Ofsted Guidance
Pupils' interest in exploring, improving understanding of and showing respect for different faiths and cultural diversity and the extent to which they understand, accept and respect diversity. This is shown by their respect and attitudes towards different religious, ethnic and socio-economic groups in the local, national and global communities
CULTURAL:Celebrating and respecting diversity in local, national and global communities
Students using prior knowledge and research tocompare two faiths with similarities and differences
All |
Students in Slaidburn were learning about medieval history in Britain. In the workshop lesson they made a medieval village using different materials.
All |
Students explored different rituals in Hinduism
07 |
Students explored and experienced christian artefacts during the lesson
07 |
Students listened to the audio book Dupla's Diwali and made rangoli patterns with coloured pasta, rice and sand.
KS3 |
Students explored trade, import and exports and focused on o tea came from India to the UK. The watched clips f working in a factory and being a tea picker in India and discussed which job they would prefer
KS3 |
To celebrate different cultures, beliefs, students took part in a lion dance workshop, experiencing different instruments and costumes. Students asked questions to the performers about what they did for a living / careers, etc. Students behaved and were respectful to the performers.
KS4 |
Students in Slaidburn class worked together and made an advent Christmas tree, the students participated and decorated different baubles to go on the Christmas tree. Learning and respecting different religious festivals.
KS4 |
Students learned about Hinduism, beliefs and practices and different festivals, they compared faiths and joined in class discussions.
KS4 |
Students have been learning about places of worship, the differences and similarities as part of their learning in RE.
KS4 |
A special assembly to celebrate Chinese New Year with a lion dance performance.
S/C |
Students in year 7 made their own Diwali light as part of an afternoon on Hinduism.
07 |
As part of careers week, students listened to different speakers from various work backgrounds.
KS4 |
Slaidburn pupils enjoyed celebrating in the same way as Spanish children by hitting a 'Tio de Nadal' with a stick until the sweets fell out of the back.
KS4 |
Slaidburn looked at the Spanish Culture and how Christmas is celebrated in Spain.
We played the song feliz navidad, the students were tapping Papa Noel and won a prize at the end.
KS4 |
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Students learned about what information is and what is personal and what type of information should remain private. Students learned about fake and real information online as well how we can stay safe.
KS3 |
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As part of video editing, students learn about copyright and the concept of fair use. They learn about the need to respect copyright law and rights creators have over their ideas, etc.
KS3 |
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Students in KS3 have been looking at art from different cultures. They have explored Mandalas from India, they Day of the Dead Skulls and Aboriginal art.
Students enjoyed learning about different countries and their cultures and were able to recreate the art work in a range of different ways.
KS3 |
Students in Slaidburn attended a boccia competition representing PCHS&C and Burnley football club. With students from other schools.
KS4 |
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The students have been on an expedition where they had to learn the green cross code, vital skills in leadership and teamwork, supporting local foundations such as walking clubs, donation boxes and embracing local history with a tour of local historical landmarks including Newchurch and the pendle witches.
All |
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Yarrow class discussed traditions related to Chinese new Year and tried a variety of foods.
KS3 |
As part of the Christmas celebrations students in Slaidburn made snowmen using different materials such as marshmallows, icing and pretzel sticks.
KS4 |
As part of showing kindness Slaidburn made Christmas cards which would be distributed to care homes.
KS4 |
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Calder experienced the sensory story of the Nativity. They experienced various tactile props and listened to Christmas hymns along side this.
All |
hot and cold animals, the focus is on helping them understand basic concepts related to temperature and how different animals adapt to their environments through engaging activities and discussions:
3/4 |
Wenning and Irwell classes visited St John'
s church, Cliviger to experience a religious building. The students explored various objects and interacted with the members of the church.
3/4 |
Students in Calder had the opportunity to explore and make foods from a range of different cultures. Students worked together to make the food, enjoyed smelling and touching a range of different ingredients and enjoyed listening to music from the different cultures.
3/4 |
Students in Yarrow explored the tradition of Chinese New Year by learning about the Chinese calendar and traditional foods.
8/9 |
Students have visited many local business and venues to witness first hand the work our local hero's do to keep us happy and safe. For example, vets at Pets @ Home, Park keeper at Marsden Park, Hairdressers at Halo Hair Designs and Nelson Fire Station.
8/9 |
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Ofsted Guidance
Pupils' knowledge of Britain's democratic parliamentary system and its central role in shaping our history and values, and in continuing to develop Britain
CULTURAL:Knowledge of Britain’s democratic parliamentary system
Yarrow students listened the the story, 'Sparks in the Sky'. They made edible sparklers, participated in an attention autism activity and created a beautiful bonfire picture.
8/9 |
Yarrow have been learning about women in history. This week we research the life Margaret Thatcher's early life and career, being prime minister and some interesting facts about her life.
8/9 |
A special assembly to celebrate Chinese New Year with a lion dance performance.
S/C |
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Students in year 7 have been discussing parliament and the House of Lords, They looked at how they could become involved and what issues matter the most to them.
07 |
Yarrow class discussed traditions related to Chinese new Year and tried a variety of foods.
KS3 |
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Students in year 7 voted for their chosen student council representative after each candidate had put forward why they thought they would be a good representative.
07 |
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Ofsted Guidance
Pupils' willingness to participate in and respond positively to artistic, musical, sporting and cultural opportunities
CULTURAL:Participating and responding to cultural opportunities
Students using prior knowledge and research tocompare two faiths with similarities and differences
All |
Students in Slaidburn were learning about medieval history in Britain. In the workshop lesson they made a medieval village using different materials.
All |
Students explored different rituals in Hinduism
07 |
Students explored and experienced christian artefacts during the lesson
07 |
Yarrow students listened the the story, 'Sparks in the Sky'. They made edible sparklers, participated in an attention autism activity and created a beautiful bonfire picture.
8/9 |
Students listened to the audio book Dupla's Diwali and made rangoli patterns with coloured pasta, rice and sand.
KS3 |
To celebrate different cultures, beliefs, students took part in a lion dance workshop, experiencing different instruments and costumes. Students asked questions to the performers about what they did for a living / careers, etc. Students behaved and were respectful to the performers.
KS4 |
In English, pupils were exploring the book Ruby's Chinese New Year and explored food tasting to connect with the book.
KS4 |
Students learned about Hinduism, beliefs and practices and different festivals, they compared faiths and joined in class discussions.
KS4 |
A special assembly to celebrate Chinese New Year with a lion dance performance.
S/C |
Pupils enjoyed listening a kite man, looking at the kites he made and then making their own kite in class.
All |
We set up our own Spanish cafe and asked for drinks in Spanish
KS4 |
As part of the enriched curriculum students took part in a residential trip to Ullswater in the lakes.
KS4 |
As part of careers week, students listened to different speakers from various work backgrounds.
KS4 |
Singing and signing choir went to Asda Colne to sing Christmas songs for shoppers
S/C |
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Pupils in Marsden enjoyed an 8 week drama project based on Homer's story, 'The Odyssey.' This picture shows the class pretending they are setting off on their journey aboard their sailing ship to face their first adventure with The Cyclops.
KS5 |
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Pupils made and sent Christmas Cards as a part of their 14-19 Art lesson
4/5 |
Pupils made and sent Christmas Cards as a part of their 14-19 Art lesson
4/5 |
Pupils in 14-19 Art made origami Christmas decorations as a part of their lesson
4/5 |
Students in KS3 have been looking at art from different cultures. They have explored Mandalas from India, they Day of the Dead Skulls and Aboriginal art.
Students enjoyed learning about different countries and their cultures and were able to recreate the art work in a range of different ways.
KS3 |
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Yarrow class discussed traditions related to Chinese new Year and tried a variety of foods.
KS3 |
As part of the Christmas celebrations students in Slaidburn made snowmen using different materials such as marshmallows, icing and pretzel sticks.
KS4 |
As part of showing kindness Slaidburn made Christmas cards which would be distributed to care homes.
KS4 |
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Students in Calder had the opportunity to explore and make foods from a range of different cultures. Students worked together to make the food, enjoyed smelling and touching a range of different ingredients and enjoyed listening to music from the different cultures.
3/4 |
Students in Yarrow explored the tradition of Chinese New Year by learning about the Chinese calendar and traditional foods.
8/9 |
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Ofsted Guidance
Pupils’ ability to recognise, and value, the things we share in common across cultural, religious, ethnic and socio-economic communities
CULTURAL:Recognising the things people and communities share in common
Students using prior knowledge and research tocompare two faiths with similarities and differences
All |
Students explored different rituals in Hinduism
07 |
Wenning pupils created and built their own High Street and enjoyed visiting different types of shops to see the service they provided.
3/4 |
To celebrate different cultures, beliefs, students took part in a lion dance workshop, experiencing different instruments and costumes. Students asked questions to the performers about what they did for a living / careers, etc. Students behaved and were respectful to the performers.
KS4 |
Students have been learning about places of worship, the differences and similarities as part of their learning in RE.
KS4 |
A special assembly to celebrate Chinese New Year with a lion dance performance.
S/C |
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Students in year 7 made some Christmas cards as part of the Cards for Kindness campaign which will be sent to local care homes.
07 |
Slaidburn looked at the Spanish Culture and how Christmas is celebrated in Spain.
We played the song feliz navidad, the students were tapping Papa Noel and won a prize at the end.
KS4 |
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Students took part in voting for their favourite foods and collected their results. Other students created their research questions and collected their data using tally charts. All students then transferred their data into a spreadsheet.
KS3 |
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During Computing and ICT lessons (commencing 5-2-24) students had discussions around the current themes regarding Safer Internet Day and what students should do in the advent of seeing something different from normal (suspicious) / unpleasant, etc. Students then created posters about advising others on how to stay safe online as well.
All |
Students in the Online Safety Group - met, discussed ideas, experiences and planned to deliever a presentation to raise awareness about onlin-safety, particularly related to themes around this year's Safer Internet Day.
They then delievered the assembly to the whole school and took questions and offered advice at the end.
All |
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Students discussed how they can help people in the community, they came up with ideas of litter picking, giving money to charity, being kind etc
8/9 |
Yarrow class discussed traditions related to Chinese new Year and tried a variety of foods.
KS3 |
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Calder experienced the sensory story of the Nativity. They experienced various tactile props and listened to Christmas hymns along side this.
All |
Students in Yarrow explored the tradition of Chinese New Year by learning about the Chinese calendar and traditional foods.
8/9 |
Students have visited many local business and venues to witness first hand the work our local hero's do to keep us happy and safe. For example, vets at Pets @ Home, Park keeper at Marsden Park, Hairdressers at Halo Hair Designs and Nelson Fire Station.
8/9 |
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Ofsted Guidance
Pupils’ understanding and appreciation of the range of different cultures in the school and further afield as an essential element of their preparation for life in modern Britain
CULTURAL:Understanding different cultures essential for life in modern Britain
Students using prior knowledge and research tocompare two faiths with similarities and differences
All |
Students explored different rituals in Hinduism
07 |
Students explored and experienced christian artefacts during the lesson
07 |
Yarrow students listened the the story, 'Sparks in the Sky'. They made edible sparklers, participated in an attention autism activity and created a beautiful bonfire picture.
8/9 |
Students listened to the audio book Dupla's Diwali and made rangoli patterns with coloured pasta, rice and sand.
KS3 |
To celebrate different cultures, beliefs, students took part in a lion dance workshop, experiencing different instruments and costumes. Students asked questions to the performers about what they did for a living / careers, etc. Students behaved and were respectful to the performers.
KS4 |
Students in Slaidburn class worked together and made an advent Christmas tree, the students participated and decorated different baubles to go on the Christmas tree. Learning and respecting different religious festivals.
KS4 |
Students learned about Hinduism, beliefs and practices and different festivals, they compared faiths and joined in class discussions.
KS4 |
Students have been learning about places of worship, the differences and similarities as part of their learning in RE.
KS4 |
A special assembly to celebrate Chinese New Year with a lion dance performance.
S/C |
Students in year 7 made their own Diwali light as part of an afternoon on Hinduism.
07 |
Slaidburn looked at the Spanish Culture and how Christmas is celebrated in Spain.
We played the song feliz navidad, the students were tapping Papa Noel and won a prize at the end.
KS4 |
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Yarrow class discussed traditions related to Chinese new Year and tried a variety of foods.
KS3 |
As part of the Christmas celebrations students in Slaidburn made snowmen using different materials such as marshmallows, icing and pretzel sticks.
KS4 |
As part of showing kindness Slaidburn made Christmas cards which would be distributed to care homes.
KS4 |
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Teachers had a refresher on Protected Characteristics and explored the in the context of the our school. Staff then reread the equality and objectives policy, looking at the objectives for this year.
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Wenning and Irwell classes visited St John'
s church, Cliviger to experience a religious building. The students explored various objects and interacted with the members of the church.
3/4 |
Students in Yarrow explored the tradition of Chinese New Year by learning about the Chinese calendar and traditional foods.
8/9 |
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Ofsted Guidance
Pupils' understanding and appreciation of the wide range of cultural influences that have shaped their own heritage and that of others
CULTURAL:Understanding the wide range of cultural influences that shape heritage
Students in Slaidburn were learning about medieval history in Britain. In the workshop lesson they made a medieval village using different materials.
All |
Yarrow students listened the the story, 'Sparks in the Sky'. They made edible sparklers, participated in an attention autism activity and created a beautiful bonfire picture.
8/9 |
Pupils learnt about the Islamic prayer. Pupils looked at the different steps in the prayer and then in turn performed the different steps using a prayer mat
8/9 |
Yarrow have been learning about women in history. This week we research the life Margaret Thatcher's early life and career, being prime minister and some interesting facts about her life.
8/9 |
To celebrate different cultures, beliefs, students took part in a lion dance workshop, experiencing different instruments and costumes. Students asked questions to the performers about what they did for a living / careers, etc. Students behaved and were respectful to the performers.
KS4 |
Students in Slaidburn have been learning about Medieval England in History.
KS4 |
Students have been learning about places of worship, the differences and similarities as part of their learning in RE.
KS4 |
A special assembly to celebrate Chinese New Year with a lion dance performance.
S/C |
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Yarrow class discussed traditions related to Chinese new Year and tried a variety of foods.
KS3 |
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Wenning and Irwell classes visited St John'
s church, Cliviger to experience a religious building. The students explored various objects and interacted with the members of the church.
3/4 |
Students in Yarrow explored the tradition of Chinese New Year by learning about the Chinese calendar and traditional foods.
8/9 |
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Ofsted Guidance
Pupils' interest in investigating and offering reasoned views about moral and ethical issues and ability to understand and appreciate the viewpoints of others on these issues
MORAL:Investigating moral and ethical issues and appreciating others' viewpoints
Students discussed ways they can help each other. They thought of some great ways to work as a team and have been putting them into practice.
KS3 |
Students explored trade, import and exports and focused on o tea came from India to the UK. The watched clips f working in a factory and being a tea picker in India and discussed which job they would prefer
KS3 |
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Students learned about different types of informaion on the internet - not everything is reliable - considered the terms belief - opinion - fact, etc.
KS3 |
Students learned about what information is and what is personal and what type of information should remain private. Students learned about fake and real information online as well how we can stay safe.
KS3 |
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During Computing and ICT lessons (commencing 5-2-24) students had discussions around the current themes regarding Safer Internet Day and what students should do in the advent of seeing something different from normal (suspicious) / unpleasant, etc. Students then created posters about advising others on how to stay safe online as well.
All |
Students in the Online Safety Group - met, discussed ideas, experiences and planned to deliever a presentation to raise awareness about onlin-safety, particularly related to themes around this year's Safer Internet Day.
They then delievered the assembly to the whole school and took questions and offered advice at the end.
All |
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Students in Pendle choose keywords related to Anti-Bullying week and produced a poem incorperating their words.
KS4 |
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Wenning and Irwell classes visited St John'
s church, Cliviger to experience a religious building. The students explored various objects and interacted with the members of the church.
3/4 |
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Ofsted Guidance
Pupils' ability to recognise the difference between right and wrong and to readily apply this understanding in their own lives, and to recognise legal boundaries and, in doing so, respect the civil and criminal law of England
MORAL:Recognising right and wrong, and understanding legal boundaries
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Students learned about different types of informaion on the internet - not everything is reliable - considered the terms belief - opinion - fact, etc.
KS3 |
Students learned about what information is and what is personal and what type of information should remain private. Students learned about fake and real information online as well how we can stay safe.
KS3 |
Students learned about copyright and fair dealing. This related to their use of images from the internet.
KS4 |
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During Computing and ICT lessons (commencing 5-2-24) students had discussions around the current themes regarding Safer Internet Day and what students should do in the advent of seeing something different from normal (suspicious) / unpleasant, etc. Students then created posters about advising others on how to stay safe online as well.
All |
Students in the Online Safety Group - met, discussed ideas, experiences and planned to deliever a presentation to raise awareness about onlin-safety, particularly related to themes around this year's Safer Internet Day.
They then delievered the assembly to the whole school and took questions and offered advice at the end.
All |
Students worked together and planned and created a video / song about online safety.
All |
As part of video editing, students learn about copyright and the concept of fair use. They learn about the need to respect copyright law and rights creators have over their ideas, etc.
KS3 |
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Students in Bowland explored a human Rights as described by Amnesty International.
KS5 |
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Students discussed kind and unkind acts. They made kind cards and delivered them to other students in school.
KS3 |
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Teachers had a refresher on Protected Characteristics and explored the in the context of the our school. Staff then reread the equality and objectives policy, looking at the objectives for this year.
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Ofsted Guidance
Pupils' understanding of the consequences of their behaviour and actions
MORAL:Understanding the consequences of their behaviour and actions
To celebrate different cultures, beliefs, students took part in a lion dance workshop, experiencing different instruments and costumes. Students asked questions to the performers about what they did for a living / careers, etc. Students behaved and were respectful to the performers.
KS4 |
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Students in Hodder have been following a scheme on mental wellbeing. They ahve focused this week on self esteem and how it is a feeling and not something they can touch or see,
07 |
Every class in school and college has been focusing on Kindness this month and how they can show it in school.
S/C |
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Students in year 7 took part in discussions about how they could keep themselves safe when using the internet. They then came up with some top tips for others.
07 |
Students learned about different types of informaion on the internet - not everything is reliable - considered the terms belief - opinion - fact, etc.
KS3 |
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During Computing and ICT lessons (commencing 5-2-24) students had discussions around the current themes regarding Safer Internet Day and what students should do in the advent of seeing something different from normal (suspicious) / unpleasant, etc. Students then created posters about advising others on how to stay safe online as well.
All |
Students in the Online Safety Group - met, discussed ideas, experiences and planned to deliever a presentation to raise awareness about onlin-safety, particularly related to themes around this year's Safer Internet Day.
They then delievered the assembly to the whole school and took questions and offered advice at the end.
All |
Students worked together and planned and created a video / song about online safety.
All |
As part of video editing, students learn about copyright and the concept of fair use. They learn about the need to respect copyright law and rights creators have over their ideas, etc.
KS3 |
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Students discussed how they can help people in the community, they came up with ideas of litter picking, giving money to charity, being kind etc
8/9 |
Students discussed kind and unkind acts. They made kind cards and delivered them to other students in school.
KS3 |
Students in Pendle choose keywords related to Anti-Bullying week and produced a poem incorperating their words.
KS4 |
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Ofsted Guidance
Pupils' acceptance of and engagement with the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. They will develop and demonstrate skills and attitudes that will allow them to participate fully in and contribute positively to life in modern Britain
SOCIAL:Engaging with British values and contributing to life in modern Britain
Students using prior knowledge and research tocompare two faiths with similarities and differences
All |
Students explored different rituals in Hinduism
07 |
Students explored and experienced christian artefacts during the lesson
07 |
Yarrow students listened the the story, 'Sparks in the Sky'. They made edible sparklers, participated in an attention autism activity and created a beautiful bonfire picture.
8/9 |
Yarrow have been learning about women in history. This week we research the life Margaret Thatcher's early life and career, being prime minister and some interesting facts about her life.
8/9 |
Students discussed ways they can help each other. They thought of some great ways to work as a team and have been putting them into practice.
KS3 |
Students listened to the audio book Dupla's Diwali and made rangoli patterns with coloured pasta, rice and sand.
KS3 |
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During Computing and ICT lessons (commencing 5-2-24) students had discussions around the current themes regarding Safer Internet Day and what students should do in the advent of seeing something different from normal (suspicious) / unpleasant, etc. Students then created posters about advising others on how to stay safe online as well.
All |
Students in the Online Safety Group - met, discussed ideas, experiences and planned to deliever a presentation to raise awareness about onlin-safety, particularly related to themes around this year's Safer Internet Day.
They then delievered the assembly to the whole school and took questions and offered advice at the end.
All |
As part of video editing, students learn about copyright and the concept of fair use. They learn about the need to respect copyright law and rights creators have over their ideas, etc.
KS3 |
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Students in Bowland explored a human Rights as described by Amnesty International.
KS5 |
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Were making Easter Cards for the local care homes
All |
Students in year 7 have been discussing parliament and the House of Lords, They looked at how they could become involved and what issues matter the most to them.
07 |
As part of the Christmas celebrations students in Slaidburn made snowmen using different materials such as marshmallows, icing and pretzel sticks.
KS4 |
As part of showing kindness Slaidburn made Christmas cards which would be distributed to care homes.
KS4 |
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Teachers had a refresher on Protected Characteristics and explored the in the context of the our school. Staff then reread the equality and objectives policy, looking at the objectives for this year.
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Students in year 7 voted for their chosen student council representative after each candidate had put forward why they thought they would be a good representative.
07 |
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Students in Calder voted for their class representative for the student council. To make the voting process inclusive students used the eye gaze computer and ChooseIt Maker to vote by themselves.
3/4 |
Students in Yarrow explored the tradition of Chinese New Year by learning about the Chinese calendar and traditional foods.
8/9 |
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Ofsted Guidance
Pupils' use of a range of social skills in different contexts, for example working and socialising with other pupils, including those from different religious, ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds
SOCIAL:Using a range of social skills in different contexts
Students in Slaidburn were learning about medieval history in Britain. In the workshop lesson they made a medieval village using different materials.
All |
In pairs, students planned their own interview questions and named their radio/podcast in preparation to record.
07 |
Yarrow students participated in an early integrated attention activity on the theme of Autumn and Harvest. Students were encouraged to control their focus of attention (visual and auditory) between the speaker and the task.
8/9 |
To celebrate different cultures, beliefs, students took part in a lion dance workshop, experiencing different instruments and costumes. Students asked questions to the performers about what they did for a living / careers, etc. Students behaved and were respectful to the performers.
KS4 |
Students worked toegther to put up a tent following instructions - discussed the benefits of outdoor activities and worked on teamwork.
KS4 |
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Students in Hodder have been following a scheme on mental wellbeing. They ahve focused this week on self esteem and how it is a feeling and not something they can touch or see,
07 |
KS3 and Wenning students went to Blackburn Vue cinema to watch, 'Mary and the Witches Flower' (Autism Friendly). The students were great ambassadors for the school.
3/4 |
As part of the enriched curriculum students took part in a residential trip to Ullswater in the lakes.
KS4 |
As part of careers week, students listened to different speakers from various work backgrounds.
KS4 |
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Yarrow students visited Curry's PC World to look at different household appliences. They discovered which items were mains and battery operated.
8/9 |
Students worked on different IEP targets including maths, independence, collaboration, etc. They built Lego type construction kits with one (ASD) student providing help when needed.
KS4 |
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Students in Slaidburn attended a boccia competition representing PCHS&C and Burnley football club. With students from other schools.
KS4 |
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Students in year 7 worked together to create acrostic poems about bullying.
07 |
Yarrow participated in a group discuss abot when you're talking about finances, you're talking about money and things that are worth money. Students explored different activities to build their understanding.
8/9 |
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Irwell, Yarrow, Wenning and Calder enjoyed a journey through ice and snow this morning as part of their Autumn 2 topic 'A Journey through Sand and Snow'. We made snow angels, patterns, snowmen and warmed up by watching the 'snowman' together in the hall.
3/4 |
hot and cold animals, the focus is on helping them understand basic concepts related to temperature and how different animals adapt to their environments through engaging activities and discussions:
3/4 |
Students in Calder have been working hard to develop their communication skills using a range of different ways such as Eye Gaze, VOCAs, symbols and gestures to indicate a want, need or to answer basic questions.
3/4 |
Wenning and Irwell classes visited St John'
s church, Cliviger to experience a religious building. The students explored various objects and interacted with the members of the church.
3/4 |
Students in Calder had the opportunity to explore and make foods from a range of different cultures. Students worked together to make the food, enjoyed smelling and touching a range of different ingredients and enjoyed listening to music from the different cultures.
3/4 |
Students in Yarrow explored the tradition of Chinese New Year by learning about the Chinese calendar and traditional foods.
8/9 |
To complete our topic 'Exploring Our Senses' students from all themed classes visited Children's museum in Halifax.
Eureka! The National Children's Museum is an interactive educational museum for children in Halifax, West Yorkshire, England, with a focus on learning through play.
KS3 |
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Ofsted Guidance
Pupils' willingness to participate in a variety of communities and social settings, including by volunteering, cooperating well with others and being able to resolve conflicts effectively
SOCIAL:Volunteering, cooperating with others and resolving conflicts
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Students worked on different IEP targets including maths, independence, collaboration, etc. They built Lego type construction kits with one (ASD) student providing help when needed.
KS4 |
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Students worked together and planned and created a video / song about online safety.
All |
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Students in year 7 worked together to create acrostic poems about bullying.
07 |
Students discussed kind and unkind acts. They made kind cards and delivered them to other students in school.
KS3 |
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Ofsted Guidance
Pupils' sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about themselves, others and the world around them
SPIRITUAL:Experiencing enjoyment and fascination in learning
Students using prior knowledge and research tocompare two faiths with similarities and differences
All |
Students explored different rituals in Hinduism
07 |
Students explored and experienced christian artefacts during the lesson
07 |
In pairs, students planned their own interview questions and named their radio/podcast in preparation to record.
07 |
Yarrow students listened the the story, 'Sparks in the Sky'. They made edible sparklers, participated in an attention autism activity and created a beautiful bonfire picture.
8/9 |
Yarrow students participated in an early integrated attention activity on the theme of Autumn and Harvest. Students were encouraged to control their focus of attention (visual and auditory) between the speaker and the task.
8/9 |
Students explored trade, import and exports and focused on o tea came from India to the UK. The watched clips f working in a factory and being a tea picker in India and discussed which job they would prefer
KS3 |
To celebrate different cultures, beliefs, students took part in a lion dance workshop, experiencing different instruments and costumes. Students asked questions to the performers about what they did for a living / careers, etc. Students behaved and were respectful to the performers.
KS4 |
Students worked toegther to put up a tent following instructions - discussed the benefits of outdoor activities and worked on teamwork.
KS4 |
Students in Hodder have been following a scheme on mental wellbeing. They ahve focused this week on self esteem and how it is a feeling and not something they can touch or see,
07 |
Students in year 7 made their own Diwali light as part of an afternoon on Hinduism.
07 |
KS3 and Wenning students went to Blackburn Vue cinema to watch, 'Mary and the Witches Flower' (Autism Friendly). The students were great ambassadors for the school.
3/4 |
STEM (Science/Cooking) activity for the website. As part of KS4 science Carl demonstrated the correct way to gut and fillet a whole Black Tilapia and whole Sea Bream fish. Carl discussed the fishes anatomy and the effect of over fishing
KS4 |
Slaidburn looked at the Spanish Culture and how Christmas is celebrated in Spain.
We played the song feliz navidad, the students were tapping Papa Noel and won a prize at the end.
KS4 |
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Pupils enjoyed looking a real pigs heart and watching it being dissected.
All |
World Heart Day is a global, multi-lingual celebration
Spanning six continents, our hundreds of World Heart Federation (WHF) member organizations, the countless schools, universities, sports clubs and the vibrant cardiology community make World Heart Day (WHD) a truly global celebration.
Every year these groups and individuals bring their local flair, favor and colors to festivities, marking the day by sharing heart healthy regional specialties, leading a dance to get the whole community moving, and sharing life-saving lessons far and wide
All |
Hodder visited Salt Hill Quarry to enhance the teaching of Earth science at KS3.Aapproach Earth science more effectively through a ‘How science works’ context.
07 |
Yarrow students visited Curry's PC World to look at different household appliences. They discovered which items were mains and battery operated.
8/9 |
Pupils looked at different colour smarties in a box, they used this information and put it in a tally chart, this was then used to make bar charts.
8/9 |
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Wenning pupils had a great time learning how to weave on a variety of looms such as circular pre-bought frames and home made looms form natural sticks and branches, We used material strips and also natural items such as leaves and flowers.
3/4 |
Students in Wyre and Ribble have designed and created a monster movie light box, where they used their imagination to come up with a design for the monster, background and movie name. Students also included a light using a circuit and put this into their background
8/9 |
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During Computing and ICT lessons (commencing 5-2-24) students had discussions around the current themes regarding Safer Internet Day and what students should do in the advent of seeing something different from normal (suspicious) / unpleasant, etc. Students then created posters about advising others on how to stay safe online as well.
All |
Students in the Online Safety Group - met, discussed ideas, experiences and planned to deliever a presentation to raise awareness about onlin-safety, particularly related to themes around this year's Safer Internet Day.
They then delievered the assembly to the whole school and took questions and offered advice at the end.
All |
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Students in KS3 have been looking at art from different cultures. They have explored Mandalas from India, they Day of the Dead Skulls and Aboriginal art.
Students enjoyed learning about different countries and their cultures and were able to recreate the art work in a range of different ways.
KS3 |
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Students in year 7 have been learning about the difference between needs and wants when it comes to money, they have been having lots of discussions about some things which they think are needs which are actually wants for example PS4 and mobile phones!
07 |
Yarrow class discussed traditions related to Chinese new Year and tried a variety of foods.
KS3 |
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Irwell, Yarrow, Wenning and Calder enjoyed a journey through ice and snow this morning as part of their Autumn 2 topic 'A Journey through Sand and Snow'. We made snow angels, patterns, snowmen and warmed up by watching the 'snowman' together in the hall.
3/4 |
hot and cold animals, the focus is on helping them understand basic concepts related to temperature and how different animals adapt to their environments through engaging activities and discussions:
3/4 |
Wenning and Irwell classes visited St John'
s church, Cliviger to experience a religious building. The students explored various objects and interacted with the members of the church.
3/4 |
Students in Calder had the opportunity to explore and make foods from a range of different cultures. Students worked together to make the food, enjoyed smelling and touching a range of different ingredients and enjoyed listening to music from the different cultures.
3/4 |
Students in Yarrow explored the tradition of Chinese New Year by learning about the Chinese calendar and traditional foods.
8/9 |
Students have visited many local business and venues to witness first hand the work our local hero's do to keep us happy and safe. For example, vets at Pets @ Home, Park keeper at Marsden Park, Hairdressers at Halo Hair Designs and Nelson Fire Station.
8/9 |
To complete our topic 'Exploring Our Senses' students from all themed classes visited Children's museum in Halifax.
Eureka! The National Children's Museum is an interactive educational museum for children in Halifax, West Yorkshire, England, with a focus on learning through play.
KS3 |
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Ofsted Guidance
Pupils' ability to be reflective about their own beliefs (religious or otherwise) and perspective on life
SPIRITUAL:Reflecting about their own beliefs and perspective on life
Students using prior knowledge and research tocompare two faiths with similarities and differences
All |
Students explored and experienced christian artefacts during the lesson
07 |
To celebrate different cultures, beliefs, students took part in a lion dance workshop, experiencing different instruments and costumes. Students asked questions to the performers about what they did for a living / careers, etc. Students behaved and were respectful to the performers.
KS4 |
Students learned about Hinduism, beliefs and practices and different festivals, they compared faiths and joined in class discussions.
KS4 |
Students have been learning about places of worship, the differences and similarities as part of their learning in RE.
KS4 |
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Students learned about what information is and what is personal and what type of information should remain private. Students learned about fake and real information online as well how we can stay safe.
KS3 |
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During Computing and ICT lessons (commencing 5-2-24) students had discussions around the current themes regarding Safer Internet Day and what students should do in the advent of seeing something different from normal (suspicious) / unpleasant, etc. Students then created posters about advising others on how to stay safe online as well.
All |
Students in the Online Safety Group - met, discussed ideas, experiences and planned to deliever a presentation to raise awareness about onlin-safety, particularly related to themes around this year's Safer Internet Day.
They then delievered the assembly to the whole school and took questions and offered advice at the end.
All |
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Students in KS3 have been looking at art from different cultures. They have explored Mandalas from India, they Day of the Dead Skulls and Aboriginal art.
Students enjoyed learning about different countries and their cultures and were able to recreate the art work in a range of different ways.
KS3 |
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Wenning and Irwell classes visited St John'
s church, Cliviger to experience a religious building. The students explored various objects and interacted with the members of the church.
3/4 |
Students in Calder had the opportunity to explore and make foods from a range of different cultures. Students worked together to make the food, enjoyed smelling and touching a range of different ingredients and enjoyed listening to music from the different cultures.
3/4 |
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Ofsted Guidance
Pupils’ willingness to reflect on their experiences
SPIRITUAL:Reflecting on experiences
Yarrow students listened the the story, 'Sparks in the Sky'. They made edible sparklers, participated in an attention autism activity and created a beautiful bonfire picture.
8/9 |
Students discussed ways they can help each other. They thought of some great ways to work as a team and have been putting them into practice.
KS3 |
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Students in Hodder have been following a scheme on mental wellbeing. They ahve focused this week on self esteem and how it is a feeling and not something they can touch or see,
07 |
KS3 and Wenning students went to Blackburn Vue cinema to watch, 'Mary and the Witches Flower' (Autism Friendly). The students were great ambassadors for the school.
3/4 |
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Students learned about different types of informaion on the internet - not everything is reliable - considered the terms belief - opinion - fact, etc.
KS3 |
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During Computing and ICT lessons (commencing 5-2-24) students had discussions around the current themes regarding Safer Internet Day and what students should do in the advent of seeing something different from normal (suspicious) / unpleasant, etc. Students then created posters about advising others on how to stay safe online as well.
All |
Students in the Online Safety Group - met, discussed ideas, experiences and planned to deliever a presentation to raise awareness about onlin-safety, particularly related to themes around this year's Safer Internet Day.
They then delievered the assembly to the whole school and took questions and offered advice at the end.
All |
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Yarrow class discussed traditions related to Chinese new Year and tried a variety of foods.
KS3 |
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hot and cold animals, the focus is on helping them understand basic concepts related to temperature and how different animals adapt to their environments through engaging activities and discussions:
3/4 |
Students in Calder have been working hard to develop their communication skills using a range of different ways such as Eye Gaze, VOCAs, symbols and gestures to indicate a want, need or to answer basic questions.
3/4 |
Students in Calder had the opportunity to explore and make foods from a range of different cultures. Students worked together to make the food, enjoyed smelling and touching a range of different ingredients and enjoyed listening to music from the different cultures.
3/4 |
Students in Yarrow explored the tradition of Chinese New Year by learning about the Chinese calendar and traditional foods.
8/9 |
Students have visited many local business and venues to witness first hand the work our local hero's do to keep us happy and safe. For example, vets at Pets @ Home, Park keeper at Marsden Park, Hairdressers at Halo Hair Designs and Nelson Fire Station.
8/9 |
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Ofsted Guidance
Pupils' knowledge of, and respect for, different people’s faiths, feelings and values
SPIRITUAL:Respecting different people’s faiths, feelings and values
Students using prior knowledge and research tocompare two faiths with similarities and differences
All |
Students explored different rituals in Hinduism
07 |
Students explored and experienced christian artefacts during the lesson
07 |
Pupils learnt about the Islamic prayer. Pupils looked at the different steps in the prayer and then in turn performed the different steps using a prayer mat
8/9 |
Students discussed ways they can help each other. They thought of some great ways to work as a team and have been putting them into practice.
KS3 |
Students listened to the audio book Dupla's Diwali and made rangoli patterns with coloured pasta, rice and sand.
KS3 |
To celebrate different cultures, beliefs, students took part in a lion dance workshop, experiencing different instruments and costumes. Students asked questions to the performers about what they did for a living / careers, etc. Students behaved and were respectful to the performers.
KS4 |
Students in Slaidburn class worked together and made an advent Christmas tree, the students participated and decorated different baubles to go on the Christmas tree. Learning and respecting different religious festivals.
KS4 |
Students learned about Hinduism, beliefs and practices and different festivals, they compared faiths and joined in class discussions.
KS4 |
A special assembly to celebrate Chinese New Year with a lion dance performance.
S/C |
Students in year 7 made their own Diwali light as part of an afternoon on Hinduism.
07 |
All students in KS3 and KS4 focused on how how they could show empathy to others in the month of October, they then popped something up for their class on the board.
3/4 |
Slaidburn led a whole school assembly as part of their AQA unit on Christianity. Pupils led the assembly and explained what advent is about, illustrated with an advent wreath which we placed candles in and finishing with a Christian song.
KS4 |
Slaidburn looked at the Spanish Culture and how Christmas is celebrated in Spain.
We played the song feliz navidad, the students were tapping Papa Noel and won a prize at the end.
KS4 |
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Students in the Online Safety Group - met, discussed ideas, experiences and planned to deliever a presentation to raise awareness about onlin-safety, particularly related to themes around this year's Safer Internet Day.
They then delievered the assembly to the whole school and took questions and offered advice at the end.
All |
As part of video editing, students learn about copyright and the concept of fair use. They learn about the need to respect copyright law and rights creators have over their ideas, etc.
KS3 |
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Students in KS3 have been looking at art from different cultures. They have explored Mandalas from India, they Day of the Dead Skulls and Aboriginal art.
Students enjoyed learning about different countries and their cultures and were able to recreate the art work in a range of different ways.
KS3 |
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As part of the Christmas celebrations students in Slaidburn made snowmen using different materials such as marshmallows, icing and pretzel sticks.
KS4 |
As part of showing kindness Slaidburn made Christmas cards which would be distributed to care homes.
KS4 |
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Calder experienced the sensory story of the Nativity. They experienced various tactile props and listened to Christmas hymns along side this.
All |
Wenning and Irwell classes visited St John'
s church, Cliviger to experience a religious building. The students explored various objects and interacted with the members of the church.
3/4 |
Students in Calder had the opportunity to explore and make foods from a range of different cultures. Students worked together to make the food, enjoyed smelling and touching a range of different ingredients and enjoyed listening to music from the different cultures.
3/4 |
Students in Yarrow explored the tradition of Chinese New Year by learning about the Chinese calendar and traditional foods.
8/9 |
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Ofsted Guidance
Pupils' use of imagination and creativity in their learning
SPIRITUAL:Using imagination and creativity in learning
In pairs, students planned their own interview questions and named their radio/podcast in preparation to record.
07 |
Yarrow students listened the the story, 'Sparks in the Sky'. They made edible sparklers, participated in an attention autism activity and created a beautiful bonfire picture.
8/9 |
Yarrow students participated in an early integrated attention activity on the theme of Autumn and Harvest. Students were encouraged to control their focus of attention (visual and auditory) between the speaker and the task.
8/9 |
Students discussed ways they can help each other. They thought of some great ways to work as a team and have been putting them into practice.
KS3 |
To celebrate different cultures, beliefs, students took part in a lion dance workshop, experiencing different instruments and costumes. Students asked questions to the performers about what they did for a living / careers, etc. Students behaved and were respectful to the performers.
KS4 |
Students in Slaidburn class worked together and made an advent Christmas tree, the students participated and decorated different baubles to go on the Christmas tree. Learning and respecting different religious festivals.
KS4 |
Students worked toegther to put up a tent following instructions - discussed the benefits of outdoor activities and worked on teamwork.
KS4 |
A special assembly to celebrate Chinese New Year with a lion dance performance.
S/C |
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Students in year 7 made some Christmas cards as part of the Cards for Kindness campaign which will be sent to local care homes.
07 |
Students in year 7 made their own Diwali light as part of an afternoon on Hinduism.
07 |
KS3 and Wenning students went to Blackburn Vue cinema to watch, 'Mary and the Witches Flower' (Autism Friendly). The students were great ambassadors for the school.
3/4 |
STEM (Science/Cooking) activity for the website. As part of KS4 science Carl demonstrated the correct way to gut and fillet a whole Black Tilapia and whole Sea Bream fish. Carl discussed the fishes anatomy and the effect of over fishing
KS4 |
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Yarrow students visited Curry's PC World to look at different household appliences. They discovered which items were mains and battery operated.
8/9 |
Students worked on different IEP targets including maths, independence, collaboration, etc. They built Lego type construction kits with one (ASD) student providing help when needed.
KS4 |
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Students in Wyre and Ribble have designed and created a monster movie light box, where they used their imagination to come up with a design for the monster, background and movie name. Students also included a light using a circuit and put this into their background
8/9 |
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During Computing and ICT lessons (commencing 5-2-24) students had discussions around the current themes regarding Safer Internet Day and what students should do in the advent of seeing something different from normal (suspicious) / unpleasant, etc. Students then created posters about advising others on how to stay safe online as well.
All |
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Students have been learning ghow to use their functional skills to tempoer chocolate and follow complex recipes to create chocolates.
All |
Students in KS3 have been looking at art from different cultures. They have explored Mandalas from India, they Day of the Dead Skulls and Aboriginal art.
Students enjoyed learning about different countries and their cultures and were able to recreate the art work in a range of different ways.
KS3 |
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Students in year 7 have been learning about the difference between needs and wants when it comes to money, they have been having lots of discussions about some things which they think are needs which are actually wants for example PS4 and mobile phones!
07 |
Students in year 7 designed some odd socks as part of the anti-bullying morning.
07 |
Loneliness is a growing problem among older people, and in care homes it can be a particularly difficult issue to resolve.
8/9 |
Students discussed kind and unkind acts. They made kind cards and delivered them to other students in school.
KS3 |
As part of showing kindness Slaidburn made Christmas cards which would be distributed to care homes.
KS4 |
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Irwell, Yarrow, Wenning and Calder enjoyed a journey through ice and snow this morning as part of their Autumn 2 topic 'A Journey through Sand and Snow'. We made snow angels, patterns, snowmen and warmed up by watching the 'snowman' together in the hall.
3/4 |
hot and cold animals, the focus is on helping them understand basic concepts related to temperature and how different animals adapt to their environments through engaging activities and discussions:
3/4 |
Students in Yarrow explored the tradition of Chinese New Year by learning about the Chinese calendar and traditional foods.
8/9 |
To complete our topic 'Exploring Our Senses' students from all themed classes visited Children's museum in Halifax.
Eureka! The National Children's Museum is an interactive educational museum for children in Halifax, West Yorkshire, England, with a focus on learning through play.
KS3 |
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