS1 |
How we show respect even when we have a difference of opinion
KS2 |
Children learned about and discussed the arguments put forward for the abolition of slavery and voted on the most important argument focusing on the moral issues and British and Christian values
KS2 |
Through a Circus-themed class assembly, Reception recalled key learning opportunities and experiences throughout the year. This included how to stay safe, skills learned in PE and Forest School, key maths knowledge and how we reflect the school values within our daily lives.
Through acting, role play and song, Reception recalled our themes and learning during the Autumn term. We emphasised the importance of living the school values daily by singing and signing to a song about how to be a good friend. Children made their own props and devised the script for the Assembly themselves.
Children collectively plan worship for the whole term taking into account the Christian calendar and other faiths. The children investigate different ways to present to the school and involve personal faith stories and morality
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Children donated items to help the local homeless youth
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All children dressed up as heroes from British History and gave a donation in recognition of Children in Need
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Children learn how to be a leader within the school. They understand the process of writing and presenting a manifesto and how to vote fairly. They participate in being a school council representative and listen to the needs of their peers and present to the council. They learn the importance of making decisions, having responsibility and leading by example
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Children participate in developing a whole school charter that is progressive in expectation from KS1 to KS2. This charter is developed further in each class with children considering how it may look in their day-to-day behaviour. It is referred to when discussing learning behaviours as well as assisting with positive behaviour
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Year 2 had to work in groups of 3 to build bridges out of only paper and tape.
We used our value of Koinonia to work as a team, discuss ideas and share resources. Every group was successful in resolving any differences themselves and passing the challenge.
02 |
Using the school's vision, the children created their own class charter. They then designed their own individual responsibilities, each creating a cube to reflect the school's vision.
05 |
Year 5 were invited to a play explaining the partition of Pakistan and the impact on families - it explored the emotions and cultural and religious differences. Children then discussed this in class and created a poem to explore the feelings
05 |
Year used explored the school vision cube and considered how the different elements of the vision might be achieved through activities and relationships within the classroom. They then created a class charter based on their ideas for all to sign up to.
06 |
Different groups of children created different representations of the character of Ted from our class book The London Eye Mystery. We thought hard about the journey Ted had taken through the book and how the different events affected his personality and this was reflected in our art projects
06 |
Editor of the Comet visited Year 6 to talk about his role and to advise and support with the year 6 newspaper project
06 |
Whilst discussing New Year resolutions we decided to create a promise for each month from January-July2019. We thought about how we could create a positive learning environment through our interactions with one another and our learning attitudes. Children suggested ideas such as being peaceful, listening to each other and learning to negotiate, making sure to include everyone in our games and thinking about the consequences of our actions and words.
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Children had to consider a creative way to design a book cover
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Children were invited to enter a Walsworth Road Baptist Church Art Competition to express the concept of Flourish. Classes explored Aristotle's philosophy and Maslow's hierarchy of need before creating their own art work. They were able to use any resources and any method and then had to evaluate each other's - focusing on respect and constructive comments
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Children in year 6 worked in groups to produce a final product for a STEM competition according to a clear brief. One group then also entered their project into a STEM competition at a local secondary school and presented their work to the visiting audience.
06 |
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We used our Good Listener skills to share our stories about our artefacts, ask our professor questions and curate each others' curios using our Historian Talk! We explored what make our artefacts valuable and the power of the personal connection, ownership and differing aspects of significance and non-significance.
01 |
Parents invited into class to work alongside their children to play Maths fluency games involving addition(Nrich)
03 |
Nursery, Reception and Year One parents/carers were invited to attend an evening that informs them of the 'phonic learning process' from Phase 1 - Early Phase 4. Examples of activities, resources, highly recommended picture books and Early Years staff were on hand to support and answer any questions about Phonics and how it is developed from the time they start Nursery.
Nur |
Parents were invited in to share a range of activities with children related to water and floating and sinking.
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Professor Know it All is the weekly homework project in year 2, where children have the chance to prepare and present a presentation on a topic they are passionate about. The children have to create something to show as well as planning what they will say. They need to use their presenting and social skills to ensure they are conveying their message well.
02 |
We were thinking about an item that we would save from a fire, linking to our Great Fire of London project. We talked about things being sentimental and reminding you of special people. We discussed that everyone has brought in different things because we are all different.
02 |
For home learning, the children created presentations about topical issues which are important to them and have been presenting them each week in class.
05 |
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We looked at the Eatwell Plate and discussed a how a healthy diet needs to be balanced. We also discussed the importance of drinking water.
All |
During our fair trade geography topic, we explored how the fair trade organisation supports communities in LEDC.
We wrote persuasive letters to encourage people to buy more fair trade products if they possibly could.
All |
Having considered how Jesus wanted us to behave in our world, we debated the issue of ...
should we help people who are homeless by giving them money directly or even taking them into our homes.
All |
Having considered how God has elements of the Holy and the Loving we had a philosophical discussion around how God being either loving or holy could affect the world.
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In PSHE, year 2 have been discussing their personal influences and the people/siutations who helped them become who they are. We also discussed the fact that this will be different for everyone.
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Today in PSHE we learnt that different people see things from different perspectives. We learnt to think about 'Don't forget the beachball' as a reminder of different perspectives.
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Children explored this in the christian calendar and through bible study.
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Children watched 2 Sesame street films one about diversity and skin colour and one about respect and what it means.
We discussed differences in the way we look and if it mattered and what respect was. The children took turns sharing their ideas and could only speak when they were holding the 'special jewel'.
01 |
The children are looking at how to keep clean and stay safe and how this links to respect for their natural environment and for each other in their community.
01 |
Through godly play, narrative, extended writing and conscience alley, the children explored the story of Easter and the concept of salvation.
01 |
Visit to see how the design of a church reflects some of the elements of the Good News.
01 |
As part of the class' SUM work we played a variety of games on the above topic such as follow-the-leader, Snappy and Squeak and the human chain. How did the other person's actions affect you? What was the best response to that behvaiour?
01 |
Year 1 revised our talk partners best practice and introduced the concept of reflecting on how good a talk partner we are. How can we be better?
01 |
Exploring the SUMO concept of victim t shirts, the children investigated what it was that 'makes them tick' by thinking about what their 'one voice' might be, or what they believed about themselves. This was contrasted with actions linked to that belief.
01 |
In talk partners the children described the problem with plastic and decided on what practical action - thinking of John - they could do to help look after the world. They produced posters designed to persuade someone else to make a pledge to recycle plastic.
01 |
Discussions on how to reduce waste and save the planet, impact of our actions on the natural world of God's creation, creation of poster encouraging others to ACT to save the environment following SC.
01 |
Inbedding our school vision by discussing effective listening and speaking techniques. Talk partnert, effective shared discussion and comment thumbs. Taking account of others' ideas and different opinions. Opinions as a result of what we like and dislike,, know and don't yet know.
01 |
Rabbi Celia came to the class to share pur learning about the shema, Jewish prayers and rituals and customs. The children explored some real tallit shawls and tefiilin and listened to some hebrew blessings.
01 |
Today Year One explored how to show our Christian Values through action in the local commmunity. Connor from North Herts Sanctuary popped in to explain to the children about his work with the homeless of Hitchin. The children learned what they could do to help those in need including refugees.
01 |
In the context of RE work on Matthew the tax collector, the children were encouraged to consider what was surprising about the kinds of people Jesus came to save, and how this could be linked to our school values.
01 |
The children explored the qualities a super learner might possess and designed their own superheroes with names reflecting their behavioural characteristics. These were then incorporated into a PSHE lesson on school values.
01 |
Today the children played some language games based around the concept of 'groupthink'. Is working as a team synonymous with all having the same idea? What impact would that have on our learning? Are there times when having different ideas create a richer learning experiences for us? These and other questions were explored in our table groups.
01 |
Year One looked at extending our value of Respect towards the environment and how our actions have an impact for good or otherwise. Stewardship was discussed and children designed and created a poster persuading others to show respect for the environment.
01 |
In the context of their own families. children were invited to consider some important characteristics of family belonging, the roles they play in these communities and the responsibilities associated with them. Discussions incorporated our School family and children were invited to symbolise the school value they felt was the most important in a piece of symbolic drawing.
01 |
We discussed the different strengths of children in the class, and looked at how people are all good at different things. We also discussed how best to support our fellow pupil in her standing frame.
01 |
We read the story ISH about a boy who tries hard in his drawing but who experiences a sense of failure. We discussed the meaning of success and failure and explored the concept of thinking reflexively about our learning - can you write me an ISH sentence? What makes it wonderful?
01 |
Our class advent this year is from Oxfam and each day we get a finger puppet from around the world which has a fact on the back about how we can help others this Christmas. This has sparked lots of discussion as a class about global Christianity and about the true meaning of Christmas.
02 |
As part of our learning about the Christmas story in RE, we have been using hot seating as a tool to explore how different people may have felt about the news of Jesus. We discussed that the news of Jesus coming meant that lots of people had to trust in God.
02 |
In Literacy, we have been reading the book Halibut Jackson. He is a very shy character who likes to blend in and we debated whether he should go the Queen's party or not. We had to listen to other people's point of view and structure our debate.
02 |
As part of our Literacy learning about the Halibut Jackson book, we completed a role on the wall activity. During this we discussed how Halibut feels on the inside versus how people perceive him on the outside. We discussed that often people do not realise how sad someone else may be feeling.
02 |
We looked at Botticelli's painting of the Mystical Nativity. We looked at what this represents and how Jesus is depicted as a King. We wrote down any questions we had about this painting.
02 |
Year 2 learnt about the Gunpowder Plot and the tradition of Bonfire Night. We had a debate about right and wrong. Why did Guy Fawkes do what he did? Some of the children had different opinions about burning the Guy on the bonfire and we shared these as a class.
02 |
This week, year 2 talked about what makes a good friend. We each created a recipe for friendship which included elements such as kindness, compassion, generosity. We thought about times when people did not show that to us and discuss resolutions.
02 |
We discussed God's creation and how it is human's responsibility to care for this world. The children created a list of rules for caring for God's world. We then used the British value of democracy to vote for our top 3 rules which we can then display in the classroom.
02 |
As part of our History/literacy learning about the Great Fire of London, we are reading a book called Fire Cat. We had to hot seat how the characters would feel and write a letter from their perspective. We were using empathy skills to imagine how scary living during this time would be.
02 |
In art, we have been focusing on sketching and looking at detail. We have been practicing evaluating someone else's work by being positive but also constructive. We are learning to be helpful without being unkind.
02 |
In year 2, we thought about all of the big questions that we have about the world. We discussed that even adults find these sort of questions tricky to answer and that people have lots of different opinions. We have displayed some of these questions within the class so that we can continue to think about these.
02 |
Year 2 wrote prayers about what they are thankful for and used this as an opportunity to ask for guidance on showing a value that they may find more difficult. We have put these into a prayer book so we can refer to these.
02 |
Today during class worship we focused on the value of thankfulness and as we passed a stone around the circle, we all thought of one thing we were grateful for. The children then wrote prayers for things they were thankful for and we published these in a class prayer book so that any children can access these.
02 |
Pupils expressed their personal views and opinions through a chaired conversation teachng strategy.
02 |
The importance of making mistakes
04 |
Exploring how to be a gppd friend
04 |
Exploring what causes flooding, the impact this has on our poorest communities and the changes we can make to mitigate this.
04 |
Friendship champions - how to advise and model good friendship behaviours without being bossy or judgemental.
04 |
Today we looked at how some charities like Christian Aid apply in practice the message of the Good Samaritan about how to show love and forgiveness to unlikely people.
04 |
In the spiritual area outside as part of CAW. Exploring climate justiice and the relationship of humans wiht our planet.
04 |
How our bodies change as we get older
04 |
Alcohol and its effect on our bodies
04 |
Discussing issues if duty, sacrifce, personal belief and culture.
04 |
Exploring how to share information safely online.avatars
04 |
How to act and think like a good citizen,
04 |
Y4 have sopent some time revisiting our British Values and respect for each other in loght of the many new rules and routines we have in place to keep us safe.
04 |
STEM PSHE lesson on Water aid - writing letters to ecouurage others to donate to create rope pumps
04 |
The children learnt about the ways in which green house gases are produced and their effect on the environment.
We investigated the lives of different countries and ordered them according to which ones we thought produced the most green house gases.
04 |
During our history lesson, we learnt about what happened to Darius' family after the Battle of Issus. We during a P4C session we debated if his treatment was fair.
04 |
Lesson on Toussaint Louverture
04 |
Having read the story of Adam and Eve, we thought about various questions.
-What does it tell us about God?
-What the world was like at the beginning of the story.
-What it tells us about human nature.
- What we can learn from the story.
04 |
Based on the elements of our school vision, we worked together as a class to identified our responsibilities to make sure that we reach the vision.
04 |
We examined God's teaching round forgiveness. We had a philosophical discussion round the question
- Should you always be forgiven when you say sorry.
04 |
Shared the UNISEF rights that all children should have in school,
We developed a list of responsibilities that al members of the school community have if children are to get their rights,
04 |
We learnt about how different groups might be discriminated against and what we could do. We learnt about how the consequences of our actions and behaviours.
05 |
We learnt how to use fruity questions to try and understand other people's perspectives.
05 |
Today, Year 5 discussed seeing the same idea from different perspectives, understanding that we have different influences in our lives which change how we see things.
05 |
Visited Y5 to talk about migration and equality and issues surrounding having to leave your home
05 |
year 6 were visited by PHASE, a Christian education group, who delivered a workshop on the true meaning of Christmas.
06 |
PHASE workshop on managing friendships and change
06 |
Children in Nursery have opportunity to engage in weekly Forest School Sessions. During Forest School, children learn about the world around them, participate in collaborative games and challenges and develop respect for the natural environment.
Nur |
This morning, we reflected on yesterdays child-led activity within the construction area with the whole class. One child suggested that their 'castle' structure was so amazing "because we builded it together", This language and attitude to learning was celebrated and encouraged to develop further today. This led to several children working together to build a shelter that "protects animals from the predators", displaying a caring nature through independent activities. Children were also supported to develop perseverance and acceptance when other children accidentally knocked their structures down - "we can just build it again. How could we make it more stable?"
Nur |
Pantasurus helps us understand our own bodies, how to keep ourselves safe and how to be respectful of others.
Nur |
We explored the bible story The Good Samaritan and considered the question - Who is my neighbour? We talked about how and why we should help others when they need it. Children suggested making friendship bracelets for each other in the class and, on exchanging the bracelets, named some positive traits of that person.
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Y3 children explored through drama how a young boy from a South American tribe might feel when Victorian people in formal dress arrived to visit him.
03 |
Ks1 and R sang, danced and retold their way throught the nativity story. A wonderful performance and application of all the speaking and listening, musical and performing skills they have learnt so far! Well done KS1 and Reception!
KS1 |
Ks1 and R sang, danced and retold their way throught the nativity story. A wonderful performance and application of all the speaking and listening, musical and performing skills they have learnt so far! Well done KS1 and Reception!
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Pupils from across the school were asked many questions involving changes to the literacy curriculum through CLPE. They expressed their enjoyment of teaching literacy through cross curricular links such as art and how there were many fun teaching approaches such as snowballing.
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Today we had pupil parliament elections where each child, who wanted to apply, wrote a speech to present to the class. All of the children then had a secret vote, we discussed that the outcome would be decided in the same way as democracy in society.
02 |
Eco- warriors meeting to discuss plans for this half-term. We discussed the successful implementation of our pen-recycling and appointed Eco-Warriors to turn off the lights in the classroom to save electricity.
Eco |
Each week children have the opportunity to share some news, interesting artefacts and/or talk about issues that are important to them in a small group with an adult.
Nur |
We have a weekly keyworker session where children have the opportunity to share some news, interesting artefacts and/or talk about issues that are important to them.
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All children discussed in assembly and class what is meant by a lenten promise. Talked about choosing a promise they felt they could keep and that it would make a difference to others as well as themselves. Talked about having responsibility
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The children acted out the story of the Buddha, made mandala out of transient art and explored some of the symbolism of the faith.
01 |
We raised our own questions from our work on the resurrection and then chose a question to discuss: 'If Judah hadn't betrayed Jesus would the resurrection still have happened?' There was a good level of discussion around this in the classroom
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Team building challenges
03 |
Children participate in weekly netball lessons and then attend competitions and matches. There is an A team and a B team and children are selected according to skill
KS2 |
Children participate in regular athletic events with Sports Organiser and Coach. This includes lunch time running club around local area. Children participate in a variety of athletic events with other local schools.
KS2 |
Children participate in a variety of matches with local schools as well as termly tournaments. Children form an A team and B team and are selected on skill.
KS2 |
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All staff have half termly discussions with our local vicar to deepen knowledge of Christianity. Father Ian enables staff to question and plan their teaching for children. Children's response has been positive and significantly raised the profile of engagement within RE. Children are improving their literacy through enquiry about the subject and showing curiousity
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All staff explored the need for awareness of radicalisation and extremism. So that staff are able to identify children who may be vulnerable to radicalisation, and know what to do when they are identified.also build pupils’ resilience to radicalisation by promoting fundamental British values and enabling them to challenge extremist views. It is important to emphasise that the Prevent duty is not intended to stop pupils debating controversial issues. On the contrary, schools should provide a safe space in which children, young people and staff can understand the risks associated with terrorism and develop the knowledge and skills to be able to challenge extremist arguments
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All classess embrace the benefits of outdoor learning, taking the opportunity to engage in new experiences and broadening learning. Year 1 contextualise their learning about Radcliffes by practising etiquette and manners during cream teas. Year 6 enjoy yoga and mindfulness, considering mental wellbeing.
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Children and staff work with artist to consider interpreting key concepts from their class book into a piece of art. They will learn new skills and either work collectively or individually. The project is shaped by the discussion between the children, teacher and artist and is aimed at developing inference through higher order questioning. Drama, Writing, Poetry, Dance and Music will also be explored as the week develops. Every story involves a journey and links to real life issues and people experiencing a change. Some classes will be inviting parents who have moved here from other countries. Some classes will be working with animals. All classes will deal with dilemmas in life e.g making the right choice, separation, making new friends etc.
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For World Book Day, all classes were assigned a book author. Children in each class had to come to school dressed as a character from a book by their author. Children had to express their views on the author's writing as well as the characters. They shared views and recommended books to others.
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Year 3 spent their cake sale money on a book making workshop which allowed them to learn the traditional skills for making sewn books.
03 |
Y4 children participated in Christian Aid week themed day. Children were asked to reflect on how to support people who need help and particularly women around the world.
04 |
Family Learning Week focussed on STEM this year. We invited parents and families into class to share in STEM activities with their children and find out more about how STEM is taught in Nursery. Our actvities ranged from investigating magnets and making/testing paper spinners to exploring the changing properties of gloop and using our imagination and skils in the Atelier to design and create models using recycled materials.
Nur |
Parents are invited into class to share in their child's Learning Journey and celebrate their achievements and progress. Parents have opportunity to share learning within the classroom, observe class displays and provocations etc. Children are very proud to share their school life with parents and family.
Nur |
Parents are invited into class to share in their child's Learning Journey and celebrate their achievements and progress. Parents have opportunity to share learning within the classroom, observe class displays and provocations etc. Children are very proud to share their school life with parents and family.
Nur |
Parents are invited into class to share in their child's Learning Journey and celebrate their achievements and progress. Parents have opportunity to share learning within the classroom, observe class displays and provocations etc. Children are very proud to share their school life with parents and family.
Nur |
Parents are invited into class to share in their child's Learning Journey and celebrate their achievements and progress. Parents have opportunity to share learning within the classroom, observe class displays and provocations etc. Children are very proud to share their school life with parents and family.
Nur |
In our final week this half-term, we have been celebrating the diversity within Nursery. We had so much fun learning about different traditions within our families and from around the world. We made paperchains and flags to decorate our classroom. We also made traditional Swedish Christmas decorations, Rangoli patterns using chalk, paint and crayon, explored spices in playdough, made Chinese lanterns and wallets and enjoyed listening and dancing to music from all around the world. Thank you so much for the artefacts the children have brought in – we enjoyed sharing them and promise to return them after half-term. To conclude our week, children were invited to wear some traditional clothes to school for our Carnival day!
Nur |
This week, Nursery have been celebrating the different cultures that we have in our classroom - both the children and the teachers. Parents have visited to share information about their heritage and family routines at home - from how to wear a Sari to reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar in Spanish.
Nur |
Reception celebrated the diverse culture within their class. Children were invited to wear some traditional clothes to school to mark the occasion and share their knowledge and experiences with their peers. During the day, we had lots of fun and opportunity to explore some different traditions from around the world.
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whole school focus throughout the week on keeping safe which included e-safety and stranger danger
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Year 3 visited Frogmore Paper Mill to discover the history of paper making in this country in contrast to that in other countries .
03 |
Y4 spent 3 days and 2 nights at Hudnall Park developing their outdoor skills and becoming more independent.
04 |
Year 6 visited St. Mary's Church in Hitchin and was shown around the Church by Cannon Michael and discussed signs of salvation. They also asked some challenging questions about belief and Christianity.
06 |
In groups Reception visited the greengrocers in Hitchin. Road safety skills were developed.
Reception visited St Albans Cathedral to learn about the Christian beliefs of the nativity story.
Children participated in birdwatching learning about different species, pond-dipping and finding out about minibeasts. We learned more about our natural environment including the impact we have on it within our daily lives.
Reception children visited Hitchin Library and Market. At the library, children enjoyed books and stories, learned how to borrow items and joined in with a fun library quiz. At the market, children bought a selection of fruit and vegetables for us to enjoy in the afternoon. We talked about being healthy and making healthy eating choices.
Reception children visited the library and all had a new library card. They learnt how to use the library and all took a book home.
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Ofsted Guidance
- Pupils' interest in investigating and offering reasoned views about moral and ethical issues and ability to understand and appreciate the viewpoints of others on these issues
Ofsted 2004
- Pupils develop a desire to explore their own and others’ views
- Schools promote measures to prevent discrimination on the basis of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age and other criteria
- Schools give pupils opportunities across the curriculum to explore and develop moral concepts and values - for example, personal rights and responsibilities, truth, justice, equality of opportunity, right and wrong
- Schools recognise and respect the codes and morals of the different cultures represented in the school and wider community
MORAL:Investigating moral values and ethical issues
Provides an opportunity to enable children to develop a range of skills that will promote confidence and raise self-esteem as well as having fun. Children have a chance to put on a performance and also participate in role play situations
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Local clergy have worked alongside the school to support the quality of the worship experience for children and staff. They have designed a rota and attend twice weekly
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Every month a new value is introduced and the children explore this value in their day-to-day living. The explore this value in the Bible and in other faiths. At the end of the month children are identified who have demonstrated this value and they are awarded a value leaf which is placed on our values tree. Values lead the way for promoting positive behaviour and discussing choices children have made.
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Rights and responsibilites were discussed in key stages, created and agreed by all children, These are referred to on an ongoing basis.
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Whole school gathered for remembrance service
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Children learnt about the story of Noah and how God made a promise. They discussed forgiveness and being a good citizen
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Children learn about the importance of Black History and find out about influential people. KS2 learn about the slave trade and the history of America and South Africa
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Ex-pupil came and led an assembly with a follow-up workshop about Peace. This work was a result of a visit to Hawaii by girls from Hitchin Girls School who represented the UK to work with children from all over the world as ambassadors of Peace
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Affinity Water led an assembly to inform children about the importance of saving water and how it is such a special commodity - they gave ideas on how to save water in the home and how much is wasted.
All |
Every month a new value is introduced and the children explore this value in their day-to-day living. The explore this value in the Bible and in other faiths. At the end of the month children are identified who have demonstrated this value and they are awarded a value leaf which is placed on our values tree. Values lead the way for promoting positive behaviour and discussing choices children have made.
All |
Children learn about Peace and being a positive friend, dealing with issues and bullying
All |
Children considered how to work as a group to sing and perform their part of the song.
01 |
Today we considered the global ramifications of the Christian celebration of Easter by exploring the symbol of the cross. We learnt about crosses from all over the world including Bangladesh and Ecuador.
01 |
Looking at the practice of respect - in action. How can we make our actions speak louder than words?
KS1 |
Exploring the compassion of Jesus on the cross and the different symbolic representations of the cross in global Christianity.
KS1 |
Children learned about and discussed the arguments put forward for the abolition of slavery and voted on the most important argument focusing on the moral issues and British and Christian values
KS2 |
Children collectively plan worship for the whole term taking into account the Christian calendar and other faiths. The children investigate different ways to present to the school and involve personal faith stories and morality
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Children donated items to help the local homeless youth
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All children dressed up as heroes from British History and gave a donation in recognition of Children in Need
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Children designed and made hats to represent water and the importance of water. They then created a human pipeline and transported water from one end of their team to the other. This was to demonstrate how difficult it is for some people to access water in countries where there is not a reliable water system
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Worship Rangers planned and organised Christian Aid week - Everyone Deserves a Safe Place
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Children learn how to be a leader within the school. They understand the process of writing and presenting a manifesto and how to vote fairly. They participate in being a school council representative and listen to the needs of their peers and present to the council. They learn the importance of making decisions, having responsibility and leading by example
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Children participate in developing a whole school charter that is progressive in expectation from KS1 to KS2. This charter is developed further in each class with children considering how it may look in their day-to-day behaviour. It is referred to when discussing learning behaviours as well as assisting with positive behaviour
All |
Year 5 were invited to a play explaining the partition of Pakistan and the impact on families - it explored the emotions and cultural and religious differences. Children then discussed this in class and created a poem to explore the feelings
05 |
Learning about the history of Crime and Punishment and the moral, ethical and cultural issues of different societies in different time periods.
06 |
Whilst discussing New Year resolutions we decided to create a promise for each month from January-July2019. We thought about how we could create a positive learning environment through our interactions with one another and our learning attitudes. Children suggested ideas such as being peaceful, listening to each other and learning to negotiate, making sure to include everyone in our games and thinking about the consequences of our actions and words.
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We used our Good Listener skills to share our stories about our artefacts, ask our professor questions and curate each others' curios using our Historian Talk! We explored what make our artefacts valuable and the power of the personal connection, ownership and differing aspects of significance and non-significance.
01 |
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During our fair trade geography topic, we explored how the fair trade organisation supports communities in LEDC.
We wrote persuasive letters to encourage people to buy more fair trade products if they possibly could.
All |
Having considered the benefits of eating seasonally, we developed and adapted our own recipes.
All |
Having considered why we chose to eat certain meals and foods, we though about the benefits of eating seasonally We wrote a short persuasive text to encourage people to eat more seasonally.
All |
Children watched 2 Sesame street films one about diversity and skin colour and one about respect and what it means.
We discussed differences in the way we look and if it mattered and what respect was. The children took turns sharing their ideas and could only speak when they were holding the 'special jewel'.
01 |
The children are looking at how to keep clean and stay safe and how this links to respect for their natural environment and for each other in their community.
01 |
Through godly play, narrative, extended writing and conscience alley, the children explored the story of Easter and the concept of salvation.
01 |
Visit to see how the design of a church reflects some of the elements of the Good News.
01 |
As part of the class' SUM work we played a variety of games on the above topic such as follow-the-leader, Snappy and Squeak and the human chain. How did the other person's actions affect you? What was the best response to that behvaiour?
01 |
Year 1 revised our talk partners best practice and introduced the concept of reflecting on how good a talk partner we are. How can we be better?
01 |
Exploring the SUMO concept of victim t shirts, the children investigated what it was that 'makes them tick' by thinking about what their 'one voice' might be, or what they believed about themselves. This was contrasted with actions linked to that belief.
01 |
In talk partners the children described the problem with plastic and decided on what practical action - thinking of John - they could do to help look after the world. They produced posters designed to persuade someone else to make a pledge to recycle plastic.
01 |
Discussions on how to reduce waste and save the planet, impact of our actions on the natural world of God's creation, creation of poster encouraging others to ACT to save the environment following SC.
01 |
Inbedding our school vision by discussing effective listening and speaking techniques. Talk partnert, effective shared discussion and comment thumbs. Taking account of others' ideas and different opinions. Opinions as a result of what we like and dislike,, know and don't yet know.
01 |
Rabbi Celia came to the class to share pur learning about the shema, Jewish prayers and rituals and customs. The children explored some real tallit shawls and tefiilin and listened to some hebrew blessings.
01 |
Today Year One explored how to show our Christian Values through action in the local commmunity. Connor from North Herts Sanctuary popped in to explain to the children about his work with the homeless of Hitchin. The children learned what they could do to help those in need including refugees.
01 |
In the context of RE work on Matthew the tax collector, the children were encouraged to consider what was surprising about the kinds of people Jesus came to save, and how this could be linked to our school values.
01 |
The children explored the qualities a super learner might possess and designed their own superheroes with names reflecting their behavioural characteristics. These were then incorporated into a PSHE lesson on school values.
01 |
Year One looked at extending our value of Respect towards the environment and how our actions have an impact for good or otherwise. Stewardship was discussed and children designed and created a poster persuading others to show respect for the environment.
01 |
We discussed the different strengths of children in the class, and looked at how people are all good at different things. We also discussed how best to support our fellow pupil in her standing frame.
01 |
We read the story ISH about a boy who tries hard in his drawing but who experiences a sense of failure. We discussed the meaning of success and failure and explored the concept of thinking reflexively about our learning - can you write me an ISH sentence? What makes it wonderful?
01 |
Our class advent this year is from Oxfam and each day we get a finger puppet from around the world which has a fact on the back about how we can help others this Christmas. This has sparked lots of discussion as a class about global Christianity and about the true meaning of Christmas.
02 |
Year 2 wrote prayers for Remembrance Day to thank the soldiers and to ask God for continued peace. We discussed that Remembrance day focuses on all wars and all soldiers. We spoke about how this links to our value of the month- peace.
02 |
This week, year 2 talked about what makes a good friend. We each created a recipe for friendship which included elements such as kindness, compassion, generosity. We thought about times when people did not show that to us and discuss resolutions.
02 |
When History Off the Page came in, we spoke a lot about empathy and understanding what life would have been like in 166. We spoke about being grateful for education and healthcare we have, which children did not have then,
02 |
We discussed God's creation and how it is human's responsibility to care for this world. The children created a list of rules for caring for God's world. We then used the British value of democracy to vote for our top 3 rules which we can then display in the classroom.
02 |
In year 2, before writing Harvest Prayers we learnt about Fairtrade and the work they do. We looked at the example of banana farmers and focused on thanking the global effort that helps to ensure we have our food.
We then made sure we showed gratitude to all the people involved in this food process in our prayers.
02 |
Children came dressed in that era and learnt about Florence Nightingale through role play
02 |
The importance of making mistakes
04 |
Exploring how to be a gppd friend
04 |
Exploring what causes flooding, the impact this has on our poorest communities and the changes we can make to mitigate this.
04 |
Friendship champions - how to advise and model good friendship behaviours without being bossy or judgemental.
04 |
Today we looked at how some charities like Christian Aid apply in practice the message of the Good Samaritan about how to show love and forgiveness to unlikely people.
04 |
In the spiritual area outside as part of CAW. Exploring climate justiice and the relationship of humans wiht our planet.
04 |
How our bodies change as we get older
04 |
Alcohol and its effect on our bodies
04 |
Discussing issues if duty, sacrifce, personal belief and culture.
04 |
Exploring how to share information safely online.avatars
04 |
How to act and think like a good citizen,
04 |
STEM PSHE lesson on Water aid - writing letters to ecouurage others to donate to create rope pumps
04 |
We found out which countries have the highest carbon footprint and why.
We found out the countries with the highest carbon footprint are often the richest.
We debated the fairness of this situation.
04 |
Lesson on Toussaint Louverture
04 |
Children debated why people are tempted to do the wrong thing and what stops them from doing the wrong thing
04 |
We examined God's teaching round forgiveness. We had a philosophical discussion round the question
- Should you always be forgiven when you say sorry.
04 |
We learnt about how electricity is made. We discussed the effects it has on the environment and therefore why it is important to save electricity.
04 |
Visited Y5 to talk about migration and equality and issues surrounding having to leave your home
05 |
PHASE workshop on managing friendships and change
06 |
This morning, we reflected on yesterdays child-led activity within the construction area with the whole class. One child suggested that their 'castle' structure was so amazing "because we builded it together", This language and attitude to learning was celebrated and encouraged to develop further today. This led to several children working together to build a shelter that "protects animals from the predators", displaying a caring nature through independent activities. Children were also supported to develop perseverance and acceptance when other children accidentally knocked their structures down - "we can just build it again. How could we make it more stable?"
Nur |
Pantasurus helps us understand our own bodies, how to keep ourselves safe and how to be respectful of others.
Nur |
We constantly explore a range of stories daily, exploring ideas of moral ideals and friendships. The children work to identify how the characters have behaved and the impact this behaviour has had. They also offer solutions for how to overcome these problems and work together.
Nur |
Through the bible story Jesus and Zacchaeus we considered our school value of Compassion. Using godly play, we explored the story and talked about what compassion means to us, who displayed compassion in the story and how this affected the characters. We asked how and when can we show Compassion towards one another? Children suggested "by being kind".
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Today we honed our performance skills ever further by exploring projecting our voices, responding to cues and listening to multi-part instructions and action sequences.
01 |
Y3 children explored through drama how a young boy from a South American tribe might feel when Victorian people in formal dress arrived to visit him.
03 |
Ks1 and R sang, danced and retold their way throught the nativity story. A wonderful performance and application of all the speaking and listening, musical and performing skills they have learnt so far! Well done KS1 and Reception!
KS1 |
Ks1 and R sang, danced and retold their way throught the nativity story. A wonderful performance and application of all the speaking and listening, musical and performing skills they have learnt so far! Well done KS1 and Reception!
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Each year group developed their literacy learning through art focusing on the journey of characters as they face change or change themselves. Children planned and shaped their ideas creatively and developed their own learning using a planning grid to shape and adapt their learning. Children worked collaboratively to develop their ideas. Pupils then evaluated their learning.
All |
In our spiritual area, one of the activities we can complete is to look at environment cartoons, consider what they say and how we should change our behaviour.
04 |
The Eco-Warriors led the Whole School Worship supporting Deolinda Eltrincham from Our Lady and St Andrew Immaculate Catholic Church in Hitchin. We learnt how Terracycle recycle the pens we have collected and how they are made into new benches which can be used in school grounds.
Eco |
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All children discussed in assembly and class what is meant by a lenten promise. Talked about choosing a promise they felt they could keep and that it would make a difference to others as well as themselves. Talked about having responsibility
All |
The children acted out the story of the Buddha, made mandala out of transient art and explored some of the symbolism of the faith.
01 |
We raised our own questions from our work on the resurrection and then chose a question to discuss: 'If Judah hadn't betrayed Jesus would the resurrection still have happened?' There was a good level of discussion around this in the classroom
06 |
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All staff have half termly discussions with our local vicar to deepen knowledge of Christianity. Father Ian enables staff to question and plan their teaching for children. Children's response has been positive and significantly raised the profile of engagement within RE. Children are improving their literacy through enquiry about the subject and showing curiousity
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All teaching staff and support staff have regular training on child protection and other safeguarding elements. This is reviewed regularly in staff meetings to ensure that procedures and processes are followed. Parent volunteers also attend this annually. If there are any concerns regarding safeguarding procedures these are communicated to parents in a newsletter if they affect the whole school community. Updates on Esafety are also sent out to parents
All staff explored the need for awareness of radicalisation and extremism. So that staff are able to identify children who may be vulnerable to radicalisation, and know what to do when they are identified.also build pupils’ resilience to radicalisation by promoting fundamental British values and enabling them to challenge extremist views. It is important to emphasise that the Prevent duty is not intended to stop pupils debating controversial issues. On the contrary, schools should provide a safe space in which children, young people and staff can understand the risks associated with terrorism and develop the knowledge and skills to be able to challenge extremist arguments
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Children and staff work with artist to consider interpreting key concepts from their class book into a piece of art. They will learn new skills and either work collectively or individually. The project is shaped by the discussion between the children, teacher and artist and is aimed at developing inference through higher order questioning. Drama, Writing, Poetry, Dance and Music will also be explored as the week develops. Every story involves a journey and links to real life issues and people experiencing a change. Some classes will be inviting parents who have moved here from other countries. Some classes will be working with animals. All classes will deal with dilemmas in life e.g making the right choice, separation, making new friends etc.
All |
For World Book Day, all classes were assigned a book author. Children in each class had to come to school dressed as a character from a book by their author. Children had to express their views on the author's writing as well as the characters. They shared views and recommended books to others.
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Y4 children participated in Christian Aid week themed day. Children were asked to reflect on how to support people who need help and particularly women around the world.
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All of year 6 participated in Crucial Crew to learn about how to keep safe in a variety of situations and how to deal with emergencies
06 |
Trip to Imperial War museum Duxford to enhance understanding about the impact of the Battle of Britain on the course of world war 2
06 |
Nursery visit the local park, thinking about how to stay safe on the paths and road as well as looking after the environment and sharing community areas. The language, turn taking and socialising in the playground with other members of the public was fantastic!
Nur |
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Ofsted 2004
- Schools provide a clear moral code as a basis for behaviour which is promoted consistently through all aspects of the school
- Schools make an issue of breaches of agreed moral codes where they arise - for example, in the press, on television and the internet as well as in school
- Schools model, through the quality of relationships and interactions, the principles which they wish to promote - for example, fairness, integrity, respect for people, pupils’ welfare, respect for minority interests, resolution of conflict, keeping promises and contracts
- Schools provide models of moral virtue through literature, humanities, sciences, arts, assemblies and acts of worship
- Schools reinforce their values through images, posters, classroom displays, screensavers, exhibitions
MORAL:Moral codes and models of moral virtue
Children have requested to run their own clubs to support others who are struggling with friendships or who need quiet time. These clubs include sign language, chess, crochet, dance, magic. They run these independently and support younger children
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Provides an opportunity to enable children to develop a range of skills that will promote confidence and raise self-esteem as well as having fun. Children have a chance to put on a performance and also participate in role play situations
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Local clergy have worked alongside the school to support the quality of the worship experience for children and staff. They have designed a rota and attend twice weekly
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Every month a new value is introduced and the children explore this value in their day-to-day living. The explore this value in the Bible and in other faiths. At the end of the month children are identified who have demonstrated this value and they are awarded a value leaf which is placed on our values tree. Values lead the way for promoting positive behaviour and discussing choices children have made.
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Whole school respect focus for 1 month linked to values. The ways in which children show respect were modelled and reflected on over 4 weeks and value leaves showed pupils' commitment to this value.
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Children learnt about the story of Noah and how God made a promise. They discussed forgiveness and being a good citizen
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Children learn about the importance of Black History and find out about influential people. KS2 learn about the slave trade and the history of America and South Africa
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Ex-pupil came and led an assembly with a follow-up workshop about Peace. This work was a result of a visit to Hawaii by girls from Hitchin Girls School who represented the UK to work with children from all over the world as ambassadors of Peace
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Affinity Water led an assembly to inform children about the importance of saving water and how it is such a special commodity - they gave ideas on how to save water in the home and how much is wasted.
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Whole school participated and contributed to providing food parcels for homeless of Hitchin
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Every month a new value is introduced and the children explore this value in their day-to-day living. The explore this value in the Bible and in other faiths. At the end of the month children are identified who have demonstrated this value and they are awarded a value leaf which is placed on our values tree. Values lead the way for promoting positive behaviour and discussing choices children have made.
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Children participated in a Remembrance Service
All |
Children learn about Peace and being a positive friend, dealing with issues and bullying
All |
Today we considered the global ramifications of the Christian celebration of Easter by exploring the symbol of the cross. We learnt about crosses from all over the world including Bangladesh and Ecuador.
01 |
We discussed what makes a super learner during group work and composed SC. This was then applied in a group work task and reinforced during the following maths lesson.
01 |
Looking at the practice of respect - in action. How can we make our actions speak louder than words?
KS1 |
Children learned about and discussed the arguments put forward for the abolition of slavery and voted on the most important argument focusing on the moral issues and British and Christian values
KS2 |
Children collectively plan worship for the whole term taking into account the Christian calendar and other faiths. The children investigate different ways to present to the school and involve personal faith stories and morality
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Children donated items to help the local homeless youth
All |
All children dressed up as heroes from British History and gave a donation in recognition of Children in Need
All |
Worship Rangers planned and organised Christian Aid week - Everyone Deserves a Safe Place
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Children learn how to be a leader within the school. They understand the process of writing and presenting a manifesto and how to vote fairly. They participate in being a school council representative and listen to the needs of their peers and present to the council. They learn the importance of making decisions, having responsibility and leading by example
All |
Children participate in developing a whole school charter that is progressive in expectation from KS1 to KS2. This charter is developed further in each class with children considering how it may look in their day-to-day behaviour. It is referred to when discussing learning behaviours as well as assisting with positive behaviour
All |
Pupils wrote instructions on how to cross the road safely
02 |
Using the school's vision, the children created their own class charter. They then designed their own individual responsibilities, each creating a cube to reflect the school's vision.
05 |
Year 5 were invited to a play explaining the partition of Pakistan and the impact on families - it explored the emotions and cultural and religious differences. Children then discussed this in class and created a poem to explore the feelings
05 |
Learning about the history of Crime and Punishment and the moral, ethical and cultural issues of different societies in different time periods.
06 |
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Children had to consider a creative way to design a book cover
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Children participate in many additional sporting opportunities that enable them to experience competition and trying out new sports and learning a range of skills. They are encouraged to have a go and try their best but they are also expected to show positive competitiveness and to be an effective and active team member. There is also opportunity to lead their team
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Children explored this in the christian calendar and through bible study.
All |
Children watched 2 Sesame street films one about diversity and skin colour and one about respect and what it means.
We discussed differences in the way we look and if it mattered and what respect was. The children took turns sharing their ideas and could only speak when they were holding the 'special jewel'.
01 |
Through godly play, narrative, extended writing and conscience alley, the children explored the story of Easter and the concept of salvation.
01 |
As part of the class' SUM work we played a variety of games on the above topic such as follow-the-leader, Snappy and Squeak and the human chain. How did the other person's actions affect you? What was the best response to that behvaiour?
01 |
Year 1 revised our talk partners best practice and introduced the concept of reflecting on how good a talk partner we are. How can we be better?
01 |
Exploring the SUMO concept of victim t shirts, the children investigated what it was that 'makes them tick' by thinking about what their 'one voice' might be, or what they believed about themselves. This was contrasted with actions linked to that belief.
01 |
Discussions on how to reduce waste and save the planet, impact of our actions on the natural world of God's creation, creation of poster encouraging others to ACT to save the environment following SC.
01 |
Rabbi Celia came to the class to share pur learning about the shema, Jewish prayers and rituals and customs. The children explored some real tallit shawls and tefiilin and listened to some hebrew blessings.
01 |
Today Year One explored how to show our Christian Values through action in the local commmunity. Connor from North Herts Sanctuary popped in to explain to the children about his work with the homeless of Hitchin. The children learned what they could do to help those in need including refugees.
01 |
In the context of RE work on Matthew the tax collector, the children were encouraged to consider what was surprising about the kinds of people Jesus came to save, and how this could be linked to our school values.
01 |
Year One looked at extending our value of Respect towards the environment and how our actions have an impact for good or otherwise. Stewardship was discussed and children designed and created a poster persuading others to show respect for the environment.
01 |
In the context of their own families. children were invited to consider some important characteristics of family belonging, the roles they play in these communities and the responsibilities associated with them. Discussions incorporated our School family and children were invited to symbolise the school value they felt was the most important in a piece of symbolic drawing.
01 |
Year 2 learnt about the Gunpowder Plot and the tradition of Bonfire Night. We had a debate about right and wrong. Why did Guy Fawkes do what he did? Some of the children had different opinions about burning the Guy on the bonfire and we shared these as a class.
02 |
This week, year 2 talked about what makes a good friend. We each created a recipe for friendship which included elements such as kindness, compassion, generosity. We thought about times when people did not show that to us and discuss resolutions.
02 |
The importance of making mistakes
04 |
Exploring how to be a gppd friend
04 |
Exploring what causes flooding, the impact this has on our poorest communities and the changes we can make to mitigate this.
04 |
Friendship champions - how to advise and model good friendship behaviours without being bossy or judgemental.
04 |
Today we looked at how some charities like Christian Aid apply in practice the message of the Good Samaritan about how to show love and forgiveness to unlikely people.
04 |
In the spiritual area outside as part of CAW. Exploring climate justiice and the relationship of humans wiht our planet.
04 |
How our bodies change as we get older
04 |
Alcohol and its effect on our bodies
04 |
Discussing issues if duty, sacrifce, personal belief and culture.
04 |
Exploring how to share information safely online.avatars
04 |
How to act and think like a good citizen,
04 |
Y4 have sopent some time revisiting our British Values and respect for each other in loght of the many new rules and routines we have in place to keep us safe.
04 |
STEM PSHE lesson on Water aid - writing letters to ecouurage others to donate to create rope pumps
04 |
Having read the story of Adam and Eve, we thought about various questions.
-What does it tell us about God?
-What the world was like at the beginning of the story.
-What it tells us about human nature.
- What we can learn from the story.
04 |
Based on the elements of our school vision, we worked together as a class to identified our responsibilities to make sure that we reach the vision.
04 |
Shared the UNISEF rights that all children should have in school,
We developed a list of responsibilities that al members of the school community have if children are to get their rights,
04 |
We learnt about different kinds of bullying and discriminatory behaviours and what to do if someone is being bullied.
05 |
In PSHE this week, we learnt how our actions affect others.
05 |
Visited Y5 to talk about migration and equality and issues surrounding having to leave your home
05 |
PHASE workshop on managing friendships and change
06 |
During Autumn term, key children from Y1 and Y2 engage in weekly forest school sessions with our forest school leader to enhance their communication skills, wellbeing and PSE and also physical development. Children are encouraged to work collaboratively and learn about themselves and the world around them by engaging actively with nature.
Enr |
This morning, we reflected on yesterdays child-led activity within the construction area with the whole class. One child suggested that their 'castle' structure was so amazing "because we builded it together", This language and attitude to learning was celebrated and encouraged to develop further today. This led to several children working together to build a shelter that "protects animals from the predators", displaying a caring nature through independent activities. Children were also supported to develop perseverance and acceptance when other children accidentally knocked their structures down - "we can just build it again. How could we make it more stable?"
Nur |
Pantasurus helps us understand our own bodies, how to keep ourselves safe and how to be respectful of others.
Nur |
We constantly explore a range of stories daily, exploring ideas of moral ideals and friendships. The children work to identify how the characters have behaved and the impact this behaviour has had. They also offer solutions for how to overcome these problems and work together.
Nur |
Miss Farrant has two books from the library for children to choose from. How can we choose to make it fair? We decide to have a vote. Children are reminded they can only vote once and should make their own decision.
Nur |
Parents attended an evening presentation and discussion led by the Head Teacher and Class Teacher that informed them of the school values in context, the ethos of our setting and how every child is at the centre of our approach to learning.
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Today we honed our performance skills ever further by exploring projecting our voices, responding to cues and listening to multi-part instructions and action sequences.
01 |
Ks1 and R sang, danced and retold their way throught the nativity story. A wonderful performance and application of all the speaking and listening, musical and performing skills they have learnt so far! Well done KS1 and Reception!
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Children prepare presentations for an interveiw with the previous House Captains. The ex-House Captains prepare the questions and organise the whole procedure. They discuss the candidates with the guidance of the Assistant Head and then announce the results by formal letter, ensuring that all candidates are valued and thanked.
06 |
The Eco-Warriors led the Whole School Worship supporting Deolinda Eltrincham from Our Lady and St Andrew Immaculate Catholic Church in Hitchin. We learnt how Terracycle recycle the pens we have collected and how they are made into new benches which can be used in school grounds.
Eco |
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All children discussed in assembly and class what is meant by a lenten promise. Talked about choosing a promise they felt they could keep and that it would make a difference to others as well as themselves. Talked about having responsibility
All |
The children acted out the story of the Buddha, made mandala out of transient art and explored some of the symbolism of the faith.
01 |
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Children participate in weekly netball lessons and then attend competitions and matches. There is an A team and a B team and children are selected according to skill
KS2 |
Children participate in rugby training in PE lessons and then attend a competition with other schools. Try to encourage children who have not attended other sporting events
KS2 |
Children participate in regular athletic events with Sports Organiser and Coach. This includes lunch time running club around local area. Children participate in a variety of athletic events with other local schools.
KS2 |
Children participate in a variety of matches with local schools as well as termly tournaments. Children form an A team and B team and are selected on skill.
KS2 |
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All staff have half termly discussions with our local vicar to deepen knowledge of Christianity. Father Ian enables staff to question and plan their teaching for children. Children's response has been positive and significantly raised the profile of engagement within RE. Children are improving their literacy through enquiry about the subject and showing curiousity
All |
All teaching staff and support staff have regular training on child protection and other safeguarding elements. This is reviewed regularly in staff meetings to ensure that procedures and processes are followed. Parent volunteers also attend this annually. If there are any concerns regarding safeguarding procedures these are communicated to parents in a newsletter if they affect the whole school community. Updates on Esafety are also sent out to parents
All staff explored the need for awareness of radicalisation and extremism. So that staff are able to identify children who may be vulnerable to radicalisation, and know what to do when they are identified.also build pupils’ resilience to radicalisation by promoting fundamental British values and enabling them to challenge extremist views. It is important to emphasise that the Prevent duty is not intended to stop pupils debating controversial issues. On the contrary, schools should provide a safe space in which children, young people and staff can understand the risks associated with terrorism and develop the knowledge and skills to be able to challenge extremist arguments
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Children and staff work with artist to consider interpreting key concepts from their class book into a piece of art. They will learn new skills and either work collectively or individually. The project is shaped by the discussion between the children, teacher and artist and is aimed at developing inference through higher order questioning. Drama, Writing, Poetry, Dance and Music will also be explored as the week develops. Every story involves a journey and links to real life issues and people experiencing a change. Some classes will be inviting parents who have moved here from other countries. Some classes will be working with animals. All classes will deal with dilemmas in life e.g making the right choice, separation, making new friends etc.
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All of year 6 participated in Crucial Crew to learn about how to keep safe in a variety of situations and how to deal with emergencies
06 |
Year 6 visited St. Mary's Church in Hitchin and was shown around the Church by Cannon Michael and discussed signs of salvation. They also asked some challenging questions about belief and Christianity.
06 |
Nursery visit the local park, thinking about how to stay safe on the paths and road as well as looking after the environment and sharing community areas. The language, turn taking and socialising in the playground with other members of the public was fantastic!
Nur |
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Ofsted Guidance
- Pupils' ability to recognise the difference between right and wrong and to readily apply this understanding in their own lives, and to recognise legal boundaries and, in doing so, respect the civil and criminal law of England
Ofsted 2004
- Pupils develop an ability to distinguish right from wrong, based on a knowledge of the moral codes of their own and other cultures
- Pupils develop an ability to make responsible and reasoned judgements on moral dilemmas
MORAL:Recognising right and wrong and applying it
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Every month a new value is introduced and the children explore this value in their day-to-day living. The explore this value in the Bible and in other faiths. At the end of the month children are identified who have demonstrated this value and they are awarded a value leaf which is placed on our values tree. Values lead the way for promoting positive behaviour and discussing choices children have made.
All |
In every worship, reference is made to the right ways to act and respond. Whether an action is right is also discussed regularly as part of guided reading.
All |
Children learnt about the story of Noah and how God made a promise. They discussed forgiveness and being a good citizen
All |
Children learn about the importance of Black History and find out about influential people. KS2 learn about the slave trade and the history of America and South Africa
All |
Ex-pupil came and led an assembly with a follow-up workshop about Peace. This work was a result of a visit to Hawaii by girls from Hitchin Girls School who represented the UK to work with children from all over the world as ambassadors of Peace
All |
Affinity Water led an assembly to inform children about the importance of saving water and how it is such a special commodity - they gave ideas on how to save water in the home and how much is wasted.
All |
Every month a new value is introduced and the children explore this value in their day-to-day living. The explore this value in the Bible and in other faiths. At the end of the month children are identified who have demonstrated this value and they are awarded a value leaf which is placed on our values tree. Values lead the way for promoting positive behaviour and discussing choices children have made.
All |
Children learn about Peace and being a positive friend, dealing with issues and bullying
All |
Children considered how to work as a group to sing and perform their part of the song.
01 |
Today we considered the global ramifications of the Christian celebration of Easter by exploring the symbol of the cross. We learnt about crosses from all over the world including Bangladesh and Ecuador.
01 |
As part of Key Stage 1 worship this week, we discussed valuing different people's opinions and that people see things from different points of view. We discussed the importance of listening and empathising rather than judging. We have continued to talk about this within the classroom.
02 |
In KS1 worship, we spoke about getting on and falling out. We read the story 'Bubble Trouble' about 2 friends who get so competitive that they argue. We discussed that sometimes, we can get carried away and forget that our friendships are the most important things. We talked about the importance of saying sorry and forgiving people.
KS1 |
Looking at the practice of respect - in action. How can we make our actions speak louder than words?
KS1 |
Exploring the compassion of Jesus on the cross and the different symbolic representations of the cross in global Christianity.
KS1 |
Children learned about and discussed the arguments put forward for the abolition of slavery and voted on the most important argument focusing on the moral issues and British and Christian values
KS2 |
Children collectively plan worship for the whole term taking into account the Christian calendar and other faiths. The children investigate different ways to present to the school and involve personal faith stories and morality
Wor |
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Children donated items to help the local homeless youth
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Children learn how to be a leader within the school. They understand the process of writing and presenting a manifesto and how to vote fairly. They participate in being a school council representative and listen to the needs of their peers and present to the council. They learn the importance of making decisions, having responsibility and leading by example
All |
Children participate in developing a whole school charter that is progressive in expectation from KS1 to KS2. This charter is developed further in each class with children considering how it may look in their day-to-day behaviour. It is referred to when discussing learning behaviours as well as assisting with positive behaviour
All |
Children had to decide whether Jemmy Button should go with strange, new people to investigate and explore new places away from is parents or stay in the rain forest with his family. Is the button for Jemmy fair trade?
03 |
Using the school's vision, the children created their own class charter. They then designed their own individual responsibilities, each creating a cube to reflect the school's vision.
05 |
Year 5 were invited to a play explaining the partition of Pakistan and the impact on families - it explored the emotions and cultural and religious differences. Children then discussed this in class and created a poem to explore the feelings
05 |
Learning about the history of Crime and Punishment and the moral, ethical and cultural issues of different societies in different time periods.
06 |
We worked together to create a British Values Display in the classroom. We thought about how to work together, caring for the environment, individuality and considered the difference between right and wrong.
Nur |
Whilst discussing New Year resolutions we decided to create a promise for each month from January-July2019. We thought about how we could create a positive learning environment through our interactions with one another and our learning attitudes. Children suggested ideas such as being peaceful, listening to each other and learning to negotiate, making sure to include everyone in our games and thinking about the consequences of our actions and words.
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Children participate in many additional sporting opportunities that enable them to experience competition and trying out new sports and learning a range of skills. They are encouraged to have a go and try their best but they are also expected to show positive competitiveness and to be an effective and active team member. There is also opportunity to lead their team
All |
Children watched 2 Sesame street films one about diversity and skin colour and one about respect and what it means.
We discussed differences in the way we look and if it mattered and what respect was. The children took turns sharing their ideas and could only speak when they were holding the 'special jewel'.
01 |
The children are looking at how to keep clean and stay safe and how this links to respect for their natural environment and for each other in their community.
01 |
Through godly play, narrative, extended writing and conscience alley, the children explored the story of Easter and the concept of salvation.
01 |
Visit to see how the design of a church reflects some of the elements of the Good News.
01 |
As part of the class' SUM work we played a variety of games on the above topic such as follow-the-leader, Snappy and Squeak and the human chain. How did the other person's actions affect you? What was the best response to that behvaiour?
01 |
Year 1 revised our talk partners best practice and introduced the concept of reflecting on how good a talk partner we are. How can we be better?
01 |
In talk partners the children described the problem with plastic and decided on what practical action - thinking of John - they could do to help look after the world. They produced posters designed to persuade someone else to make a pledge to recycle plastic.
01 |
Discussions on how to reduce waste and save the planet, impact of our actions on the natural world of God's creation, creation of poster encouraging others to ACT to save the environment following SC.
01 |
Inbedding our school vision by discussing effective listening and speaking techniques. Talk partnert, effective shared discussion and comment thumbs. Taking account of others' ideas and different opinions. Opinions as a result of what we like and dislike,, know and don't yet know.
01 |
Today Year One explored how to show our Christian Values through action in the local commmunity. Connor from North Herts Sanctuary popped in to explain to the children about his work with the homeless of Hitchin. The children learned what they could do to help those in need including refugees.
01 |
In the context of RE work on Matthew the tax collector, the children were encouraged to consider what was surprising about the kinds of people Jesus came to save, and how this could be linked to our school values.
01 |
Today the children played some language games based around the concept of 'groupthink'. Is working as a team synonymous with all having the same idea? What impact would that have on our learning? Are there times when having different ideas create a richer learning experiences for us? These and other questions were explored in our table groups.
01 |
Year One looked at extending our value of Respect towards the environment and how our actions have an impact for good or otherwise. Stewardship was discussed and children designed and created a poster persuading others to show respect for the environment.
01 |
We discussed the different strengths of children in the class, and looked at how people are all good at different things. We also discussed how best to support our fellow pupil in her standing frame.
01 |
Our class advent this year is from Oxfam and each day we get a finger puppet from around the world which has a fact on the back about how we can help others this Christmas. This has sparked lots of discussion as a class about global Christianity and about the true meaning of Christmas.
02 |
In Literacy, we have been reading the book Halibut Jackson. He is a very shy character who likes to blend in and we debated whether he should go the Queen's party or not. We had to listen to other people's point of view and structure our debate.
02 |
In year 2, we have been thinking about our value of peace. We have been thinking about how we can show peacefulness and friendship to everyone we meet. We spoke about friendship tokens and how we need to be giving out friendship tokens to everyone by smiling, listening to others, including people and being kind. This will make our school more peaceful.
02 |
In literacy, Year 2 were learning about Bonfire night safety. We all wrote a set of rules to keep us safe. We spoke about the importance of listening to grown-ups and being sensible with decisions that will affect our safety.
02 |
This week, year 2 talked about what makes a good friend. We each created a recipe for friendship which included elements such as kindness, compassion, generosity. We thought about times when people did not show that to us and discuss resolutions.
02 |
We discussed God's creation and how it is human's responsibility to care for this world. The children created a list of rules for caring for God's world. We then used the British value of democracy to vote for our top 3 rules which we can then display in the classroom.
02 |
As this month is Black History Month, we have been carrying on the discussions from whole school worship within class. We have been linking this to our value of respect and the importance of treating everyone equally.
02 |
In art, we have been focusing on sketching and looking at detail. We have been practicing evaluating someone else's work by being positive but also constructive. We are learning to be helpful without being unkind.
02 |
In year 2, before writing Harvest Prayers we learnt about Fairtrade and the work they do. We looked at the example of banana farmers and focused on thanking the global effort that helps to ensure we have our food.
We then made sure we showed gratitude to all the people involved in this food process in our prayers.
02 |
On the first day of year 2, we discussed the qualities that members of the St Andrews family should display. We then matched these to the Key Stage 1 charter and discussed our rights and responsibilities as learners and teachers.
02 |
Children had to debate whether it was right or wrong to use a giraffe as a present.
02 |
Children came dressed in that era and learnt about Florence Nightingale through role play
02 |
Children had a visit from the local fire service as part of their project on London's Burning
02 |
The importance of making mistakes
04 |
Exploring how to be a gppd friend
04 |
Exploring what causes flooding, the impact this has on our poorest communities and the changes we can make to mitigate this.
04 |
Friendship champions - how to advise and model good friendship behaviours without being bossy or judgemental.
04 |
Today we looked at how some charities like Christian Aid apply in practice the message of the Good Samaritan about how to show love and forgiveness to unlikely people.
04 |
In the spiritual area outside as part of CAW. Exploring climate justiice and the relationship of humans wiht our planet.
04 |
How our bodies change as we get older
04 |
Alcohol and its effect on our bodies
04 |
Discussing issues if duty, sacrifce, personal belief and culture.
04 |
Exploring how to share information safely online.avatars
04 |
How to act and think like a good citizen,
04 |
STEM PSHE lesson on Water aid - writing letters to ecouurage others to donate to create rope pumps
04 |
We found out which countries have the highest carbon footprint and why.
We found out the countries with the highest carbon footprint are often the richest.
We debated the fairness of this situation.
04 |
During our history lesson, we learnt about what happened to Darius' family after the Battle of Issus. We during a P4C session we debated if his treatment was fair.
04 |
Lesson on Toussaint Louverture
04 |
Having read the story of Adam and Eve, we thought about various questions.
-What does it tell us about God?
-What the world was like at the beginning of the story.
-What it tells us about human nature.
- What we can learn from the story.
04 |
Children debated why people are tempted to do the wrong thing and what stops them from doing the wrong thing
04 |
Shared the UNISEF rights that all children should have in school,
We developed a list of responsibilities that al members of the school community have if children are to get their rights,
04 |
We learnt about how different groups might be discriminated against and what we could do. We learnt about how the consequences of our actions and behaviours.
05 |
We learnt about different kinds of bullying and discriminatory behaviours and what to do if someone is being bullied.
05 |
We learnt about what confidential means and what we should keep confidential. We learnt that some things need to be shared to keep us safe.
05 |
In PSHE this week, we learnt how our actions affect others.
05 |
Visited Y5 to talk about migration and equality and issues surrounding having to leave your home
05 |
PHASE workshop on managing friendships and change
06 |
Children in Nursery have opportunity to engage in weekly Forest School Sessions. During Forest School, children learn about the world around them, participate in collaborative games and challenges and develop respect for the natural environment.
Nur |
Pantasurus helps us understand our own bodies, how to keep ourselves safe and how to be respectful of others.
Nur |
We constantly explore a range of stories daily, exploring ideas of moral ideals and friendships. The children work to identify how the characters have behaved and the impact this behaviour has had. They also offer solutions for how to overcome these problems and work together.
Nur |
Nursery children have spent the week learning how to care for their learning environment. This has included considering how to leave the environment ready for other children to use and how to share.
Nur |
Through the bible story Jesus and Zacchaeus we considered our school value of Compassion. Using godly play, we explored the story and talked about what compassion means to us, who displayed compassion in the story and how this affected the characters. We asked how and when can we show Compassion towards one another? Children suggested "by being kind".
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Today we honed our performance skills ever further by exploring projecting our voices, responding to cues and listening to multi-part instructions and action sequences.
01 |
Ks1 and R sang, danced and retold their way throught the nativity story. A wonderful performance and application of all the speaking and listening, musical and performing skills they have learnt so far! Well done KS1 and Reception!
KS1 |
Ks1 and R sang, danced and retold their way throught the nativity story. A wonderful performance and application of all the speaking and listening, musical and performing skills they have learnt so far! Well done KS1 and Reception!
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In our spiritual area, one of the activities we can complete is to look at environment cartoons, consider what they say and how we should change our behaviour.
04 |
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All children discussed in assembly and class what is meant by a lenten promise. Talked about choosing a promise they felt they could keep and that it would make a difference to others as well as themselves. Talked about having responsibility
All |
The children acted out the story of the Buddha, made mandala out of transient art and explored some of the symbolism of the faith.
01 |
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Team building challenges
03 |
Children participate in weekly netball lessons and then attend competitions and matches. There is an A team and a B team and children are selected according to skill
KS2 |
Children participate in regular athletic events with Sports Organiser and Coach. This includes lunch time running club around local area. Children participate in a variety of athletic events with other local schools.
KS2 |
Children participate in a variety of matches with local schools as well as termly tournaments. Children form an A team and B team and are selected on skill.
KS2 |
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All staff have half termly discussions with our local vicar to deepen knowledge of Christianity. Father Ian enables staff to question and plan their teaching for children. Children's response has been positive and significantly raised the profile of engagement within RE. Children are improving their literacy through enquiry about the subject and showing curiousity
All |
All staff explored the need for awareness of radicalisation and extremism. So that staff are able to identify children who may be vulnerable to radicalisation, and know what to do when they are identified.also build pupils’ resilience to radicalisation by promoting fundamental British values and enabling them to challenge extremist views. It is important to emphasise that the Prevent duty is not intended to stop pupils debating controversial issues. On the contrary, schools should provide a safe space in which children, young people and staff can understand the risks associated with terrorism and develop the knowledge and skills to be able to challenge extremist arguments
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Children and staff work with artist to consider interpreting key concepts from their class book into a piece of art. They will learn new skills and either work collectively or individually. The project is shaped by the discussion between the children, teacher and artist and is aimed at developing inference through higher order questioning. Drama, Writing, Poetry, Dance and Music will also be explored as the week develops. Every story involves a journey and links to real life issues and people experiencing a change. Some classes will be inviting parents who have moved here from other countries. Some classes will be working with animals. All classes will deal with dilemmas in life e.g making the right choice, separation, making new friends etc.
All |
Year 3 spent their cake sale money on a book making workshop which allowed them to learn the traditional skills for making sewn books.
03 |
Y4 children participated in Christian Aid week themed day. Children were asked to reflect on how to support people who need help and particularly women around the world.
04 |
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whole school focus throughout the week on keeping safe which included e-safety and stranger danger
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Children discussed the importance of the rainforest and how there are still today conflicts involving deforestation. Children developed an understanding of people in the rainforest and how they function and how their lives are different culturally to ours.
03 |
Y4 spent 3 days and 2 nights at Hudnall Park developing their outdoor skills and becoming more independent.
04 |
All of year 6 participated in Crucial Crew to learn about how to keep safe in a variety of situations and how to deal with emergencies
06 |
Nursery visit the local park, thinking about how to stay safe on the paths and road as well as looking after the environment and sharing community areas. The language, turn taking and socialising in the playground with other members of the public was fantastic!
Nur |
Children participated in birdwatching learning about different species, pond-dipping and finding out about minibeasts. We learned more about our natural environment including the impact we have on it within our daily lives.
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Ofsted Guidance
- Pupils' understanding of the consequences of their behaviour and actions
Ofsted 2004
- Pupils develop an ability to think through the consequences of their own and others’ actions
- Schools encourage pupils to take responsibility for their actions; for example, respect for property, care of the environment, and developing codes of behaviour
MORAL:Understanding the consequences of actions
Provides an opportunity to enable children to develop a range of skills that will promote confidence and raise self-esteem as well as having fun. Children have a chance to put on a performance and also participate in role play situations
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Every month a new value is introduced and the children explore this value in their day-to-day living. The explore this value in the Bible and in other faiths. At the end of the month children are identified who have demonstrated this value and they are awarded a value leaf which is placed on our values tree. Values lead the way for promoting positive behaviour and discussing choices children have made.
All |
Children learnt about the story of Noah and how God made a promise. They discussed forgiveness and being a good citizen
All |
Children learn about the importance of Black History and find out about influential people. KS2 learn about the slave trade and the history of America and South Africa
All |
Ex-pupil came and led an assembly with a follow-up workshop about Peace. This work was a result of a visit to Hawaii by girls from Hitchin Girls School who represented the UK to work with children from all over the world as ambassadors of Peace
All |
Affinity Water led an assembly to inform children about the importance of saving water and how it is such a special commodity - they gave ideas on how to save water in the home and how much is wasted.
All |
Whole school participated and contributed to providing food parcels for homeless of Hitchin
All |
Every month a new value is introduced and the children explore this value in their day-to-day living. The explore this value in the Bible and in other faiths. At the end of the month children are identified who have demonstrated this value and they are awarded a value leaf which is placed on our values tree. Values lead the way for promoting positive behaviour and discussing choices children have made.
All |
Children learn about Peace and being a positive friend, dealing with issues and bullying
All |
Children are selected on a weekly basis to be awarded the HT Award and attend the tea party. Children are identified for hard work, positive learning attitude, positive relationships with others, trying hard etc. A class of the week is also identified and the reasons are shared with all.
All |
Children considered how to work as a group to sing and perform their part of the song.
01 |
We discussed what makes a super learner during group work and composed SC. This was then applied in a group work task and reinforced during the following maths lesson.
01 |
In KS1 worship, we spoke about getting on and falling out. We read the story 'Bubble Trouble' about 2 friends who get so competitive that they argue. We discussed that sometimes, we can get carried away and forget that our friendships are the most important things. We talked about the importance of saying sorry and forgiving people.
KS1 |
Looking at the practice of respect - in action. How can we make our actions speak louder than words?
KS1 |
Children collectively plan worship for the whole term taking into account the Christian calendar and other faiths. The children investigate different ways to present to the school and involve personal faith stories and morality
Wor |
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Children donated items to help the local homeless youth
All |
Children designed and made hats to represent water and the importance of water. They then created a human pipeline and transported water from one end of their team to the other. This was to demonstrate how difficult it is for some people to access water in countries where there is not a reliable water system
All |
The parents were invited to partake in a bring and buy cake sale. All proceeds to benefit the Nursery.
Nur |
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Children learn how to be a leader within the school. They understand the process of writing and presenting a manifesto and how to vote fairly. They participate in being a school council representative and listen to the needs of their peers and present to the council. They learn the importance of making decisions, having responsibility and leading by example
All |
Children participate in developing a whole school charter that is progressive in expectation from KS1 to KS2. This charter is developed further in each class with children considering how it may look in their day-to-day behaviour. It is referred to when discussing learning behaviours as well as assisting with positive behaviour
All |
Year 5 were invited to a play explaining the partition of Pakistan and the impact on families - it explored the emotions and cultural and religious differences. Children then discussed this in class and created a poem to explore the feelings
05 |
Year used explored the school vision cube and considered how the different elements of the vision might be achieved through activities and relationships within the classroom. They then created a class charter based on their ideas for all to sign up to.
06 |
Different groups of children created different representations of the character of Ted from our class book The London Eye Mystery. We thought hard about the journey Ted had taken through the book and how the different events affected his personality and this was reflected in our art projects
06 |
Learning about the history of Crime and Punishment and the moral, ethical and cultural issues of different societies in different time periods.
06 |
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We used our Good Listener skills to share our stories about our artefacts, ask our professor questions and curate each others' curios using our Historian Talk! We explored what make our artefacts valuable and the power of the personal connection, ownership and differing aspects of significance and non-significance.
01 |
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Year 3 were asked to create a project called Volcanoes which could be a model, ppt, leaflet, quiz, poster etc
03 |
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During our fair trade geography topic, we explored how the fair trade organisation supports communities in LEDC.
We wrote persuasive letters to encourage people to buy more fair trade products if they possibly could.
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Having considered how Jesus wanted us to behave in our world, we debated the issue of ...
should we help people who are homeless by giving them money directly or even taking them into our homes.
All |
Having considered the benefits of eating seasonally, we developed and adapted our own recipes.
All |
Having considered why we chose to eat certain meals and foods, we though about the benefits of eating seasonally We wrote a short persuasive text to encourage people to eat more seasonally.
All |
As part of outdoor learning, year 2 were making clay faces. We spoke about different facial expressions, what makes us happy and sad and how we can tell how we are making people feel. We then created our faces based on different emotions.
All |
Children participate in many additional sporting opportunities that enable them to experience competition and trying out new sports and learning a range of skills. They are encouraged to have a go and try their best but they are also expected to show positive competitiveness and to be an effective and active team member. There is also opportunity to lead their team
All |
Children explored this in the christian calendar and through bible study.
All |
The children are looking at how to keep clean and stay safe and how this links to respect for their natural environment and for each other in their community.
01 |
Through godly play, narrative, extended writing and conscience alley, the children explored the story of Easter and the concept of salvation.
01 |
Visit to see how the design of a church reflects some of the elements of the Good News.
01 |
As part of the class' SUM work we played a variety of games on the above topic such as follow-the-leader, Snappy and Squeak and the human chain. How did the other person's actions affect you? What was the best response to that behvaiour?
01 |
Year 1 revised our talk partners best practice and introduced the concept of reflecting on how good a talk partner we are. How can we be better?
01 |
Exploring the SUMO concept of victim t shirts, the children investigated what it was that 'makes them tick' by thinking about what their 'one voice' might be, or what they believed about themselves. This was contrasted with actions linked to that belief.
01 |
In talk partners the children described the problem with plastic and decided on what practical action - thinking of John - they could do to help look after the world. They produced posters designed to persuade someone else to make a pledge to recycle plastic.
01 |
Discussions on how to reduce waste and save the planet, impact of our actions on the natural world of God's creation, creation of poster encouraging others to ACT to save the environment following SC.
01 |
Inbedding our school vision by discussing effective listening and speaking techniques. Talk partnert, effective shared discussion and comment thumbs. Taking account of others' ideas and different opinions. Opinions as a result of what we like and dislike,, know and don't yet know.
01 |
Rabbi Celia came to the class to share pur learning about the shema, Jewish prayers and rituals and customs. The children explored some real tallit shawls and tefiilin and listened to some hebrew blessings.
01 |
Today Year One explored how to show our Christian Values through action in the local commmunity. Connor from North Herts Sanctuary popped in to explain to the children about his work with the homeless of Hitchin. The children learned what they could do to help those in need including refugees.
01 |
In the context of RE work on Matthew the tax collector, the children were encouraged to consider what was surprising about the kinds of people Jesus came to save, and how this could be linked to our school values.
01 |
Today the children played some language games based around the concept of 'groupthink'. Is working as a team synonymous with all having the same idea? What impact would that have on our learning? Are there times when having different ideas create a richer learning experiences for us? These and other questions were explored in our table groups.
01 |
Year One looked at extending our value of Respect towards the environment and how our actions have an impact for good or otherwise. Stewardship was discussed and children designed and created a poster persuading others to show respect for the environment.
01 |
We discussed the different strengths of children in the class, and looked at how people are all good at different things. We also discussed how best to support our fellow pupil in her standing frame.
01 |
We read the story ISH about a boy who tries hard in his drawing but who experiences a sense of failure. We discussed the meaning of success and failure and explored the concept of thinking reflexively about our learning - can you write me an ISH sentence? What makes it wonderful?
01 |
Our class advent this year is from Oxfam and each day we get a finger puppet from around the world which has a fact on the back about how we can help others this Christmas. This has sparked lots of discussion as a class about global Christianity and about the true meaning of Christmas.
02 |
In year 2, we have been thinking about our value of peace. We have been thinking about how we can show peacefulness and friendship to everyone we meet. We spoke about friendship tokens and how we need to be giving out friendship tokens to everyone by smiling, listening to others, including people and being kind. This will make our school more peaceful.
02 |
In literacy, Year 2 were learning about Bonfire night safety. We all wrote a set of rules to keep us safe. We spoke about the importance of listening to grown-ups and being sensible with decisions that will affect our safety.
02 |
This week, year 2 talked about what makes a good friend. We each created a recipe for friendship which included elements such as kindness, compassion, generosity. We thought about times when people did not show that to us and discuss resolutions.
02 |
We discussed God's creation and how it is human's responsibility to care for this world. The children created a list of rules for caring for God's world. We then used the British value of democracy to vote for our top 3 rules which we can then display in the classroom.
02 |
In art, we have been focusing on sketching and looking at detail. We have been practicing evaluating someone else's work by being positive but also constructive. We are learning to be helpful without being unkind.
02 |
On the first day of year 2, we discussed the qualities that members of the St Andrews family should display. We then matched these to the Key Stage 1 charter and discussed our rights and responsibilities as learners and teachers.
02 |
In Year 2 we have been investigating the A Rocha Christian movement. We have followed how they have proected God's creation and what they do across the globe to care for the world for God
02 |
Children had a visit from the local fire service as part of their project on London's Burning
02 |
The importance of making mistakes
04 |
Exploring how to be a gppd friend
04 |
Exploring what causes flooding, the impact this has on our poorest communities and the changes we can make to mitigate this.
04 |
Friendship champions - how to advise and model good friendship behaviours without being bossy or judgemental.
04 |
Today we looked at how some charities like Christian Aid apply in practice the message of the Good Samaritan about how to show love and forgiveness to unlikely people.
04 |
In the spiritual area outside as part of CAW. Exploring climate justiice and the relationship of humans wiht our planet.
04 |
How our bodies change as we get older
04 |
Alcohol and its effect on our bodies
04 |
Discussing issues if duty, sacrifce, personal belief and culture.
04 |
Exploring how to share information safely online.avatars
04 |
How to act and think like a good citizen,
04 |
Y4 have sopent some time revisiting our British Values and respect for each other in loght of the many new rules and routines we have in place to keep us safe.
04 |
STEM PSHE lesson on Water aid - writing letters to ecouurage others to donate to create rope pumps
04 |
The children learnt about the ways in which green house gases are produced and their effect on the environment.
We investigated the lives of different countries and ordered them according to which ones we thought produced the most green house gases.
04 |
We learnt about how green house gases are produced and their effect on the environment We investigated the way people in different countries live. We then ordered the countries according to how much green house gases we thought they produced.
04 |
Lesson on Toussaint Louverture
04 |
Having read the story of Adam and Eve, we thought about various questions.
-What does it tell us about God?
-What the world was like at the beginning of the story.
-What it tells us about human nature.
- What we can learn from the story.
04 |
Based on the elements of our school vision, we worked together as a class to identified our responsibilities to make sure that we reach the vision.
04 |
We examined God's teaching round forgiveness. We had a philosophical discussion round the question
- Should you always be forgiven when you say sorry.
04 |
We participated in guided visualisations and discussed why we should try to take a moment to take off our victim t-shirts when we are feeling angry or upset by something that has happened.
04 |
Children were asked to think about how their reaction to a situation affects the outcome - SUMO resource. This involved exploring how our feelings can shape our responses and how sometimes we need to take a step back to consider how we react first.
04 |
Shared the UNISEF rights that all children should have in school,
We developed a list of responsibilities that al members of the school community have if children are to get their rights,
04 |
We learnt about how electricity is made. We discussed the effects it has on the environment and therefore why it is important to save electricity.
04 |
We learnt about how different groups might be discriminated against and what we could do. We learnt about how the consequences of our actions and behaviours.
05 |
We learnt about different kinds of bullying and discriminatory behaviours and what to do if someone is being bullied.
05 |
We learnt about what confidential means and what we should keep confidential. We learnt that some things need to be shared to keep us safe.
05 |
Visited Y5 to talk about migration and equality and issues surrounding having to leave your home
05 |
PHASE workshop on managing friendships and change
06 |
During Autumn term, key children from Y1 and Y2 engage in weekly forest school sessions with our forest school leader to enhance their communication skills, wellbeing and PSE and also physical development. Children are encouraged to work collaboratively and learn about themselves and the world around them by engaging actively with nature.
Enr |
Children in Nursery have opportunity to engage in weekly Forest School Sessions. During Forest School, children learn about the world around them, participate in collaborative games and challenges and develop respect for the natural environment.
Nur |
Pantasurus helps us understand our own bodies, how to keep ourselves safe and how to be respectful of others.
Nur |
We constantly explore a range of stories daily, exploring ideas of moral ideals and friendships. The children work to identify how the characters have behaved and the impact this behaviour has had. They also offer solutions for how to overcome these problems and work together.
Nur |
Nursery children have spent the week learning how to care for their learning environment. This has included considering how to leave the environment ready for other children to use and how to share.
Nur |
Mrs Powell kindly came to nursery to show us how to care for our pets at home. She gave the class some very good advise on how to care for our class rabbit.
Nur |
Children discussed a range of ways they can keep themselves healthy: handwashing, sleep, healthy diet and exercise were discussed.
We explored the bible story The Good Samaritan and considered the question - Who is my neighbour? We talked about how and why we should help others when they need it. Children suggested making friendship bracelets for each other in the class and, on exchanging the bracelets, named some positive traits of that person.
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Today we honed our performance skills ever further by exploring projecting our voices, responding to cues and listening to multi-part instructions and action sequences.
01 |
Ks1 and R sang, danced and retold their way throught the nativity story. A wonderful performance and application of all the speaking and listening, musical and performing skills they have learnt so far! Well done KS1 and Reception!
KS1 |
All children who play a musical instrument have a chance to perform at the Spring Concert. Paents are invited, the emphasis is on children learning how to conduct themselves in front of a mature audience. The Music Cup is presented to a child who has demonstrated commitment and passion
KS2 |
Ks1 and R sang, danced and retold their way throught the nativity story. A wonderful performance and application of all the speaking and listening, musical and performing skills they have learnt so far! Well done KS1 and Reception!
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In our spiritual area, one of the activities we can complete is to look at environment cartoons, consider what they say and how we should change our behaviour.
04 |
Year 5 worked in groups to develop a class Eco Code, before agreeing on a class slogan: Recycling is a go go! Litter is a no no!
05 |
Eco- warriors meeting to discuss plans for this half-term. We discussed the successful implementation of our pen-recycling and appointed Eco-Warriors to turn off the lights in the classroom to save electricity.
Eco |
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All children discussed in assembly and class what is meant by a lenten promise. Talked about choosing a promise they felt they could keep and that it would make a difference to others as well as themselves. Talked about having responsibility
All |
The children acted out the story of the Buddha, made mandala out of transient art and explored some of the symbolism of the faith.
01 |
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children keep a log of their opportunities to walk to school. Discuss healthy lifestyles and protecting the environment and their carbon footprint
All |
Team building challenges
03 |
Children participate in weekly netball lessons and then attend competitions and matches. There is an A team and a B team and children are selected according to skill
KS2 |
Children participate in regular athletic events with Sports Organiser and Coach. This includes lunch time running club around local area. Children participate in a variety of athletic events with other local schools.
KS2 |
Children participate in a variety of matches with local schools as well as termly tournaments. Children form an A team and B team and are selected on skill.
KS2 |
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All staff have half termly discussions with our local vicar to deepen knowledge of Christianity. Father Ian enables staff to question and plan their teaching for children. Children's response has been positive and significantly raised the profile of engagement within RE. Children are improving their literacy through enquiry about the subject and showing curiousity
All |
Father Ian delivered CPD on Lent with all teaching staff
All teaching staff and support staff have regular training on child protection and other safeguarding elements. This is reviewed regularly in staff meetings to ensure that procedures and processes are followed. Parent volunteers also attend this annually. If there are any concerns regarding safeguarding procedures these are communicated to parents in a newsletter if they affect the whole school community. Updates on Esafety are also sent out to parents
All staff explored the need for awareness of radicalisation and extremism. So that staff are able to identify children who may be vulnerable to radicalisation, and know what to do when they are identified.also build pupils’ resilience to radicalisation by promoting fundamental British values and enabling them to challenge extremist views. It is important to emphasise that the Prevent duty is not intended to stop pupils debating controversial issues. On the contrary, schools should provide a safe space in which children, young people and staff can understand the risks associated with terrorism and develop the knowledge and skills to be able to challenge extremist arguments
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Children and staff work with artist to consider interpreting key concepts from their class book into a piece of art. They will learn new skills and either work collectively or individually. The project is shaped by the discussion between the children, teacher and artist and is aimed at developing inference through higher order questioning. Drama, Writing, Poetry, Dance and Music will also be explored as the week develops. Every story involves a journey and links to real life issues and people experiencing a change. Some classes will be inviting parents who have moved here from other countries. Some classes will be working with animals. All classes will deal with dilemmas in life e.g making the right choice, separation, making new friends etc.
All |
Year 3 spent their cake sale money on a book making workshop which allowed them to learn the traditional skills for making sewn books.
03 |
Y4 children participated in Christian Aid week themed day. Children were asked to reflect on how to support people who need help and particularly women around the world.
04 |
The children extenden their learning based on the book "Oh No George" through a range of media. The children used mud rock to make an enourmous "George." The children mixed colour paints to make paper the same colour in the illustrations and then went on to use this tocollage their 3D Mmodel of George. The children used fabric dye to experiment with tye dye. They discussed green as the colour to highlight good decisions and red to highlight poor choices.
Nur |
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whole school focus throughout the week on keeping safe which included e-safety and stranger danger
All |
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Year 3 visited RHS Wisley and learnt how rain forest and desert plants adapt to their environment.
03 |
Year 3 visited Frogmore Paper Mill to discover the history of paper making in this country in contrast to that in other countries .
03 |
Children discussed the importance of the rainforest and how there are still today conflicts involving deforestation. Children developed an understanding of people in the rainforest and how they function and how their lives are different culturally to ours.
03 |
Y4 spent 3 days and 2 nights at Hudnall Park developing their outdoor skills and becoming more independent.
04 |
All of year 6 participated in Crucial Crew to learn about how to keep safe in a variety of situations and how to deal with emergencies
06 |
Trip to Imperial War museum Duxford to enhance understanding about the impact of the Battle of Britain on the course of world war 2
06 |
Nursery visit the local park, thinking about how to stay safe on the paths and road as well as looking after the environment and sharing community areas. The language, turn taking and socialising in the playground with other members of the public was fantastic!
Nur |
Firefighters visited school to show Reception their equipment and explain their role. They also talked about the qualities needed to be a firefighter.
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Ofsted Guidance
- Pupils' use of a range of social skills in different contexts, for example working and socialising with other pupils, including those from different religious, ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds
Ofsted 2004
- Pupils adjust to a range of social contexts by appropriate and sensitive behaviour
- Pupils reflect on their own contribution to society and to the world of work
- Pupils show respect for people, living things, property and the environment
- Pupils benefit from advice offered by those in authority or counselling roles
- Pupils exercise responsibility
- Schools foster a sense of community, with common, inclusive values which ensure that everyone, irrespective of ethnic origin, nationality, gender, ability, sexual orientation and religion can flourish
- Schools encourage pupils to recognise and respect social differences and similarities
- Schools help pupils develop personal qualities which are valued in a civilised society, for example, thoughtfulness, honesty, respect for difference, moral principles, independence, inter-dependence, self-respect
- Schools help pupils to challenge, when necessary and in appropriate ways, the values of a group or wider community
- Schools provide a conceptual and linguistic framework within which to understand and debate social issues
- Schools provide opportunities for engaging in the democratic process and participating in community life
- Schools provide opportunities for pupils to exercise leadership and responsibility
- Schools provide positive and effective links with the world of work and the wider community
SOCIAL:Developing personal qualities and using social skills
Children have requested to run their own clubs to support others who are struggling with friendships or who need quiet time. These clubs include sign language, chess, crochet, dance, magic. They run these independently and support younger children
All |
Learning about another countries language and culture through practical lessons
All |
Children are provided with an opportunity to attend a club that provides guidance in trying new foods and learning to cook. Children get a chance to eat the food and so the social element of enjoying and sharing food is also important.
All |
Provides an opportunity to enable children to develop a range of skills that will promote confidence and raise self-esteem as well as having fun. Children have a chance to put on a performance and also participate in role play situations
All |
Children given the opportunity to join Art Club each term
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This is for Y5 and Y6 children who need a quiet space as a choice. children do not have to attend the club regularly and they are able to do what they like. A member of staff does not organise the club but provides a chance for children to attend twice a week. this operates in the winter when the Peace Garden is too cold
KS2 |
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Every month a new value is introduced and the children explore this value in their day-to-day living. The explore this value in the Bible and in other faiths. At the end of the month children are identified who have demonstrated this value and they are awarded a value leaf which is placed on our values tree. Values lead the way for promoting positive behaviour and discussing choices children have made.
All |
Children learnt about the story of Noah and how God made a promise. They discussed forgiveness and being a good citizen
All |
Ex-pupil came and led an assembly with a follow-up workshop about Peace. This work was a result of a visit to Hawaii by girls from Hitchin Girls School who represented the UK to work with children from all over the world as ambassadors of Peace
All |
Whole school participated and contributed to providing food parcels for homeless of Hitchin
All |
Every month a new value is introduced and the children explore this value in their day-to-day living. The explore this value in the Bible and in other faiths. At the end of the month children are identified who have demonstrated this value and they are awarded a value leaf which is placed on our values tree. Values lead the way for promoting positive behaviour and discussing choices children have made.
All |
Children learn about Peace and being a positive friend, dealing with issues and bullying
All |
Children are selected on a weekly basis to be awarded the HT Award and attend the tea party. Children are identified for hard work, positive learning attitude, positive relationships with others, trying hard etc. A class of the week is also identified and the reasons are shared with all.
All |
Children considered how to work as a group to sing and perform their part of the song.
01 |
Today we considered the global ramifications of the Christian celebration of Easter by exploring the symbol of the cross. We learnt about crosses from all over the world including Bangladesh and Ecuador.
01 |
We discussed what makes a super learner during group work and composed SC. This was then applied in a group work task and reinforced during the following maths lesson.
01 |
As part of Key Stage 1 worship this week, we discussed valuing different people's opinions and that people see things from different points of view. We discussed the importance of listening and empathising rather than judging. We have continued to talk about this within the classroom.
02 |
Year 4 presented an assembly based on their learning about rivers. They shared their art, geography and literacy work. They also shared a bit about their time away at Hudnall Park.
04 |
Year 5 led their class assembly, celebrating their writing about Dragonology.
05 |
In KS1 worship, we spoke about getting on and falling out. We read the story 'Bubble Trouble' about 2 friends who get so competitive that they argue. We discussed that sometimes, we can get carried away and forget that our friendships are the most important things. We talked about the importance of saying sorry and forgiving people.
KS1 |
Exploring the compassion of Jesus on the cross and the different symbolic representations of the cross in global Christianity.
KS1 |
Through a Circus-themed class assembly, Reception recalled key learning opportunities and experiences throughout the year. This included how to stay safe, skills learned in PE and Forest School, key maths knowledge and how we reflect the school values within our daily lives.
Through acting, role play and song, Reception recalled our themes and learning during the Autumn term. We emphasised the importance of living the school values daily by singing and signing to a song about how to be a good friend. Children made their own props and devised the script for the Assembly themselves.
Children collectively plan worship for the whole term taking into account the Christian calendar and other faiths. The children investigate different ways to present to the school and involve personal faith stories and morality
Wor |
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Children donated items to help the local homeless youth
All |
All the children wore red to show support for and an awareness of this illness that affects a child in the school.
All |
All children dressed up as heroes from British History and gave a donation in recognition of Children in Need
All |
Worship Rangers planned and organised Christian Aid week - Everyone Deserves a Safe Place
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Children learn how to be a leader within the school. They understand the process of writing and presenting a manifesto and how to vote fairly. They participate in being a school council representative and listen to the needs of their peers and present to the council. They learn the importance of making decisions, having responsibility and leading by example
All |
Children participate in developing a whole school charter that is progressive in expectation from KS1 to KS2. This charter is developed further in each class with children considering how it may look in their day-to-day behaviour. It is referred to when discussing learning behaviours as well as assisting with positive behaviour
All |
Year 2 had to work in groups of 3 to build bridges out of only paper and tape.
We used our value of Koinonia to work as a team, discuss ideas and share resources. Every group was successful in resolving any differences themselves and passing the challenge.
02 |
Year 5 were invited to a play explaining the partition of Pakistan and the impact on families - it explored the emotions and cultural and religious differences. Children then discussed this in class and created a poem to explore the feelings
05 |
Different groups of children created different representations of the character of Ted from our class book The London Eye Mystery. We thought hard about the journey Ted had taken through the book and how the different events affected his personality and this was reflected in our art projects
06 |
Editor of the Comet visited Year 6 to talk about his role and to advise and support with the year 6 newspaper project
06 |
We worked together to think about British Values and how we can demonstrate them around Nursery. Children helped take the photos and thought about how to work together.
Nur |
We worked together to create a British Values Display in the classroom. We thought about how to work together, caring for the environment, individuality and considered the difference between right and wrong.
Nur |
Whilst discussing New Year resolutions we decided to create a promise for each month from January-July2019. We thought about how we could create a positive learning environment through our interactions with one another and our learning attitudes. Children suggested ideas such as being peaceful, listening to each other and learning to negotiate, making sure to include everyone in our games and thinking about the consequences of our actions and words.
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Children had to consider a creative way to design a book cover
All |
Children were invited to enter a Walsworth Road Baptist Church Art Competition to express the concept of Flourish. Classes explored Aristotle's philosophy and Maslow's hierarchy of need before creating their own art work. They were able to use any resources and any method and then had to evaluate each other's - focusing on respect and constructive comments
All |
A group of children from year 6 entered at science competition at Hitchin Girl's School. They presented their science and engineering project inspired by the World War 2 Enigma machine.
All |
year 6 participated in an Olympic Legacy sports event competing in a different olympic and paralympic sports events against children from other local primary schools.
06 |
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All classes invited parents in to participate in science enquiry sessions
All |
We used our Good Listener skills to share our stories about our artefacts, ask our professor questions and curate each others' curios using our Historian Talk! We explored what make our artefacts valuable and the power of the personal connection, ownership and differing aspects of significance and non-significance.
01 |
Parents invited into class to work alongside their children to play Maths fluency games involving addition(Nrich)
03 |
Each half-term, parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Nur |
This week, Nursery participated in Family Learning Week. Parents were invited into school to engage in simple maths games with their children and an gain insight into how maths is taught within EYFS.
Nur |
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Nur |
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Nur |
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Nur |
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Nur |
Parents were able to visit Nursery during our adult-directed Literacy sessions and joined in with some of the activities that we do in our small groups. We re-enacted the story "We're Going on a Bear Hunt", we played 'noisy neighbour' and we also explored 'musical snap'! It was exciting having so many of our families come to visit and lovely to see the children develop in confidence when sharing their learning at school.
Nur |
Nursery, Reception and Year One parents/carers were invited to attend an evening that informs them of the 'phonic learning process' from Phase 1 - Early Phase 4. Examples of activities, resources, highly recommended picture books and Early Years staff were on hand to support and answer any questions about Phonics and how it is developed from the time they start Nursery.
Nur |
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Earlybird and Stay and Play sessions for families with EAL/BME/SEN to support them in helping their children with home learning. Opportunity for parents to ask questions. Parents learned simple ways to support their children with phonics, reading and maths at home using everyday items.
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Earlybird and Stay and Play sessions for families with EAL/BME/SEN to support them in helping their children with home learning. Opportunity for parents to ask questions. Parents learned simple ways to support their children with phonics, reading and maths at home using everyday items.
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
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Professor Know it All is the weekly homework project in year 2, where children have the chance to prepare and present a presentation on a topic they are passionate about. The children have to create something to show as well as planning what they will say. They need to use their presenting and social skills to ensure they are conveying their message well.
02 |
Year 3 were asked to create a project called Volcanoes which could be a model, ppt, leaflet, quiz, poster etc
03 |
For home learning, the children created presentations about topical issues which are important to them and have been presenting them each week in class.
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As part of outdoor learning, year 2 were making clay faces. We spoke about different facial expressions, what makes us happy and sad and how we can tell how we are making people feel. We then created our faces based on different emotions.
All |
Children participate in many additional sporting opportunities that enable them to experience competition and trying out new sports and learning a range of skills. They are encouraged to have a go and try their best but they are also expected to show positive competitiveness and to be an effective and active team member. There is also opportunity to lead their team
All |
The children are looking at how to keep clean and stay safe and how this links to respect for their natural environment and for each other in their community.
01 |
Through godly play, narrative, extended writing and conscience alley, the children explored the story of Easter and the concept of salvation.
01 |
Visit to see how the design of a church reflects some of the elements of the Good News.
01 |
As part of the class' SUM work we played a variety of games on the above topic such as follow-the-leader, Snappy and Squeak and the human chain. How did the other person's actions affect you? What was the best response to that behvaiour?
01 |
Year 1 revised our talk partners best practice and introduced the concept of reflecting on how good a talk partner we are. How can we be better?
01 |
Exploring the SUMO concept of victim t shirts, the children investigated what it was that 'makes them tick' by thinking about what their 'one voice' might be, or what they believed about themselves. This was contrasted with actions linked to that belief.
01 |
In talk partners the children described the problem with plastic and decided on what practical action - thinking of John - they could do to help look after the world. They produced posters designed to persuade someone else to make a pledge to recycle plastic.
01 |
Discussions on how to reduce waste and save the planet, impact of our actions on the natural world of God's creation, creation of poster encouraging others to ACT to save the environment following SC.
01 |
Inbedding our school vision by discussing effective listening and speaking techniques. Talk partnert, effective shared discussion and comment thumbs. Taking account of others' ideas and different opinions. Opinions as a result of what we like and dislike,, know and don't yet know.
01 |
Rabbi Celia came to the class to share pur learning about the shema, Jewish prayers and rituals and customs. The children explored some real tallit shawls and tefiilin and listened to some hebrew blessings.
01 |
Today Year One explored how to show our Christian Values through action in the local commmunity. Connor from North Herts Sanctuary popped in to explain to the children about his work with the homeless of Hitchin. The children learned what they could do to help those in need including refugees.
01 |
In the context of RE work on Matthew the tax collector, the children were encouraged to consider what was surprising about the kinds of people Jesus came to save, and how this could be linked to our school values.
01 |
The children explored the qualities a super learner might possess and designed their own superheroes with names reflecting their behavioural characteristics. These were then incorporated into a PSHE lesson on school values.
01 |
Today the children played some language games based around the concept of 'groupthink'. Is working as a team synonymous with all having the same idea? What impact would that have on our learning? Are there times when having different ideas create a richer learning experiences for us? These and other questions were explored in our table groups.
01 |
In the context of their own families. children were invited to consider some important characteristics of family belonging, the roles they play in these communities and the responsibilities associated with them. Discussions incorporated our School family and children were invited to symbolise the school value they felt was the most important in a piece of symbolic drawing.
01 |
We discussed the different strengths of children in the class, and looked at how people are all good at different things. We also discussed how best to support our fellow pupil in her standing frame.
01 |
We read the story ISH about a boy who tries hard in his drawing but who experiences a sense of failure. We discussed the meaning of success and failure and explored the concept of thinking reflexively about our learning - can you write me an ISH sentence? What makes it wonderful?
01 |
In Literacy, we have been reading the book Halibut Jackson. He is a very shy character who likes to blend in and we debated whether he should go the Queen's party or not. We had to listen to other people's point of view and structure our debate.
02 |
As part of our Literacy learning about the Halibut Jackson book, we completed a role on the wall activity. During this we discussed how Halibut feels on the inside versus how people perceive him on the outside. We discussed that often people do not realise how sad someone else may be feeling.
02 |
In year 2, we have been thinking about our value of peace. We have been thinking about how we can show peacefulness and friendship to everyone we meet. We spoke about friendship tokens and how we need to be giving out friendship tokens to everyone by smiling, listening to others, including people and being kind. This will make our school more peaceful.
02 |
This week, year 2 talked about what makes a good friend. We each created a recipe for friendship which included elements such as kindness, compassion, generosity. We thought about times when people did not show that to us and discuss resolutions.
02 |
As part of our History/literacy learning about the Great Fire of London, we are reading a book called Fire Cat. We had to hot seat how the characters would feel and write a letter from their perspective. We were using empathy skills to imagine how scary living during this time would be.
02 |
In art, we have been focusing on sketching and looking at detail. We have been practicing evaluating someone else's work by being positive but also constructive. We are learning to be helpful without being unkind.
02 |
Today year 2 had to work in pairs to create a piece of performance poetry with actions. They had to show their values of Koinonia to work together and collaborate ideas.
02 |
On the first day of year 2, we discussed the qualities that members of the St Andrews family should display. We then matched these to the Key Stage 1 charter and discussed our rights and responsibilities as learners and teachers.
02 |
All pupils have a role/responsibility to carry out in Year 2. This has to be carried out or it has negative consequences. These are regularly discussed. e.g. throwing away left over milk
02 |
Year 3 have been talking about Hippo Time in PSHE-it is ok to wallow, but then you need to pick yourself up and move on! WE also talked about what it means to be a resilient learner.
03 |
The importance of making mistakes
04 |
Exploring how to be a gppd friend
04 |
Exploring what causes flooding, the impact this has on our poorest communities and the changes we can make to mitigate this.
04 |
Friendship champions - how to advise and model good friendship behaviours without being bossy or judgemental.
04 |
Today we looked at how some charities like Christian Aid apply in practice the message of the Good Samaritan about how to show love and forgiveness to unlikely people.
04 |
In the spiritual area outside as part of CAW. Exploring climate justiice and the relationship of humans wiht our planet.
04 |
How our bodies change as we get older
04 |
Alcohol and its effect on our bodies
04 |
Discussing issues if duty, sacrifce, personal belief and culture.
04 |
Exploring how to share information safely online.avatars
04 |
How to act and think like a good citizen,
04 |
Y4 have sopent some time revisiting our British Values and respect for each other in loght of the many new rules and routines we have in place to keep us safe.
04 |
STEM PSHE lesson on Water aid - writing letters to ecouurage others to donate to create rope pumps
04 |
Based on the elements of our school vision, we worked together as a class to identified our responsibilities to make sure that we reach the vision.
04 |
We participated in guided visualisations and discussed why we should try to take a moment to take off our victim t-shirts when we are feeling angry or upset by something that has happened.
04 |
Children were asked to think about how their reaction to a situation affects the outcome - SUMO resource. This involved exploring how our feelings can shape our responses and how sometimes we need to take a step back to consider how we react first.
04 |
Shared the UNISEF rights that all children should have in school,
We developed a list of responsibilities that al members of the school community have if children are to get their rights,
04 |
We learnt about different kinds of bullying and discriminatory behaviours and what to do if someone is being bullied.
05 |
We held a debate in class about building houses in the Silver Birches. We learnt that we need to show tolerance for others with a different perspective.
05 |
We learnt about different personality types and the areas of strength. We learnt that we might need to adapt how we behave to accommodate people with different personality types.
05 |
Today, Year 5 discussed seeing the same idea from different perspectives, understanding that we have different influences in our lives which change how we see things.
05 |
The children worked collaboratively in groups to create dens for their mini-creature in the wildlife area. The children were developing their teamwork skills as part of our learning about the value of koinonia.
05 |
Visited Y5 to talk about migration and equality and issues surrounding having to leave your home
05 |
Children participated in the 3rd of the 4 Mindfulness sessions that are being delivered .breathehttps://www.gridmaker.net/standrewsherts/images/icon_save.gif
06 |
PHASE workshop on managing friendships and change
06 |
During Autumn term, key children from Y1 and Y2 engage in weekly forest school sessions with our forest school leader to enhance their communication skills, wellbeing and PSE and also physical development. Children are encouraged to work collaboratively and learn about themselves and the world around them by engaging actively with nature.
Enr |
While reading Ruby's Worry by Tom Percival for our story today, we stopped at various points to discuss our own worries and how we minimise them for ourselves. One child mentioned that "I talk to my Mummy and Daddy and they take the worry away," which led to a talk about who else might be able to alieve our worries. The pupils suggestions included "the teachers", "Granny and Grandad", "my brother", "our friends".
Nur |
This morning, we reflected on yesterdays child-led activity within the construction area with the whole class. One child suggested that their 'castle' structure was so amazing "because we builded it together", This language and attitude to learning was celebrated and encouraged to develop further today. This led to several children working together to build a shelter that "protects animals from the predators", displaying a caring nature through independent activities. Children were also supported to develop perseverance and acceptance when other children accidentally knocked their structures down - "we can just build it again. How could we make it more stable?"
Nur |
We constantly explore a range of stories daily, exploring ideas of moral ideals and friendships. The children work to identify how the characters have behaved and the impact this behaviour has had. They also offer solutions for how to overcome these problems and work together.
Nur |
We spoke in groups about what each of us had done over half term. The children loved learning about each other's lives and were able to compare what they had done.
Nur |
Nursery children have spent the week learning how to care for their learning environment. This has included considering how to leave the environment ready for other children to use and how to share.
Nur |
Mrs Powell kindly came to nursery to show us how to care for our pets at home. She gave the class some very good advise on how to care for our class rabbit.
Nur |
Children discussed a range of ways they can keep themselves healthy: handwashing, sleep, healthy diet and exercise were discussed.
We explored the bible story The Good Samaritan and considered the question - Who is my neighbour? We talked about how and why we should help others when they need it. Children suggested making friendship bracelets for each other in the class and, on exchanging the bracelets, named some positive traits of that person.
All children participated in creating an event to raise money at the Christmas Fair. Children helped set up the event and manned stalled. Children were able to perform at the event as well.
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Nursery, Reception and Year One parents/carers were invited to attend an evening that informs them of the 'phonic learning process' from Phase 1 - Early Phase 4. Examples of activities, resources, highly recommended picture books and Early Years staff were on hand to support and answer any questions about Phonics and how it is developed from the time they start Nursery.
Nur |
Parents attended an evening presentation and discussion led by the Head Teacher and Class Teacher that informed them of the school values in context, the ethos of our setting and how every child is at the centre of our approach to learning.
Nur |
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Today we honed our performance skills ever further by exploring projecting our voices, responding to cues and listening to multi-part instructions and action sequences.
01 |
Ks1 and R sang, danced and retold their way throught the nativity story. A wonderful performance and application of all the speaking and listening, musical and performing skills they have learnt so far! Well done KS1 and Reception!
KS1 |
Children in KS1 and Reception performed a wonderful Nativity play entitled A Star is Born.
KS1 |
Children participated in a Christmas Production to recall and re-enact the Nativity. Children demonstrated self-confidence and enjoyment to sing and dance on stage with Reception class. Parents were invited to attend.
Nur |
Ks1 and R sang, danced and retold their way throught the nativity story. A wonderful performance and application of all the speaking and listening, musical and performing skills they have learnt so far! Well done KS1 and Reception!
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Each year group developed their literacy learning through art focusing on the journey of characters as they face change or change themselves. Children planned and shaped their ideas creatively and developed their own learning using a planning grid to shape and adapt their learning. Children worked collaboratively to develop their ideas. Pupils then evaluated their learning.
All |
Zoe gave her News Reporter of the Week talk about Jamaica, where some of her family originate from.
01 |
Austin gave his News Reporter ot the Week about Tae-Kwondo
01 |
Maria gave our first news reporter of the week about The Parthenon in Athens which she has visited whilst visiting her family in Greece.
01 |
Children prepare presentations for an interveiw with the previous House Captains. The ex-House Captains prepare the questions and organise the whole procedure. They discuss the candidates with the guidance of the Assistant Head and then announce the results by formal letter, ensuring that all candidates are valued and thanked.
06 |
The Eco-Warriors led the Whole School Worship supporting Deolinda Eltrincham from Our Lady and St Andrew Immaculate Catholic Church in Hitchin. We learnt how Terracycle recycle the pens we have collected and how they are made into new benches which can be used in school grounds.
Eco |
Eco- warriors meeting to discuss plans for this half-term. We discussed the successful implementation of our pen-recycling and appointed Eco-Warriors to turn off the lights in the classroom to save electricity.
Eco |
Team School Grounds visit school to find out more about how their grounds are used to promote outdoor learning
Eco |
First meeting with the history and geography champions held to explain their roles and gather ideas on how to increase the profile of the subjects across the school.
G&T |
House Captains plan and manage the process of holding elections to recruit new HC.
Hou |
Following our storytime where we shared the story Everywhere Bear, a child takes our class teddy bear home for the weekend. Children have an opportunity to share and recall their time with Spencer with the rest of the class by recording in Spencer's diary.
Nur |
Each week children have the opportunity to share some news, interesting artefacts and/or talk about issues that are important to them in a small group with an adult.
Nur |
Remembering learning about the birth of Jesus at Christmas, Sienna makes up her own song about him. Her friends are role-playing with a baby when Sienna sings him a song to get him to sleep. "Baby Jesus and Mary, Baby Jesus and Mary, going down the hill, going down the hill, to Bethlehem..."
We discuss Jesus's life and how he grows from baby to man. "Is that when he helped people?" - We talk about how Jesus helped people and how we learnt from him. Who can we be kind to today?
Nur |
Each week, a child takes our class teddy bear home for the weekend. Children then have an opportunity to share and recall their time with Lucy with the rest of the class by recording in Lucy's diary.
Children have opportunity to accept responsibility for particular roles on a daily basis such as snack monitor, looking after the class register during assemblies and/or worship, tidy-up time monitors and being positive learning partners for others.
We have a weekly keyworker session where children have the opportunity to share some news, interesting artefacts and/or talk about issues that are important to them.
Children in Reception shared their first lunchtime with their Year6 buddy.
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Children learn about different aspects of Holy Week and participate in Easter celebrations e.g Easter Egg Hunt, Easter lunch, making Easter cards, reenacting aspects of Holy Week, reading parts in the bible, making palm leaves etc
Y3 and Y4 will also be leading the Easter Service
All |
All children discussed in assembly and class what is meant by a lenten promise. Talked about choosing a promise they felt they could keep and that it would make a difference to others as well as themselves. Talked about having responsibility
All |
The children acted out the story of the Buddha, made mandala out of transient art and explored some of the symbolism of the faith.
01 |
Children sang and acted out the christmas story
KS2 |
This week, the Nursery class have been finding out about, preparing for and celebrating Chinese New Year. We discovered the original story of the 12 animals and how it was decided that each year would be named after a different animal; we learned how families prepare their homes for the festival (and enjoyed a bit of spring cleaning with marigolds and dusters ourselves!), we practised dragon dancing, gymnastics, writing good luck messages in Mandarin, saying 'Kung Hey Fat Choi' meaning 'Happy New Year' in Cantonese and so much more! We particularly enjoyed finding out which 'year of the...' we were born in - the nursery pupils were born in the year of the goat and the year of the monkey.
Nur |
The children explored the values and meaning of Chinese New Year through provocations involving Chinese traditional food, art and creativity and language. A number of the class are Chinese are were invited to talk to the rest of the class about their family traditions, which they did. Some children introduced us to the concept of the dancing dragon - the rest of the class enjoyed learning about the importance of the colours and replicated this experience through role playing their own dragon dances and creating a dragon to suspend from the classroom ceiling. Another child showed their special Chinese New Year clothing.
Nur |
Reception were welcomed into the school community through a whole school service at Holy Saviour church. Reception children had the opportunity to meet their Year6 buddy for the first time and get to know each other whilst walking.
Reception were welcomed into the school community through a whole school service at Holy Saviour church. Reception children had the opportunity to meet their Year6 buddy for the first time and get to know each other whilst walking.
Worship Acolytes and Leader were invited to participate in a Taize Worship Event at St John's Church, Chells to learn about Taize and how this approach could enrich our Collective Worship within school.
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Team building challenges
03 |
Year 6 participated in a sports Olympic legacy inter-school competition which included experiencing Paralympic sports such as wheelchair basketball and sitting volleyball
06 |
Children participate in weekly netball lessons and then attend competitions and matches. There is an A team and a B team and children are selected according to skill
KS2 |
Children participate in rugby training in PE lessons and then attend a competition with other schools. Try to encourage children who have not attended other sporting events
KS2 |
Children participate in regular athletic events with Sports Organiser and Coach. This includes lunch time running club around local area. Children participate in a variety of athletic events with other local schools.
KS2 |
Children participate in a variety of matches with local schools as well as termly tournaments. Children form an A team and B team and are selected on skill.
KS2 |
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teachers explored the understanding and purpose of the bible with Father Ian leading this as part of ongoing CPD with staff to understand Christianity.
Staff to attend an introductory training session on Mindfulness to get a better understanding of mental health and pressures and how to support children in different ways.
All staff explored the need for awareness of radicalisation and extremism. So that staff are able to identify children who may be vulnerable to radicalisation, and know what to do when they are identified.also build pupils’ resilience to radicalisation by promoting fundamental British values and enabling them to challenge extremist views. It is important to emphasise that the Prevent duty is not intended to stop pupils debating controversial issues. On the contrary, schools should provide a safe space in which children, young people and staff can understand the risks associated with terrorism and develop the knowledge and skills to be able to challenge extremist arguments
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Whole school outdoor learning week gave valuable opportunity to enhance our outdoor learning across the school. All classes got involved and participated in maths, literacy, UW, RE and PSE lessons in our wonderful school grounds.
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We celebrated the school's 50th year by hosting an outdoor party. Ambassadors conducted school tours to showcase classrooms and our whole school Radcliffe project. Everyone enjoyed music, dancing, food and a variety of stalls and games. We also arranged a whole school aerial photo in the shape of a 50 to mark the occasion. Three cheers for fifty years!
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All classess embrace the benefits of outdoor learning, taking the opportunity to engage in new experiences and broadening learning. Year 1 contextualise their learning about Radcliffes by practising etiquette and manners during cream teas. Year 6 enjoy yoga and mindfulness, considering mental wellbeing.
All |
Children and staff work with artist to consider interpreting key concepts from their class book into a piece of art. They will learn new skills and either work collectively or individually. The project is shaped by the discussion between the children, teacher and artist and is aimed at developing inference through higher order questioning. Drama, Writing, Poetry, Dance and Music will also be explored as the week develops. Every story involves a journey and links to real life issues and people experiencing a change. Some classes will be inviting parents who have moved here from other countries. Some classes will be working with animals. All classes will deal with dilemmas in life e.g making the right choice, separation, making new friends etc.
All |
Year 3 spent their cake sale money on a book making workshop which allowed them to learn the traditional skills for making sewn books.
03 |
Y4 children participated in Christian Aid week themed day. Children were asked to reflect on how to support people who need help and particularly women around the world.
04 |
Family Learning Week focussed on STEM this year. We invited parents and families into class to share in STEM activities with their children and find out more about how STEM is taught in Nursery. Our actvities ranged from investigating magnets and making/testing paper spinners to exploring the changing properties of gloop and using our imagination and skils in the Atelier to design and create models using recycled materials.
Nur |
Children spent this week celebrating diversity within Nursery and learning about different cultures and traditions from around the world. Children were encouraged to bring in some special artefacts to share with peers. Family members were invited to come into class to share their traditions and customs with the children. We celebrated on Friday by wearing traditional clothes to school.
Nur |
Parents are invited into class to share in their child's Learning Journey and celebrate their achievements and progress. Parents have opportunity to share learning within the classroom, observe class displays and provocations etc. Children are very proud to share their school life with parents and family.
Nur |
Parents are invited into class to share in their child's Learning Journey and celebrate their achievements and progress. Parents have opportunity to share learning within the classroom, observe class displays and provocations etc. Children are very proud to share their school life with parents and family.
Nur |
Parents are invited into class to share in their child's Learning Journey and celebrate their achievements and progress. Parents have opportunity to share learning within the classroom, observe class displays and provocations etc. Children are very proud to share their school life with parents and family.
Nur |
During Culture Week, we celebrated the diversity within Nursery. We had fun learning about different traditions within our families and from around the world. Children made paperchains and flags to decorate the classroom. We also made diva lamps using clay, Rangoli patterns using chalk, paint and crayon, explored spices in playdough, made Chinese lanterns and enjoyed listening and dancing to music from all around the world. A big thank you too, to all volunteers that came into school to share your family traditions and customs with us. To conclude our week, children were invited to wear some traditional clothes to school for our Carnival day!
Nur |
Parents are invited into class to share in their child's Learning Journey and celebrate their achievements and progress. Parents have opportunity to share learning within the classroom, observe class displays and provocations etc. Children are very proud to share their school life with parents and family.
Nur |
Nursery participated in OCD by going on a nature walk to collect natural materials and then using them to make crowns, journey sticks and collages.
Nur |
This week, Nursery have been celebrating the different cultures that we have in our classroom - both the children and the teachers. Parents have visited to share information about their heritage and family routines at home - from how to wear a Sari to reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar in Spanish.
Nur |
All children in Reception and Nursery learned more about the diversity in our EYFS and participated in a range of activities to celebrate our diversity. Some parents/grandparents visited too to share artefacts, traditional clothes, language and stories with us. They talked to the children about their culture and home life. At the end of the week, children came to school dressed in traditional clothes and celebrated together with a Carnival.
All children in Reception and Nursery learned more about the diversity in our EYFS and participated in a range of activities to celebrate our diversity. Some parents/grandparents visited too to share artefacts, traditional clothes, language and stories with us. They talked to the children about their culture and home life. At the end of the week, children came to school dressed in traditional clothes and celebrated together with a Carnival.
Children came to school dressed in traditional clothes and talked about their home experiences, traditions and cultures. All children participated in a range of activities to celebrate the diversity within Reception class. Some parents visited too with artefacts and talked to the children about their culture and home life.
Reception celebrated the diverse culture within their class. Children were invited to wear some traditional clothes to school to mark the occasion and share their knowledge and experiences with their peers. During the day, we had lots of fun and opportunity to explore some different traditions from around the world.
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This week, Nursery have been celebrating the different cultures that we have in our classroom - both the children and the teachers. Parents have visited to share information about their heritage and family routines at home - from how to wear a Sari to reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar in Spanish.
Nur |
We spent the week celebrating the diversity of cultures in EYFS. Parents attended to speak to the children about their cultures, read stories and show traditional clothes. The children asked thoughtful questions and compared their own lives to other people's.
Nur |
Using CLPE book Bedtime for Monsters as inspiration, children made different landscapes from the book, monster hats, monster models and monster fruit. We received a letter from the monster inviting us on a picnic to Silver Birches.
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Year 3 visited Frogmore Paper Mill to discover the history of paper making in this country in contrast to that in other countries .
03 |
Y4 spent 3 days and 2 nights at Hudnall Park developing their outdoor skills and becoming more independent.
04 |
We visited Letchworth Foodbank and learnt how we can see Christianity in action in the local community. We learnt how different people support those who need help.
05 |
Year 6 visited the natural history museum to find out about evolution. They participated in a workshop and visited a selection of galleries.
06 |
All of Year 6 spent a week in the Isle of Wight participating in a range of trips and visits and cutltural and fun activities and learning how to live together socially
06 |
Nursery visit the local park, thinking about how to stay safe on the paths and road as well as looking after the environment and sharing community areas. The language, turn taking and socialising in the playground with other members of the public was fantastic!
Nur |
Reception visited Standalone Farm to see the animals and learn about how farms produce food.
Children participated in birdwatching learning about different species, pond-dipping and finding out about minibeasts. We learned more about our natural environment including the impact we have on it within our daily lives.
Reception children visited Hitchin Library and Market. At the library, children enjoyed books and stories, learned how to borrow items and joined in with a fun library quiz. At the market, children bought a selection of fruit and vegetables for us to enjoy in the afternoon. We talked about being healthy and making healthy eating choices.
Children participated in a trip to the Bird of Prey Centre to learn more about nocturnal and diurnal birds and animals.
Reception were invited to Hitchin Library to disover more about their local community and amenities. We enjoyed exploring the library and participating in storytime. Children found out about the services the library offers. All children received a library card which enabled them to borrow a book.
Reception children visited the library and all had a new library card. They learnt how to use the library and all took a book home.
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Ofsted Guidance
- Pupils' willingness to participate in a variety of communities and social settings, including by volunteering, cooperating well with others and being able to resolve conflicts effectively
Ofsted 2004
- Pupils relate well to other people’s social skills and personal qualities
- Pupils work, successfully, as a member of a group or team
- Pupils challenge, when necessary and in appropriate ways, the values of a group or wider community
- Pupils share views and opinions with others, and work towards consensus
- Pupils resolve conflicts and counter forces which militate against inclusion and unity
- Pupils participate in activities relevant to the community
- Schools encourage pupils to work co-operatively
- Schools provide positive corporate experiences - for example, through assemblies, team activities, residential experiences, school productions
- Schools help pupils resolve tensions between their own aspirations and those of the group or wider society
- Schools provide a conceptual and linguistic framework within which to understand and debate social issues
- Schools provide opportunities for engaging in the democratic process and participating in community life
- Schools provide opportunities for pupils to exercise leadership and responsibility
- Schools provide positive and effective links with the world of work and the wider community
SOCIAL:Participating, cooperating and resolving conflicts
Children have requested to run their own clubs to support others who are struggling with friendships or who need quiet time. These clubs include sign language, chess, crochet, dance, magic. They run these independently and support younger children
All |
Children learn about healthy eating, try new food, learn to cook and prepare food that they then eat
All |
Provides an opportunity to enable children to develop a range of skills that will promote confidence and raise self-esteem as well as having fun. Children have a chance to put on a performance and also participate in role play situations
All |
children are taught how to play chess and how to play games with different age children
KS2 |
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Every month a new value is introduced and the children explore this value in their day-to-day living. The explore this value in the Bible and in other faiths. At the end of the month children are identified who have demonstrated this value and they are awarded a value leaf which is placed on our values tree. Values lead the way for promoting positive behaviour and discussing choices children have made.
All |
Children learnt about the story of Noah and how God made a promise. They discussed forgiveness and being a good citizen
All |
Ex-pupil came and led an assembly with a follow-up workshop about Peace. This work was a result of a visit to Hawaii by girls from Hitchin Girls School who represented the UK to work with children from all over the world as ambassadors of Peace
All |
Every month a new value is introduced and the children explore this value in their day-to-day living. The explore this value in the Bible and in other faiths. At the end of the month children are identified who have demonstrated this value and they are awarded a value leaf which is placed on our values tree. Values lead the way for promoting positive behaviour and discussing choices children have made.
All |
Children participated in a Remembrance Service
All |
Children learn about Peace and being a positive friend, dealing with issues and bullying
All |
Children considered how to work as a group to sing and perform their part of the song.
01 |
We discussed what makes a super learner during group work and composed SC. This was then applied in a group work task and reinforced during the following maths lesson.
01 |
As part of Key Stage 1 worship this week, we discussed valuing different people's opinions and that people see things from different points of view. We discussed the importance of listening and empathising rather than judging. We have continued to talk about this within the classroom.
02 |
In KS1 worship, we spoke about getting on and falling out. We read the story 'Bubble Trouble' about 2 friends who get so competitive that they argue. We discussed that sometimes, we can get carried away and forget that our friendships are the most important things. We talked about the importance of saying sorry and forgiving people.
KS1 |
Looking at the practice of respect - in action. How can we make our actions speak louder than words?
KS1 |
Exploring the compassion of Jesus on the cross and the different symbolic representations of the cross in global Christianity.
KS1 |
How we show respect even when we have a difference of opinion
KS2 |
Children collectively plan worship for the whole term taking into account the Christian calendar and other faiths. The children investigate different ways to present to the school and involve personal faith stories and morality
Wor |
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Children learn how to be a leader within the school. They understand the process of writing and presenting a manifesto and how to vote fairly. They participate in being a school council representative and listen to the needs of their peers and present to the council. They learn the importance of making decisions, having responsibility and leading by example
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Children participate in developing a whole school charter that is progressive in expectation from KS1 to KS2. This charter is developed further in each class with children considering how it may look in their day-to-day behaviour. It is referred to when discussing learning behaviours as well as assisting with positive behaviour
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Year 2 had to work in groups of 3 to build bridges out of only paper and tape.
We used our value of Koinonia to work as a team, discuss ideas and share resources. Every group was successful in resolving any differences themselves and passing the challenge.
02 |
Different groups of children created different representations of the character of Ted from our class book The London Eye Mystery. We thought hard about the journey Ted had taken through the book and how the different events affected his personality and this was reflected in our art projects
06 |
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A group of children from year 6 entered at science competition at Hitchin Girl's School. They presented their science and engineering project inspired by the World War 2 Enigma machine.
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year 6 participated in an Olympic Legacy sports event competing in a different olympic and paralympic sports events against children from other local primary schools.
06 |
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Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
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We used our Good Listener skills to share our stories about our artefacts, ask our professor questions and curate each others' curios using our Historian Talk! We explored what make our artefacts valuable and the power of the personal connection, ownership and differing aspects of significance and non-significance.
01 |
In year 2 pupils are now able to lead group discussions, inviting speakers, thanking them for their comments and inviting questions with respect. The positive way in which this was orchestrated was commented on by a number of parents who left written comments of praise.
02 |
Parents invited into class to work alongside their children to play Maths fluency games involving addition(Nrich)
03 |
Each half-term, parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Nur |
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Nur |
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Nur |
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Nur |
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Nur |
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Nur |
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
Parents invited into the setting to celebrate their child's learning and progress by sharing their Learning Journeys and exploring our learning environment.
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As part of outdoor learning, year 2 were making clay faces. We spoke about different facial expressions, what makes us happy and sad and how we can tell how we are making people feel. We then created our faces based on different emotions.
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Children participate in many additional sporting opportunities that enable them to experience competition and trying out new sports and learning a range of skills. They are encouraged to have a go and try their best but they are also expected to show positive competitiveness and to be an effective and active team member. There is also opportunity to lead their team
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The children are looking at how to keep clean and stay safe and how this links to respect for their natural environment and for each other in their community.
01 |
Visit to see how the design of a church reflects some of the elements of the Good News.
01 |
As part of the class' SUM work we played a variety of games on the above topic such as follow-the-leader, Snappy and Squeak and the human chain. How did the other person's actions affect you? What was the best response to that behvaiour?
01 |
Year 1 revised our talk partners best practice and introduced the concept of reflecting on how good a talk partner we are. How can we be better?
01 |
Exploring the SUMO concept of victim t shirts, the children investigated what it was that 'makes them tick' by thinking about what their 'one voice' might be, or what they believed about themselves. This was contrasted with actions linked to that belief.
01 |
In talk partners the children described the problem with plastic and decided on what practical action - thinking of John - they could do to help look after the world. They produced posters designed to persuade someone else to make a pledge to recycle plastic.
01 |
Discussions on how to reduce waste and save the planet, impact of our actions on the natural world of God's creation, creation of poster encouraging others to ACT to save the environment following SC.
01 |
Inbedding our school vision by discussing effective listening and speaking techniques. Talk partnert, effective shared discussion and comment thumbs. Taking account of others' ideas and different opinions. Opinions as a result of what we like and dislike,, know and don't yet know.
01 |
Rabbi Celia came to the class to share pur learning about the shema, Jewish prayers and rituals and customs. The children explored some real tallit shawls and tefiilin and listened to some hebrew blessings.
01 |
Today Year One explored how to show our Christian Values through action in the local commmunity. Connor from North Herts Sanctuary popped in to explain to the children about his work with the homeless of Hitchin. The children learned what they could do to help those in need including refugees.
01 |
In the context of RE work on Matthew the tax collector, the children were encouraged to consider what was surprising about the kinds of people Jesus came to save, and how this could be linked to our school values.
01 |
The children explored the qualities a super learner might possess and designed their own superheroes with names reflecting their behavioural characteristics. These were then incorporated into a PSHE lesson on school values.
01 |
Today the children played some language games based around the concept of 'groupthink'. Is working as a team synonymous with all having the same idea? What impact would that have on our learning? Are there times when having different ideas create a richer learning experiences for us? These and other questions were explored in our table groups.
01 |
We discussed the different strengths of children in the class, and looked at how people are all good at different things. We also discussed how best to support our fellow pupil in her standing frame.
01 |
We read the story ISH about a boy who tries hard in his drawing but who experiences a sense of failure. We discussed the meaning of success and failure and explored the concept of thinking reflexively about our learning - can you write me an ISH sentence? What makes it wonderful?
01 |
In year 2, we have been thinking about our value of peace. We have been thinking about how we can show peacefulness and friendship to everyone we meet. We spoke about friendship tokens and how we need to be giving out friendship tokens to everyone by smiling, listening to others, including people and being kind. This will make our school more peaceful.
02 |
This week, year 2 talked about what makes a good friend. We each created a recipe for friendship which included elements such as kindness, compassion, generosity. We thought about times when people did not show that to us and discuss resolutions.
02 |
We discussed God's creation and how it is human's responsibility to care for this world. The children created a list of rules for caring for God's world. We then used the British value of democracy to vote for our top 3 rules which we can then display in the classroom.
02 |
In art, we have been focusing on sketching and looking at detail. We have been practicing evaluating someone else's work by being positive but also constructive. We are learning to be helpful without being unkind.
02 |
Today year 2 had to work in pairs to create a piece of performance poetry with actions. They had to show their values of Koinonia to work together and collaborate ideas.
02 |
The importance of making mistakes
04 |
Exploring how to be a gppd friend
04 |
Exploring what causes flooding, the impact this has on our poorest communities and the changes we can make to mitigate this.
04 |
Friendship champions - how to advise and model good friendship behaviours without being bossy or judgemental.
04 |
Today we looked at how some charities like Christian Aid apply in practice the message of the Good Samaritan about how to show love and forgiveness to unlikely people.
04 |
In the spiritual area outside as part of CAW. Exploring climate justiice and the relationship of humans wiht our planet.
04 |
How our bodies change as we get older
04 |
Alcohol and its effect on our bodies
04 |
Discussing issues if duty, sacrifce, personal belief and culture.
04 |
Exploring how to share information safely online.avatars
04 |
How to act and think like a good citizen,
04 |
Y4 have sopent some time revisiting our British Values and respect for each other in loght of the many new rules and routines we have in place to keep us safe.
04 |
STEM PSHE lesson on Water aid - writing letters to ecouurage others to donate to create rope pumps
04 |
During our history lesson, we learnt about what happened to Darius' family after the Battle of Issus. We during a P4C session we debated if his treatment was fair.
04 |
Lesson on Toussaint Louverture
04 |
Based on the elements of our school vision, we worked together as a class to identified our responsibilities to make sure that we reach the vision.
04 |
We participated in guided visualisations and discussed why we should try to take a moment to take off our victim t-shirts when we are feeling angry or upset by something that has happened.
04 |
Children were asked to think about how their reaction to a situation affects the outcome - SUMO resource. This involved exploring how our feelings can shape our responses and how sometimes we need to take a step back to consider how we react first.
04 |
Shared the UNISEF rights that all children should have in school,
We developed a list of responsibilities that al members of the school community have if children are to get their rights,
04 |
We learnt about different kinds of bullying and discriminatory behaviours and what to do if someone is being bullied.
05 |
We learnt different strategies to resolve conflicts with others. We referred back to our SUMO learning..
05 |
We learnt how to use fruity questions to try and understand other people's perspectives.
05 |
We held a debate in class about building houses in the Silver Birches. We learnt that we need to show tolerance for others with a different perspective.
05 |
Today, Year 5 discussed seeing the same idea from different perspectives, understanding that we have different influences in our lives which change how we see things.
05 |
The children worked collaboratively in groups to create dens for their mini-creature in the wildlife area. The children were developing their teamwork skills as part of our learning about the value of koinonia.
05 |
In PSHE this week, we learnt how our actions affect others.
05 |
Visited Y5 to talk about migration and equality and issues surrounding having to leave your home
05 |
PHASE workshop on managing friendships and change
06 |
During Autumn term, key children from Y1 and Y2 engage in weekly forest school sessions with our forest school leader to enhance their communication skills, wellbeing and PSE and also physical development. Children are encouraged to work collaboratively and learn about themselves and the world around them by engaging actively with nature.
Enr |
This morning, we reflected on yesterdays child-led activity within the construction area with the whole class. One child suggested that their 'castle' structure was so amazing "because we builded it together", This language and attitude to learning was celebrated and encouraged to develop further today. This led to several children working together to build a shelter that "protects animals from the predators", displaying a caring nature through independent activities. Children were also supported to develop perseverance and acceptance when other children accidentally knocked their structures down - "we can just build it again. How could we make it more stable?"
Nur |
We constantly explore a range of stories daily, exploring ideas of moral ideals and friendships. The children work to identify how the characters have behaved and the impact this behaviour has had. They also offer solutions for how to overcome these problems and work together.
Nur |
Miss Farrant has two books from the library for children to choose from. How can we choose to make it fair? We decide to have a vote. Children are reminded they can only vote once and should make their own decision.
Nur |
Nursery children have spent the week learning how to care for their learning environment. This has included considering how to leave the environment ready for other children to use and how to share.
Nur |
SASA provide a welcome BBQ to greet our new parents and for all the school community to come together at the start of the year. It ensures that everyone has a chance to meet and forge new friendships and everyone is welcomed
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Today we honed our performance skills ever further by exploring projecting our voices, responding to cues and listening to multi-part instructions and action sequences.
01 |
Ks1 and R sang, danced and retold their way throught the nativity story. A wonderful performance and application of all the speaking and listening, musical and performing skills they have learnt so far! Well done KS1 and Reception!
KS1 |
Children in KS1 and Reception performed a wonderful Nativity play entitled A Star is Born.
KS1 |
All children who play a musical instrument have a chance to perform at the Spring Concert. Paents are invited, the emphasis is on children learning how to conduct themselves in front of a mature audience. The Music Cup is presented to a child who has demonstrated commitment and passion
KS2 |
Both Nursery classess put on an amazing production of the Nativity story. They thought about the journey Mary and Joseph made to Bethlehem, the birth of Jesus, and the significance and impact of his birth on the rest of the world.
Nur |
Ks1 and R sang, danced and retold their way throught the nativity story. A wonderful performance and application of all the speaking and listening, musical and performing skills they have learnt so far! Well done KS1 and Reception!
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Each year group developed their literacy learning through art focusing on the journey of characters as they face change or change themselves. Children planned and shaped their ideas creatively and developed their own learning using a planning grid to shape and adapt their learning. Children worked collaboratively to develop their ideas. Pupils then evaluated their learning.
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Children prepare presentations for an interveiw with the previous House Captains. The ex-House Captains prepare the questions and organise the whole procedure. They discuss the candidates with the guidance of the Assistant Head and then announce the results by formal letter, ensuring that all candidates are valued and thanked.
06 |
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All children discussed in assembly and class what is meant by a lenten promise. Talked about choosing a promise they felt they could keep and that it would make a difference to others as well as themselves. Talked about having responsibility
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The children acted out the story of the Buddha, made mandala out of transient art and explored some of the symbolism of the faith.
01 |
We raised our own questions from our work on the resurrection and then chose a question to discuss: 'If Judah hadn't betrayed Jesus would the resurrection still have happened?' There was a good level of discussion around this in the classroom
06 |
Nursery and Reception celebrated the Nativity together through their performance of 'The Sleepy Shepherd' to friends and family. Children performed with confidence and enthusiasm helping to build self-esteem and collaborative teamwork.
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All pupils from Reception to Year 6 took part in a sponsored run to raise money for the schools' EYFS outdoor project
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Team building challenges
03 |
Year 6 participated in a sports Olympic legacy inter-school competition which included experiencing Paralympic sports such as wheelchair basketball and sitting volleyball
06 |
Two year 6 sports leaders planned and led a KS2 interhouse cricket competition over two afternoons. All children from years 4 to 6 were able to participate and cheered on their team mates.
KS2 |
Children participate in weekly netball lessons and then attend competitions and matches. There is an A team and a B team and children are selected according to skill
KS2 |
Children participate in rugby training in PE lessons and then attend a competition with other schools. Try to encourage children who have not attended other sporting events
KS2 |
Children participate in a variety of matches with local schools as well as termly tournaments. Children form an A team and B team and are selected on skill.
KS2 |
Children in Nursery took part in a sponsored pedal event to raise money for the EYFS outdoor learning project
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All staff explored the need for awareness of radicalisation and extremism. So that staff are able to identify children who may be vulnerable to radicalisation, and know what to do when they are identified.also build pupils’ resilience to radicalisation by promoting fundamental British values and enabling them to challenge extremist views. It is important to emphasise that the Prevent duty is not intended to stop pupils debating controversial issues. On the contrary, schools should provide a safe space in which children, young people and staff can understand the risks associated with terrorism and develop the knowledge and skills to be able to challenge extremist arguments
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Whole school outdoor learning week gave valuable opportunity to enhance our outdoor learning across the school. All classes got involved and participated in maths, literacy, UW, RE and PSE lessons in our wonderful school grounds.
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Children and staff work with artist to consider interpreting key concepts from their class book into a piece of art. They will learn new skills and either work collectively or individually. The project is shaped by the discussion between the children, teacher and artist and is aimed at developing inference through higher order questioning. Drama, Writing, Poetry, Dance and Music will also be explored as the week develops. Every story involves a journey and links to real life issues and people experiencing a change. Some classes will be inviting parents who have moved here from other countries. Some classes will be working with animals. All classes will deal with dilemmas in life e.g making the right choice, separation, making new friends etc.
All |
Year 3 spent their cake sale money on a book making workshop which allowed them to learn the traditional skills for making sewn books.
03 |
Y4 children participated in Christian Aid week themed day. Children were asked to reflect on how to support people who need help and particularly women around the world.
04 |
Family Learning Week focussed on STEM this year. We invited parents and families into class to share in STEM activities with their children and find out more about how STEM is taught in Nursery. Our actvities ranged from investigating magnets and making/testing paper spinners to exploring the changing properties of gloop and using our imagination and skils in the Atelier to design and create models using recycled materials.
Nur |
Reception celebrated the diverse culture within their class. Children were invited to wear some traditional clothes to school to mark the occasion and share their knowledge and experiences with their peers. During the day, we had lots of fun and opportunity to explore some different traditions from around the world.
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Children discussed the importance of the rainforest and how there are still today conflicts involving deforestation. Children developed an understanding of people in the rainforest and how they function and how their lives are different culturally to ours.
03 |
Y4 spent 3 days and 2 nights at Hudnall Park developing their outdoor skills and becoming more independent.
04 |
All of Year 6 spent a week in the Isle of Wight participating in a range of trips and visits and cutltural and fun activities and learning how to live together socially
06 |
Each class visited Shepreth Wildlife Park (5th May and 12th May) to learn more about animals and their habitats. We spent a prolonged time touring the park and talking about what we noticed and sharing knowledge about animals and they way they live, how to care for them etc. At the end of the session, we engaged in a workshop entitled 'Who Lives in this Logpile?' and also a tour with an Education Officer to learn more about some of the animals such as Lemurs, Tigers, Maned Wolf and Mearcats. We learned how to stay safe whilst out of class and manage our own personal hygiene and care.
Nur |
Nursery visit the local park, thinking about how to stay safe on the paths and road as well as looking after the environment and sharing community areas. The language, turn taking and socialising in the playground with other members of the public was fantastic!
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Ofsted Guidance
- Pupils' acceptance of and engagement with the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. They will develop and demonstrate skills and attitudes that will allow them to participate fully in and contribute positively to life in modern Britain
Ofsted 2004
- Pupils appreciate the rights and responsibilities of individuals within the wider social setting
- Pupils understand how societies function and are organised in structures such as the family, the school and local and wider communities
- Pupils understand the notion of interdependence in an increasingly complex society
- Schools identify key values and principles on which school and community life is based
SOCIAL:Understanding how communities and societies function
Children have requested to run their own clubs to support others who are struggling with friendships or who need quiet time. These clubs include sign language, chess, crochet, dance, magic. They run these independently and support younger children
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Learning about another countries language and culture through practical lessons
All |
Children are provided with an opportunity to attend a club that provides guidance in trying new foods and learning to cook. Children get a chance to eat the food and so the social element of enjoying and sharing food is also important.
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Provides an opportunity to enable children to develop a range of skills that will promote confidence and raise self-esteem as well as having fun. Children have a chance to put on a performance and also participate in role play situations
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Children given the opportunity to join Art Club each term
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Local clergy have worked alongside the school to support the quality of the worship experience for children and staff. They have designed a rota and attend twice weekly
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Every month a new value is introduced and the children explore this value in their day-to-day living. The explore this value in the Bible and in other faiths. At the end of the month children are identified who have demonstrated this value and they are awarded a value leaf which is placed on our values tree. Values lead the way for promoting positive behaviour and discussing choices children have made.
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Every worship links hymns, religious stories and prayers to our school values.
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Led by Rev Roden who explained to the children how important it is to pray.
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Whole school gathered for remembrance service
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Children learn about this festival
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Children learnt about the story of Noah and how God made a promise. They discussed forgiveness and being a good citizen
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Ex-pupil came and led an assembly with a follow-up workshop about Peace. This work was a result of a visit to Hawaii by girls from Hitchin Girls School who represented the UK to work with children from all over the world as ambassadors of Peace
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Whole school participated and contributed to providing food parcels for homeless of Hitchin
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Children had an assembly about Yom Kippur
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Every month a new value is introduced and the children explore this value in their day-to-day living. The explore this value in the Bible and in other faiths. At the end of the month children are identified who have demonstrated this value and they are awarded a value leaf which is placed on our values tree. Values lead the way for promoting positive behaviour and discussing choices children have made.
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Children learn about the festival of Sukkot
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Children participated in a Remembrance Service
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Today we considered the global ramifications of the Christian celebration of Easter by exploring the symbol of the cross. We learnt about crosses from all over the world including Bangladesh and Ecuador.
01 |
We discussed what makes a super learner during group work and composed SC. This was then applied in a group work task and reinforced during the following maths lesson.
01 |
In KS1 worship, we spoke about getting on and falling out. We read the story 'Bubble Trouble' about 2 friends who get so competitive that they argue. We discussed that sometimes, we can get carried away and forget that our friendships are the most important things. We talked about the importance of saying sorry and forgiving people.
KS1 |
Looking at the practice of respect - in action. How can we make our actions speak louder than words?
KS1 |
Exploring the compassion of Jesus on the cross and the different symbolic representations of the cross in global Christianity.
KS1 |
Children collectively plan worship for the whole term taking into account the Christian calendar and other faiths. The children investigate different ways to present to the school and involve personal faith stories and morality
Wor |
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Children donated items to help the local homeless youth
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All children dressed up as heroes from British History and gave a donation in recognition of Children in Need
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Children designed and made hats to represent water and the importance of water. They then created a human pipeline and transported water from one end of their team to the other. This was to demonstrate how difficult it is for some people to access water in countries where there is not a reliable water system
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Worship Rangers planned and organised Christian Aid week - Everyone Deserves a Safe Place
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During week of Lent pupils donated non-perishable foods to continue support of local homeless _ The Haven Santuary
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Each class has an opportunity to participate in an enterprise event. Children sell cakes and then work alongside class teacher to calculate how to spend the money in order to benefit the class
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Children learn how to be a leader within the school. They understand the process of writing and presenting a manifesto and how to vote fairly. They participate in being a school council representative and listen to the needs of their peers and present to the council. They learn the importance of making decisions, having responsibility and leading by example
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Children participate in developing a whole school charter that is progressive in expectation from KS1 to KS2. This charter is developed further in each class with children considering how it may look in their day-to-day behaviour. It is referred to when discussing learning behaviours as well as assisting with positive behaviour
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Year 5 were invited to a play explaining the partition of Pakistan and the impact on families - it explored the emotions and cultural and religious differences. Children then discussed this in class and created a poem to explore the feelings
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Year 6 met their Reception buddies today and are building relationships, developing their leadership and supporting new members of our school
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Learning about the history of Crime and Punishment and the moral, ethical and cultural issues of different societies in different time periods.
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We worked together to think about British Values and how we can demonstrate them around Nursery. Children helped take the photos and thought about how to work together.
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We worked together to create a British Values Display in the classroom. We thought about how to work together, caring for the environment, individuality and considered the difference between right and wrong.
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Whilst discussing New Year resolutions we decided to create a promise for each month from January-July2019. We thought about how we could create a positive learning environment through our interactions with one another and our learning attitudes. Children suggested ideas such as being peaceful, listening to each other and learning to negotiate, making sure to include everyone in our games and thinking about the consequences of our actions and words.
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Year 4 researched local history in world war 2 and created a gallery of information. They entered a competition which they won and attended award ceremonies with world war 2 veterans
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We used our Good Listener skills to share our stories about our artefacts, ask our professor questions and curate each others' curios using our Historian Talk! We explored what make our artefacts valuable and the power of the personal connection, ownership and differing aspects of significance and non-significance.
01 |
Nursery, Reception and Year One parents/carers were invited to attend an evening that informs them of the 'phonic learning process' from Phase 1 - Early Phase 4. Examples of activities, resources, highly recommended picture books and Early Years staff were on hand to support and answer any questions about Phonics and how it is developed from the time they start Nursery.
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Parents were invited in to share a range of activities with children related to water and floating and sinking.
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Having considered how God would like to make Earth like Heaven, we planned imaginary events that would help Earth become more like Heaven. e.g. money raising events to reduce poverty or for medical research. Talks for people to reduce their levels of anxiety.
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The children are looking at how to keep clean and stay safe and how this links to respect for their natural environment and for each other in their community.
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Through godly play, narrative, extended writing and conscience alley, the children explored the story of Easter and the concept of salvation.
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Visit to see how the design of a church reflects some of the elements of the Good News.
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In talk partners the children described the problem with plastic and decided on what practical action - thinking of John - they could do to help look after the world. They produced posters designed to persuade someone else to make a pledge to recycle plastic.
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Discussions on how to reduce waste and save the planet, impact of our actions on the natural world of God's creation, creation of poster encouraging others to ACT to save the environment following SC.
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Rabbi Celia came to the class to share pur learning about the shema, Jewish prayers and rituals and customs. The children explored some real tallit shawls and tefiilin and listened to some hebrew blessings.
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Today Year One explored how to show our Christian Values through action in the local commmunity. Connor from North Herts Sanctuary popped in to explain to the children about his work with the homeless of Hitchin. The children learned what they could do to help those in need including refugees.
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In the context of RE work on Matthew the tax collector, the children were encouraged to consider what was surprising about the kinds of people Jesus came to save, and how this could be linked to our school values.
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The children explored the qualities a super learner might possess and designed their own superheroes with names reflecting their behavioural characteristics. These were then incorporated into a PSHE lesson on school values.
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Today the children played some language games based around the concept of 'groupthink'. Is working as a team synonymous with all having the same idea? What impact would that have on our learning? Are there times when having different ideas create a richer learning experiences for us? These and other questions were explored in our table groups.
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Year One looked at extending our value of Respect towards the environment and how our actions have an impact for good or otherwise. Stewardship was discussed and children designed and created a poster persuading others to show respect for the environment.
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In the context of their own families. children were invited to consider some important characteristics of family belonging, the roles they play in these communities and the responsibilities associated with them. Discussions incorporated our School family and children were invited to symbolise the school value they felt was the most important in a piece of symbolic drawing.
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Our class advent this year is from Oxfam and each day we get a finger puppet from around the world which has a fact on the back about how we can help others this Christmas. This has sparked lots of discussion as a class about global Christianity and about the true meaning of Christmas.
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In Literacy, we have been reading the book Halibut Jackson. He is a very shy character who likes to blend in and we debated whether he should go the Queen's party or not. We had to listen to other people's point of view and structure our debate.
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In year 2, we have been thinking about our value of peace. We have been thinking about how we can show peacefulness and friendship to everyone we meet. We spoke about friendship tokens and how we need to be giving out friendship tokens to everyone by smiling, listening to others, including people and being kind. This will make our school more peaceful.
02 |
This week, year 2 talked about what makes a good friend. We each created a recipe for friendship which included elements such as kindness, compassion, generosity. We thought about times when people did not show that to us and discuss resolutions.
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We discussed God's creation and how it is human's responsibility to care for this world. The children created a list of rules for caring for God's world. We then used the British value of democracy to vote for our top 3 rules which we can then display in the classroom.
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In art, we have been focusing on sketching and looking at detail. We have been practicing evaluating someone else's work by being positive but also constructive. We are learning to be helpful without being unkind.
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In year 2, before writing Harvest Prayers we learnt about Fairtrade and the work they do. We looked at the example of banana farmers and focused on thanking the global effort that helps to ensure we have our food.
We then made sure we showed gratitude to all the people involved in this food process in our prayers.
02 |
As part of looking at our school vision, we focused on the element of 'One Voice'. We thought about the question- "If St Andrew's had one voice, what would it say?" We all came up with responses which we thought summed up our school ethos as a whole. We thought about how when we are in the community, we are representing our school.
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On the first day of year 2, we discussed the qualities that members of the St Andrews family should display. We then matched these to the Key Stage 1 charter and discussed our rights and responsibilities as learners and teachers.
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Pupils did a traffic survey to investigate how many cars were contributing over time periods to pollution
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The importance of making mistakes
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Exploring how to be a gppd friend
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Exploring what causes flooding, the impact this has on our poorest communities and the changes we can make to mitigate this.
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Friendship champions - how to advise and model good friendship behaviours without being bossy or judgemental.
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Today we looked at how some charities like Christian Aid apply in practice the message of the Good Samaritan about how to show love and forgiveness to unlikely people.
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In the spiritual area outside as part of CAW. Exploring climate justiice and the relationship of humans wiht our planet.
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How our bodies change as we get older
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Discussing issues if duty, sacrifce, personal belief and culture.
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Exploring how to share information safely online.avatars
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How to act and think like a good citizen,
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Y4 have sopent some time revisiting our British Values and respect for each other in loght of the many new rules and routines we have in place to keep us safe.
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STEM PSHE lesson on Water aid - writing letters to ecouurage others to donate to create rope pumps
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Lesson on Toussaint Louverture
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We held a debate in class about building houses in the Silver Birches. We learnt that we need to show tolerance for others with a different perspective.
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The children wrote manifestos to present to the class in which they explained what they would do if they were elected to Pupil Parliament. The children then voted for their peers whom they felt would be good Pupil Parliament members. The class discussed democracy and what it means to have a vote.
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Visited Y5 to talk about migration and equality and issues surrounding having to leave your home
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Year 5 explored how Chinese people celebrate Chinese New Year.
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Through the bible story Jesus and Zacchaeus we considered our school value of Compassion. Using godly play, we explored the story and talked about what compassion means to us, who displayed compassion in the story and how this affected the characters. We asked how and when can we show Compassion towards one another? Children suggested "by being kind".
SASA provide a welcome BBQ to greet our new parents and for all the school community to come together at the start of the year. It ensures that everyone has a chance to meet and forge new friendships and everyone is welcomed
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Recycling old clothes to raise funds for SASA
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Children contributed to games and stalls for the Christmas Fair
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All children participated in creating an event to raise money at the Christmas Fair. Children helped set up the event and manned stalled. Children were able to perform at the event as well.
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Nursery, Reception and Year One parents/carers were invited to attend an evening that informs them of the 'phonic learning process' from Phase 1 - Early Phase 4. Examples of activities, resources, highly recommended picture books and Early Years staff were on hand to support and answer any questions about Phonics and how it is developed from the time they start Nursery.
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Parents attended an evening presentation and discussion led by the Head Teacher and Class Teacher that informed them of the school values in context, the ethos of our setting and how every child is at the centre of our approach to learning.
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Today we honed our performance skills ever further by exploring projecting our voices, responding to cues and listening to multi-part instructions and action sequences.
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Ks1 and R sang, danced and retold their way throught the nativity story. A wonderful performance and application of all the speaking and listening, musical and performing skills they have learnt so far! Well done KS1 and Reception!
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Pupils from across the school were asked many questions involving changes to the literacy curriculum through CLPE. They expressed their enjoyment of teaching literacy through cross curricular links such as art and how there were many fun teaching approaches such as snowballing.
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Today we had pupil parliament elections where each child, who wanted to apply, wrote a speech to present to the class. All of the children then had a secret vote, we discussed that the outcome would be decided in the same way as democracy in society.
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Year 5 worked in groups to develop a class Eco Code, before agreeing on a class slogan: Recycling is a go go! Litter is a no no!
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Children prepare presentations for an interveiw with the previous House Captains. The ex-House Captains prepare the questions and organise the whole procedure. They discuss the candidates with the guidance of the Assistant Head and then announce the results by formal letter, ensuring that all candidates are valued and thanked.
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Eco- warriors meeting to discuss plans for this half-term. We discussed the successful implementation of our pen-recycling and appointed Eco-Warriors to turn off the lights in the classroom to save electricity.
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All Eco pupils visit Amey Cespa recycling plant to learn more about recycling and how they can implement changes in school.
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Year R, 1 and Y6 presented a service
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All children discussed in assembly and class what is meant by a lenten promise. Talked about choosing a promise they felt they could keep and that it would make a difference to others as well as themselves. Talked about having responsibility
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Children visit Holy Saviour church for their start of the year service. It is to welcome new staff and new children and new families. We talk about Koinonia and our school values and expectations
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The children acted out the story of the Buddha, made mandala out of transient art and explored some of the symbolism of the faith.
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This week, the Nursery class have been finding out about, preparing for and celebrating Chinese New Year. We discovered the original story of the 12 animals and how it was decided that each year would be named after a different animal; we learned how families prepare their homes for the festival (and enjoyed a bit of spring cleaning with marigolds and dusters ourselves!), we practised dragon dancing, gymnastics, writing good luck messages in Mandarin, saying 'Kung Hey Fat Choi' meaning 'Happy New Year' in Cantonese and so much more! We particularly enjoyed finding out which 'year of the...' we were born in - the nursery pupils were born in the year of the goat and the year of the monkey.
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The children explored the values and meaning of Chinese New Year through provocations involving Chinese traditional food, art and creativity and language. A number of the class are Chinese are were invited to talk to the rest of the class about their family traditions, which they did. Some children introduced us to the concept of the dancing dragon - the rest of the class enjoyed learning about the importance of the colours and replicated this experience through role playing their own dragon dances and creating a dragon to suspend from the classroom ceiling. Another child showed their special Chinese New Year clothing.
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We celebrated Divali by aking clay lamps and creating Rangoli patterns
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Children meet with other schools and participate in a mini-olympics with sports that include Paralympicactivities
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Children participate in a variety of matches with local schools as well as termly tournaments. Children form an A team and B team and are selected on skill.
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All staff have half termly discussions with our local vicar to deepen knowledge of Christianity. Father Ian enables staff to question and plan their teaching for children. Children's response has been positive and significantly raised the profile of engagement within RE. Children are improving their literacy through enquiry about the subject and showing curiousity
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teachers explored the understanding and purpose of the bible with Father Ian leading this as part of ongoing CPD with staff to understand Christianity.
All teaching staff and support staff have regular training on child protection and other safeguarding elements. This is reviewed regularly in staff meetings to ensure that procedures and processes are followed. Parent volunteers also attend this annually. If there are any concerns regarding safeguarding procedures these are communicated to parents in a newsletter if they affect the whole school community. Updates on Esafety are also sent out to parents
All staff explored the need for awareness of radicalisation and extremism. So that staff are able to identify children who may be vulnerable to radicalisation, and know what to do when they are identified.also build pupils’ resilience to radicalisation by promoting fundamental British values and enabling them to challenge extremist views. It is important to emphasise that the Prevent duty is not intended to stop pupils debating controversial issues. On the contrary, schools should provide a safe space in which children, young people and staff can understand the risks associated with terrorism and develop the knowledge and skills to be able to challenge extremist arguments
Led by Father Ian - all teaching staff explored the concept of salvation through bible study
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We celebrated the school's 50th year by hosting an outdoor party. Ambassadors conducted school tours to showcase classrooms and our whole school Radcliffe project. Everyone enjoyed music, dancing, food and a variety of stalls and games. We also arranged a whole school aerial photo in the shape of a 50 to mark the occasion. Three cheers for fifty years!
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All classess embrace the benefits of outdoor learning, taking the opportunity to engage in new experiences and broadening learning. Year 1 contextualise their learning about Radcliffes by practising etiquette and manners during cream teas. Year 6 enjoy yoga and mindfulness, considering mental wellbeing.
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Children and staff work with artist to consider interpreting key concepts from their class book into a piece of art. They will learn new skills and either work collectively or individually. The project is shaped by the discussion between the children, teacher and artist and is aimed at developing inference through higher order questioning. Drama, Writing, Poetry, Dance and Music will also be explored as the week develops. Every story involves a journey and links to real life issues and people experiencing a change. Some classes will be inviting parents who have moved here from other countries. Some classes will be working with animals. All classes will deal with dilemmas in life e.g making the right choice, separation, making new friends etc.
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Orgainsied a themed lunch for St Andrews Day with children able to wear club uniforms in recognition of the event
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Year 3 created Rangoli patterns as their study of sikhism and understood how Sikhs and Hindus use the patterns to welcome and offer good luck.
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Y4 children participated in Christian Aid week themed day. Children were asked to reflect on how to support people who need help and particularly women around the world.
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Children spent this week celebrating diversity within Nursery and learning about different cultures and traditions from around the world. Children were encouraged to bring in some special artefacts to share with peers. Family members were invited to come into class to share their traditions and customs with the children. We celebrated on Friday by wearing traditional clothes to school.
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Parents are invited into class to share in their child's Learning Journey and celebrate their achievements and progress. Parents have opportunity to share learning within the classroom, observe class displays and provocations etc. Children are very proud to share their school life with parents and family.
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Parents are invited into class to share in their child's Learning Journey and celebrate their achievements and progress. Parents have opportunity to share learning within the classroom, observe class displays and provocations etc. Children are very proud to share their school life with parents and family.
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Parents are invited into class to share in their child's Learning Journey and celebrate their achievements and progress. Parents have opportunity to share learning within the classroom, observe class displays and provocations etc. Children are very proud to share their school life with parents and family.
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Parents are invited into class to share in their child's Learning Journey and celebrate their achievements and progress. Parents have opportunity to share learning within the classroom, observe class displays and provocations etc. Children are very proud to share their school life with parents and family.
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In our final week this half-term, we have been celebrating the diversity within Nursery. We had so much fun learning about different traditions within our families and from around the world. We made paperchains and flags to decorate our classroom. We also made traditional Swedish Christmas decorations, Rangoli patterns using chalk, paint and crayon, explored spices in playdough, made Chinese lanterns and wallets and enjoyed listening and dancing to music from all around the world. Thank you so much for the artefacts the children have brought in – we enjoyed sharing them and promise to return them after half-term. To conclude our week, children were invited to wear some traditional clothes to school for our Carnival day!
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This week, Nursery have been celebrating the different cultures that we have in our classroom - both the children and the teachers. Parents have visited to share information about their heritage and family routines at home - from how to wear a Sari to reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar in Spanish.
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All children in Reception and Nursery learned more about the diversity in our EYFS and participated in a range of activities to celebrate our diversity. Some parents/grandparents visited too to share artefacts, traditional clothes, language and stories with us. They talked to the children about their culture and home life. At the end of the week, children came to school dressed in traditional clothes and celebrated together with a Carnival.
All children in Reception and Nursery learned more about the diversity in our EYFS and participated in a range of activities to celebrate our diversity. Some parents/grandparents visited too to share artefacts, traditional clothes, language and stories with us. They talked to the children about their culture and home life. At the end of the week, children came to school dressed in traditional clothes and celebrated together with a Carnival.
Children came to school dressed in traditional clothes and talked about their home experiences, traditions and cultures. All children participated in a range of activities to celebrate the diversity within Reception class. Some parents visited too with artefacts and talked to the children about their culture and home life.
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The whole school particiapted in learning and exploration about the Sikh religion during RE week this year. This included trips and assemblies
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whole school focus throughout the week on keeping safe which included e-safety and stranger danger
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This week, we have been learning about Buddhism as part of RE week. We have learnt what it means to be Buddhist today.
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This week, Nursery have been celebrating the different cultures that we have in our classroom - both the children and the teachers. Parents have visited to share information about their heritage and family routines at home - from how to wear a Sari to reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar in Spanish.
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We spent the week celebrating the diversity of cultures in EYFS. Parents attended to speak to the children about their cultures, read stories and show traditional clothes. The children asked thoughtful questions and compared their own lives to other people's.
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Year 1 visited the Gurdwara as part of their RE
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Year 2 had an interactive re-telling of the Christmas story. We had our passports stamped at passport control as we entered Israel and completed crafts at each station. We made crowns to represent the baby King, a miniature Bible with Anna and Simeon, a fluffy sheep with the shepherds and a guiding star with the wise men. We discussed how all of these people knew that Jesus was going to be the Saviour.
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Children explored their learning about Ancient Egyptians.
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Year 3 visited Frogmore Paper Mill to discover the history of paper making in this country in contrast to that in other countries .
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Children discussed the importance of the rainforest and how there are still today conflicts involving deforestation. Children developed an understanding of people in the rainforest and how they function and how their lives are different culturally to ours.
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We visited Letchworth Foodbank and learnt how we can see Christianity in action in the local community. We learnt how different people support those who need help.
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All of Year 6 spent a week in the Isle of Wight participating in a range of trips and visits and cutltural and fun activities and learning how to live together socially
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Year 6 visited St. Mary's Church in Hitchin and was shown around the Church by Cannon Michael and discussed signs of salvation. They also asked some challenging questions about belief and Christianity.
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Trip to Imperial War museum Duxford to enhance understanding about the impact of the Battle of Britain on the course of world war 2
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Each class visited Shepreth Wildlife Park (5th May and 12th May) to learn more about animals and their habitats. We spent a prolonged time touring the park and talking about what we noticed and sharing knowledge about animals and they way they live, how to care for them etc. At the end of the session, we engaged in a workshop entitled 'Who Lives in this Logpile?' and also a tour with an Education Officer to learn more about some of the animals such as Lemurs, Tigers, Maned Wolf and Mearcats. We learned how to stay safe whilst out of class and manage our own personal hygiene and care.
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Nursery visit the local park, thinking about how to stay safe on the paths and road as well as looking after the environment and sharing community areas. The language, turn taking and socialising in the playground with other members of the public was fantastic!
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Reception visited Standalone Farm to see the animals and learn about how farms produce food.
Firefighters visited school to show Reception their equipment and explain their role. They also talked about the qualities needed to be a firefighter.
Reception were invited to Hitchin Library to disover more about their local community and amenities. We enjoyed exploring the library and participating in storytime. Children found out about the services the library offers. All children received a library card which enabled them to borrow a book.
Children discovered more about their local environment. We enjoyed a visit to Hitchin rail station to learn more transport and different occupations. We experienced travelling by train to Stevenage and learned more about how a rail station operates.
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Ofsted Guidance
- Pupils' ability to be reflective about their own beliefs (religious or otherwise) and perspective on life
- Pupils' willingness to reflect on their experiences
Ofsted 2004
- Pupils develop an increasing ability to reflect and learn from this reflection
- Pupils develop an ability to show courage and persistence in defence of their aims, values, principles and beliefs
- Pupils develop an ability to think in terms of the "whole" - for example, concepts such as harmony, interdependence, scale, perspective
- Where pupils already have religious beliefs, schools support and develop these beliefs in ways which are personal and relevant to them
- Schools encourage pupils to reflect and learn from reflection
SPIRITUAL:Developing personal values and beliefs
Children have requested to run their own clubs to support others who are struggling with friendships or who need quiet time. These clubs include sign language, chess, crochet, dance, magic. They run these independently and support younger children
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Provides an opportunity to enable children to develop a range of skills that will promote confidence and raise self-esteem as well as having fun. Children have a chance to put on a performance and also participate in role play situations
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Local clergy have worked alongside the school to support the quality of the worship experience for children and staff. They have designed a rota and attend twice weekly
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Every month a new value is introduced and the children explore this value in their day-to-day living. The explore this value in the Bible and in other faiths. At the end of the month children are identified who have demonstrated this value and they are awarded a value leaf which is placed on our values tree. Values lead the way for promoting positive behaviour and discussing choices children have made.
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As part of all worship, reflection plays a part. Reflection is always linked to our values and how we will move forward achieving these.
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Led by Rev Roden who explained to the children how important it is to pray.
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Whole school gathered for remembrance service
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Children learnt about the story of Noah and how God made a promise. They discussed forgiveness and being a good citizen
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Ex-pupil came and led an assembly with a follow-up workshop about Peace. This work was a result of a visit to Hawaii by girls from Hitchin Girls School who represented the UK to work with children from all over the world as ambassadors of Peace
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Whole school participated and contributed to providing food parcels for homeless of Hitchin
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Children had an assembly about Yom Kippur
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Every month a new value is introduced and the children explore this value in their day-to-day living. The explore this value in the Bible and in other faiths. At the end of the month children are identified who have demonstrated this value and they are awarded a value leaf which is placed on our values tree. Values lead the way for promoting positive behaviour and discussing choices children have made.
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Children learn about the festival of Sukkot
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Children prepared an assembly about their Pentecostal Church and invited their local Pastor in. The children managed the whole assembly on their own.
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Children learn about Peace and being a positive friend, dealing with issues and bullying
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Children considered how to work as a group to sing and perform their part of the song.
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Today we considered the global ramifications of the Christian celebration of Easter by exploring the symbol of the cross. We learnt about crosses from all over the world including Bangladesh and Ecuador.
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We discussed what makes a super learner during group work and composed SC. This was then applied in a group work task and reinforced during the following maths lesson.
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In class worship, we looked at the bible story of Noah's Flood. We spoke about how worried Noah must have been and how he had to trust in God and be brave. We spoke about how the dove represents peace because seeing the olive branch reassures Noah that everything will be fine. We created our own doves to remind us to be peaceful at school.
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During class worship the children learnt about the value of working as a team in the lives of those people who have achieved their goals and great things
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We looked at the verse from Luke 21:9 - Stand firm and you will win. We considered what this suggests we should do. We looked at the Waitrose advert from Christmas 2014 and considered how the girl did as God told us to do
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We listened to the parable of the good shepherd. We used this as a basis to understand how God wants us to care for each other and not leave anyone out.
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Looking at the practice of respect - in action. How can we make our actions speak louder than words?
KS1 |
Exploring the compassion of Jesus on the cross and the different symbolic representations of the cross in global Christianity.
KS1 |
Children collectively plan worship for the whole term taking into account the Christian calendar and other faiths. The children investigate different ways to present to the school and involve personal faith stories and morality
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All children dressed up as heroes from British History and gave a donation in recognition of Children in Need
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Children designed and made hats to represent water and the importance of water. They then created a human pipeline and transported water from one end of their team to the other. This was to demonstrate how difficult it is for some people to access water in countries where there is not a reliable water system
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Worship Rangers planned and organised Christian Aid week - Everyone Deserves a Safe Place
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Children wore stripes and learnt how to sign to a national song, All donated to the charity. Whole school sang the song as part of the day
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Children learnt about genetic illnesses and responded by wearing jeans and donating money
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Each class has an opportunity to participate in an enterprise event. Children sell cakes and then work alongside class teacher to calculate how to spend the money in order to benefit the class
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Children researched Incarnation and Annunciation and created angels for the Christmas Tree. Some classes looked at ways to use a range of recyclable material. Choir sang at the event
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Year 5 were invited to a play explaining the partition of Pakistan and the impact on families - it explored the emotions and cultural and religious differences. Children then discussed this in class and created a poem to explore the feelings
05 |
Year used explored the school vision cube and considered how the different elements of the vision might be achieved through activities and relationships within the classroom. They then created a class charter based on their ideas for all to sign up to.
06 |
We worked together to think about British Values and how we can demonstrate them around Nursery. Children helped take the photos and thought about how to work together.
Nur |
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Children were invited to enter a Walsworth Road Baptist Church Art Competition to express the concept of Flourish. Classes explored Aristotle's philosophy and Maslow's hierarchy of need before creating their own art work. They were able to use any resources and any method and then had to evaluate each other's - focusing on respect and constructive comments
All |
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We used our Good Listener skills to share our stories about our artefacts, ask our professor questions and curate each others' curios using our Historian Talk! We explored what make our artefacts valuable and the power of the personal connection, ownership and differing aspects of significance and non-significance.
01 |
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We were thinking about an item that we would save from a fire, linking to our Great Fire of London project. We talked about things being sentimental and reminding you of special people. We discussed that everyone has brought in different things because we are all different.
02 |
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Having considered how Jesus wanted us to behave in our world, we debated the issue of ...
should we help people who are homeless by giving them money directly or even taking them into our homes.
All |
Having considered how God has elements of the Holy and the Loving we had a philosophical discussion around how God being either loving or holy could affect the world.
All |
Today in PSHE we learnt that different people see things from different perspectives. We learnt to think about 'Don't forget the beachball' as a reminder of different perspectives.
All |
Children explored this in the christian calendar and through bible study.
All |
The children are looking at how to keep clean and stay safe and how this links to respect for their natural environment and for each other in their community.
01 |
Through godly play, narrative, extended writing and conscience alley, the children explored the story of Easter and the concept of salvation.
01 |
Visit to see how the design of a church reflects some of the elements of the Good News.
01 |
As part of the class' SUM work we played a variety of games on the above topic such as follow-the-leader, Snappy and Squeak and the human chain. How did the other person's actions affect you? What was the best response to that behvaiour?
01 |
Year 1 revised our talk partners best practice and introduced the concept of reflecting on how good a talk partner we are. How can we be better?
01 |
Exploring the SUMO concept of victim t shirts, the children investigated what it was that 'makes them tick' by thinking about what their 'one voice' might be, or what they believed about themselves. This was contrasted with actions linked to that belief.
01 |
In talk partners the children described the problem with plastic and decided on what practical action - thinking of John - they could do to help look after the world. They produced posters designed to persuade someone else to make a pledge to recycle plastic.
01 |
Inbedding our school vision by discussing effective listening and speaking techniques. Talk partnert, effective shared discussion and comment thumbs. Taking account of others' ideas and different opinions. Opinions as a result of what we like and dislike,, know and don't yet know.
01 |
Rabbi Celia came to the class to share pur learning about the shema, Jewish prayers and rituals and customs. The children explored some real tallit shawls and tefiilin and listened to some hebrew blessings.
01 |
In the context of RE work on Matthew the tax collector, the children were encouraged to consider what was surprising about the kinds of people Jesus came to save, and how this could be linked to our school values.
01 |
The children explored the qualities a super learner might possess and designed their own superheroes with names reflecting their behavioural characteristics. These were then incorporated into a PSHE lesson on school values.
01 |
Today the children played some language games based around the concept of 'groupthink'. Is working as a team synonymous with all having the same idea? What impact would that have on our learning? Are there times when having different ideas create a richer learning experiences for us? These and other questions were explored in our table groups.
01 |
In the context of their own families. children were invited to consider some important characteristics of family belonging, the roles they play in these communities and the responsibilities associated with them. Discussions incorporated our School family and children were invited to symbolise the school value they felt was the most important in a piece of symbolic drawing.
01 |
We discussed the different strengths of children in the class, and looked at how people are all good at different things. We also discussed how best to support our fellow pupil in her standing frame.
01 |
We read the story ISH about a boy who tries hard in his drawing but who experiences a sense of failure. We discussed the meaning of success and failure and explored the concept of thinking reflexively about our learning - can you write me an ISH sentence? What makes it wonderful?
01 |
As part of our learning about the Christmas story in RE, we have been using hot seating as a tool to explore how different people may have felt about the news of Jesus. We discussed that the news of Jesus coming meant that lots of people had to trust in God.
02 |
We looked at Botticelli's painting of the Mystical Nativity. We looked at what this represents and how Jesus is depicted as a King. We wrote down any questions we had about this painting.
02 |
Year 2 wrote prayers for Remembrance Day to thank the soldiers and to ask God for continued peace. We discussed that Remembrance day focuses on all wars and all soldiers. We spoke about how this links to our value of the month- peace.
02 |
Year 2 learnt about the Gunpowder Plot and the tradition of Bonfire Night. We had a debate about right and wrong. Why did Guy Fawkes do what he did? Some of the children had different opinions about burning the Guy on the bonfire and we shared these as a class.
02 |
This week, year 2 talked about what makes a good friend. We each created a recipe for friendship which included elements such as kindness, compassion, generosity. We thought about times when people did not show that to us and discuss resolutions.
02 |
In RE, year 2 were thinking about God's creation and about the most wonderful things in the world. We had a circle time about what amazes us in the world and then created art to be put up on display. Some suggestions included sunsets, animals, our families and mountains.
02 |
We discussed God's creation and how it is human's responsibility to care for this world. The children created a list of rules for caring for God's world. We then used the British value of democracy to vote for our top 3 rules which we can then display in the classroom.
02 |
In year 2, we thought about all of the big questions that we have about the world. We discussed that even adults find these sort of questions tricky to answer and that people have lots of different opinions. We have displayed some of these questions within the class so that we can continue to think about these.
02 |
As part of looking at our school vision, we focused on the element of 'One Voice'. We thought about the question- "If St Andrew's had one voice, what would it say?" We all came up with responses which we thought summed up our school ethos as a whole. We thought about how when we are in the community, we are representing our school.
02 |
Year 2 wrote prayers about what they are thankful for and used this as an opportunity to ask for guidance on showing a value that they may find more difficult. We have put these into a prayer book so we can refer to these.
02 |
Today during class worship we focused on the value of thankfulness and as we passed a stone around the circle, we all thought of one thing we were grateful for. The children then wrote prayers for things they were thankful for and we published these in a class prayer book so that any children can access these.
02 |
Year 3 spent some time outside experiencing the wonder of our school grounds. They then wrote prayers thanking God for the beauty of their environment.One of these prayers is read at the end of each day.
03 |
The importance of making mistakes
04 |
Exploring how to be a gppd friend
04 |
Exploring what causes flooding, the impact this has on our poorest communities and the changes we can make to mitigate this.
04 |
Friendship champions - how to advise and model good friendship behaviours without being bossy or judgemental.
04 |
Today we looked at how some charities like Christian Aid apply in practice the message of the Good Samaritan about how to show love and forgiveness to unlikely people.
04 |
In the spiritual area outside as part of CAW. Exploring climate justiice and the relationship of humans wiht our planet.
04 |
How our bodies change as we get older
04 |
Alcohol and its effect on our bodies
04 |
Discussing issues if duty, sacrifce, personal belief and culture.
04 |
How to act and think like a good citizen,
04 |
Y4 have sopent some time revisiting our British Values and respect for each other in loght of the many new rules and routines we have in place to keep us safe.
04 |
STEM PSHE lesson on Water aid - writing letters to ecouurage others to donate to create rope pumps
04 |
Lesson on Toussaint Louverture
04 |
We held a debate in class about building houses in the Silver Birches. We learnt that we need to show tolerance for others with a different perspective.
05 |
Today, Year 5 discussed seeing the same idea from different perspectives, understanding that we have different influences in our lives which change how we see things.
05 |
Visited Y5 to talk about migration and equality and issues surrounding having to leave your home
05 |
year 6 were visited by PHASE, a Christian education group, who delivered a workshop on the true meaning of Christmas.
06 |
PHASE workshop on managing friendships and change
06 |
This morning, we reflected on yesterdays child-led activity within the construction area with the whole class. One child suggested that their 'castle' structure was so amazing "because we builded it together", This language and attitude to learning was celebrated and encouraged to develop further today. This led to several children working together to build a shelter that "protects animals from the predators", displaying a caring nature through independent activities. Children were also supported to develop perseverance and acceptance when other children accidentally knocked their structures down - "we can just build it again. How could we make it more stable?"
Nur |
We explored the bible story The Good Samaritan and considered the question - Who is my neighbour? We talked about how and why we should help others when they need it. Children suggested making friendship bracelets for each other in the class and, on exchanging the bracelets, named some positive traits of that person.
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Today we honed our performance skills ever further by exploring projecting our voices, responding to cues and listening to multi-part instructions and action sequences.
01 |
Y3 children explored through drama how a young boy from a South American tribe might feel when Victorian people in formal dress arrived to visit him.
03 |
Ks1 and R sang, danced and retold their way throught the nativity story. A wonderful performance and application of all the speaking and listening, musical and performing skills they have learnt so far! Well done KS1 and Reception!
KS1 |
Children in KS1 and Reception performed a wonderful Nativity play entitled A Star is Born.
KS1 |
Children participated in a Christmas Production to recall and re-enact the Nativity. Children demonstrated self-confidence and enjoyment to sing and dance on stage with Reception class. Parents were invited to attend.
Nur |
Ks1 and R sang, danced and retold their way throught the nativity story. A wonderful performance and application of all the speaking and listening, musical and performing skills they have learnt so far! Well done KS1 and Reception!
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Year 5 worked in groups to develop a class Eco Code, before agreeing on a class slogan: Recycling is a go go! Litter is a no no!
05 |
Children prepare presentations for an interveiw with the previous House Captains. The ex-House Captains prepare the questions and organise the whole procedure. They discuss the candidates with the guidance of the Assistant Head and then announce the results by formal letter, ensuring that all candidates are valued and thanked.
06 |
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The whole school attended a welcome service at Holy Saviour church to welcome new pupils and staff.
All |
Children learn about different aspects of Holy Week and participate in Easter celebrations e.g Easter Egg Hunt, Easter lunch, making Easter cards, reenacting aspects of Holy Week, reading parts in the bible, making palm leaves etc
Y3 and Y4 will also be leading the Easter Service
All |
All children participated in a service for Epiphany at Holy Saviour Church
All |
Year R, 1 and Y6 presented a service
All |
YR, Y1 and Y6 presented a Mother's Day Service. All school attended and parents were invited. Children presented mothers with a daffodil at the end.
All |
All children discussed in assembly and class what is meant by a lenten promise. Talked about choosing a promise they felt they could keep and that it would make a difference to others as well as themselves. Talked about having responsibility
All |
Children visit Holy Saviour church for their start of the year service. It is to welcome new staff and new children and new families. We talk about Koinonia and our school values and expectations
All |
The children acted out the story of the Buddha, made mandala out of transient art and explored some of the symbolism of the faith.
01 |
Children sang and acted out the christmas story
KS2 |
Nursery and Reception celebrated the Nativity together through their performance of 'The Sleepy Shepherd' to friends and family. Children performed with confidence and enthusiasm helping to build self-esteem and collaborative teamwork.
Nur |
The children explored the values and meaning of Chinese New Year through provocations involving Chinese traditional food, art and creativity and language. A number of the class are Chinese are were invited to talk to the rest of the class about their family traditions, which they did. Some children introduced us to the concept of the dancing dragon - the rest of the class enjoyed learning about the importance of the colours and replicated this experience through role playing their own dragon dances and creating a dragon to suspend from the classroom ceiling. Another child showed their special Chinese New Year clothing.
Nur |
Children sang, danced and acted out the story of the Nativity
Nur |
Reception were welcomed into the school community through a whole school service at Holy Saviour church. Reception children had the opportunity to meet their Year6 buddy for the first time and get to know each other whilst walking.
Reception were welcomed into the school community through a whole school service at Holy Saviour church. Reception children had the opportunity to meet their Year6 buddy for the first time and get to know each other whilst walking.
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Children meet with other schools and participate in a mini-olympics with sports that include Paralympicactivities
06 |
Two year 6 sports leaders planned and led a KS2 interhouse cricket competition over two afternoons. All children from years 4 to 6 were able to participate and cheered on their team mates.
KS2 |
Children participate in weekly netball lessons and then attend competitions and matches. There is an A team and a B team and children are selected according to skill
KS2 |
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Staff planning to understand the use of Understanding Christianity syllabus
All |
All staff have half termly discussions with our local vicar to deepen knowledge of Christianity. Father Ian enables staff to question and plan their teaching for children. Children's response has been positive and significantly raised the profile of engagement within RE. Children are improving their literacy through enquiry about the subject and showing curiousity
All |
Staff have all worked with a local artist to explore the teaching and utilising of art to develop an enquiry approach to learning. Art has been linked to spiritual, cultural, emotional and social development.
All |
teachers explored the understanding and purpose of the bible with Father Ian leading this as part of ongoing CPD with staff to understand Christianity.
Staff to attend an introductory training session on Mindfulness to get a better understanding of mental health and pressures and how to support children in different ways.
Father Ian delivered CPD on Lent with all teaching staff
Led by Father Ian - all teaching staff explored the concept of salvation through bible study
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All classess embrace the benefits of outdoor learning, taking the opportunity to engage in new experiences and broadening learning. Year 1 contextualise their learning about Radcliffes by practising etiquette and manners during cream teas. Year 6 enjoy yoga and mindfulness, considering mental wellbeing.
All |
Children and staff work with artist to consider interpreting key concepts from their class book into a piece of art. They will learn new skills and either work collectively or individually. The project is shaped by the discussion between the children, teacher and artist and is aimed at developing inference through higher order questioning. Drama, Writing, Poetry, Dance and Music will also be explored as the week develops. Every story involves a journey and links to real life issues and people experiencing a change. Some classes will be inviting parents who have moved here from other countries. Some classes will be working with animals. All classes will deal with dilemmas in life e.g making the right choice, separation, making new friends etc.
All |
Children selected an author and then came dressed as a character from that range of books. Y6 chose Shakespeare and then learnt some lines from part of the play. These were performed to one another
All |
Y4 children participated in Christian Aid week themed day. Children were asked to reflect on how to support people who need help and particularly women around the world.
04 |
Children learned about the festival of Diwali through active engagement and participation in creative activities. We explored the story of Rama and Sita to understand why Diwali is celebrated and how long it lasts. We made diva lamps, Diwali cards for our families, rangoli patterns and enjoyed dancing to traditional music.
Nur |
Children spent this week celebrating diversity within Nursery and learning about different cultures and traditions from around the world. Children were encouraged to bring in some special artefacts to share with peers. Family members were invited to come into class to share their traditions and customs with the children. We celebrated on Friday by wearing traditional clothes to school.
Nur |
Parents are invited into class to share in their child's Learning Journey and celebrate their achievements and progress. Parents have opportunity to share learning within the classroom, observe class displays and provocations etc. Children are very proud to share their school life with parents and family.
Nur |
Parents are invited into class to share in their child's Learning Journey and celebrate their achievements and progress. Parents have opportunity to share learning within the classroom, observe class displays and provocations etc. Children are very proud to share their school life with parents and family.
Nur |
Parents are invited into class to share in their child's Learning Journey and celebrate their achievements and progress. Parents have opportunity to share learning within the classroom, observe class displays and provocations etc. Children are very proud to share their school life with parents and family.
Nur |
Parents are invited into class to share in their child's Learning Journey and celebrate their achievements and progress. Parents have opportunity to share learning within the classroom, observe class displays and provocations etc. Children are very proud to share their school life with parents and family.
Nur |
This week, Nursery have been celebrating the different cultures that we have in our classroom - both the children and the teachers. Parents have visited to share information about their heritage and family routines at home - from how to wear a Sari to reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar in Spanish.
Nur |
Reception celebrated the diverse culture within their class. Children were invited to wear some traditional clothes to school to mark the occasion and share their knowledge and experiences with their peers. During the day, we had lots of fun and opportunity to explore some different traditions from around the world.
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Year 2 had an interactive re-telling of the Christmas story. We had our passports stamped at passport control as we entered Israel and completed crafts at each station. We made crowns to represent the baby King, a miniature Bible with Anna and Simeon, a fluffy sheep with the shepherds and a guiding star with the wise men. We discussed how all of these people knew that Jesus was going to be the Saviour.
02 |
Year 2 visited Holy Saviour to identify the stations of the cross that are presented through art in the church.
02 |
Year 3 visited Frogmore Paper Mill to discover the history of paper making in this country in contrast to that in other countries .
03 |
Y4 spent 3 days and 2 nights at Hudnall Park developing their outdoor skills and becoming more independent.
04 |
All of Year 6 spent a week in the Isle of Wight participating in a range of trips and visits and cutltural and fun activities and learning how to live together socially
06 |
Reception visited St Albans Cathedral to learn about the Christian beliefs of the nativity story.
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Ofsted Guidance
- Pupils' sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about themselves, others and the world around them
Ofsted 2004
- Pupils develop an appreciation of the intangible - for example, beauty, truth, love, goodness, order - as well as for mystery, paradox and ambiguity
- Schools promote teaching styles which encourage pupils to relate their learning to a wider frame of reference - for example, asking "why?", "how?" and "where?" as well as "what?"
SPIRITUAL:Experiencing fascination, awe and wonder
Children have requested to run their own clubs to support others who are struggling with friendships or who need quiet time. These clubs include sign language, chess, crochet, dance, magic. They run these independently and support younger children
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children have an opportunity to use a range of resources and learn how to be creative
All |
Children learn about healthy eating, try new food, learn to cook and prepare food that they then eat
All |
Provides an opportunity to enable children to develop a range of skills that will promote confidence and raise self-esteem as well as having fun. Children have a chance to put on a performance and also participate in role play situations
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Local clergy have worked alongside the school to support the quality of the worship experience for children and staff. They have designed a rota and attend twice weekly
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Led by Rev Roden who explained to the children how important it is to pray.
All |
Whole school gathered for remembrance service
All |
Children learn about this festival
All |
Children learnt about the story of Noah and how God made a promise. They discussed forgiveness and being a good citizen
All |
Ex-pupil came and led an assembly with a follow-up workshop about Peace. This work was a result of a visit to Hawaii by girls from Hitchin Girls School who represented the UK to work with children from all over the world as ambassadors of Peace
All |
Affinity Water led an assembly to inform children about the importance of saving water and how it is such a special commodity - they gave ideas on how to save water in the home and how much is wasted.
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Children had an assembly about Yom Kippur
All |
Children learn about the festival of Sukkot
All |
Children prepared an assembly about their Pentecostal Church and invited their local Pastor in. The children managed the whole assembly on their own.
All |
Children are selected on a weekly basis to be awarded the HT Award and attend the tea party. Children are identified for hard work, positive learning attitude, positive relationships with others, trying hard etc. A class of the week is also identified and the reasons are shared with all.
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Children considered how to work as a group to sing and perform their part of the song.
01 |
Today we considered the global ramifications of the Christian celebration of Easter by exploring the symbol of the cross. We learnt about crosses from all over the world including Bangladesh and Ecuador.
01 |
In class worship, we looked at the bible story of Noah's Flood. We spoke about how worried Noah must have been and how he had to trust in God and be brave. We spoke about how the dove represents peace because seeing the olive branch reassures Noah that everything will be fine. We created our own doves to remind us to be peaceful at school.
02 |
Looking at the practice of respect - in action. How can we make our actions speak louder than words?
KS1 |
Exploring the compassion of Jesus on the cross and the different symbolic representations of the cross in global Christianity.
KS1 |
Children collectively plan worship for the whole term taking into account the Christian calendar and other faiths. The children investigate different ways to present to the school and involve personal faith stories and morality
Wor |
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All children dressed up as heroes from British History and gave a donation in recognition of Children in Need
All |
Children designed and made hats to represent water and the importance of water. They then created a human pipeline and transported water from one end of their team to the other. This was to demonstrate how difficult it is for some people to access water in countries where there is not a reliable water system
All |
Worship Rangers planned and organised Christian Aid week - Everyone Deserves a Safe Place
All |
Children wore stripes and learnt how to sign to a national song, All donated to the charity. Whole school sang the song as part of the day
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Children researched Incarnation and Annunciation and created angels for the Christmas Tree. Some classes looked at ways to use a range of recyclable material. Choir sang at the event
All |
Year 5 were invited to a play explaining the partition of Pakistan and the impact on families - it explored the emotions and cultural and religious differences. Children then discussed this in class and created a poem to explore the feelings
05 |
Different groups of children created different representations of the character of Ted from our class book The London Eye Mystery. We thought hard about the journey Ted had taken through the book and how the different events affected his personality and this was reflected in our art projects
06 |
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Children had to consider a creative way to design a book cover
All |
Children were invited to enter a Walsworth Road Baptist Church Art Competition to express the concept of Flourish. Classes explored Aristotle's philosophy and Maslow's hierarchy of need before creating their own art work. They were able to use any resources and any method and then had to evaluate each other's - focusing on respect and constructive comments
All |
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Children and parents participated in a science activities for the whole week. Parents came to a curriculum evening to participate in a range of scientific enquiry experiences
All |
All classes invited parents in to participate in science enquiry sessions
All |
We used our Good Listener skills to share our stories about our artefacts, ask our professor questions and curate each others' curios using our Historian Talk! We explored what make our artefacts valuable and the power of the personal connection, ownership and differing aspects of significance and non-significance.
01 |
Parents invited into class to work alongside their children to play Maths fluency games involving addition(Nrich)
03 |
This week, Nursery participated in Family Learning Week. Parents were invited into school to engage in simple maths games with their children and an gain insight into how maths is taught within EYFS.
Nur |
Nursery, Reception and Year One parents/carers were invited to attend an evening that informs them of the 'phonic learning process' from Phase 1 - Early Phase 4. Examples of activities, resources, highly recommended picture books and Early Years staff were on hand to support and answer any questions about Phonics and how it is developed from the time they start Nursery.
Nur |
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We were thinking about an item that we would save from a fire, linking to our Great Fire of London project. We talked about things being sentimental and reminding you of special people. We discussed that everyone has brought in different things because we are all different.
02 |
Year 3 were asked to create a project called Volcanoes which could be a model, ppt, leaflet, quiz, poster etc
03 |
Research the poem and create The Jumblies in any art form.
KS1 |
Children are to research the poem and illustrate the Jabberwocky
KS2 |
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Children learn about the Eatwell plate and participate in cooking and preparing a range of food, they learn to take turns washing up and about Fairtrade and Food miles and sustainable eating
All |
Children explored this in the christian calendar and through bible study.
All |
Through godly play, narrative, extended writing and conscience alley, the children explored the story of Easter and the concept of salvation.
01 |
Visit to see how the design of a church reflects some of the elements of the Good News.
01 |
Inbedding our school vision by discussing effective listening and speaking techniques. Talk partnert, effective shared discussion and comment thumbs. Taking account of others' ideas and different opinions. Opinions as a result of what we like and dislike,, know and don't yet know.
01 |
Rabbi Celia came to the class to share pur learning about the shema, Jewish prayers and rituals and customs. The children explored some real tallit shawls and tefiilin and listened to some hebrew blessings.
01 |
We looked at Botticelli's painting of the Mystical Nativity. We looked at what this represents and how Jesus is depicted as a King. We wrote down any questions we had about this painting.
02 |
In RE, year 2 were thinking about God's creation and about the most wonderful things in the world. We had a circle time about what amazes us in the world and then created art to be put up on display. Some suggestions included sunsets, animals, our families and mountains.
02 |
In year 2, we thought about all of the big questions that we have about the world. We discussed that even adults find these sort of questions tricky to answer and that people have lots of different opinions. We have displayed some of these questions within the class so that we can continue to think about these.
02 |
Year 2 wrote prayers about what they are thankful for and used this as an opportunity to ask for guidance on showing a value that they may find more difficult. We have put these into a prayer book so we can refer to these.
02 |
Today during class worship we focused on the value of thankfulness and as we passed a stone around the circle, we all thought of one thing we were grateful for. The children then wrote prayers for things they were thankful for and we published these in a class prayer book so that any children can access these.
02 |
Today to begin our learning about the creation story, we went outside to appreciate nature and all that God had created. We had a go at being very busy and then having a rest to sit back and appreciate it all. After a discussion we decided that God must have needed to rest on the 7th day because it is a good thing to take time to enjoy what you have worked hard for.
02 |
In Year 2 within the spiritual area, pupils have weekly opportunities to share their wonders about the world and others have opportunities to explore their answers to them even though these are not universally agreed. Pupils also have opportunities to share their wishes for the world in a positive way.
02 |
Children came dressed in that era and learnt about Florence Nightingale through role play
02 |
Year 3 spent some time outside experiencing the wonder of our school grounds. They then wrote prayers thanking God for the beauty of their environment.One of these prayers is read at the end of each day.
03 |
The importance of making mistakes
04 |
Exploring how to be a gppd friend
04 |
Exploring what causes flooding, the impact this has on our poorest communities and the changes we can make to mitigate this.
04 |
Friendship champions - how to advise and model good friendship behaviours without being bossy or judgemental.
04 |
Today we looked at how some charities like Christian Aid apply in practice the message of the Good Samaritan about how to show love and forgiveness to unlikely people.
04 |
In the spiritual area outside as part of CAW. Exploring climate justiice and the relationship of humans wiht our planet.
04 |
How to act and think like a good citizen,
04 |
STEM PSHE lesson on Water aid - writing letters to ecouurage others to donate to create rope pumps
04 |
Lesson on Toussaint Louverture
04 |
Before writing their own prayers, the class discussed the benefits of prayer and the experiences they have had while praying
04 |
Based on the pupils belief on what heaven is like the children worked in groups to create piece of music. They then evaluated their work.
04 |
A science teacher from HBS visited to eaach the children about irreversible changes in the context of making slime and Elephant's Toothpaste. The experiments were dramatic and inspired heh children to investigate chemistry further.
05 |
Hitchin Girls' School to deliver lessons in Spanish and french. They provide all the material and are good role models to our children
05 |
Visited Y5 to talk about migration and equality and issues surrounding having to leave your home
05 |
During Autumn term, key children from Y1 and Y2 engage in weekly forest school sessions with our forest school leader to enhance their communication skills, wellbeing and PSE and also physical development. Children are encouraged to work collaboratively and learn about themselves and the world around them by engaging actively with nature.
Enr |
Children in Nursery have opportunity to engage in weekly Forest School Sessions. During Forest School, children learn about the world around them, participate in collaborative games and challenges and develop respect for the natural environment.
Nur |
We spoke in groups about what each of us had done over half term. The children loved learning about each other's lives and were able to compare what they had done.
Nur |
Through the bible story Jesus and Zacchaeus we considered our school value of Compassion. Using godly play, we explored the story and talked about what compassion means to us, who displayed compassion in the story and how this affected the characters. We asked how and when can we show Compassion towards one another? Children suggested "by being kind".
Nursery, Reception and Year One parents/carers were invited to attend an evening that informs them of the 'phonic learning process' from Phase 1 - Early Phase 4. Examples of activities, resources, highly recommended picture books and Early Years staff were on hand to support and answer any questions about Phonics and how it is developed from the time they start Nursery.
Nur |
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Today we honed our performance skills ever further by exploring projecting our voices, responding to cues and listening to multi-part instructions and action sequences.
01 |
Ks1 and R sang, danced and retold their way throught the nativity story. A wonderful performance and application of all the speaking and listening, musical and performing skills they have learnt so far! Well done KS1 and Reception!
KS1 |
Children in KS1 and Reception performed a wonderful Nativity play entitled A Star is Born.
KS1 |
Children performed a Christmas play. They learnt Russian dances and a range of songs.
KS1 |
All children who play a musical instrument have a chance to perform at the Spring Concert. Paents are invited, the emphasis is on children learning how to conduct themselves in front of a mature audience. The Music Cup is presented to a child who has demonstrated commitment and passion
KS2 |
Children who play a string instrument are invited to participate in a day of learning and performing with other schools
KS2 |
Children learning to play a brass instrument are invited to attend a Brass workshop at a local secondary school
KS2 |
Children participated in a Christmas Production to recall and re-enact the Nativity. Children demonstrated self-confidence and enjoyment to sing and dance on stage with Reception class. Parents were invited to attend.
Nur |
Both Nursery classess put on an amazing production of the Nativity story. They thought about the journey Mary and Joseph made to Bethlehem, the birth of Jesus, and the significance and impact of his birth on the rest of the world.
Nur |
Ks1 and R sang, danced and retold their way throught the nativity story. A wonderful performance and application of all the speaking and listening, musical and performing skills they have learnt so far! Well done KS1 and Reception!
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Each week children have the opportunity to share some news, interesting artefacts and/or talk about issues that are important to them in a small group with an adult.
Nur |
Remembering learning about the birth of Jesus at Christmas, Sienna makes up her own song about him. Her friends are role-playing with a baby when Sienna sings him a song to get him to sleep. "Baby Jesus and Mary, Baby Jesus and Mary, going down the hill, going down the hill, to Bethlehem..."
We discuss Jesus's life and how he grows from baby to man. "Is that when he helped people?" - We talk about how Jesus helped people and how we learnt from him. Who can we be kind to today?
Nur |
We have a weekly keyworker session where children have the opportunity to share some news, interesting artefacts and/or talk about issues that are important to them.
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Children learn about different aspects of Holy Week and participate in Easter celebrations e.g Easter Egg Hunt, Easter lunch, making Easter cards, reenacting aspects of Holy Week, reading parts in the bible, making palm leaves etc
Y3 and Y4 will also be leading the Easter Service
All |
All children participated in a service for Epiphany at Holy Saviour Church
All |
Year R, 1 and Y6 presented a service
All |
YR, Y1 and Y6 presented a Mother's Day Service. All school attended and parents were invited. Children presented mothers with a daffodil at the end.
All |
All children discussed in assembly and class what is meant by a lenten promise. Talked about choosing a promise they felt they could keep and that it would make a difference to others as well as themselves. Talked about having responsibility
All |
Children visit Holy Saviour church for their start of the year service. It is to welcome new staff and new children and new families. We talk about Koinonia and our school values and expectations
All |
The children acted out the story of the Buddha, made mandala out of transient art and explored some of the symbolism of the faith.
01 |
All Children in Key stage 2 led and participated in a carol service to celebrate Christmas. This took place at St. Mary's Church.
KS2 |
Children sang and acted out the christmas story
KS2 |
Nursery and Reception celebrated the Nativity together through their performance of 'The Sleepy Shepherd' to friends and family. Children performed with confidence and enthusiasm helping to build self-esteem and collaborative teamwork.
Nur |
This week, the Nursery class have been finding out about, preparing for and celebrating Chinese New Year. We discovered the original story of the 12 animals and how it was decided that each year would be named after a different animal; we learned how families prepare their homes for the festival (and enjoyed a bit of spring cleaning with marigolds and dusters ourselves!), we practised dragon dancing, gymnastics, writing good luck messages in Mandarin, saying 'Kung Hey Fat Choi' meaning 'Happy New Year' in Cantonese and so much more! We particularly enjoyed finding out which 'year of the...' we were born in - the nursery pupils were born in the year of the goat and the year of the monkey.
Nur |
The children explored the values and meaning of Chinese New Year through provocations involving Chinese traditional food, art and creativity and language. A number of the class are Chinese are were invited to talk to the rest of the class about their family traditions, which they did. Some children introduced us to the concept of the dancing dragon - the rest of the class enjoyed learning about the importance of the colours and replicated this experience through role playing their own dragon dances and creating a dragon to suspend from the classroom ceiling. Another child showed their special Chinese New Year clothing.
Nur |
Children sang, danced and acted out the story of the Nativity
Nur |
Reception were welcomed into the school community through a whole school service at Holy Saviour church. Reception children had the opportunity to meet their Year6 buddy for the first time and get to know each other whilst walking.
Reception were welcomed into the school community through a whole school service at Holy Saviour church. Reception children had the opportunity to meet their Year6 buddy for the first time and get to know each other whilst walking.
Worship Acolytes and Leader were invited to participate in a Taize Worship Event at St John's Church, Chells to learn about Taize and how this approach could enrich our Collective Worship within school.
Wor |
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Team building challenges
03 |
Children meet with other schools and participate in a mini-olympics with sports that include Paralympicactivities
06 |
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Staff planning to understand the use of Understanding Christianity syllabus
All |
All staff have half termly discussions with our local vicar to deepen knowledge of Christianity. Father Ian enables staff to question and plan their teaching for children. Children's response has been positive and significantly raised the profile of engagement within RE. Children are improving their literacy through enquiry about the subject and showing curiousity
All |
Staff have all worked with a local artist to explore the teaching and utilising of art to develop an enquiry approach to learning. Art has been linked to spiritual, cultural, emotional and social development.
All |
teachers explored the understanding and purpose of the bible with Father Ian leading this as part of ongoing CPD with staff to understand Christianity.
Staff to attend an introductory training session on Mindfulness to get a better understanding of mental health and pressures and how to support children in different ways.
Father Ian delivered CPD on Lent with all teaching staff
Led by Father Ian - all teaching staff explored the concept of salvation through bible study
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Whole school outdoor learning week gave valuable opportunity to enhance our outdoor learning across the school. All classes got involved and participated in maths, literacy, UW, RE and PSE lessons in our wonderful school grounds.
All |
All classess embrace the benefits of outdoor learning, taking the opportunity to engage in new experiences and broadening learning. Year 1 contextualise their learning about Radcliffes by practising etiquette and manners during cream teas. Year 6 enjoy yoga and mindfulness, considering mental wellbeing.
All |
Children and staff work with artist to consider interpreting key concepts from their class book into a piece of art. They will learn new skills and either work collectively or individually. The project is shaped by the discussion between the children, teacher and artist and is aimed at developing inference through higher order questioning. Drama, Writing, Poetry, Dance and Music will also be explored as the week develops. Every story involves a journey and links to real life issues and people experiencing a change. Some classes will be inviting parents who have moved here from other countries. Some classes will be working with animals. All classes will deal with dilemmas in life e.g making the right choice, separation, making new friends etc.
All |
Children selected an author and then came dressed as a character from that range of books. Y6 chose Shakespeare and then learnt some lines from part of the play. These were performed to one another
All |
Children are able to wear Rainbows Beaver, Brownie, Cub, Scout uniform on these days. Children learn about the Saints in assembly
All |
Children learnt about St Andrew in an assembly
All |
Year 3 created Rangoli patterns as their study of sikhism and understood how Sikhs and Hindus use the patterns to welcome and offer good luck.
03 |
Year 3 spent their cake sale money on a book making workshop which allowed them to learn the traditional skills for making sewn books.
03 |
Family Learning Week focussed on STEM this year. We invited parents and families into class to share in STEM activities with their children and find out more about how STEM is taught in Nursery. Our actvities ranged from investigating magnets and making/testing paper spinners to exploring the changing properties of gloop and using our imagination and skils in the Atelier to design and create models using recycled materials.
Nur |
Children learned about the festival of Diwali through active engagement and participation in creative activities. We explored the story of Rama and Sita to understand why Diwali is celebrated and how long it lasts. We made diva lamps, Diwali cards for our families, rangoli patterns and enjoyed dancing to traditional music.
Nur |
Children spent this week celebrating diversity within Nursery and learning about different cultures and traditions from around the world. Children were encouraged to bring in some special artefacts to share with peers. Family members were invited to come into class to share their traditions and customs with the children. We celebrated on Friday by wearing traditional clothes to school.
Nur |
Parents are invited into class to share in their child's Learning Journey and celebrate their achievements and progress. Parents have opportunity to share learning within the classroom, observe class displays and provocations etc. Children are very proud to share their school life with parents and family.
Nur |
Parents are invited into class to share in their child's Learning Journey and celebrate their achievements and progress. Parents have opportunity to share learning within the classroom, observe class displays and provocations etc. Children are very proud to share their school life with parents and family.
Nur |
Parents are invited into class to share in their child's Learning Journey and celebrate their achievements and progress. Parents have opportunity to share learning within the classroom, observe class displays and provocations etc. Children are very proud to share their school life with parents and family.
Nur |
Parents are invited into class to share in their child's Learning Journey and celebrate their achievements and progress. Parents have opportunity to share learning within the classroom, observe class displays and provocations etc. Children are very proud to share their school life with parents and family.
Nur |
Nursery participated in OCD by going on a nature walk to collect natural materials and then using them to make crowns, journey sticks and collages.
Nur |
After learning about the story of Rama and Sita yesterday, discovering why the festival of Diwali is celebrated and what the word 'Diwali' means - festival of light - today we have been decorating our outside learning area with Rangoli patterns to bring us good luck! Some of the children decided to re-enact the story alongside their peers, recalling the key characteristics of each character such as Rawana "has 10 heads. He's the 'baddie'." "Hanuman is the monkey king. I didn't know there was a monkey king before!" "Rama and Sita had to follow the diva lamps to find their way back home."
Nur |
This week, Nursery have been celebrating the different cultures that we have in our classroom - both the children and the teachers. Parents have visited to share information about their heritage and family routines at home - from how to wear a Sari to reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar in Spanish.
Nur |
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This week, we have been learning about Buddhism as part of RE week. We have learnt what it means to be Buddhist today.
05 |
This week, the Nursery class have been finding out about, preparing for and celebrating Chinese New Year. We discovered the original story of the 12 animals and how it was decided that each year would be named after a different animal; we learned how families prepare their homes for the festival (and enjoyed a bit of spring cleaning with marigolds and dusters ourselves!), we practised dragon dancing, gymnastics, writing good luck messages in Mandarin, saying 'Kung Hey Fat Choi' meaning 'Happy New Year' in Cantonese and so much more! We particularly enjoyed finding out which 'year of the...' we were born in - the nursery pupils were born in the year of the goat and the year of the monkey.
Nur |
This week, Nursery have been celebrating the different cultures that we have in our classroom - both the children and the teachers. Parents have visited to share information about their heritage and family routines at home - from how to wear a Sari to reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar in Spanish.
Nur |
We spent the week celebrating the diversity of cultures in EYFS. Parents attended to speak to the children about their cultures, read stories and show traditional clothes. The children asked thoughtful questions and compared their own lives to other people's.
Nur |
Using CLPE book Bedtime for Monsters as inspiration, children made different landscapes from the book, monster hats, monster models and monster fruit. We received a letter from the monster inviting us on a picnic to Silver Birches.
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Year 1 visited the Gurdwara as part of their RE
01 |
Year 2 had an interactive re-telling of the Christmas story. We had our passports stamped at passport control as we entered Israel and completed crafts at each station. We made crowns to represent the baby King, a miniature Bible with Anna and Simeon, a fluffy sheep with the shepherds and a guiding star with the wise men. We discussed how all of these people knew that Jesus was going to be the Saviour.
02 |
Year 2 visited Holy Saviour to identify the stations of the cross that are presented through art in the church.
02 |
Children explored their learning about Ancient Egyptians.
03 |
A class trip to Amersham to study rocks and soils
03 |
Year 3 visited RHS Wisley and learnt how rain forest and desert plants adapt to their environment.
03 |
Year 3 visited Frogmore Paper Mill to discover the history of paper making in this country in contrast to that in other countries .
03 |
Y4 spent 3 days and 2 nights at Hudnall Park developing their outdoor skills and becoming more independent.
04 |
Year 6 visited the natural history museum to find out about evolution. They participated in a workshop and visited a selection of galleries.
06 |
Each class visited Shepreth Wildlife Park (5th May and 12th May) to learn more about animals and their habitats. We spent a prolonged time touring the park and talking about what we noticed and sharing knowledge about animals and they way they live, how to care for them etc. At the end of the session, we engaged in a workshop entitled 'Who Lives in this Logpile?' and also a tour with an Education Officer to learn more about some of the animals such as Lemurs, Tigers, Maned Wolf and Mearcats. We learned how to stay safe whilst out of class and manage our own personal hygiene and care.
Nur |
Nursery visit the local park, thinking about how to stay safe on the paths and road as well as looking after the environment and sharing community areas. The language, turn taking and socialising in the playground with other members of the public was fantastic!
Nur |
Reception visited Standalone Farm to see the animals and learn about how farms produce food.
Firefighters visited school to show Reception their equipment and explain their role. They also talked about the qualities needed to be a firefighter.
Children participated in birdwatching learning about different species, pond-dipping and finding out about minibeasts. We learned more about our natural environment including the impact we have on it within our daily lives.
Reception children visited Hitchin Library and Market. At the library, children enjoyed books and stories, learned how to borrow items and joined in with a fun library quiz. At the market, children bought a selection of fruit and vegetables for us to enjoy in the afternoon. We talked about being healthy and making healthy eating choices.
Children participated in a trip to the Bird of Prey Centre to learn more about nocturnal and diurnal birds and animals.
Reception children visited the library and all had a new library card. They learnt how to use the library and all took a book home.
Children discovered more about their local environment. We enjoyed a visit to Hitchin rail station to learn more transport and different occupations. We experienced travelling by train to Stevenage and learned more about how a rail station operates.
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Ofsted Guidance
- Pupils' knowledge of, and respect for, different people’s faiths, feelings and values
Ofsted 2004
- Schools give pupils the opportunity to explore values and beliefs, including religious beliefs, and the way in which they affect peoples’ lives
- Schools encourage pupils to explore and develop what animates themselves and others
SPIRITUAL:Exploring the values and beliefs of others
children have an opportunity to use a range of resources and learn how to be creative
All |
Provides an opportunity to enable children to develop a range of skills that will promote confidence and raise self-esteem as well as having fun. Children have a chance to put on a performance and also participate in role play situations
All |
This is for Y5 and Y6 children who need a quiet space as a choice. children do not have to attend the club regularly and they are able to do what they like. A member of staff does not organise the club but provides a chance for children to attend twice a week. this operates in the winter when the Peace Garden is too cold
KS2 |
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Local clergy have worked alongside the school to support the quality of the worship experience for children and staff. They have designed a rota and attend twice weekly
All |
Every month a new value is introduced and the children explore this value in their day-to-day living. The explore this value in the Bible and in other faiths. At the end of the month children are identified who have demonstrated this value and they are awarded a value leaf which is placed on our values tree. Values lead the way for promoting positive behaviour and discussing choices children have made.
All |
St Andrew's is part of the shoe box appeal which affects the lives of others in another country positively
All |
Led by Rev Roden who explained to the children how important it is to pray.
All |
Whole school gathered for remembrance service
All |
Children learn about this festival
All |
Children learnt about the story of Noah and how God made a promise. They discussed forgiveness and being a good citizen
All |
Children learn about the importance of Black History and find out about influential people. KS2 learn about the slave trade and the history of America and South Africa
All |
Ex-pupil came and led an assembly with a follow-up workshop about Peace. This work was a result of a visit to Hawaii by girls from Hitchin Girls School who represented the UK to work with children from all over the world as ambassadors of Peace
All |
Children had an assembly about Yom Kippur
All |
Every month a new value is introduced and the children explore this value in their day-to-day living. The explore this value in the Bible and in other faiths. At the end of the month children are identified who have demonstrated this value and they are awarded a value leaf which is placed on our values tree. Values lead the way for promoting positive behaviour and discussing choices children have made.
All |
Children learn about the festival of Sukkot
All |
Children prepared an assembly about their Pentecostal Church and invited their local Pastor in. The children managed the whole assembly on their own.
All |
Children learn about Peace and being a positive friend, dealing with issues and bullying
All |
Today we considered the global ramifications of the Christian celebration of Easter by exploring the symbol of the cross. We learnt about crosses from all over the world including Bangladesh and Ecuador.
01 |
Y3 class assembly on the Ancient Egyptians
03 |
Exploring the compassion of Jesus on the cross and the different symbolic representations of the cross in global Christianity.
KS1 |
How we show respect even when we have a difference of opinion
KS2 |
Children collectively plan worship for the whole term taking into account the Christian calendar and other faiths. The children investigate different ways to present to the school and involve personal faith stories and morality
Wor |
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Children learnt about genetic illnesses and responded by wearing jeans and donating money
All |
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Year 5 were invited to a play explaining the partition of Pakistan and the impact on families - it explored the emotions and cultural and religious differences. Children then discussed this in class and created a poem to explore the feelings
05 |
Year used explored the school vision cube and considered how the different elements of the vision might be achieved through activities and relationships within the classroom. They then created a class charter based on their ideas for all to sign up to.
06 |
Learning about the history of Crime and Punishment and the moral, ethical and cultural issues of different societies in different time periods.
06 |
We worked together to create a British Values Display in the classroom. We thought about how to work together, caring for the environment, individuality and considered the difference between right and wrong.
Nur |
Whilst discussing New Year resolutions we decided to create a promise for each month from January-July2019. We thought about how we could create a positive learning environment through our interactions with one another and our learning attitudes. Children suggested ideas such as being peaceful, listening to each other and learning to negotiate, making sure to include everyone in our games and thinking about the consequences of our actions and words.
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Children were invited to enter a Walsworth Road Baptist Church Art Competition to express the concept of Flourish. Classes explored Aristotle's philosophy and Maslow's hierarchy of need before creating their own art work. They were able to use any resources and any method and then had to evaluate each other's - focusing on respect and constructive comments
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We used our Good Listener skills to share our stories about our artefacts, ask our professor questions and curate each others' curios using our Historian Talk! We explored what make our artefacts valuable and the power of the personal connection, ownership and differing aspects of significance and non-significance.
01 |
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We were thinking about an item that we would save from a fire, linking to our Great Fire of London project. We talked about things being sentimental and reminding you of special people. We discussed that everyone has brought in different things because we are all different.
02 |
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Having considered how God would like to make Earth like Heaven, we planned imaginary events that would help Earth become more like Heaven. e.g. money raising events to reduce poverty or for medical research. Talks for people to reduce their levels of anxiety.
All |
During R.E. we studied the Sikh faith and focused in on the question - How does the Sikh faith show the importance of equality.
All |
Children explored this in the christian calendar and through bible study.
All |
The children are looking at how to keep clean and stay safe and how this links to respect for their natural environment and for each other in their community.
01 |
Through godly play, narrative, extended writing and conscience alley, the children explored the story of Easter and the concept of salvation.
01 |
Visit to see how the design of a church reflects some of the elements of the Good News.
01 |
As part of the class' SUM work we played a variety of games on the above topic such as follow-the-leader, Snappy and Squeak and the human chain. How did the other person's actions affect you? What was the best response to that behvaiour?
01 |
Year 1 revised our talk partners best practice and introduced the concept of reflecting on how good a talk partner we are. How can we be better?
01 |
Exploring the SUMO concept of victim t shirts, the children investigated what it was that 'makes them tick' by thinking about what their 'one voice' might be, or what they believed about themselves. This was contrasted with actions linked to that belief.
01 |
In talk partners the children described the problem with plastic and decided on what practical action - thinking of John - they could do to help look after the world. They produced posters designed to persuade someone else to make a pledge to recycle plastic.
01 |
Inbedding our school vision by discussing effective listening and speaking techniques. Talk partnert, effective shared discussion and comment thumbs. Taking account of others' ideas and different opinions. Opinions as a result of what we like and dislike,, know and don't yet know.
01 |
Rabbi Celia came to the class to share pur learning about the shema, Jewish prayers and rituals and customs. The children explored some real tallit shawls and tefiilin and listened to some hebrew blessings.
01 |
Today Year One explored how to show our Christian Values through action in the local commmunity. Connor from North Herts Sanctuary popped in to explain to the children about his work with the homeless of Hitchin. The children learned what they could do to help those in need including refugees.
01 |
In the context of RE work on Matthew the tax collector, the children were encouraged to consider what was surprising about the kinds of people Jesus came to save, and how this could be linked to our school values.
01 |
The children explored the qualities a super learner might possess and designed their own superheroes with names reflecting their behavioural characteristics. These were then incorporated into a PSHE lesson on school values.
01 |
In the context of their own families. children were invited to consider some important characteristics of family belonging, the roles they play in these communities and the responsibilities associated with them. Discussions incorporated our School family and children were invited to symbolise the school value they felt was the most important in a piece of symbolic drawing.
01 |
Our class advent this year is from Oxfam and each day we get a finger puppet from around the world which has a fact on the back about how we can help others this Christmas. This has sparked lots of discussion as a class about global Christianity and about the true meaning of Christmas.
02 |
As part of our learning about the Christmas story in RE, we have been using hot seating as a tool to explore how different people may have felt about the news of Jesus. We discussed that the news of Jesus coming meant that lots of people had to trust in God.
02 |
In Literacy, we have been reading the book Halibut Jackson. He is a very shy character who likes to blend in and we debated whether he should go the Queen's party or not. We had to listen to other people's point of view and structure our debate.
02 |
As part of our Literacy learning about the Halibut Jackson book, we completed a role on the wall activity. During this we discussed how Halibut feels on the inside versus how people perceive him on the outside. We discussed that often people do not realise how sad someone else may be feeling.
02 |
Year 2 wrote prayers for Remembrance Day to thank the soldiers and to ask God for continued peace. We discussed that Remembrance day focuses on all wars and all soldiers. We spoke about how this links to our value of the month- peace.
02 |
Year 2 learnt about the Gunpowder Plot and the tradition of Bonfire Night. We had a debate about right and wrong. Why did Guy Fawkes do what he did? Some of the children had different opinions about burning the Guy on the bonfire and we shared these as a class.
02 |
This week, year 2 talked about what makes a good friend. We each created a recipe for friendship which included elements such as kindness, compassion, generosity. We thought about times when people did not show that to us and discuss resolutions.
02 |
We discussed God's creation and how it is human's responsibility to care for this world. The children created a list of rules for caring for God's world. We then used the British value of democracy to vote for our top 3 rules which we can then display in the classroom.
02 |
In year 2, we thought about all of the big questions that we have about the world. We discussed that even adults find these sort of questions tricky to answer and that people have lots of different opinions. We have displayed some of these questions within the class so that we can continue to think about these.
02 |
Pupils explored the similarities between Judaism and Christianity
02 |
Y3 have been learning about the importance of submission, or obedience, in Islam. With the support of Muslim children in the class, Y3 were able to understand how Muslims are called to prayer and the preparation undertaken before praying.
03 |
Children used knowledge of Pentecost to write their own hymns and they then performed these to Year 2 children.
03 |
The importance of making mistakes
04 |
Exploring how to be a gppd friend
04 |
Exploring what causes flooding, the impact this has on our poorest communities and the changes we can make to mitigate this.
04 |
Friendship champions - how to advise and model good friendship behaviours without being bossy or judgemental.
04 |
Today we looked at how some charities like Christian Aid apply in practice the message of the Good Samaritan about how to show love and forgiveness to unlikely people.
04 |
In the spiritual area outside as part of CAW. Exploring climate justiice and the relationship of humans wiht our planet.
04 |
How our bodies change as we get older
04 |
Alcohol and its effect on our bodies
04 |
Discussing issues if duty, sacrifce, personal belief and culture.
04 |
Exploring how to share information safely online.avatars
04 |
How to act and think like a good citizen,
04 |
We learnt about how green house gases are produced and their effect on the environment We investigated the way people in different countries live. We then ordered the countries according to how much green house gases we thought they produced.
04 |
Lesson on Toussaint Louverture
04 |
We learnt how to use fruity questions to try and understand other people's perspectives.
05 |
We held a debate in class about building houses in the Silver Birches. We learnt that we need to show tolerance for others with a different perspective.
05 |
We learnt about different personality types and the areas of strength. We learnt that we might need to adapt how we behave to accommodate people with different personality types.
05 |
Today, Year 5 discussed seeing the same idea from different perspectives, understanding that we have different influences in our lives which change how we see things.
05 |
Y5 studied the Maya culture and linked it to the history of the British Isles at a similar times. They then investigated the social geography of modern Mexico and developed a good understanding of the views and culture of a different people.
05 |
Visited Y5 to talk about migration and equality and issues surrounding having to leave your home
05 |
Year 5 explored how Chinese people celebrate Chinese New Year.
05 |
Phase delivered a workshop looking at the meaning of Christmas for Christians
06 |
year 6 were visited by PHASE, a Christian education group, who delivered a workshop on the true meaning of Christmas.
06 |
Children contributed to games and stalls for the Christmas Fair
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Today we honed our performance skills ever further by exploring projecting our voices, responding to cues and listening to multi-part instructions and action sequences.
01 |
Ks1 and R sang, danced and retold their way throught the nativity story. A wonderful performance and application of all the speaking and listening, musical and performing skills they have learnt so far! Well done KS1 and Reception!
KS1 |
Both Nursery classess put on an amazing production of the Nativity story. They thought about the journey Mary and Joseph made to Bethlehem, the birth of Jesus, and the significance and impact of his birth on the rest of the world.
Nur |
R and Nursery sang, danced and retold their way through the nativity story. A wonderful performance and application of all the speaking and listening, musical and performing skills they have learnt so far! Well done EYFS!
Ks1 and R sang, danced and retold their way throught the nativity story. A wonderful performance and application of all the speaking and listening, musical and performing skills they have learnt so far! Well done KS1 and Reception!
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Each year group developed their literacy learning through art focusing on the journey of characters as they face change or change themselves. Children planned and shaped their ideas creatively and developed their own learning using a planning grid to shape and adapt their learning. Children worked collaboratively to develop their ideas. Pupils then evaluated their learning.
All |
Children prepare presentations for an interveiw with the previous House Captains. The ex-House Captains prepare the questions and organise the whole procedure. They discuss the candidates with the guidance of the Assistant Head and then announce the results by formal letter, ensuring that all candidates are valued and thanked.
06 |
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The whole school attended a welcome service at Holy Saviour church to welcome new pupils and staff.
All |
Children learn about different aspects of Holy Week and participate in Easter celebrations e.g Easter Egg Hunt, Easter lunch, making Easter cards, reenacting aspects of Holy Week, reading parts in the bible, making palm leaves etc
Y3 and Y4 will also be leading the Easter Service
All |
All children participated in a service for Epiphany at Holy Saviour Church
All |
YR, Y1 and Y6 presented a Mother's Day Service. All school attended and parents were invited. Children presented mothers with a daffodil at the end.
All |
All children discussed in assembly and class what is meant by a lenten promise. Talked about choosing a promise they felt they could keep and that it would make a difference to others as well as themselves. Talked about having responsibility
All |
Children visit Holy Saviour church for their start of the year service. It is to welcome new staff and new children and new families. We talk about Koinonia and our school values and expectations
All |
The children acted out the story of the Buddha, made mandala out of transient art and explored some of the symbolism of the faith.
01 |
We raised our own questions from our work on the resurrection and then chose a question to discuss: 'If Judah hadn't betrayed Jesus would the resurrection still have happened?' There was a good level of discussion around this in the classroom
06 |
Children sang and acted out the christmas story
KS2 |
Nursery and Reception celebrated the Nativity together through their performance of 'The Sleepy Shepherd' to friends and family. Children performed with confidence and enthusiasm helping to build self-esteem and collaborative teamwork.
Nur |
This week, the Nursery class have been finding out about, preparing for and celebrating Chinese New Year. We discovered the original story of the 12 animals and how it was decided that each year would be named after a different animal; we learned how families prepare their homes for the festival (and enjoyed a bit of spring cleaning with marigolds and dusters ourselves!), we practised dragon dancing, gymnastics, writing good luck messages in Mandarin, saying 'Kung Hey Fat Choi' meaning 'Happy New Year' in Cantonese and so much more! We particularly enjoyed finding out which 'year of the...' we were born in - the nursery pupils were born in the year of the goat and the year of the monkey.
Nur |
The children explored the values and meaning of Chinese New Year through provocations involving Chinese traditional food, art and creativity and language. A number of the class are Chinese are were invited to talk to the rest of the class about their family traditions, which they did. Some children introduced us to the concept of the dancing dragon - the rest of the class enjoyed learning about the importance of the colours and replicated this experience through role playing their own dragon dances and creating a dragon to suspend from the classroom ceiling. Another child showed their special Chinese New Year clothing.
Nur |
The children learnt about the tradition of pancake making the day before the start of lent. We had a favourite pancake topping tasting session.
Nur |
Children sang, danced and acted out the story of the Nativity
Nur |
Worship Acolytes and Leader were invited to participate in a Taize Worship Event at St John's Church, Chells to learn about Taize and how this approach could enrich our Collective Worship within school.
Wor |
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Children participate in weekly netball lessons and then attend competitions and matches. There is an A team and a B team and children are selected according to skill
KS2 |
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Staff planning to understand the use of Understanding Christianity syllabus
All |
All staff have half termly discussions with our local vicar to deepen knowledge of Christianity. Father Ian enables staff to question and plan their teaching for children. Children's response has been positive and significantly raised the profile of engagement within RE. Children are improving their literacy through enquiry about the subject and showing curiousity
All |
teachers explored the understanding and purpose of the bible with Father Ian leading this as part of ongoing CPD with staff to understand Christianity.
Staff to attend an introductory training session on Mindfulness to get a better understanding of mental health and pressures and how to support children in different ways.
Father Ian delivered CPD on Lent with all teaching staff
Led by Father Ian - all teaching staff explored the concept of salvation through bible study
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All classess embrace the benefits of outdoor learning, taking the opportunity to engage in new experiences and broadening learning. Year 1 contextualise their learning about Radcliffes by practising etiquette and manners during cream teas. Year 6 enjoy yoga and mindfulness, considering mental wellbeing.
All |
Children and staff work with artist to consider interpreting key concepts from their class book into a piece of art. They will learn new skills and either work collectively or individually. The project is shaped by the discussion between the children, teacher and artist and is aimed at developing inference through higher order questioning. Drama, Writing, Poetry, Dance and Music will also be explored as the week develops. Every story involves a journey and links to real life issues and people experiencing a change. Some classes will be inviting parents who have moved here from other countries. Some classes will be working with animals. All classes will deal with dilemmas in life e.g making the right choice, separation, making new friends etc.
All |
Children are able to wear Rainbows Beaver, Brownie, Cub, Scout uniform on these days. Children learn about the Saints in assembly
All |
Orgainsied a themed lunch for St Andrews Day with children able to wear club uniforms in recognition of the event
All |
Year 3 created Rangoli patterns as their study of sikhism and understood how Sikhs and Hindus use the patterns to welcome and offer good luck.
03 |
Y4 children participated in Christian Aid week themed day. Children were asked to reflect on how to support people who need help and particularly women around the world.
04 |
Children spent this week celebrating diversity within Nursery and learning about different cultures and traditions from around the world. Children were encouraged to bring in some special artefacts to share with peers. Family members were invited to come into class to share their traditions and customs with the children. We celebrated on Friday by wearing traditional clothes to school.
Nur |
During Culture Week, we celebrated the diversity within Nursery. We had fun learning about different traditions within our families and from around the world. Children made paperchains and flags to decorate the classroom. We also made diva lamps using clay, Rangoli patterns using chalk, paint and crayon, explored spices in playdough, made Chinese lanterns and enjoyed listening and dancing to music from all around the world. A big thank you too, to all volunteers that came into school to share your family traditions and customs with us. To conclude our week, children were invited to wear some traditional clothes to school for our Carnival day!
Nur |
In our final week this half-term, we have been celebrating the diversity within Nursery. We had so much fun learning about different traditions within our families and from around the world. We made paperchains and flags to decorate our classroom. We also made traditional Swedish Christmas decorations, Rangoli patterns using chalk, paint and crayon, explored spices in playdough, made Chinese lanterns and wallets and enjoyed listening and dancing to music from all around the world. Thank you so much for the artefacts the children have brought in – we enjoyed sharing them and promise to return them after half-term. To conclude our week, children were invited to wear some traditional clothes to school for our Carnival day!
Nur |
After learning about the story of Rama and Sita yesterday, discovering why the festival of Diwali is celebrated and what the word 'Diwali' means - festival of light - today we have been decorating our outside learning area with Rangoli patterns to bring us good luck! Some of the children decided to re-enact the story alongside their peers, recalling the key characteristics of each character such as Rawana "has 10 heads. He's the 'baddie'." "Hanuman is the monkey king. I didn't know there was a monkey king before!" "Rama and Sita had to follow the diva lamps to find their way back home."
Nur |
This week, Nursery have been celebrating the different cultures that we have in our classroom - both the children and the teachers. Parents have visited to share information about their heritage and family routines at home - from how to wear a Sari to reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar in Spanish.
Nur |
All children in Reception and Nursery learned more about the diversity in our EYFS and participated in a range of activities to celebrate our diversity. Some parents/grandparents visited too to share artefacts, traditional clothes, language and stories with us. They talked to the children about their culture and home life. At the end of the week, children came to school dressed in traditional clothes and celebrated together with a Carnival.
All children in Reception and Nursery learned more about the diversity in our EYFS and participated in a range of activities to celebrate our diversity. Some parents/grandparents visited too to share artefacts, traditional clothes, language and stories with us. They talked to the children about their culture and home life. At the end of the week, children came to school dressed in traditional clothes and celebrated together with a Carnival.
Children came to school dressed in traditional clothes and talked about their home experiences, traditions and cultures. All children participated in a range of activities to celebrate the diversity within Reception class. Some parents visited too with artefacts and talked to the children about their culture and home life.
Reception celebrated the diverse culture within their class. Children were invited to wear some traditional clothes to school to mark the occasion and share their knowledge and experiences with their peers. During the day, we had lots of fun and opportunity to explore some different traditions from around the world.
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The whole school particiapted in learning and exploration about the Sikh religion during RE week this year. This included trips and assemblies
All |
This week, we have been learning about Buddhism as part of RE week. We have learnt what it means to be Buddhist today.
05 |
This week, the Nursery class have been finding out about, preparing for and celebrating Chinese New Year. We discovered the original story of the 12 animals and how it was decided that each year would be named after a different animal; we learned how families prepare their homes for the festival (and enjoyed a bit of spring cleaning with marigolds and dusters ourselves!), we practised dragon dancing, gymnastics, writing good luck messages in Mandarin, saying 'Kung Hey Fat Choi' meaning 'Happy New Year' in Cantonese and so much more! We particularly enjoyed finding out which 'year of the...' we were born in - the nursery pupils were born in the year of the goat and the year of the monkey.
Nur |
This week, Nursery have been celebrating the different cultures that we have in our classroom - both the children and the teachers. Parents have visited to share information about their heritage and family routines at home - from how to wear a Sari to reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar in Spanish.
Nur |
We spent the week celebrating the diversity of cultures in EYFS. Parents attended to speak to the children about their cultures, read stories and show traditional clothes. The children asked thoughtful questions and compared their own lives to other people's.
Nur |
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Children explored their learning about Ancient Egyptians.
03 |
Years 2 to 6 visited the local sikh Gurdwara to find out about the sikh community and religious practices.
06 |
Year 6 visited St. Mary's Church in Hitchin and was shown around the Church by Cannon Michael and discussed signs of salvation. They also asked some challenging questions about belief and Christianity.
06 |
Trip to Imperial War museum Duxford to enhance understanding about the impact of the Battle of Britain on the course of world war 2
06 |
Reception visited St Albans Cathedral to learn about the Christian beliefs of the nativity story.
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Ofsted Guidance
- Pupils' knowledge of, and respect for, different people’s faiths, feelings and values
Ofsted 2004
- Pupils develop a sense of empathy with others, concern and compassion
- Pupils develop a readiness to challenge all that would constrain the human spirit: for example, poverty of aspiration, lack of self-confidence and belief, moral neutrality or indifference, force, fanaticism, aggression, greed, injustice, narrowness of vision, self-interest, sexism, racism and other forms of discrimination
- Pupils develop a respect for insight as well as for knowledge and reason
- Pupils develop an understanding of feelings and emotions, and their likely impact
- Schools give pupils the opportunity to understand human feelings and emotions, the way they affect people and how an understanding of them can be helpful
- Schools develop a climate or ethos within which all pupils can grow and flourish, respect others and be respected
- Schools accommodate difference and respecting the integrity of individuals
SPIRITUAL:Understanding human feelings and emotions
Children have requested to run their own clubs to support others who are struggling with friendships or who need quiet time. These clubs include sign language, chess, crochet, dance, magic. They run these independently and support younger children
All |
children have an opportunity to use a range of resources and learn how to be creative
All |
Provides an opportunity to enable children to develop a range of skills that will promote confidence and raise self-esteem as well as having fun. Children have a chance to put on a performance and also participate in role play situations
All |
This is for Y5 and Y6 children who need a quiet space as a choice. children do not have to attend the club regularly and they are able to do what they like. A member of staff does not organise the club but provides a chance for children to attend twice a week. this operates in the winter when the Peace Garden is too cold
KS2 |
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Local clergy have worked alongside the school to support the quality of the worship experience for children and staff. They have designed a rota and attend twice weekly
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Every month a new value is introduced and the children explore this value in their day-to-day living. The explore this value in the Bible and in other faiths. At the end of the month children are identified who have demonstrated this value and they are awarded a value leaf which is placed on our values tree. Values lead the way for promoting positive behaviour and discussing choices children have made.
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Led by Rev Roden who explained to the children how important it is to pray.
All |
Whole school gathered for remembrance service
All |
Children learnt about the story of Noah and how God made a promise. They discussed forgiveness and being a good citizen
All |
Children learn about the importance of Black History and find out about influential people. KS2 learn about the slave trade and the history of America and South Africa
All |
Ex-pupil came and led an assembly with a follow-up workshop about Peace. This work was a result of a visit to Hawaii by girls from Hitchin Girls School who represented the UK to work with children from all over the world as ambassadors of Peace
All |
Whole school participated and contributed to providing food parcels for homeless of Hitchin
All |
Every month a new value is introduced and the children explore this value in their day-to-day living. The explore this value in the Bible and in other faiths. At the end of the month children are identified who have demonstrated this value and they are awarded a value leaf which is placed on our values tree. Values lead the way for promoting positive behaviour and discussing choices children have made.
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Children learn about the festival of Sukkot
All |
Children prepared an assembly about their Pentecostal Church and invited their local Pastor in. The children managed the whole assembly on their own.
All |
Children participated in a Remembrance Service
All |
Children are selected on a weekly basis to be awarded the HT Award and attend the tea party. Children are identified for hard work, positive learning attitude, positive relationships with others, trying hard etc. A class of the week is also identified and the reasons are shared with all.
All |
Children considered how to work as a group to sing and perform their part of the song.
01 |
Today we considered the global ramifications of the Christian celebration of Easter by exploring the symbol of the cross. We learnt about crosses from all over the world including Bangladesh and Ecuador.
01 |
In class worship, we looked at the bible story of Noah's Flood. We spoke about how worried Noah must have been and how he had to trust in God and be brave. We spoke about how the dove represents peace because seeing the olive branch reassures Noah that everything will be fine. We created our own doves to remind us to be peaceful at school.
02 |
As part of Key Stage 1 worship this week, we discussed valuing different people's opinions and that people see things from different points of view. We discussed the importance of listening and empathising rather than judging. We have continued to talk about this within the classroom.
02 |
Discussed what the opposite of peaceful is. (Worried and not feeling safe)
We discussed what we could do to make people feel safe in our classroom.
04 |
We looked at the verse from Luke 21:9 - Stand firm and you will win. We considered what this suggests we should do. We looked at the Waitrose advert from Christmas 2014 and considered how the girl did as God told us to do
04 |
We listened to the parable of the good shepherd. We used this as a basis to understand how God wants us to care for each other and not leave anyone out.
04 |
In KS1 worship, we spoke about getting on and falling out. We read the story 'Bubble Trouble' about 2 friends who get so competitive that they argue. We discussed that sometimes, we can get carried away and forget that our friendships are the most important things. We talked about the importance of saying sorry and forgiving people.
KS1 |
Looking at the practice of respect - in action. How can we make our actions speak louder than words?
KS1 |
Exploring the compassion of Jesus on the cross and the different symbolic representations of the cross in global Christianity.
KS1 |
Children learned about and discussed the arguments put forward for the abolition of slavery and voted on the most important argument focusing on the moral issues and British and Christian values
KS2 |
Children collectively plan worship for the whole term taking into account the Christian calendar and other faiths. The children investigate different ways to present to the school and involve personal faith stories and morality
Wor |
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All the children wore red to show support for and an awareness of this illness that affects a child in the school.
All |
Worship Rangers planned and organised Christian Aid week - Everyone Deserves a Safe Place
All |
Children wore stripes and learnt how to sign to a national song, All donated to the charity. Whole school sang the song as part of the day
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Children learnt about genetic illnesses and responded by wearing jeans and donating money
All |
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Children researched Incarnation and Annunciation and created angels for the Christmas Tree. Some classes looked at ways to use a range of recyclable material. Choir sang at the event
All |
Children learn how to be a leader within the school. They understand the process of writing and presenting a manifesto and how to vote fairly. They participate in being a school council representative and listen to the needs of their peers and present to the council. They learn the importance of making decisions, having responsibility and leading by example
All |
Children created art work based on their understanding of character feelings during their literacy lessons. They decided that they wanted to make a poncho so that he was dry in both the rainforest and the city. They felt that Jemmy Button when in the rainforest had his heart there, but his head in the city. When he was in the city he had his head there but his heart was in the rainforest back with his family and friends. Their art work depicts this
03 |
Year 5 were invited to a play explaining the partition of Pakistan and the impact on families - it explored the emotions and cultural and religious differences. Children then discussed this in class and created a poem to explore the feelings
05 |
Year 5 wrote stories on a topic of their choice to enter in to the BBC Radio 2 500 word competition.
05 |
Year 6 met their Reception buddies today and are building relationships, developing their leadership and supporting new members of our school
06 |
Different groups of children created different representations of the character of Ted from our class book The London Eye Mystery. We thought hard about the journey Ted had taken through the book and how the different events affected his personality and this was reflected in our art projects
06 |
Learning about the history of Crime and Punishment and the moral, ethical and cultural issues of different societies in different time periods.
06 |
Whilst discussing New Year resolutions we decided to create a promise for each month from January-July2019. We thought about how we could create a positive learning environment through our interactions with one another and our learning attitudes. Children suggested ideas such as being peaceful, listening to each other and learning to negotiate, making sure to include everyone in our games and thinking about the consequences of our actions and words.
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Children had to consider a creative way to design a book cover
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Children were invited to enter a Walsworth Road Baptist Church Art Competition to express the concept of Flourish. Classes explored Aristotle's philosophy and Maslow's hierarchy of need before creating their own art work. They were able to use any resources and any method and then had to evaluate each other's - focusing on respect and constructive comments
All |
Year 4 researched local history in world war 2 and created a gallery of information. They entered a competition which they won and attended award ceremonies with world war 2 veterans
04 |
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We used our Good Listener skills to share our stories about our artefacts, ask our professor questions and curate each others' curios using our Historian Talk! We explored what make our artefacts valuable and the power of the personal connection, ownership and differing aspects of significance and non-significance.
01 |
Parents invited into class to work alongside their children to play Maths fluency games involving addition(Nrich)
03 |
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We were thinking about an item that we would save from a fire, linking to our Great Fire of London project. We talked about things being sentimental and reminding you of special people. We discussed that everyone has brought in different things because we are all different.
02 |
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Having considered how Jesus wanted us to behave in our world, we debated the issue of ...
should we help people who are homeless by giving them money directly or even taking them into our homes.
All |
As part of outdoor learning, year 2 were making clay faces. We spoke about different facial expressions, what makes us happy and sad and how we can tell how we are making people feel. We then created our faces based on different emotions.
All |
Children participate in many additional sporting opportunities that enable them to experience competition and trying out new sports and learning a range of skills. They are encouraged to have a go and try their best but they are also expected to show positive competitiveness and to be an effective and active team member. There is also opportunity to lead their team
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Children explored this in the christian calendar and through bible study.
All |
The children are looking at how to keep clean and stay safe and how this links to respect for their natural environment and for each other in their community.
01 |
Through godly play, narrative, extended writing and conscience alley, the children explored the story of Easter and the concept of salvation.
01 |
Visit to see how the design of a church reflects some of the elements of the Good News.
01 |
As part of the class' SUM work we played a variety of games on the above topic such as follow-the-leader, Snappy and Squeak and the human chain. How did the other person's actions affect you? What was the best response to that behvaiour?
01 |
Year 1 revised our talk partners best practice and introduced the concept of reflecting on how good a talk partner we are. How can we be better?
01 |
Exploring the SUMO concept of victim t shirts, the children investigated what it was that 'makes them tick' by thinking about what their 'one voice' might be, or what they believed about themselves. This was contrasted with actions linked to that belief.
01 |
In talk partners the children described the problem with plastic and decided on what practical action - thinking of John - they could do to help look after the world. They produced posters designed to persuade someone else to make a pledge to recycle plastic.
01 |
Discussions on how to reduce waste and save the planet, impact of our actions on the natural world of God's creation, creation of poster encouraging others to ACT to save the environment following SC.
01 |
Inbedding our school vision by discussing effective listening and speaking techniques. Talk partnert, effective shared discussion and comment thumbs. Taking account of others' ideas and different opinions. Opinions as a result of what we like and dislike,, know and don't yet know.
01 |
Rabbi Celia came to the class to share pur learning about the shema, Jewish prayers and rituals and customs. The children explored some real tallit shawls and tefiilin and listened to some hebrew blessings.
01 |
Today Year One explored how to show our Christian Values through action in the local commmunity. Connor from North Herts Sanctuary popped in to explain to the children about his work with the homeless of Hitchin. The children learned what they could do to help those in need including refugees.
01 |
In the context of RE work on Matthew the tax collector, the children were encouraged to consider what was surprising about the kinds of people Jesus came to save, and how this could be linked to our school values.
01 |
The children explored the qualities a super learner might possess and designed their own superheroes with names reflecting their behavioural characteristics. These were then incorporated into a PSHE lesson on school values.
01 |
Today the children played some language games based around the concept of 'groupthink'. Is working as a team synonymous with all having the same idea? What impact would that have on our learning? Are there times when having different ideas create a richer learning experiences for us? These and other questions were explored in our table groups.
01 |
In the context of their own families. children were invited to consider some important characteristics of family belonging, the roles they play in these communities and the responsibilities associated with them. Discussions incorporated our School family and children were invited to symbolise the school value they felt was the most important in a piece of symbolic drawing.
01 |
We discussed the different strengths of children in the class, and looked at how people are all good at different things. We also discussed how best to support our fellow pupil in her standing frame.
01 |
We read the story ISH about a boy who tries hard in his drawing but who experiences a sense of failure. We discussed the meaning of success and failure and explored the concept of thinking reflexively about our learning - can you write me an ISH sentence? What makes it wonderful?
01 |
Our class advent this year is from Oxfam and each day we get a finger puppet from around the world which has a fact on the back about how we can help others this Christmas. This has sparked lots of discussion as a class about global Christianity and about the true meaning of Christmas.
02 |
As part of our Literacy learning about the Halibut Jackson book, we completed a role on the wall activity. During this we discussed how Halibut feels on the inside versus how people perceive him on the outside. We discussed that often people do not realise how sad someone else may be feeling.
02 |
In year 2, we have been thinking about our value of peace. We have been thinking about how we can show peacefulness and friendship to everyone we meet. We spoke about friendship tokens and how we need to be giving out friendship tokens to everyone by smiling, listening to others, including people and being kind. This will make our school more peaceful.
02 |
This week, year 2 talked about what makes a good friend. We each created a recipe for friendship which included elements such as kindness, compassion, generosity. We thought about times when people did not show that to us and discuss resolutions.
02 |
When History Off the Page came in, we spoke a lot about empathy and understanding what life would have been like in 166. We spoke about being grateful for education and healthcare we have, which children did not have then,
02 |
As part of our History/literacy learning about the Great Fire of London, we are reading a book called Fire Cat. We had to hot seat how the characters would feel and write a letter from their perspective. We were using empathy skills to imagine how scary living during this time would be.
02 |
Year 2 wrote prayers about what they are thankful for and used this as an opportunity to ask for guidance on showing a value that they may find more difficult. We have put these into a prayer book so we can refer to these.
02 |
Today during class worship we focused on the value of thankfulness and as we passed a stone around the circle, we all thought of one thing we were grateful for. The children then wrote prayers for things they were thankful for and we published these in a class prayer book so that any children can access these.
02 |
Today to begin our learning about the creation story, we went outside to appreciate nature and all that God had created. We had a go at being very busy and then having a rest to sit back and appreciate it all. After a discussion we decided that God must have needed to rest on the 7th day because it is a good thing to take time to enjoy what you have worked hard for.
02 |
Children came dressed in that era and learnt about Florence Nightingale through role play
02 |
To ensure that all children can participate fully in all aspects of PE
03 |
The importance of making mistakes
04 |
Exploring how to be a gppd friend
04 |
Exploring what causes flooding, the impact this has on our poorest communities and the changes we can make to mitigate this.
04 |
Friendship champions - how to advise and model good friendship behaviours without being bossy or judgemental.
04 |
Today we looked at how some charities like Christian Aid apply in practice the message of the Good Samaritan about how to show love and forgiveness to unlikely people.
04 |
In the spiritual area outside as part of CAW. Exploring climate justiice and the relationship of humans wiht our planet.
04 |
Alcohol and its effect on our bodies
04 |
Discussing issues if duty, sacrifce, personal belief and culture.
04 |
Exploring how to share information safely online.avatars
04 |
How to act and think like a good citizen,
04 |
Y4 have sopent some time revisiting our British Values and respect for each other in loght of the many new rules and routines we have in place to keep us safe.
04 |
STEM PSHE lesson on Water aid - writing letters to ecouurage others to donate to create rope pumps
04 |
Lesson on Toussaint Louverture
04 |
We participated in guided visualisations and discussed why we should try to take a moment to take off our victim t-shirts when we are feeling angry or upset by something that has happened.
04 |
Children were asked to think about how their reaction to a situation affects the outcome - SUMO resource. This involved exploring how our feelings can shape our responses and how sometimes we need to take a step back to consider how we react first.
04 |
Based on the pupils belief on what heaven is like the children worked in groups to create piece of music. They then evaluated their work.
04 |
We learnt about how different groups might be discriminated against and what we could do. We learnt about how the consequences of our actions and behaviours.
05 |
We learnt about different kinds of bullying and discriminatory behaviours and what to do if someone is being bullied.
05 |
We learnt about what confidential means and what we should keep confidential. We learnt that some things need to be shared to keep us safe.
05 |
We learnt about different personality types and the areas of strength. We learnt that we might need to adapt how we behave to accommodate people with different personality types.
05 |
Visited Y5 to talk about migration and equality and issues surrounding having to leave your home
05 |
Children participated in the 3rd of the 4 Mindfulness sessions that are being delivered .breathehttps://www.gridmaker.net/standrewsherts/images/icon_save.gif
06 |
Year 6 explored what respect is and how we can show respect in different ways. We looked at showing respect for others, showing respect for our environment and showing respect for ourselves.
06 |
PHASE workshop on managing friendships and change
06 |
Some children from Y6 were selected to engage in some additional challenge with children from other schools. This was to enable them to have opportunity to work with other children on particular areas of interest and expertise
06 |
While reading Ruby's Worry by Tom Percival for our story today, we stopped at various points to discuss our own worries and how we minimise them for ourselves. One child mentioned that "I talk to my Mummy and Daddy and they take the worry away," which led to a talk about who else might be able to alieve our worries. The pupils suggestions included "the teachers", "Granny and Grandad", "my brother", "our friends".
Nur |
This morning, we reflected on yesterdays child-led activity within the construction area with the whole class. One child suggested that their 'castle' structure was so amazing "because we builded it together", This language and attitude to learning was celebrated and encouraged to develop further today. This led to several children working together to build a shelter that "protects animals from the predators", displaying a caring nature through independent activities. Children were also supported to develop perseverance and acceptance when other children accidentally knocked their structures down - "we can just build it again. How could we make it more stable?"
Nur |
Nursery children have spent the week learning how to care for their learning environment. This has included considering how to leave the environment ready for other children to use and how to share.
Nur |
We explored the bible story The Good Samaritan and considered the question - Who is my neighbour? We talked about how and why we should help others when they need it. Children suggested making friendship bracelets for each other in the class and, on exchanging the bracelets, named some positive traits of that person.
Parents attended an evening presentation and discussion led by the Head Teacher and Class Teacher that informed them of the school values in context, the ethos of our setting and how every child is at the centre of our approach to learning.
Nur |
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Today we honed our performance skills ever further by exploring projecting our voices, responding to cues and listening to multi-part instructions and action sequences.
01 |
Y3 children explored through drama how a young boy from a South American tribe might feel when Victorian people in formal dress arrived to visit him.
03 |
Ks1 and R sang, danced and retold their way throught the nativity story. A wonderful performance and application of all the speaking and listening, musical and performing skills they have learnt so far! Well done KS1 and Reception!
KS1 |
Ks1 and R sang, danced and retold their way throught the nativity story. A wonderful performance and application of all the speaking and listening, musical and performing skills they have learnt so far! Well done KS1 and Reception!
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Each year group developed their literacy learning through art focusing on the journey of characters as they face change or change themselves. Children planned and shaped their ideas creatively and developed their own learning using a planning grid to shape and adapt their learning. Children worked collaboratively to develop their ideas. Pupils then evaluated their learning.
All |
Emotion stones are used to express pupils' feelings and emotions in line with our 5 point scale.
02 |
Children prepare presentations for an interveiw with the previous House Captains. The ex-House Captains prepare the questions and organise the whole procedure. They discuss the candidates with the guidance of the Assistant Head and then announce the results by formal letter, ensuring that all candidates are valued and thanked.
06 |
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During the festival children developed empathy through relfecing on the feelings of others, thanking God for what we have and praying for those that don't have enough food. Each child filled a box for the homeless.
All |
Children learn about different aspects of Holy Week and participate in Easter celebrations e.g Easter Egg Hunt, Easter lunch, making Easter cards, reenacting aspects of Holy Week, reading parts in the bible, making palm leaves etc
Y3 and Y4 will also be leading the Easter Service
All |
All children participated in a service for Epiphany at Holy Saviour Church
All |
Year R, 1 and Y6 presented a service
All |
YR, Y1 and Y6 presented a Mother's Day Service. All school attended and parents were invited. Children presented mothers with a daffodil at the end.
All |
All children discussed in assembly and class what is meant by a lenten promise. Talked about choosing a promise they felt they could keep and that it would make a difference to others as well as themselves. Talked about having responsibility
All |
Children visit Holy Saviour church for their start of the year service. It is to welcome new staff and new children and new families. We talk about Koinonia and our school values and expectations
All |
The children acted out the story of the Buddha, made mandala out of transient art and explored some of the symbolism of the faith.
01 |
Nursery and Reception celebrated the Nativity together through their performance of 'The Sleepy Shepherd' to friends and family. Children performed with confidence and enthusiasm helping to build self-esteem and collaborative teamwork.
Nur |
Children sang, danced and acted out the story of the Nativity
Nur |
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Children participate in weekly netball lessons and then attend competitions and matches. There is an A team and a B team and children are selected according to skill
KS2 |
Children participate in regular athletic events with Sports Organiser and Coach. This includes lunch time running club around local area. Children participate in a variety of athletic events with other local schools.
KS2 |
Children participate in a variety of matches with local schools as well as termly tournaments. Children form an A team and B team and are selected on skill.
KS2 |
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All staff have half termly discussions with our local vicar to deepen knowledge of Christianity. Father Ian enables staff to question and plan their teaching for children. Children's response has been positive and significantly raised the profile of engagement within RE. Children are improving their literacy through enquiry about the subject and showing curiousity
All |
Staff have all worked with a local artist to explore the teaching and utilising of art to develop an enquiry approach to learning. Art has been linked to spiritual, cultural, emotional and social development.
All |
Staff to attend an introductory training session on Mindfulness to get a better understanding of mental health and pressures and how to support children in different ways.
All teaching staff and support staff have regular training on child protection and other safeguarding elements. This is reviewed regularly in staff meetings to ensure that procedures and processes are followed. Parent volunteers also attend this annually. If there are any concerns regarding safeguarding procedures these are communicated to parents in a newsletter if they affect the whole school community. Updates on Esafety are also sent out to parents
Led by Father Ian - all teaching staff explored the concept of salvation through bible study
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All classess embrace the benefits of outdoor learning, taking the opportunity to engage in new experiences and broadening learning. Year 1 contextualise their learning about Radcliffes by practising etiquette and manners during cream teas. Year 6 enjoy yoga and mindfulness, considering mental wellbeing.
All |
Children and staff work with artist to consider interpreting key concepts from their class book into a piece of art. They will learn new skills and either work collectively or individually. The project is shaped by the discussion between the children, teacher and artist and is aimed at developing inference through higher order questioning. Drama, Writing, Poetry, Dance and Music will also be explored as the week develops. Every story involves a journey and links to real life issues and people experiencing a change. Some classes will be inviting parents who have moved here from other countries. Some classes will be working with animals. All classes will deal with dilemmas in life e.g making the right choice, separation, making new friends etc.
All |
Children selected an author and then came dressed as a character from that range of books. Y6 chose Shakespeare and then learnt some lines from part of the play. These were performed to one another
All |
Children learnt about St Andrew in an assembly
All |
Year 3 spent their cake sale money on a book making workshop which allowed them to learn the traditional skills for making sewn books.
03 |
Y4 children participated in Christian Aid week themed day. Children were asked to reflect on how to support people who need help and particularly women around the world.
04 |
This week, Nursery have been celebrating the different cultures that we have in our classroom - both the children and the teachers. Parents have visited to share information about their heritage and family routines at home - from how to wear a Sari to reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar in Spanish.
Nur |
The children extenden their learning based on the book "Oh No George" through a range of media. The children used mud rock to make an enourmous "George." The children mixed colour paints to make paper the same colour in the illustrations and then went on to use this tocollage their 3D Mmodel of George. The children used fabric dye to experiment with tye dye. They discussed green as the colour to highlight good decisions and red to highlight poor choices.
Nur |
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Using CLPE book Bedtime for Monsters as inspiration, children made different landscapes from the book, monster hats, monster models and monster fruit. We received a letter from the monster inviting us on a picnic to Silver Birches.
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Children discussed the importance of the rainforest and how there are still today conflicts involving deforestation. Children developed an understanding of people in the rainforest and how they function and how their lives are different culturally to ours.
03 |
Y4 spent 3 days and 2 nights at Hudnall Park developing their outdoor skills and becoming more independent.
04 |
We visited Letchworth Foodbank and learnt how we can see Christianity in action in the local community. We learnt how different people support those who need help.
05 |
Nursery visit the local park, thinking about how to stay safe on the paths and road as well as looking after the environment and sharing community areas. The language, turn taking and socialising in the playground with other members of the public was fantastic!
Nur |
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Ofsted Guidance
- Pupils' use of imagination and creativity in their learning
Ofsted 2004
- Pupils develop an expressive and/or creative impulse
- Promoting teaching styles which value pupils’ questions and give them space for their own thoughts, ideas and concerns
SPIRITUAL:Using imagination and creativity in learning
children have an opportunity to use a range of resources and learn how to be creative
All |
Children learn about healthy eating, try new food, learn to cook and prepare food that they then eat
All |
Children are provided with an opportunity to attend a club that provides guidance in trying new foods and learning to cook. Children get a chance to eat the food and so the social element of enjoying and sharing food is also important.
All |
children have an opportunity to learn french
All |
Provides an opportunity to enable children to develop a range of skills that will promote confidence and raise self-esteem as well as having fun. Children have a chance to put on a performance and also participate in role play situations
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This is for Y5 and Y6 children who need a quiet space as a choice. children do not have to attend the club regularly and they are able to do what they like. A member of staff does not organise the club but provides a chance for children to attend twice a week. this operates in the winter when the Peace Garden is too cold
KS2 |
children are taught how to play chess and how to play games with different age children
KS2 |
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Local clergy have worked alongside the school to support the quality of the worship experience for children and staff. They have designed a rota and attend twice weekly
All |
Led by Rev Roden who explained to the children how important it is to pray.
All |
Children learnt about the story of Noah and how God made a promise. They discussed forgiveness and being a good citizen
All |
Ex-pupil came and led an assembly with a follow-up workshop about Peace. This work was a result of a visit to Hawaii by girls from Hitchin Girls School who represented the UK to work with children from all over the world as ambassadors of Peace
All |
Affinity Water led an assembly to inform children about the importance of saving water and how it is such a special commodity - they gave ideas on how to save water in the home and how much is wasted.
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Children had an assembly about Yom Kippur
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Children are selected on a weekly basis to be awarded the HT Award and attend the tea party. Children are identified for hard work, positive learning attitude, positive relationships with others, trying hard etc. A class of the week is also identified and the reasons are shared with all.
All |
Children considered how to work as a group to sing and perform their part of the song.
01 |
Today we considered the global ramifications of the Christian celebration of Easter by exploring the symbol of the cross. We learnt about crosses from all over the world including Bangladesh and Ecuador.
01 |
In class worship, we looked at the bible story of Noah's Flood. We spoke about how worried Noah must have been and how he had to trust in God and be brave. We spoke about how the dove represents peace because seeing the olive branch reassures Noah that everything will be fine. We created our own doves to remind us to be peaceful at school.
02 |
Year 3 presented the class assembly on Ancient Egyptians to the whole school
03 |
Y3 class assembly on the Ancient Egyptians
03 |
Exploring the compassion of Jesus on the cross and the different symbolic representations of the cross in global Christianity.
KS1 |
Through a Circus-themed class assembly, Reception recalled key learning opportunities and experiences throughout the year. This included how to stay safe, skills learned in PE and Forest School, key maths knowledge and how we reflect the school values within our daily lives.
Through acting, role play and song, Reception recalled our themes and learning during the Autumn term. We emphasised the importance of living the school values daily by singing and signing to a song about how to be a good friend. Children made their own props and devised the script for the Assembly themselves.
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All children dressed up as heroes from British History and gave a donation in recognition of Children in Need
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Children designed and made hats to represent water and the importance of water. They then created a human pipeline and transported water from one end of their team to the other. This was to demonstrate how difficult it is for some people to access water in countries where there is not a reliable water system
All |
Worship Rangers planned and organised Christian Aid week - Everyone Deserves a Safe Place
All |
Children wore stripes and learnt how to sign to a national song, All donated to the charity. Whole school sang the song as part of the day
All |
Each class has an opportunity to participate in an enterprise event. Children sell cakes and then work alongside class teacher to calculate how to spend the money in order to benefit the class
All |
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Children researched Incarnation and Annunciation and created angels for the Christmas Tree. Some classes looked at ways to use a range of recyclable material. Choir sang at the event
All |
Every class has an open afternoon whereby parents visit to meet the new teacher and learn about expectations for the year. They have an opportunity to ask questions.
All |
Year 5 were invited to a play explaining the partition of Pakistan and the impact on families - it explored the emotions and cultural and religious differences. Children then discussed this in class and created a poem to explore the feelings
05 |
Year 5 wrote stories on a topic of their choice to enter in to the BBC Radio 2 500 word competition.
05 |
Different groups of children created different representations of the character of Ted from our class book The London Eye Mystery. We thought hard about the journey Ted had taken through the book and how the different events affected his personality and this was reflected in our art projects
06 |
Editor of the Comet visited Year 6 to talk about his role and to advise and support with the year 6 newspaper project
06 |
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Children had to consider a creative way to design a book cover
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Children were invited to enter a Walsworth Road Baptist Church Art Competition to express the concept of Flourish. Classes explored Aristotle's philosophy and Maslow's hierarchy of need before creating their own art work. They were able to use any resources and any method and then had to evaluate each other's - focusing on respect and constructive comments
All |
A group of children from year 6 entered at science competition at Hitchin Girl's School. They presented their science and engineering project inspired by the World War 2 Enigma machine.
All |
As part of the National POetry Day, Year 3 children took part in a poem competition 'This is me' writing about feelings and emotions that make them special and unique.
The competition was run by the Young Writers who decided on the winners. All children's work will be published in a book!
03 |
Year 4 researched local history in world war 2 and created a gallery of information. They entered a competition which they won and attended award ceremonies with world war 2 veterans
04 |
Children in year 6 worked in groups to produce a final product for a STEM competition according to a clear brief. One group then also entered their project into a STEM competition at a local secondary school and presented their work to the visiting audience.
06 |
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Parents come in regularly to share the learning journey with their children and to look through the journals with their child. This keeps parents informed of their child's progress and what they have covered in class
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Children and parents participated in a science activities for the whole week. Parents came to a curriculum evening to participate in a range of scientific enquiry experiences
All |
All classes invited parents in to participate in science enquiry sessions
All |
We used our Good Listener skills to share our stories about our artefacts, ask our professor questions and curate each others' curios using our Historian Talk! We explored what make our artefacts valuable and the power of the personal connection, ownership and differing aspects of significance and non-significance.
01 |
Using the book 'The Spider and the Fly', the parents joined in a variety of fun activities, to learn how writing is taught at school.
03 |
Parents invited into class to work alongside their children to play Maths fluency games involving addition(Nrich)
03 |
This week, Nursery participated in Family Learning Week. Parents were invited into school to engage in simple maths games with their children and an gain insight into how maths is taught within EYFS.
Nur |
Parents were able to visit Nursery during our adult-directed Literacy sessions and joined in with some of the activities that we do in our small groups. We re-enacted the story "We're Going on a Bear Hunt", we played 'noisy neighbour' and we also explored 'musical snap'! It was exciting having so many of our families come to visit and lovely to see the children develop in confidence when sharing their learning at school.
Nur |
Nursery, Reception and Year One parents/carers were invited to attend an evening that informs them of the 'phonic learning process' from Phase 1 - Early Phase 4. Examples of activities, resources, highly recommended picture books and Early Years staff were on hand to support and answer any questions about Phonics and how it is developed from the time they start Nursery.
Nur |
Earlybird and Stay and Play sessions for families with EAL/BME/SEN to support them in helping their children with home learning. Opportunity for parents to ask questions. Parents learned simple ways to support their children with phonics, reading and maths at home using everyday items.
Earlybird and Stay and Play sessions for families with EAL/BME/SEN to support them in helping their children with home learning. Opportunity for parents to ask questions. Parents learned simple ways to support their children with phonics, reading and maths at home using everyday items.
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Professor Know it All is the weekly homework project in year 2, where children have the chance to prepare and present a presentation on a topic they are passionate about. The children have to create something to show as well as planning what they will say. They need to use their presenting and social skills to ensure they are conveying their message well.
02 |
Year 3 were asked to create a project called Volcanoes which could be a model, ppt, leaflet, quiz, poster etc
03 |
Research the poem and create The Jumblies in any art form.
KS1 |
Children are to research the poem and illustrate the Jabberwocky
KS2 |
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Children learn about the Eatwell plate and participate in cooking and preparing a range of food, they learn to take turns washing up and about Fairtrade and Food miles and sustainable eating
All |
Children explored this in the christian calendar and through bible study.
All |
Through godly play, narrative, extended writing and conscience alley, the children explored the story of Easter and the concept of salvation.
01 |
Visit to see how the design of a church reflects some of the elements of the Good News.
01 |
Exploring the SUMO concept of victim t shirts, the children investigated what it was that 'makes them tick' by thinking about what their 'one voice' might be, or what they believed about themselves. This was contrasted with actions linked to that belief.
01 |
Discussions on how to reduce waste and save the planet, impact of our actions on the natural world of God's creation, creation of poster encouraging others to ACT to save the environment following SC.
01 |
Rabbi Celia came to the class to share pur learning about the shema, Jewish prayers and rituals and customs. The children explored some real tallit shawls and tefiilin and listened to some hebrew blessings.
01 |
The children explored the qualities a super learner might possess and designed their own superheroes with names reflecting their behavioural characteristics. These were then incorporated into a PSHE lesson on school values.
01 |
Year One looked at extending our value of Respect towards the environment and how our actions have an impact for good or otherwise. Stewardship was discussed and children designed and created a poster persuading others to show respect for the environment.
01 |
In the context of their own families. children were invited to consider some important characteristics of family belonging, the roles they play in these communities and the responsibilities associated with them. Discussions incorporated our School family and children were invited to symbolise the school value they felt was the most important in a piece of symbolic drawing.
01 |
As part of our learning about the Christmas story in RE, we have been using hot seating as a tool to explore how different people may have felt about the news of Jesus. We discussed that the news of Jesus coming meant that lots of people had to trust in God.
02 |
We looked at Botticelli's painting of the Mystical Nativity. We looked at what this represents and how Jesus is depicted as a King. We wrote down any questions we had about this painting.
02 |
In RE, year 2 were thinking about God's creation and about the most wonderful things in the world. We had a circle time about what amazes us in the world and then created art to be put up on display. Some suggestions included sunsets, animals, our families and mountains.
02 |
In year 2, we thought about all of the big questions that we have about the world. We discussed that even adults find these sort of questions tricky to answer and that people have lots of different opinions. We have displayed some of these questions within the class so that we can continue to think about these.
02 |
Children came dressed in that era and learnt about Florence Nightingale through role play
02 |
Children had a visit from the local fire service as part of their project on London's Burning
02 |
Year 3 spent some time outside experiencing the wonder of our school grounds. They then wrote prayers thanking God for the beauty of their environment.One of these prayers is read at the end of each day.
03 |
To ensure that all children can participate fully in all aspects of PE
03 |
VI specialist to support children in PE
03 |
The importance of making mistakes
04 |
Exploring how to be a gppd friend
04 |
Exploring what causes flooding, the impact this has on our poorest communities and the changes we can make to mitigate this.
04 |
Friendship champions - how to advise and model good friendship behaviours without being bossy or judgemental.
04 |
Today we looked at how some charities like Christian Aid apply in practice the message of the Good Samaritan about how to show love and forgiveness to unlikely people.
04 |
In the spiritual area outside as part of CAW. Exploring climate justiice and the relationship of humans wiht our planet.
04 |
Exploring how to share information safely online.avatars
04 |
How to act and think like a good citizen,
04 |
STEM PSHE lesson on Water aid - writing letters to ecouurage others to donate to create rope pumps
04 |
Based on the pupils belief on what heaven is like the children worked in groups to create piece of music. They then evaluated their work.
04 |
The children worked collaboratively in groups to create dens for their mini-creature in the wildlife area. The children were developing their teamwork skills as part of our learning about the value of koinonia.
05 |
Children in Y5 volunteered to be teachers for a subject they were interested and delivered a range of imaginative adn creative lessons covering subjects such as Maya masks, bubble adn 3-D writing, cartoon drawing, dance and making eblock.
05 |
Hitchin Girls' School to deliver lessons in Spanish and french. They provide all the material and are good role models to our children
05 |
Visited Y5 to talk about migration and equality and issues surrounding having to leave your home
05 |
Year 5 explored how Chinese people celebrate Chinese New Year.
05 |
year 6 were visited by PHASE, a Christian education group, who delivered a workshop on the true meaning of Christmas.
06 |
PHASE workshop on managing friendships and change
06 |
Some children from Y6 were selected to engage in some additional challenge with children from other schools. This was to enable them to have opportunity to work with other children on particular areas of interest and expertise
06 |
During Autumn term, key children from Y1 and Y2 engage in weekly forest school sessions with our forest school leader to enhance their communication skills, wellbeing and PSE and also physical development. Children are encouraged to work collaboratively and learn about themselves and the world around them by engaging actively with nature.
Enr |
Children in Nursery have opportunity to engage in weekly Forest School Sessions. During Forest School, children learn about the world around them, participate in collaborative games and challenges and develop respect for the natural environment.
Nur |
This morning, we reflected on yesterdays child-led activity within the construction area with the whole class. One child suggested that their 'castle' structure was so amazing "because we builded it together", This language and attitude to learning was celebrated and encouraged to develop further today. This led to several children working together to build a shelter that "protects animals from the predators", displaying a caring nature through independent activities. Children were also supported to develop perseverance and acceptance when other children accidentally knocked their structures down - "we can just build it again. How could we make it more stable?"
Nur |
Through the bible story Jesus and Zacchaeus we considered our school value of Compassion. Using godly play, we explored the story and talked about what compassion means to us, who displayed compassion in the story and how this affected the characters. We asked how and when can we show Compassion towards one another? Children suggested "by being kind".
We explored the bible story The Good Samaritan and considered the question - Who is my neighbour? We talked about how and why we should help others when they need it. Children suggested making friendship bracelets for each other in the class and, on exchanging the bracelets, named some positive traits of that person.
All children participated in creating an event to raise money at the Christmas Fair. Children helped set up the event and manned stalled. Children were able to perform at the event as well.
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Nursery, Reception and Year One parents/carers were invited to attend an evening that informs them of the 'phonic learning process' from Phase 1 - Early Phase 4. Examples of activities, resources, highly recommended picture books and Early Years staff were on hand to support and answer any questions about Phonics and how it is developed from the time they start Nursery.
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Y3 children explored through drama how a young boy from a South American tribe might feel when Victorian people in formal dress arrived to visit him.
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Ks1 and R sang, danced and retold their way throught the nativity story. A wonderful performance and application of all the speaking and listening, musical and performing skills they have learnt so far! Well done KS1 and Reception!
KS1 |
Children in KS1 and Reception performed a wonderful Nativity play entitled A Star is Born.
KS1 |
All children who play a musical instrument have a chance to perform at the Spring Concert. Paents are invited, the emphasis is on children learning how to conduct themselves in front of a mature audience. The Music Cup is presented to a child who has demonstrated commitment and passion
KS2 |
Children learning to play a brass instrument are invited to attend a Brass workshop at a local secondary school
KS2 |
Children participated in a Christmas Production to recall and re-enact the Nativity. Children demonstrated self-confidence and enjoyment to sing and dance on stage with Reception class. Parents were invited to attend.
Nur |
Both Nursery classess put on an amazing production of the Nativity story. They thought about the journey Mary and Joseph made to Bethlehem, the birth of Jesus, and the significance and impact of his birth on the rest of the world.
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Ks1 and R sang, danced and retold their way throught the nativity story. A wonderful performance and application of all the speaking and listening, musical and performing skills they have learnt so far! Well done KS1 and Reception!
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Each year group developed their literacy learning through art focusing on the journey of characters as they face change or change themselves. Children planned and shaped their ideas creatively and developed their own learning using a planning grid to shape and adapt their learning. Children worked collaboratively to develop their ideas. Pupils then evaluated their learning.
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First meeting with the history and geography champions held to explain their roles and gather ideas on how to increase the profile of the subjects across the school.
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Following our storytime where we shared the story Everywhere Bear, a child takes our class teddy bear home for the weekend. Children have an opportunity to share and recall their time with Spencer with the rest of the class by recording in Spencer's diary.
Nur |
Each week children have the opportunity to share some news, interesting artefacts and/or talk about issues that are important to them in a small group with an adult.
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Remembering learning about the birth of Jesus at Christmas, Sienna makes up her own song about him. Her friends are role-playing with a baby when Sienna sings him a song to get him to sleep. "Baby Jesus and Mary, Baby Jesus and Mary, going down the hill, going down the hill, to Bethlehem..."
We discuss Jesus's life and how he grows from baby to man. "Is that when he helped people?" - We talk about how Jesus helped people and how we learnt from him. Who can we be kind to today?
Nur |
Each week, a child takes our class teddy bear home for the weekend. Children then have an opportunity to share and recall their time with Lucy with the rest of the class by recording in Lucy's diary.
We have a weekly keyworker session where children have the opportunity to share some news, interesting artefacts and/or talk about issues that are important to them.
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Children learn about different aspects of Holy Week and participate in Easter celebrations e.g Easter Egg Hunt, Easter lunch, making Easter cards, reenacting aspects of Holy Week, reading parts in the bible, making palm leaves etc
Y3 and Y4 will also be leading the Easter Service
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All children participated in a service for Epiphany at Holy Saviour Church
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Year R, 1 and Y6 presented a service
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YR, Y1 and Y6 presented a Mother's Day Service. All school attended and parents were invited. Children presented mothers with a daffodil at the end.
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All children discussed in assembly and class what is meant by a lenten promise. Talked about choosing a promise they felt they could keep and that it would make a difference to others as well as themselves. Talked about having responsibility
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The children acted out the story of the Buddha, made mandala out of transient art and explored some of the symbolism of the faith.
01 |
All Children in Key stage 2 led and participated in a carol service to celebrate Christmas. This took place at St. Mary's Church.
KS2 |
Children sang and acted out the christmas story
KS2 |
Nursery and Reception celebrated the Nativity together through their performance of 'The Sleepy Shepherd' to friends and family. Children performed with confidence and enthusiasm helping to build self-esteem and collaborative teamwork.
Nur |
This week, the Nursery class have been finding out about, preparing for and celebrating Chinese New Year. We discovered the original story of the 12 animals and how it was decided that each year would be named after a different animal; we learned how families prepare their homes for the festival (and enjoyed a bit of spring cleaning with marigolds and dusters ourselves!), we practised dragon dancing, gymnastics, writing good luck messages in Mandarin, saying 'Kung Hey Fat Choi' meaning 'Happy New Year' in Cantonese and so much more! We particularly enjoyed finding out which 'year of the...' we were born in - the nursery pupils were born in the year of the goat and the year of the monkey.
Nur |
Children sang, danced and acted out the story of the Nativity
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Worship Acolytes and Leader were invited to participate in a Taize Worship Event at St John's Church, Chells to learn about Taize and how this approach could enrich our Collective Worship within school.
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Team building challenges
03 |
Children meet with other schools and participate in a mini-olympics with sports that include Paralympicactivities
06 |
Children participate in rugby training in PE lessons and then attend a competition with other schools. Try to encourage children who have not attended other sporting events
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Staff planning to understand the use of Understanding Christianity syllabus
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All staff have half termly discussions with our local vicar to deepen knowledge of Christianity. Father Ian enables staff to question and plan their teaching for children. Children's response has been positive and significantly raised the profile of engagement within RE. Children are improving their literacy through enquiry about the subject and showing curiousity
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Staff have all worked with a local artist to explore the teaching and utilising of art to develop an enquiry approach to learning. Art has been linked to spiritual, cultural, emotional and social development.
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teachers explored the understanding and purpose of the bible with Father Ian leading this as part of ongoing CPD with staff to understand Christianity.
Father Ian delivered CPD on Lent with all teaching staff
Led by Father Ian - all teaching staff explored the concept of salvation through bible study
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We celebrated the school's 50th year by hosting an outdoor party. Ambassadors conducted school tours to showcase classrooms and our whole school Radcliffe project. Everyone enjoyed music, dancing, food and a variety of stalls and games. We also arranged a whole school aerial photo in the shape of a 50 to mark the occasion. Three cheers for fifty years!
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All classess embrace the benefits of outdoor learning, taking the opportunity to engage in new experiences and broadening learning. Year 1 contextualise their learning about Radcliffes by practising etiquette and manners during cream teas. Year 6 enjoy yoga and mindfulness, considering mental wellbeing.
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Children and staff work with artist to consider interpreting key concepts from their class book into a piece of art. They will learn new skills and either work collectively or individually. The project is shaped by the discussion between the children, teacher and artist and is aimed at developing inference through higher order questioning. Drama, Writing, Poetry, Dance and Music will also be explored as the week develops. Every story involves a journey and links to real life issues and people experiencing a change. Some classes will be inviting parents who have moved here from other countries. Some classes will be working with animals. All classes will deal with dilemmas in life e.g making the right choice, separation, making new friends etc.
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Children selected an author and then came dressed as a character from that range of books. Y6 chose Shakespeare and then learnt some lines from part of the play. These were performed to one another
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herts Catering work closely with the school to plan menus and adapt in response to parent questionnaire. they work co-operatively alongside school to present range of foods for parents to test at consultation evening and new parent evening. They are also in the process of designing a Healthy Eating Competition whereby children can design and cook a meal and have this on the new menu
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Year 3 created Rangoli patterns as their study of sikhism and understood how Sikhs and Hindus use the patterns to welcome and offer good luck.
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Year 3 spent their cake sale money on a book making workshop which allowed them to learn the traditional skills for making sewn books.
03 |
Y4 children participated in Christian Aid week themed day. Children were asked to reflect on how to support people who need help and particularly women around the world.
04 |
Family Learning Week focussed on STEM this year. We invited parents and families into class to share in STEM activities with their children and find out more about how STEM is taught in Nursery. Our actvities ranged from investigating magnets and making/testing paper spinners to exploring the changing properties of gloop and using our imagination and skils in the Atelier to design and create models using recycled materials.
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Children learned about the festival of Diwali through active engagement and participation in creative activities. We explored the story of Rama and Sita to understand why Diwali is celebrated and how long it lasts. We made diva lamps, Diwali cards for our families, rangoli patterns and enjoyed dancing to traditional music.
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During Culture Week, we celebrated the diversity within Nursery. We had fun learning about different traditions within our families and from around the world. Children made paperchains and flags to decorate the classroom. We also made diva lamps using clay, Rangoli patterns using chalk, paint and crayon, explored spices in playdough, made Chinese lanterns and enjoyed listening and dancing to music from all around the world. A big thank you too, to all volunteers that came into school to share your family traditions and customs with us. To conclude our week, children were invited to wear some traditional clothes to school for our Carnival day!
Nur |
In our final week this half-term, we have been celebrating the diversity within Nursery. We had so much fun learning about different traditions within our families and from around the world. We made paperchains and flags to decorate our classroom. We also made traditional Swedish Christmas decorations, Rangoli patterns using chalk, paint and crayon, explored spices in playdough, made Chinese lanterns and wallets and enjoyed listening and dancing to music from all around the world. Thank you so much for the artefacts the children have brought in – we enjoyed sharing them and promise to return them after half-term. To conclude our week, children were invited to wear some traditional clothes to school for our Carnival day!
Nur |
After learning about the story of Rama and Sita yesterday, discovering why the festival of Diwali is celebrated and what the word 'Diwali' means - festival of light - today we have been decorating our outside learning area with Rangoli patterns to bring us good luck! Some of the children decided to re-enact the story alongside their peers, recalling the key characteristics of each character such as Rawana "has 10 heads. He's the 'baddie'." "Hanuman is the monkey king. I didn't know there was a monkey king before!" "Rama and Sita had to follow the diva lamps to find their way back home."
Nur |
This week, Nursery have been celebrating the different cultures that we have in our classroom - both the children and the teachers. Parents have visited to share information about their heritage and family routines at home - from how to wear a Sari to reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar in Spanish.
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The children extenden their learning based on the book "Oh No George" through a range of media. The children used mud rock to make an enourmous "George." The children mixed colour paints to make paper the same colour in the illustrations and then went on to use this tocollage their 3D Mmodel of George. The children used fabric dye to experiment with tye dye. They discussed green as the colour to highlight good decisions and red to highlight poor choices.
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All children in Reception and Nursery learned more about the diversity in our EYFS and participated in a range of activities to celebrate our diversity. Some parents/grandparents visited too to share artefacts, traditional clothes, language and stories with us. They talked to the children about their culture and home life. At the end of the week, children came to school dressed in traditional clothes and celebrated together with a Carnival.
All children in Reception and Nursery learned more about the diversity in our EYFS and participated in a range of activities to celebrate our diversity. Some parents/grandparents visited too to share artefacts, traditional clothes, language and stories with us. They talked to the children about their culture and home life. At the end of the week, children came to school dressed in traditional clothes and celebrated together with a Carnival.
Children came to school dressed in traditional clothes and talked about their home experiences, traditions and cultures. All children participated in a range of activities to celebrate the diversity within Reception class. Some parents visited too with artefacts and talked to the children about their culture and home life.
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The whole school particiapted in learning and exploration about the Sikh religion during RE week this year. This included trips and assemblies
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This week, the Nursery class have been finding out about, preparing for and celebrating Chinese New Year. We discovered the original story of the 12 animals and how it was decided that each year would be named after a different animal; we learned how families prepare their homes for the festival (and enjoyed a bit of spring cleaning with marigolds and dusters ourselves!), we practised dragon dancing, gymnastics, writing good luck messages in Mandarin, saying 'Kung Hey Fat Choi' meaning 'Happy New Year' in Cantonese and so much more! We particularly enjoyed finding out which 'year of the...' we were born in - the nursery pupils were born in the year of the goat and the year of the monkey.
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Using CLPE book Bedtime for Monsters as inspiration, children made different landscapes from the book, monster hats, monster models and monster fruit. We received a letter from the monster inviting us on a picnic to Silver Birches.
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Year 1 visited the Gurdwara as part of their RE
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Year 2 had an interactive re-telling of the Christmas story. We had our passports stamped at passport control as we entered Israel and completed crafts at each station. We made crowns to represent the baby King, a miniature Bible with Anna and Simeon, a fluffy sheep with the shepherds and a guiding star with the wise men. We discussed how all of these people knew that Jesus was going to be the Saviour.
02 |
Children explored their learning about Ancient Egyptians.
03 |
A class trip to Amersham to study rocks and soils
03 |
Year 3 visited Frogmore Paper Mill to discover the history of paper making in this country in contrast to that in other countries .
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Y4 spent 3 days and 2 nights at Hudnall Park developing their outdoor skills and becoming more independent.
04 |
Year 6 visited the natural history museum to find out about evolution. They participated in a workshop and visited a selection of galleries.
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Each class visited Shepreth Wildlife Park (5th May and 12th May) to learn more about animals and their habitats. We spent a prolonged time touring the park and talking about what we noticed and sharing knowledge about animals and they way they live, how to care for them etc. At the end of the session, we engaged in a workshop entitled 'Who Lives in this Logpile?' and also a tour with an Education Officer to learn more about some of the animals such as Lemurs, Tigers, Maned Wolf and Mearcats. We learned how to stay safe whilst out of class and manage our own personal hygiene and care.
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Reception children visited Hitchin Library and Market. At the library, children enjoyed books and stories, learned how to borrow items and joined in with a fun library quiz. At the market, children bought a selection of fruit and vegetables for us to enjoy in the afternoon. We talked about being healthy and making healthy eating choices.
Reception children visited the library and all had a new library card. They learnt how to use the library and all took a book home.
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